

Dec 14th, 2016
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  2. [06:38:27] And so, Gin returns to Wychwood, his need for a good battle has not subsided yet, he needed to fight someone around his level, he needs to fight SOMEONE worthy of a challenge, he can't take on Lara yet, not at all, maybe fighting her will come around alot longer...
  4. He spots Apollion and smirks.
  6. ''Oi, Apollion-san, I wish to fight you NOW, I must see how much I've grown!''
  8. Though all Gin has achieved during one of his bouts was the sudden activation of the Wind Aura! But, his power is multiplied when he uses such an aura, he feels faster and stronger than ever, now if Apollion accepts his challenge, it will be the perfect opportunity to show him what he can do!
  9. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  11. [06:42:43] He sighed. The familiar voice urging him to fight. He truly didn't want to, he didn't know what he was capable of, but he looked around and saw that noone was there around. No one was there to spy on them. He guessed it wouldn't hurt anyone. He couldn't simply hide forever. It had to happen eventually.
  13. "Fine. But nothing crazy, ok?"
  14. (Apollion Hertland)
  16. [06:46:08] Raizen was walking around Wychwood when he saw two people preparing to fight he quickly hid in a tree to observe. He always wanted to learn magic and maybe if he watched one of these people would show their magic and Raizen could ask them afterwards if they could teach him. To be honest Raizen needed a teacher in every area not just magic as all his skill in swordplay had been from practicing with his cousin when he was young. He stayed in the tree waiting for the fight to begin.
  17. (Raizen Arashi)
  19. [06:46:59] Gin gets into a stance, all the fights he's gotten himself into so far, he's won, but Apollion worked under Kidoku and implied he was even trained by him, therefore, Gin must take him seriously.
  21. ''I won't get TOO cray cray~ But you shouldn't underestimate me cause I am a kid!''
  23. H switches from his Dragon Slayer to his Rune Sword, Gin promises himself he will make this the most exciting fight of his life!
  25. ''Bring it!''
  26. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  28. [06:47:50] He opened his notebook, and looked through a few of his entries and smiled a little. He needed something to calm him down before fighting. He couldn't just go berserk on this kid. Even if he was better than him without it, he couldn't let his pride get the best of him.
  30. He most definitely would not underestimate the kid. He leveled his axe, and after a few circular motions, he stopped, "I do underestimate." He had seen how powerful kidoku was, if he was even a fraction of that, he would be quite a problem.
  31. (Apollion Hertland)
  33. [06:58:56] Gin and Apollion clashed, this appeared to have gotten to a rather intense fight...Apollion had some strange abilities, as he thought...He kept sliding around his water whips...And always evading...
  35. Gin's mana was running out, he deactivated the aura right after the last clash, it appears that Gin needs to switch out with the other sword, he jumps into a nearby tree where he hid his Dragon Slayer...And he came back out with it.
  37. ''I guess now I have to take you seriously, Apollo-san.''
  39. He swings his blade for a moment and prepares for round two!
  40. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  42. [06:59:47] Raizen was intrugied by the fight looking at them clash again and again.
  43. (Raizen Arashi)
  45. [07:00:38] The duel was intense, a clash of blades, spells tossed all around. The wind was slowing him, and it was annoying. When he was injured, he ran circles around him. Like a wolf around a buffalo, chipping at him. It was again, every annoying. He held his anger back though. He had to be more picky with his strikes, when and how to attack, not just throw everything at him at once. He was used to boxing with Rena, and that was more of trading hits. That wouldn't work here.
  47. He closed his notebook, and stared at the ookami once more, "Another round, then?" he was enjoying himself a bit, but was still on guard not to underestimate. He had gotten a little lucky with a few of hits, he could not count on luck. "Very well, another round then."
  48. (Apollion Hertland)
  50. [07:06:36] It appears that Apollion was attacking long ranged as well, it appears that Gin will have to try another strategy, fighting Apollion won't be as hard if he learns how to avoid that Hundred Cuts technique and not get in close range, but rather find openings and THEN strike.
  52. ''D-Damnit...''
  54. He was determined to get back up...He won't let himself go down without landind a couple decent hits...
  56. ''How am I supposed to beat this guy...?This guy hits like a herd of boars...''
  58. He switches out with the other blade, realizing this fight will require him to react faster...
  59. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  61. [07:07:28] That had been a much simpler round. He had toppled the child with spells from a distance, which had worked much better than trying to box with the prodigy. Especially with that monstrosity weapon he wielded. That Zweihander wouldn't have to try twice to cleave his limbs from him. But he didn't have to worry about that from a distance.
  63. He looked at the child, then he opened his mouth, and in a neutral tone, "That went a little better than I anticipated. Getting tired?" He made it sound a bit of a challenge, he wanted to see what he was capable of, but Apollion himself was tired. The kid kept getting up. He smiled.
