Guest User


a guest
Mar 9th, 2014
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text 16.63 KB | None | 0 0
  1. \n", $a); } print("$x$a\n"); } function utime() { return (float) preg_replace('/^0?(\S+) (\S+)$/X', '$2$1', microtime()); } $pgs=utime(); stdhead('Admin Options'); // Templates // Options Type Templates // current format: // Key => array(Numeric,DisplayInput,ValidationRule,PPFilter) // where: // Key: is the Options Menu Type // Numeric: dictates if the code shud be enclosed in quotes, or shud be left as is (eval possibly) // DisplayInput: is the code for the Input box on the form // ValidationRule: is php code that $val is passed thru, must set $ok, 0=failed 1=success // PrePFilter: is php code that is applied before the the value is saved to the config // PstPFilter: is php code that is applied after retrieving it from the config // // may contain: // $key: FormName from Options Menu // $val: Value from either config.php or DefaultValue from Options Menu $templates=array( 'hidden' => array(0,'',NULL,NULL,NULL), 'string' => array(0,'',NULL,NULL,NULL), 'password' => array(0,'',NULL,NULL,NULL), 'path' => array(0,'','is_valid_path',NULL,NULL), 'url' => array(0,'','is_valid_url',NULL,NULL), 'rurl' => array(0,'','is_valid_rurl',NULL,NULL), 'aurl' => array(0,'','is_valid_urls',NULL,NULL), 'email' => array(0,'','is_valid_email',NULL,NULL), 'tf' => array(1,'','is_tf',NULL,NULL), 'int' => array(1,'','is_numformula',NULL,NULL), 'bytes' => array(1,'','is_numformula',NULL,NULL), 'sec' => array(1,'','is_numformula',NULL,NULL), 'float' => array(1,'','is_floatformula',NULL,NULL), ); // Options Menu Array // A little more complicates // each entry is either an string or an array // if it's a string, than it's a Header that contains arrays below it // the array for menu items is under this format // DisplayName, Type, FormName, ConfigName, Description, DefaultValue // DisplayName: Display name on the Form // Type: The type of input expected, used in validating user/config input // FormName: the name that appears on the form, and the variable name used in php (global) // ConfigName: the variable name (preceded with $) or constant name (defined) in config.php // Description: brief description displayed next/under the input button on the form // Default/Value: Default value used if not found in config.php or on POST $options=array( 'Site Info', array('TBVersion','hidden','tbv','TBVERSION','TBDevnet Versioning info',TBVERSION), array('Site Name','string','sitename','$SITENAME','Name of your torrent tracker','My Tracker'), array('Site Url','url','siteurl','$BASEURL','Your site url, used in page links (no ending slash)',''), array('Base Url','url','baseurl','$DEFAULTBASEURL','Sites base path, used in emails (no ending slash)',''), array('Site Email','email','siteemail','$SITEEMAIL','Email for sender/return path',''), array('Announce Urls','aurl','annurl','$announce_urls[]','Announce urls',''), 'Database', array('Host','string','dhost','$mysql_host','Database host (domain or ip)','localhost'), array('User','string','duser','$mysql_user','Database username','tb'), array('Password','password','dpass','$mysql_pass','Database password',''), array('Database','string','ddb','$mysql_db','Database name','bittorrent'), 'Switches', array('Site Online','tf','bonline','$SITE_ONLINE','Site Open for business?','true'), array('Members Only','tf','bmembers','$MEMBERSONLY','Only registered users may use','true'), array('Email Confirmation','tf','bconfirm','ENA_EMAIL_CONFIRM','Use Email Confirmation','true'), array('Alternate Announce','tf','baltann','ENA_ALTANNOUNCE','Enable Alternate Announce/scrape urls','true'), array('Passkey System','tf','bpasskey','ENA_PASSKEY','Enable Passkey System','true'), array('--- Limit Connections','tf','bplc','ENA_PASSKEYLIMITCONNECTIONS','Limit Amount of connections (Required: Passkey System)','false'), 'Limits', array('Users','int','limitusers','$maxusers','Max Users before signups close','75000'), array('Invits','int','limitinvit','$invites','Max Users before invits close','76000'), array('Peers','int','limitpeers','$PEERLIMIT','Max Peers allowed, not implemented','50000'), array('Torrent Size','bytes','limittsize','$max_torrent_size','Max torrent filesize that can be uploaded','10000000'), array('Votes','int','limitminvotes','$minvotes','Minimum # of votes for rating display','1'), array('Max File Size','bytes','maxfilesize','$maxfilesize','Max filesize that can be uploaded into bitbucket','256 * 1024'), array('Maxloginattempts','int','maxloginattempts','$maxloginattempts','Change this whatever u want. if u dont know what is this, leave it default','6'), 'Paths', array('Torrents','path','dirtorrents','$torrent_dir','Server path to torrent folder (complete or relative, no ending slash)','torrents'), array('BitBucket','rurl','dirbucket','$bitbucket_dir','Relative Server/url path to BitBucket folder (no beginning,no ending slash)','bitbucket'), array('Images
