
Aug 10th, 2019
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  1. # - by im_a_waffle1 with some contributions from the xSkript community
  3. # CONFIG
  4. options:
  6. # The message prefix
  7. prefix: &7[&]
  9. # The balance the player starts out with
  10. beginnerbal: 100
  12. # The basic player format
  13. format: &7%player%&r:&7 %message%
  15. # The operator format
  16. opformat: &6ADMIN&7 %player%&r: %message%
  18. # The premium player format
  19. premiumformat: &6PREMIUM&7 %player%&r: %message%
  21. # The "helper" format
  22. helperformat: &3HELPER&7 %player%&r: %message%
  25. version: N/A
  27. # Join, Leave, and First Join
  28. firstjoinannounce: &6%player%&7 joined for the first time!
  29. joinannounce: &6%player%&7 joined the server!
  30. leaveannounce: &6%player%&7 left the server ;-;
  32. # "Permission Denied" message
  33. permdenied: &4You do not have permission to run this command. If this is a mistake, contact a server administrator.
  35. # documentation (/help)
  37. command /help <integer=1> [<integer>]:
  38. trigger:
  39. if arg-1 is 1:
  40. send "&6-----( {@version})-----"
  41. send "&6by im_a_waffle1"
  42. send "&eHELP PAGE %arg-1%/3"
  43. send "&5(Optional) <Required>"
  44. send "&2/balance (player) - Auto-setting is currently broken, so you will need to set this yourself."
  45. send "&2/setbalance <player> <amount> - Manually set the balance of someone."
  46. send "&2/gms - Turns your gamemode into survival"
  47. send "&2/gmc - Turns your gamemode into creative"
  48. send "&2/gma - Turns your gamemode into adventure"
  49. send "&2/gmsp - Turns your gamemode into spectator"
  50. send "&6/help 2 to go to the next page"
  51. send "&6-----( {@version})-----"
  52. if arg-1 is 2:
  53. send "&6-----( {@version})-----"
  54. send "&6by im_a_waffle1"
  55. send "&eHELP PAGE %arg-1%/3"
  56. send "&5(Optional) <Required>"
  57. send "&2/broadcast (text) - Get the word out :v"
  58. send "&2/spawn - Teleports you to spawn if the spawn is set."
  59. send "&2/setspawn - Sets the spawn location"
  60. send "&2/kick <player> (reason) - Kicks a player from the server"
  61. send "&2/warn <player> (reason) - Warns a player"
  62. send "&2/ban <player> (reason) - Bans a player from the server. Currently kind of unstable."
  63. send "&6/help 3 to go to the next page"
  64. send "&6-----( {@version})-----"
  65. if arg-1 is 3:
  66. send "&6-----( {@version})-----"
  67. send "&6by im_a_waffle1"
  68. send "&eHELP PAGE %arg-1%/3"
  69. send "&5(Optional) <Required>"
  70. send "&2/unban <player> (reason) - Unbans a player from the server"
  71. send "&2/mute <player> (reason) - Mutes a player, so they can't talk"
  72. send "&2/unmute <player> (reason) - Unmutes a player"
  73. send "&2/invsee <player> - Looks inside a player's inventory."
  74. send "&2/enderchest (player) - Looks inside your ender chest (If player is set you can look inside their ender chest)"
  75. send "&2&oA future command will go here..."