  65. "Don't curse now, its not becoming of a prodigy such as youself. Just attack again." He prepared himself once again.
  66. (Apollion Hertland)
  68. [07:08:19] [He] jumped out from his hiding place and watched the battle in the open preparing on asking etheir of them for training or if they knew someone who could train him. His eyes scanned the battle the older warrior seemed to come out on top everytime so far and the younger one kept switching out blades.
  69. (Raizen Arashi)
  70. `us}: (Around the center of the peak. I camp in nostvale after Kidoku died.)
  71. [07:15:08] He had let his anger get the best of him. He flew into a rage assaulting the child with his full force. When he realized what he was doing, he immediately stopped, although this made extremely tired. He hoped he hadn't hit the kid too hard. "That was a good match... at least as good as I hoped. Kidoku, used to kick my ass like this all the time, except it was much less of a competition, and more of a grown man against a rabbit."
  73. He laughed a little. This fight had helped him control his anger to a certain degree. "Have you every visited the Dragon's Peak?" his raika lines faded slowly as he continued to speak. He wanted to see his answer, it was where he assumed his clan was from.
  74. (Apollion Hertland)
  76. [07:18:33] Raizen now walked toward the two waving as he came. When he got there he looked between the two and started talking.
  78. "Hey that was some nice matches much better than I could ever acomplish."
  80. "By the way do etheir of you know anyone who would take a Drakinite for training?"
  82. He was straight to the point not wasting any time with introductions. He needed to find Minastu and when he did he would need to be strong enough to beat him. He also had another goal though that was best kept on the down low.
  83. (Raizen Arashi)
  85. [07:22:49] He heard the young Drakanite. He needed as many people as he could get. "Don't short yourself, kid. You are most definitely capable." He thought to himself profoundly about the intentions of the boy. He was much more careful about others these days. Even less trusting than before.
  87. "If you care for training, I can only offer you what I know. I have a friend who is much more adpet at the magical arts than I." He looked around, then looking at him in the eyes, asked him a depp question. No one was ever that forthcoming about what they wanted. Everyone had secrets and agendas. Training was never for its own sake. "What are you looking for in your life? A cause to fight for? An Ideal? Revenge? What is it?"
  88. (Apollion Hertland)
  90. [07:27:05] ''You stopped me from going, remember? I quote ''If you go there, you'll die.'' So yeah, I took your advice...FOR NOW. But you REALLY gotta teach me how to fight like that! Like how you were shooting that green stuff outta your hands and what I am looking for is simple, I want to see Valmasia the way it was decades before we were born, the days when each of us kept to ourselves and we weren't always forced to hide or always have to be fighting, I know I may not be the strongest in the alliance but I do wish to become strong enough to be a part of that bright future.''
  92. Unlike Kidoku, Gin saw a bright future after the bloodshed, while Kidoku was stuck in his present and the NEAR future, Gin had ideals, he cannot fully commit to any part of the alliance until he is strong enough to fight anyone or be of help to anyone.
  94. ''And I also have my own goals...Ever since I was little, I wished to become the leader of the Takashi clan, but mama always told me I can't do such things because I am an Ookami...I want to prove her wrong...And I want to prove to myself I CAN be something!''
  95. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  97. [07:40:44] Raizen scratched his head wondering if he should reveal his overall plans about life, but he ultimately decided he should.
  99. "Alright I'll let up."
  101. "Well first I want to beat my cousin Minastu he was always stronger than me and left before me."
  103. "He challenged me to find him and beat him when I left on my own adventure, so that's one reason why I want training."
  105. "The other reason is I want to get revenge for my parents."
  107. "They were killed by an assasin and I want to find and kill him."
  109. "Well there you go those are my reasons for becoming stronger."
  111. Raizen looked at the man and noticed the Ookami also asked for training too and he wondered if he would accept both of them.
  112. (Raizen Arashi)
  114. [07:45:52] "Yes I did. But that is not now." He laughed a little at the child's ambitions. "As for the 'Green Stuff' you'll never be able to learn that. I am Oscuri, but you are Ookami, we all have our talents. I cannot do as you do, and you as I." He thought to himself how he could put it more simply.
  116. He furled up his sleave, taking off his armbrace, "These lines on me are from the Morning Lord Azrael, allowing me to project that green energy. You have the Blessings of the wolf spirits, what are thier names again..." he looked through his notebook, he had heard this from an over zealous ookami a while back, she hadn't taken kindly when he wasn't paying attention and just writing it down, "Aesenas and Saekanis." He hoped that was how you pronounced it.
  118. He then chuckled. "And how would you lead the Takashi clan? Your name isn't even Takashi. By that logic, my claim is as good, no even stronger than yours. After all, I knew him longer than you." He positively smirking at this point. The kid had always been a hyperactive one, never one to keep his mouth shut. That wasn't good, but it was always amusing when you pushed thier buttons. He had done it to Rena, it was funny when he did it to her. Although alot more... burny.
