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Jun 23rd, 2021
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  1. The Fulcrux of Lantra
  3. You curtsey gracefully.
  4. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "Much has transpired since Our last audience, has it not?"
  5. You have emoted: Aeldra settls down near the edge of the pool as she nods. "Yes, a lot has happened, my Lady. And sadly very little of it good, aside of perhaps me overcoming my own struggles."
  7. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "Speak to Me of those, for I have read your missive at length."
  9. You have emoted: Aeldra frowns and nods, "I'm ashamed to have been found myself pushed to send it, for it came from a dark place I found myself." she shakes her head slightly, "For as it happened, I found myself in a dark place of my mind. I believed our cause without hope of success, the apathy of the city to strong to shake. A few weaves before I wrote you that letter... I had asked the City to tell me of what they believed the Light meant for them and what they fought for."
  11. You say, "I am very troubled to say that the lack of meaningful response from this first call converged with the resurfacing of the memories of a different life, the life I have lived before I came back to the forest. As You know Yourself, memories of the past can be very powerful and it is easy to get lost in them, forgetting why they are the past."
  13. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "That is true enough, for the past can seek to surpass the present if dwelled upon too long. I agree that it is troubling that you suspected that the Light lacked the Fortitude to withstand its current trials, though it appears something occurred to inspire you to think otherwise."
  15. You have emoted: Aeldra folds her hands in her lap, as she continues. "There was a few weaves when I though that the only thing I could do was flee. Go back to that previous life and somehow hope for the best." the frown on her face turns to the smallest of smiles "I am ... blessed to have those friends that would remind me of who I am and where my path lies. Through their words and their guidance, as well as from the few missives that I did received, I was reminded who I am and where my path lies. If it means I need to stand with very few within the City so be it, but... " she shakes
  16. her head again, fiercely, "but I would never stand alone. And that gives me the strength to continue."
  18. You say, "I will not see Celest fall to the darkness that it has come to love such, even if it takes all of my remaining time of this world. And I know that those of Your order will stand by me."
  20. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "The desire for comfort is a potent one, for it is something all naturally seek out and yearn for. And yet you are right, My Immaculate. You would never stand alone in the city of New Celest. For you stand beside Me, and Mine." The luminous pool ripples with star-dappled light as the voice pauses. "I understand that it is concerngin to see the sheer number of those who flee the Light. Why do you suppose they retreat from its brilliance?"
  22. You have emoted: Aeldra smiles warmly at the words echoing through the fulcrux, "I am blessed to have Your guidance, my Lady." She taps her nose thoughtfully, her small figure hunched slightly as she answers thoughtfully to the question, "I have pondered for many weaves and I think it is no single issue, but a combination. Many, even those who'se hearts are strong and pure, feel that the city has grown stagnant and unmoving." she rises a finger to signify her first point, "secondly, I think that many have forgotten what it means to be Children of the Light, what it means to walk with
  23. the blessings of the Supernals. They have forgotten what it means to be us." Her smile turning to a thoughful frown "And, as it is apparent, the snares of the Glomdoring are at work amongst us. We need to set fires to those webs and burn them from amongst our thoughts."
  25. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "I observe those who have left most recently hold little love for the Supernals and their role as Children of the Light, indeed. Their preference for the shadows seemed evident even prior to their departure."
  27. You have emoted: Aeldra nods seriously, "I am afraid that I was especially stumped by Caleb's betrayal. I seem to not have seen it coming, but others have. We have perhaps failed in our vigil far too long. What would You say, my Lady, the issue stems from most? Your Wisdom is vast and Your eyes observe much."
  29. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "There is a saying that the night's shadows are darkest before the dawn. In this, I see New Celest on the precipice of change -- what has been vacated might be fulfilled by new souls, capable of directing meaningful progress. An optimistic thought, perhaps, and yet one I am inclined to believe: for there are those who, once their hearts are set upon another path, cannot be swayed to remain where they are, and thus remain stagnant until allowed to wander as they will."
  31. You have emoted: Aeldra smiles as she hears the phrase "As I have recently spoken the same words. The dawn will come and will drive away the night." Then, she pauses, tilting her head slightly at the words, "My Lady, are you saying that Alarin would prefer to wander?" she inquires, her emerald eyes widening, "I would hope not, for I would have misjudged him harshly if this were the case. I am very convinced that Alarin would seek to lead the archons well."
  33. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "Ah, no, not at all."
  35. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "I meant he had taken this on as an opportunity to spur growth and change in the absence of those who had been stagnant."
  37. You have emoted: Exhaling Aeldra lets out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, "I would easily agree. Alarin will bring the archons back on a fruitful path and I have every bit of faith in them to carry the torch even into the Star Council itself. Maybe it'll be another stepping stone in our goal of rekindling the light within the city.
