
Coffee Shop

Oct 4th, 2018
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  1. Coffee Shop
  3. Bastian groaned as the sun shined through the window and woke him up. “Uuuuugh, five for minutes sun…” His alarm clock going off made sure that wouldn’t happen though. He just knocked it onto the floor but that did not stop it’s chirping. “Godammit…” He rolled himself out of bed and managed to find the off button. He zombie walked his way to his closet and looked at the few dozen sweaters and hoodies he had. “Mmmm… sun is shining.” He pulled a light sweater off it’s hook and some jeans before hopping into the shower.
  5.             He walked into the living room as he dried off his hair with a towel. A familiar face was sitting on the couch seemingly wide awake already. “Ugh, how can you be alive this early?” Basian asked with a sleepy smile. They just shrugged. “ S’ called coffee, you should know that.” He waved them off and tossed the towel in the hamper. “Yeah yeah… You want some eggs?” He headed into the kitchen and started cooking. “S’pose so, better than a bowl of cereal.” “Got it.” A few minutes later he set two plates on the table. “Come on Nova, food’s ready.” They got up from the couch and slid onto the chair. “Thanks mini.” He just shot them a grin as they dug into their breakfasts. “What shift they got you stuck on today anyways?” He asks. “Afternoon. Aint getting fucked by the lunch rush like you.” “Ugh, don’t remind me… I still have nightmares about my first one.” He shudders a bit while Nova snrked. “Poor little Seb is gonna need a teddy bear after tonight isn’t he?” “Shut up you know it sucks.” They put their hands up. “Never said it wasn’t.” “Fair point. Now I gotta head to work so have fun washing the dishes.” He got up and headed towards the door where he had his apron hanging and put it on. Nova gave them a two finger salute. “Try not to die shortstack.” “Wouldn’t dream of it!” He grinned and ran out the door
  7.             Bastian hopped into the back room of the coffee shop and clocked in happily as his fellow employees looked significantly more dead inside than him. “Hey Steve, Susan!” They waved back at him and his unwavering positivity. He took his place at the register as always and kept that grin plastered on his face. Lunch rush wasn’t gonna be for another few hours, so he had a bit of time to enjoy his job. His first customer of the day walked in, a businessman from the looks of it. “Welcome to The Daily Grind, may I take your order?!” He asked with far too much energy as usual. “Yeah, can I get a large coffee and one of those little fruit pastries? To go.” Bastian nodded and put this into the register quick as can be. “Alright sir that will be 5.95.” The man handed over the money with no fuss. “Alright sir if I could just get your name for when it’s ready?” “Michael.” “Alright Michael I’ll call you when your coffee is ready, shouldn’t be too long at all!” He nodded and went to sit down while Bastian sent the order down the line. As he did a woman covered in tattoos and piercings stumbled through the door while putting her apron on. Bastian grinned at her as she ran into the back room to clock in before joining him at the Register. “Christ I didn’t think I was gonna make it in time.” She said with a sigh of relief. “You really gotta start leaving home earlier Wren, you can only be late so many times until you get fired.” She waved him off. “I know, I know, my alarm clock broke apparently, so this one isn’t on me.”  He shrugged. “Fair enough. Just as long as you’re here to help me when hell arrives.” She groaned. “Crap, I forgot about that.” He nodded as he called up Michael to get his order. “Prepare yourself.” Before she could respond a rather annoyed looking woman walked up to her register. “Welcome to the Daily grind, how can I help you today?” She asked with much less energy than Bastian. “You can help me by taking my order. Now first off I want-“ She started rattling off a long order and they both realized this was not going to be an easy customer to deal with. Bastian silently wished her luck as he got a customer of his own. A tall blonde woman with more muscles than you’d expect walked in wearing a tank top, obviously having come in from a run. She had a bit of an annoyed look on her face as a default expression it seemed. Not that it stopped the tiny man from grinning up at her. “Hello there miss, how’s your day today?!” “Mm, decent I guess. And you don’t have to do the fake happy thing, I wont yell at your boss if you don’t or anything like that.” She spoke with a slight Russian Accent. He kept the grin. “It’s not an act though. I cant be happy about meeting new people and doing a job I like?” She gave him a suspicious look. “Uhuh. Either way I want a large Vanilla Bean Frap and a donut.” Bastian typed in the order with a happy hum and looked back up at her. “Alright can I get your name for when your order is ready?” She looked down at him, the height different almost comical. “Aveah. That’s A-V-E-A-H.” He nodded and wrote the name on an empty cup. “Got it! I like your name by the way, it’s different!” “Mm, yeah it’s Russian. You’ll call me up when the order is done?” He nodded quickly. “Yup! Just take a seat wherever and it should be done soon!” She nodded and went to sit down. Wren finally managed to get the woman’s order down and sent her to sit down. She leaned against the counter. “Ugh, we both got winning personalities didn’t we?” He kept grinning. “I don’t know mine seemed nice!” Wren gave him a look. “You are far too suited for this job you know that?” He tilted his head a bit. “How do you mean?” “Well, you can see the good in a fucking serial killer I swear. All smiles and sunshine all the time, not that it’s a bad thing.” He shrugs. “Being nice to people just makes thing better all around.” She nodded. “Agreed. Some people don’t seem to get that though.” He grins again. “Just means I gotta be twice as nice.” She just shakes her head. “You are a fucking national treasure to this place I swear.” He gets Aveah’s order in. “Nah, just a guy who loves his job. Aveah! Your order is ready!” She gets up, still with that annoyed look. “Alright Aveah, that will be 6.32!”  She hands over the money and he gives her the order. She takes an experimental bite out of the donut and her eyes widen. “Oh? Do you like the donuts?” She restrains her expression. “They’re good, yes. I maaay be back.” He grins wider. “Everyone is always welcome here! Enjoy the rest of your day Aveah!” She looks him over, eyes locking onto his nametag. “Yeah… you too Sebastian.” “Please, just Bastian.” She nods a little. “Yeah alright. You too Bastian then.” She gives him a small wave and heads out. Wren gives the other woman her order and turns to Bastian. “Yeah she’s not coming back.” “Nah she will. She liked the donut too much.” “Wanna bet on that?” She asked with a grin. “Oh you’re on.”