  120. Then he turned attention to other. He had benign reasons, until it got grim. Much more grim. He looked at him straight in the face. As he had done before. He was surprised that the child was so forthcoming in such a haneous act that had been done against him. "Very well then. You can stick with us, on two conditions." He thought deeply. "First, you do not ally yourself with Nostvale and thier allies. You can speak with them, but nothing of importance, and avoid it when you can as much as you can." He looked away, "Second, you swear that you shall not compromise your morals nor your mission in pursuit of those goals. That it was what my mentor held to me, and that is what I shall hold to you. Do you understand."
  122. "And if you betray my confidence..." He let it rest there. He was a child, that wouldn't be on his mind, not at that time.
  123. (Apollion Hertland)
  125. [07:48:25] Raizen planted himself on his knees and bowed.
  127. "I will obey these commands without fail I promise."
  129. He looked up smiling.
  131. "By the way my name's Raizen nice to meet you."
  132. (Raizen Arashi)
  134. [07:50:59] Gin frowned. ''My dad was a part of the Takashi clan but I took my mom's name instead, I think I am still eligble to lead the family, but you MUST let me know...Is there any other Takashis who are potential successors of Kidoku Takashi?''
  136. Gin knew he wouldn't ally with the likes of Nostvale...He has his own reasons, left for another day to be unravelled, though he DOES know of how many Takashis fell in the North because of said forces.
  138. ''Wychwood is my home, if anyone threatens it, they have to deal with me! And you have my word, I won't ally with Nostvale nor New Alteros.'' His voice wasn't as manly as the rest, in fact, Gin is the type of boy who can easily mimic a girl's voice.
  139. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  141. [07:56:06] "Don't bow to me, I'm not worth it." He chuckled, "I'm not worthy of any title, not yet at least." He extended his arm to help him up, "Apollion Hertland. Pleased to meet you." He looked over at Kidoku's kin. He seemed like the kind who took every question as addressing him. How self confident.
  143. He looked at him, both hands behind his back, "There is one other. A kid called Yu Hao Takashi, a pyromancer and Drakanite Proper." He glanced back at his new ally, then moving a hand from behind him out forward, "I'm not one to be touchy at the specifications and steriotypings of race, after all, I'm the only Oscuri to be in the service of Dragon'd Peak and the Takashi clans, but notice that funny thing about the name? 'Dragon's' Peak? As in, a peak that belongs to a dragon. I'll be happy to get you there, but as of now I wouldn't sanction you to lead whatever semblence of a force we have, and Yu Hao isn't much better. He's still brash and young. And I'm pathetic in comparison to Kido. Come now, we'll head over there now."
  144. (Apollion Hertland)
  146. [07:57:48] Gin T. Mikoto: Well...I did kinda promise a friend that I'd take her to the Peak as well...
  147. [07:57:48] Apollion Hertland: Who is it now...
  148. [07:58:40] Gin T. Mikoto: But...If I can learn something about the clan and maybe run into this Yu Hao guy, maybe I'll get a proper rival...
  149. [07:58:40] Apollion Hertland: Make it quick, now I gotta plan for 3
  150. [07:59:31] Gin T. Mikoto: If I can find her that is...
  151. [07:59:31] Apollion Hertland: Chances are you can find Yu Hao at Dragon's Peak if you wait long enough
  152. [07:59:31] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: About to depart for Dragon's Peak, who wishes to tag along!
  153. [08:01:13] (Takashi Clan) Lena Larencia {Alumnus}: Can't. T_T
  154. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: Can't risk a rescue mission, I am not that strong yet.
  155. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: And don't try to be a Vareline.
  156. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: You got kidnapped TWICE.
  157. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: One more time and you'll become Princess Peach, no questions asked.
  158. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Apollion Hertland {Alumnus}: lel
  159. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: Hell, I'll even buy you le dress!
  160. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Apollion Hertland {Alumnus}: (LOL)
  161. [08:02:04] (Takashi Clan) Lena Larencia {Alumnus}: lol
  162. [08:02:56] Gin nods and applies wind magic to his feet, temporarily increase his movement speed to blast off the cliff at unnatural speeds, he needs to find Judith, let her know the truth and let her decide who's side she's really on...
  164. ''I hope I can find her the same place...''
  166. Gin like always, is nervous around girls in general, hopefully he can't mess this up, she needs to know everything, the thought of a friend living in a place so corrupted, blind from the truth will weigh heavy on his conscience...
  167. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  169. [08:07:12] "So we're going to Dragon's Peak?"
  171. Raizen had been there a couple times before though it was mainly for meet-ups or training. He then sat down resting and preparing for the kid to come back with his friend.
  172. (Raizen Arashi)
  174. [08:08:54] "We should be. When he comes back. What do you know of your dragonic powers?" He looked around, he was always adamant about being vigilant.
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