  76. send "&6Looks like you're done reading the commands! You'll be awesome at this :D"
  77. send "&6-----( {@version})-----"
  79. # Economy
  81. command /balance [<player>]:
  82. aliases: /bal
  83. trigger:
  84. if arg-1 is set:
  85. if arg-1 is not "%executor%":
  86. send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1%'s balance: &c$%{balance::%arg-1%'s uuid}%" to executor
  87. if arg-1 is "%executor%":
  88. send "{@prefix} &7Your balance: &c$%{balance::%executor%'s uuid}%" to executor
  89. if arg-1 is not set:
  90. send "{@prefix} &7Your balance: &c$%{balance::%executor%'s uuid}%"
  92. command /setbalance [<player>] [<number>]:
  93. permission: core.balance.set
  94. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  95. aliases: /setbal
  96. trigger:
  97. if arg-1 is set:
  98. if arg-1 is not "%executor%":
  99. if arg-2 is not set:
  100. send "{@prefix} &rCorrect Usage: /setbalance [<player>] [<number>]" to executor
  101. if player has permission "core.balance.set.others":
  102. set {balance::%arg-1%'s uuid} to arg-2
  103. send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1%'s balance is now &c$%{balance::%arg-2%'s uuid}%" to executor
  104. if arg-1 is "%executor%":
  105. if arg-2 is not set:
  106. send "{@prefix} &rCorrect Usage: [<player>] [<number>]" to executor
  107. set {balance::%arg-1%'s uuid} to arg-2
  108. send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1%'s balance is now &c$%{balance::%executor%'s uuid}%" to executor
  109. if arg-1 is not set:
  110. send "{@prefix} &rCorrect Usage: /setbalance [<player>] [<number>]" to executor
  112. on join:
  113. if {balance::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  114. set {balance::%player's uuid%} to 0
  115. wait 1 tick
  116. add {@beginnerbal} to {balance::%player's uuid%}
  118. # Chat Manager
  120. on chat:
  121. cancel event
  122. if {%player's uuid%::ismuted} is false:
  123. if player is op:
  124. broadcast "{@opformat}"
  125. if player is not op:
  126. if player does not have permission "core.prefix.helper" or "core.prefix.premium":
  127. broadcast "{@format}"
  128. if player has permission "core.prefix.premium":
  129. if player does not have permission "core.prefix.helper":
  130. broadcast "{@premiumformat}"
  131. if player has permission "core.prefix.helper":
  132. broadcast "{@helperformat}"
  133. if {%player's uuid%::ismuted} is not set:
  134. if player is op:
  135. broadcast "{@opformat}"
  136. if player is not op:
  137. if player does not have permission "core.prefix.helper" or "core.prefix.premium":
  138. broadcast "{@format}"
  139. if player has permission "core.prefix.premium":
  140. if player does not have permission "core.prefix.helper":
  141. broadcast "{@premiumformat}"
  142. if player has permission "core.prefix.helper":
  143. broadcast "{@helperformat}"
  145. # Join/Leave Messages
  147. on join:
  148. set join message to "{@joinannounce}"
  149. on first join:
  150. set join message to "{@firstjoinannounce}"
  151. on quit:
  152. set quit message to "{@leaveannounce}"
  154. # Gamemode
  156. command /gms:
  157. permission: core.gamemode.survival
  158. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  159. trigger:
  160. send "{@prefix} &7Your gamemode is now survival." to player
  161. set player's gamemode to survival
  163. command /gmc:
  164. permission: core.gamemode.creative
  165. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  166. trigger:
  167. send "{@prefix} &7Your gamemode is now creative." to player
  168. set player's gamemode to creative
  170. command /gma:
  171. permission: core.gamemode.adventure
  172. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  173. trigger:
  174. send "{@prefix} &7Your gamemode is now adventure." to player
  175. set player's gamemode to adventure
  177. command /gmsp:
  178. permission: core.gamemode.spectator
  179. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  180. trigger:
  181. send "{@prefix} &7Your gamemode is now spectator." to player
  182. set player's gamemode to spectator
  184. # Broadcast
  186. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  187. permission: core.broadcast
  188. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  189. aliases: /bc
  190. trigger:
  191. broadcast "&7"
  192. broadcast "{@prefix} &7>> &3%arg-1%"
  193. broadcast "&7"
  195. # Spawn
  197. command /spawn:
  198. trigger:
  199. teleport player to {worldspawn}
  200. send "{@prefix} &7You have been teleported to spawn." to player
  202. command /setspawn:
  203. permission: core.setspawn
  204. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  205. trigger:
  206. set {worldspawn} to player's position
  207. send "{@prefix} &7The spawn has been set." to player
  209. on join:
  210. teleport player to {worldspawn}
  212. on death:
  213. teleport player to {worldspawn}
  215. # Staff Commands // Punishment
  217. command /kick [<player>] [<text>]:
  218. permission: core.punishments.kick
  219. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  220. trigger:
  221. if arg-1 is not set:
  222. send "Who are you gonna kick?"
  223. if arg-1 is set:
  224. if arg-1 does not have permission "core.punishments.kick.exempt":
  225. kick arg-1
  226. broadcast "{@prefix} &6%executor%&a has kicked&6 %arg-1%&a for&6 %arg-2%"
  227. else:
  228. send "{@prefix} &7You can't kick %arg-1%!"