  2. (unused)','rurl','urlpics','$pic_base_url','Relative Image url path (with beginning & ending slash)','/pic/'), 'Timed', array('Announce Interval','sec','tannounce','$announce_interval','Time between announces to give to user clients.','60 * 30'), array('Autoclean Interval','sec','taclean','$autoclean_interval','How long between autoclean runs.','900'), array('Signup Timeout
  3. (unused by auto-cleanup)','sec','tsignupto','$signup_timeout','How long to wait before deleting unconfirmed accounts and invites.','86400 * 3'), array('Dead Torrent Time','sec','tdeadtorrent','$max_dead_torrent_time','How long to wait to make torrents invisible (no seeds/no peers)','6 * 3600'), array('Dead User Time
  4. (unused by auto-cleanup)','sec','tdeaduser','$max_dead_user_time','How long to wait before deleting inactive user accounts..','42*86400'), array('Dead Topic Time
  5. (unused)','sec','tdeadtopic','$max_dead_topic_time','How long to wait before setting inactive forum topics locked..','7*86400'), array('Torrent TTL','sec','ttorrentttl','$torrent_ttl','How long do torrents live for.','28*86400'), 'Auto Promote to Power Users', array('Transfer Limit','bytes','aplimit','$ap_limit','Uploaded amount for promotion','25*1024*1024*1024'), array('Minimum Ratio','float','apratio','$ap_ratio','Minimum ratio for promotion','1.05'), array('Time Limit','sec','aptime','$ap_time','The promotion is only valid if the user has been registered longer than the time entered','28*86400'), 'User Class Behaviors', array('Minimum Ratio','float','adratio','$ad_ratio','Minimum ratio required to keep Power User','.95'), array('Allow Upload For Everyone','tf','public_upload','ENA_UPLOAD_FOR_EVERYONE','Allow all members to upload their torrents (If unchecked: Only class >= uploader can post torrents) ','false'), 'Phpbb Settings', array('PhpBB Path','rurl','dirphpbb','$phpbb2_folder','Server path to phpbb folder (only relative, no beginning no ending slash)','phpBB2'), array('PhpBB Basefile','string','phpbbbasefile','$phpbb2_basefile','Name of the phpbb basefile (rename the file if you changed this)','phpbb2.php'), array('Activate PhpBB Forum','tf','phpbbonline','$activate_phpbb2_forum','Activate the phpbb forum (do not activate the forum yet, if installing for the first time)','false'), array('Shared PhpBB Users','tf','phpbbshared','$share_phpbb2_users_with_TBDev','Share phpbb users with TBDev (Share Mode)','true'), ); function is_valid_email($val) { return preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}|\x22.+\x22\s\x3c[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}\x3e)$/',$val); } function is_valid_url($val) { $pp=parse_url($val); return (("$pp[scheme]://$pp[host]".(isset($pp["port"]) ? ":$pp[port]":"").(isset($pp["path"]) ? "$pp[path]":"")==$val) ? true:false); } function is_valid_path($val) { return is_valid_rurl($val,1); } function is_valid_rurl($val,$rta=0) { GLOBAL $submission; $pp=parse_url($val); if(($ok= ( $pp["path"]==$val ? true:false)) && $submission) { $val=(($val[0]=='/' && $rta==0) ? substr($val,1):$val); if(!is_dir($val)) mkdir($val,0777); else if(!$rta) @chmod($val,0777); $ok=is_dir($val); } return $ok; } function is_valid_urls($val) { if($ok=is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $value) { if(($ok=is_valid_url($value))===false) break; } } return ($ok); } function is_tf($val) { return (in_array($val,array("true","false",1,0)) ? true:false); } function is_numformula($val) { return ((preg_match("/^[\s0-9-\x2b\x28\x29\x2a]+$/",$val)==1) ? true:false); } function is_floatformula($val) { return ((preg_match("/^[\s0-9-\x2b\x28\x29\x2a\x2e]+$/",$val)==1) ? true:false); } function check_aurl($val) { $arr=array(); foreach($val as $value) { $value=fixup($value); if(!empty($value)) $arr[]=$value; } return $arr; } function fixup($val) { if($val[0]=='"' || $val[0]=="'") $val=substr($val,1,strlen($val)-2); return stripslashes(trim($val)); } function calctime($val) { $days=intval($val / 86400); $val-=$days*86400; $hours=intval($val / 3600); $val-=$hours*3600; $mins=intval($val / 60); $secs=$val-($mins*60); return "
  6. $days days, $hours hrs, $mins minutes, $secs Seconds"; } function calcbytes($val) { $tb=intval($val / ($ml=1073741824)); $val-=$tb*$ml; $gb=intval($val / ($ml/=1024)); $val-=$gb*$ml; $mb=intval($val / ($ml/=1024)); $val-=($mb*$ml); $kb=intval($val / ($ml/=1024)); $bytes=$val-($kb*$ml); return "
  7. $tb TB, $gb GB, $mb MB, $kb KB, $bytes Bytes"; } //------------------ db connection ---------------// function dbconnForInstall() { include "include/config.php"; if (!@mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass)) { switch (mysql_errno()) { case 1040: case 2002: if ($_SERVER[REQUEST_METHOD] == "GET") die("
