
Game Over

Jan 10th, 2020
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  1. Birth Name: Choi Jinwoo
  2. Preferred Name: Jinwoo
  3. Age: 25
  4. Birthday: 23rd February 1994
  6. Slot: Hades
  7. Backup Slot: Aphrodite
  9. Face Claim: Hongseok ( Pentagon )
  10. Backup Face Claim: Hyuna ( Soloist )
  12. Personality:
  13. # Arrogant = He can be quite arrogant in the way he acts around people. He has a lot of influence on how people around him think and he knows this. So he uses his influence to do and get what he wants.He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance and abilities.
  15. # Hot headed = He acts way too quickly without looking or even considering the future consequences. He has a fiery temper and finds it really hard to control himself or his actions.
  17. # Strong-minded = Jinwoo is determined and unwilling to change his opinions and beliefs on anything. He is extremely opinionated and is always ready to argue a point. He is actually really good at arguing and always wins his arguments. He is extremely stubborn and will refuse to change his mind about something, even if it will make a situation much easier.
  19. # Rude = He is known to be a real dickhead. He sometimes doesn't know when to close his mouth and always has to state his opinions of people, whether they are positive or negative. He knows what to say to really hurt people.
  21. # Candid = He is very straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush when he has something to tell you. He doesn't know how to sugarcoat what he says and sometimes it may come off as overly harsh or spiteful.
  23. # Cocky = He oozes confidence to the point where it could be seen as over confident. He is bold and slightly cheeky and that one of the reasons why he appeals to so many girls. He has a very over-inflated sense of his own importance. He views himself as above most people and looks down on people that he sees as inferior.
  25. # Nonconformist = He does not like being the same as other people and he prides himself on being true to himself and his values. He likes being unique and being himself.
  27. # Protective = he is protective over his family, friends and anyone else he cares about and if people do anything thing to hurt them, he will make it his personal mission to "teach them a lesson". He doesn't like seeing the important people in his life upset or angry.
  29. Background: Jinwoo was born in Busan however, he and his family moved to Gwangju, South Korea. His mum, left him when he turned 5 to start a new life with another man and his children. Jinwoo was always starting trouble, whether it was arguments in school or messing with the people in his neighbourhood. Many people were not very fond of his behaviour and he would often be called a "problem child" or a "mistake". In school, he was constantly in detentions and getting expelled due to always being a nuisance in school towards teachers and the students. At first, he didn't use to purposefully cause trouble however, he started to crave for attention and did the only thing that he knew, cause trouble. His father was never really supportive of him or very fond of him, his dad hated him and his behaviour. In school, he got into a fight with another student however, he did not reaveal the reason why the fight was started. He was told to either reveal the reason behind the fight or to be kicked out of the school. The reason behind the fight was that the boy constantly made hurtful and inappropriate comments about his mum, and finally he lost it and lashed out at him. The reason behind his change of behaviour was because since he was never payed attention to and he never really recieved love from his parents, he decided that any attention was fine with him. This has also caused him to have a mean spirit and cold personality. It is hard to get close to him unless you are persistent.
  31. How you interact with other players: He doesn't make an effort to be nice to people. He doesn't need anyone except the people that he already has in his life. He only really gets along with the people that he knows and anyone he doesn't know, he is rude to them or just doesn't interact with them.
  33. Other important notes: Not that I can think of.
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