  230. command /warn [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  231. permission: core.punishments.warn
  232. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  233. trigger:
  234. if arg-1 is not set:
  235. send "choose a player to warn."
  236. if arg-1 is set:
  237. if arg-1 does not have permission "core.punishments.warn.exempt":
  238. broadcast "{@prefix} &6%executor%&a has warned&6 %arg-1%&a for&6 %arg-2%"
  239. else:
  240. send "{@prefix} &7You can't warn %arg-1%!"
  242. command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  243. permission: core.punishments.ban
  244. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  245. trigger:
  246. if arg-1 is not set:
  247. send "choose a player to ban."
  248. if arg-1 is set:
  249. if {%arg-1's uuid%::isbanned} is not true:
  250. if arg-1 does not have permission "core.punishments.ban.exempt":
  251. set {%arg-1's uuid%::isbanned} to true
  252. kick arg-1
  253. broadcast "{@prefix} &6%executor%&a has banned&6 %arg-1%&a for&6 %arg-2%"
  254. else:
  255. send "{@prefix} &7You can't ban %arg-1%!"
  256. else:
  257. send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1% is already banned!"
  259. command /unban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  260. permission: core.punishments.ban.remove
  261. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  262. trigger:
  263. if arg-1 is not set:
  264. send "choose a player to unban."
  265. if arg-1 is set:
  266. if {%arg-1's uuid%::isbanned} is set:
  267. if {%arg-1's uuid%::isbanned} is false:
  268. send "{@prefix} &7This player isn't banned!"
  269. if {%arg-1's uuid%::isbanned} is true:
  270. set {%arg-1's uuid%::isbanned} to false
  271. broadcast "{@prefix} &6%executor%&a has unbanned&6 %arg-1%&a for&6 %arg-2%"
  272. else:
  273. send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1% isn't banned!"
  275. command /mute [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  276. permission: core.punishments.mute
  277. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  278. trigger:
  279. if arg-1 is not set:
  280. send "choose a player to mute."
  281. if arg-1 is set:
  282. if {%arg-1's uuid%::ismuted} is not true:
  283. if arg-1 does not have permission "core.punishments.mute.exempt":
  284. set {%arg-1's uuid%::ismuted} to true
  285. broadcast "{@prefix} &6%executor%&a has muted&6 %arg-1%&a for&6 %arg-2%"
  286. else:
  287. send "{@prefix} &7You can't mute %arg-1%!"
  288. else:
  289. send "{@prefix} &7This player is already muted!"
  291. command /unmute [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  292. permission: core.punishments.mute.remove
  293. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  294. trigger:
  295. if arg-1 is not set:
  296. send "choose a player to unmute."
  297. if arg-1 is set:
  298. if {%arg-1's uuid%::ismuted} is set:
  299. if {%arg-1's uuid%::ismuted} is false:
  300. send "{@prefix} &7This player isn't muted!"
  301. if {%arg-1's uuid%::ismuted} is true:
  302. set {%arg-1's uuid%::ismuted} to false
  303. broadcast "{@prefix} &6%executor%&a has unmuted&6 %arg-1%&a for&6 %arg-2%"
  304. else:
  305. send "{@prefix} &7This player isn't muted!"
  306. on join:
  307. if {%player's uuid%::isbanned} is true:
  308. kick player
  309. set join message to ""
  310. on chat:
  311. if {%player's uuid%::ismuted} is true:
  312. cancel event
  313. send "{@prefix} &6You have been muted!"
  315. # Other stuff
  317. command /invsee [<offlineplayer>]:
  318. permission: core.invsee
  319. permission message: {@prefix} {@permdenied}
  320. trigger:
  321. if arg-1 is not set:
  322. send "choose an player to view their inventory"
  323. if arg-1 is set:
  324. open arg-1's inventory to executor
  326. command /enderchest [<player>]:
  327. aliases: /enderc, /echest, /ec
  328. trigger:
  329. if arg-1 is not set:
  330. open executor's ender chest to executor
  331. if arg-1 is set:
  332. if executor has permission "core.enderchest.others":
  333. open arg-1's ender chest to executor
  334. else:
  335. send "{@prefix} {@permdenied}"
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