  8. The server load is very high at the moment. Retrying, please wait...
  10. "); else die("Too many users. Please press the Refresh button in your browser to retry."); default: die("[" . mysql_errno() . "] dbconn: mysql_connect: " . mysql_error()); } } mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die('dbconn: mysql_select_db: ' + mysql_error()); } //------------------ save config file ----------------// function saveconfig() { global $options,$pnum,$pdef,$haveconfig; if($fh=fopen(ConfigFN,'w')) { $config=" $oval) if(is_array($oval)) { $config.="// ". $oval[4] ."\n"; $q=($pnum[$okey] ? '' : '"'); $add=($oval[3][0]!='$' ? true : false); if(!is_array($pdef[$okey])) $config.= ($add ? "define ('":''). $oval[3] .($add ? "',":' = '). $q . addcslashes(stripslashes($pdef[$okey]),"\0..\37\"$\\\177..\377"). $q .($add ? ')':'') .";\n"; else foreach($pdef[$okey] as $val) $config.=($add ? "define ('":''). $oval[3] .($add ? "',":' = ') . $q. addcslashes(stripslashes($val),"\0..\37\"$\\\177..\377") .$q .($add ? ')':'') .";\n"; } $config.="?>\n"; fwrite($fh,$config); fclose($fh); $haveconfig=true; } } //------------------ Install one sql file in the database ----------------// function installDbFile($dbms_schema) { $remove_remarks = 'remove_remarks'; $delimiter = ';'; $delimiter_basic = ';'; $sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_schema, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_schema)); $sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sql_query); $i++) { if (trim($sql_query[$i]) != '') { if (!($result = mysql_query($sql_query[$i]))) { echo "Error in $dbms_schema: ".mysql_error()."
  11. "; end_frame(); end_main_frame(); stdfoot(); die(); } } } echo "$dbms_schema file successfully installed...
  12. "; } //-------------- Install SQL files during a first time install -------------// function freshSQLFilesPostInstall() { global $plkp,$plkp,$pdef; $key_duser=$plkp['duser']; $key_dpass=$plkp['dpass']; $key_dhost=$plkp['dhost']; $key_ddb=$plkp['ddb']; if ($_POST["installDb"]=="yes") { print "
  13. SQL files Installation
  16. "; print "
  17. Press start to install the sql files in your database
  19. "; echo '
  20. '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
  22. '; end_frame(); end_main_frame(); stdfoot(); die(); } if ($_POST["installDb"]=="Go") { dbconnForInstall(); installDBFile("sql/fullymodded.sql"); echo "
  23. REMEMBERto install the forum after making your sysop account by just clicking the forum link at the top
  24. "; echo "
  25. Fullymodded Installation is finished now, you can click here to register a Sysop Account
  26. "; end_frame(); end_main_frame(); stdfoot(); die(); } } //------------------ Upgrade from V0.3 to V0.4 ----------------// function upgrade_V03_V04() { global $plkp,$plkp,$pdef; $key=$plkp['duser']; $key2=$plkp['dpass']; if ($_POST["upgrade"]!="yes") { print "
  27. You need to upgrade from TorrentStrike V0.3 to ".TBVERSION."
  29. "; print "
  32. "; echo '
  33. '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
  35. '; } else { dbconnForInstall(); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET class=class*16") or die("Upgrade to V0.4 failed :("); installDBFile("sql/upgrade/torrentstrike_0.3_to_0.4.sql"); $keyTBVersion=$plkp['tbv']; $pdef[$keyTBVersion]=TBVERSION; saveconfig(); print "
  36. Successfully upgraded to ".TBVERSION."
  37. "; print "POST UPGRADE STEP:
