

Jun 15th, 2015
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  1. [New Thread 0xee0ffb40 (LWP 3466)]
  2. void Skype::GUIProxy::drawLoginWindow()
  3. Skype::ClientLoginController::ClientLoginController(QObject*)
  4. void Skype::ClientLoginController::run(const QList<QPair<QString, QString> >&)
  5. virtual void Skype::Lib::OnAccessDetecting(SkyLib::AccessSession::HOTSPOTTYPE) 0
  6. void Skype::SkypeAccess::flushAccessSession()
  7. virtual void Skype::Lib::OnAccessDetectFailure()
  8. void Skype::SkypeAccess::setStatus()
  9. void Skype::ClientLoginController::urlChanged(const QUrl&) "" "/weblogin/index.html"
  10. void Skype::ClientLoginController::toggleFooter(bool) false
  11. "LOGIN - Hello from client login v.2.41, API initialized."
  12. QString Skype::Client::language() "en"
  13. QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method
  14. QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_CTX_new
  15. QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
  16. QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function ERR_get_error
  17. "LOGIN - Document loaded, initializing client login"
  18. QString Skype::Client::language() "en"
  19. "LOGIN - Modules and form components loaded."
  20. QString Skype::SkypeApi::libProp(uint) 2061
  21. "LOGIN - Tracking Sampling rate falling back to the Config setting of 5%"
  22. "LOGIN - Init tracking - samplingRate: 5, enabled: false"
  23. long int Skype::AccountApi::logoutReason() 0
  24. "LOGIN - Setting controller StartPage"
  25. long int Skype::AccountApi::logoutReason() 0
  26. long int Skype::AccountApi::logoutReason() 0
  27. void Skype::ClientLoginPage::loadFinished(bool) true
  28. "LOGIN - Setting controller Login"
  29. void Skype::SkypeApi::login(const QString&, const QString&) "improbushax" false
  30. bool Skype::AccountApi::login(const QString&, const QString&, bool) "improbushax" false
  31. Signing in...
  32. got account
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