  39. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "I choose to believe so. To do otherwise is to regret the loss of something that, perhaps, was inevitable. There are those who choose to walk in the Light and to earnestly learn its teachings, and those of the Supernals and Celestial Saints. Those with your Wisdom are of great import in retaining such passions in the young."
  41. You have emoted: Aeldra inclines her head slightly, "I've yet to find the best approach for it, but Celest needs to find its sense of unity again. In the days of my youth, you could not pass a year without at least hearing several sermons upon the light, watch a knighting ceremony or " she adds with amusement in her voice "get drawn into figuring out the best match for the next promising squire." she thinks, "In all of this, people were reminded of the Lights virtues', it's meaning and in the value of the camaraderie of fellow Citizens. We need to return to living this, finding ourselves together and forming a unity amongst ourselves. Remember to rely on each other."
  43. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "You speak My thoughts precisely. Divided, the Light dims and weakens. Together, it can achieve an incandescence beyond all comprehension, banishing the shadows that seek to encroach upon the Basin of Life.
  45. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "Far too many cloister themselves from others, allowing their Devotions to be separate and apart.
  47. You say, "It is sadly very apparent, if one has seen the Celest of my youth. Back then, a posting such as my last would've inspired a wave of outrage as to how I would question Celest's believes like that. How I could dare to question where it should with its believes, mild as my words were, for what I really feel. Yet it gone largely unnoticed. But those that have reacted and spoken, I hope to draw those as allies to unite us again. Be it in joy, ceremony, theatrics or even storytelling. Many of those in the city have many centuries to share their experiences with and I would believe there many a lesson to be learned from their telling."
  50. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "There is an expectation of apathy, it seems, and a mistrust of fervent Devotion and zealotry in the Light. However, those who hold such views appear to be waning in number, and those who remain are not necessarily as easily swayed to departure. All change is gradual, but I have already begun to see glimmers of it in My observation of the city."
  52. You have emoted: Aeldra straightens her back, nodding. "It is that often it is perceived that we would not be well received for standing in for our believes and for refusing to make compromise."she opens one hand, holding it palm up "As if it were a bad thing to stand in for what you believe in or for wishing to bring the cleansing light to that which has been corrupted." She narrows her eyes slightly, "Maybe for some of those, who have been complacent and lethargic for so long, the best way is to be shed from the light if they do not wish to be reminded of its purpose." she pauses, a slight quiver to her foce as she adds "I still tremble at the thought that it is so easy to slip from the right path."
  54. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "Perhaps its glaring luminosity reflects parts of themselves they do not wish to see, either. The Light can be unforgiving in its brilliance."
  56. You have emoted: Aeldra inclines her head in agreement, "Yet we'll purge those impurities from those that wish to follow us, for is that not what we have set out to do and is it not what we that are of Your order have sworn and promised to those that are of the Light? I think, while I am still shamed by my own lack of faith, I feel it was maybe needed to be reminded what I have sworn and what I am meant and empowered to do."
  58. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "You steadied your course in the darkness, and found a way to return to the Light. This speaks well of your Fortitude and of your Devotion, alike."
  60. You say, "Perhaps. I hope that my own story can be a guidance to those who find themselves in a similar spot. I intend to hold a sermon on the topic to the City, once I have wrapped my head around the words I wish to speak. Perhaps I can inspire a few to take heart like I did."
  62. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "'Beauty in adversity,' the Bloom said of the star lotus. In this, may you shine as brightly having overcome your trials of doubt and uncertainty."
  64. You cup your hands together in offering. Motes of light unfurl to reveal a single star lotus in your palm, lingering there with radiant beauty.
  66. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "My time in realms wanes, and I must soon depart. Was there aught else you wished to speak of to Me?"
  68. You have emoted: Aeldra nods slightly, "There was, but most can wait for another time. One thing though, my Lady. Would You seek to speak with my uncle? I feel his heart is troubled and I believe he would benefit of Your guidance."
  70. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "I sensed some of his distress when speaking to him upon the Order aether the previous month, indeed. I shall make a note of it then and seek him when I am next able."
  72. Ripples of celestial light radiate out from the centre of the luminous pool as a soft, feminine voice echoes, "May you walk in the Light, My Aeldra. I have faith in you."
  74. A sparkling veil of mist descends upon the Fulcrux of Lantra, bathing you in water and light. When it is gone, only echoes ripple in the luminous pool before you.
  76. You have emoted: Aeldra gathers to her feet. "Thank You for your time and till next we speak my Lady. I am blessed to be within Your order. Blessings of the Light upon You."
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