  39. PhpBB database need to be upgraded to version 2.0.19 too!
  40. "; print "click here to do it now! (open in a new window)
  42. "; echo '
  43. '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
  45. '; } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); stdfoot(); die(); } //----------------------------------------------------// // Setup array of Reference Values for quicker lookups foreach($options as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $plkp[$value[2]]=$key; $ptyp[$key]=$value[1]; $pnum[$key]=$templates[$value[1]][0]; $prep[$key]=$value[2]; $pvar[$key]=$value[3]; $pdef[$key]=($value[1]=='aurl' ? explode('\n',$value[5]):$value[5]); } } // If this is a submitted form, fill in our form defaults if($_POST['action']=='submit') { $submission=true; foreach($ptyp as $pkey => $val) if($val=='tf') $pdef[$pkey]=0; foreach($_POST as $pkey => $pvalue) { if(isset($plkp[$pkey])) { $key=$plkp[$pkey]; $pdef[$key] = ($ptyp[$key]=='aurl' ? explode("\n",$pvalue) : ($ptyp[$key]=='tf' ? 1 :$pvalue)); } } } else // Read our config.php file and get valid contents // replace form defaults if option exists if($fh=@fopen(ConfigFN,'r')) { $config=fread($fh,filesize(ConfigFN)+1); fclose($fh); if (filesize(ConfigFN)!=0) $haveconfig=true; preg_match_all("/^define\s*\(\s*[\x22\x27](.+)[\x22\x27]\s*,\s*(\d+|.+)\s*\)\s*;$/m",$config,$defines); preg_match_all("/^([$][a-zA-Z0-9\x5f]+[\x5b]?[\x5d]?)\s*=\s*(\d+|[\x22\x27].+[\x22\x27])\s*;$/m",$config,$vars); unset ($config); $config[0]=array_merge($defines[1],$vars[1]); $config[1]=array_merge($defines[2],$vars[2]); foreach($config[0] as $ck => $val) { if(!(($key=array_search($val,$pvar))==FALSE)) { if($config[1][$ck][0]!='"') $pdef[$key]=$config[1][$ck]; else if($ptyp[$key]!='aurl') $pdef[$key]=substr($config[1][$ck],1,strlen($config[1][$ck])-2); else { $pdef[$key][]=substr($config[1][$ck],1,strlen($config[1][$ck])-2); unset($pdef[$key][0]); } } } } // Validate the form entries foreach($pdef as $key => $val) { if(!empty($templates[$ptyp[$key]][2])) { if($pnum[$key]) eval("\$val = (". ($ptyp[$key]=='float'?'float':'int') .")($val);"); else $val=($ptyp[$key]=='aurl' ? check_aurl($val):fixup($val)); // Use the defaults if validation fails $pdef[$key]=(!call_user_func($templates[$ptyp[$key]][2],$val) ? ($ptyp[$key]=='aurl' ? explode("\n",$options[$key][5]):$options[$key][5]) : $val); } } // Simple login validation check if($haveconfig) { $key=$plkp['duser']; $key2=$plkp['dpass']; if(!(empty($pdef[$key])) && !(empty($pdef[$key2]))) { $validlogin=($_POST['luser']==$pdef[$key] && $_POST['lpass']==$pdef[$key2]); if(!$validlogin) { begin_main_frame(); begin_frame("Admin Control Panel Login"); begin_table(1); echo '
  46. '; tr($options[$key][4],'',1); tr($options[$key2][4],'',1); end_table(); echo '
  48. '; end_frame(); end_main_frame(); stdfoot(); die(); } } } if($submission) { saveconfig(); } // add some extra info to some options // final processing for form display foreach($pdef as $key => $val) { switch($ptyp[$key]) { case 'sec': $options[$key][4].=calctime($pdef[$key]); break; case 'bytes': $options[$key][4].=calcbytes($pdef[$key]); break; case 'aurl': $options[$key][4].='
  49. One per line.'; $pdef[$key] = implode("\n",$pdef[$key]); } } // --------------------------------------------- // OMG, Finally the Output Portion of the script // --------------------------------------------- begin_main_frame(); begin_frame('Configuration Settings'); if (isset($_POST["installDb"])) freshSQLFilesPostInstall(); $keyTBVersion=$plkp['tbv']; $tbcurversion = $pdef[$keyTBVersion]; if (!strcmp($tbcurversion,"XTBDev 0.10 Beta")) { upgrade_V03_V04(); } ?>
  51. Notice: Use of undefined constant TBVERSION - assumed 'TBVERSION' in C:\xampp\htdocs\admincp.php on line 552
  54. $value
  55. "; else if(is_array($value)) { $key=$value[2]; $val=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($pdef[$plkp[$key]])); if($value[1]) $checked=$val ? ' checked':''; eval('$opt="'. addslashes( $templates[$value[1]][1] ) .($value[1]=='tf'?'':'
  56. ') .'";'); if($value[1]!='hidden') tr($value[0]," $opt $value[4]",1); else echo $opt; } } end_table(); ?>
  57. ");?>
  58. Page Generated in $pgt Seconds
  59. "; stdfoot(); die(); ?>
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