  9.             Bastian just grunted at Nova as they passed eachother in the halls of the apartment. They had to go to work and he had Chinese food after that long day and wanted nothing more than to curl up on the couch and watch trashy Television. As he browsed the channels he thought about how nice it would be to have a cat. Cats were fluffy. He was fluffy. Nova was not fluffy. Nova was more of a dog person he guessed. Dogs are cute too. Some are fluffy. He should check the apartment rules for animals. Some allowed them. Yeah, then maybe he could get a cat. These thoughts persisted as he consumed Chinese food until he passed out on the couch.
  11.             He woke up the next morning to Nova shaking him awake. “Come on Seb, you got work.” He groaned and turned around to bury his face in the couch. “Noooo… I don’t need work I have pillows.” Nova responded by lifting him off the couch. “Seb you pay half the bills get up before you lose your job.” He flailed a little. “Fine fine! Let me down!” They smirked as they let him down. “You’re light as fuck man.” He waves them off and goes to make breakfast. “How was work?” He asked. “Eh, same old same old. Few annoying customers but nothing interesting. You?” He started mixing up pancake batter. “Lunch rush sucked, but before that me and Wren made a bet.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah. There was this grouchy looking girl named Aveah who I’m pretty sure loves the donuts we make. Wren says she isn’t gonna come back but the donuts have her now.” Nova sat down at the table. “You two make the weirdest bets I swear.” He shrugs and gives them their plate before sitting down nearby. “Eh, we have fun.” Nova just shook their head as Bastian scarfed down the rest of his breakfast and headed out with a wave.
  13.              He clocked in as usual and said hi to his employees, then got to the counter in time to see Wren stumble in as usual. “Let me guess alarm clock broken again?” He asked with a grin. “Oh shut it. I’m here barely on time that’s all that matters.” “I think Hector would think otherwise~” He teased as he gives someone their order. “Yeah well he’s on vacation so that’s not my problem right now.” He laughed. “Very true.” As they bickered the door swung open and a familiar blonde walked into the store and seemed to hesitate for a moment as she looked between Wren and Bastian’s empty registers before deciding and walking up to Bastian. “Hello Bastian.” She said, still keeping the annoyed look up, but it wasn’t as strong. “Hey Aveah! Glad to see you back here!” She shrugged. “The donuts are good.” He chuckled. “They really are aren’t they? I’ve actually considered replacing my pay check with them but rent is a bitch.” She couldn’t help but smile a bit. “Yeah, I feel that. Don’t even have a roommate to split with.” He frowned. “Ouch, sorry to hear that one. Maybe one day eh?” She made a so so motion. “Probably not due to a variety of reasons.” He nodded. “Yeah understandable. So the same as yesterday? Vanilla Bean and a donut?” Her eyes widened in surprise. “Yeah… that.” He nods again happily and starts writing her name on the cup. “Alrighty, I’ll call you back up once it’s all done so just take a seat wherever.” She nodded a bit and went to sit down. Meanwhile he swiveled to look at Wren. “I think I require payment?”  She rolled her eyes. “Dammit really thought you scared her off.” She grumbled as she handed him a twenty. He kisses the dollar. “Do you want to be used for chinese food little guy? I think you do~” He said in a baby voice. “You’re weird dude.” He raised an eyebrow. “Is that a problem?” She grinned. “Nah, that’s why we’re friends.” He beamed. “You’re lucky we’re working or you’d get a hug right now.” She snrked. “Oh woe is me, not hugs.” She said in forced horror. Meanwhile, although neither of them noticed this, Aveah was sitting nearby, trying to distract herself on her phone but shooting a glance towards the register every now and again. “Fear the hugs, for they are soft and fluffy.” She smiled. “Alright I’ll keep that one in mind. Now lets get back to work” “Alright alright, Aveah your order is ready!” She got up from her seat and came over. “That’s 6.32 again!” He said with pep. She handed it over and took her drinking, squinting at the name on the cup. “You got my name right without being reminded.” “Well yeah, I always make a note to remember harder names like yours!” She nods and takes a sip. “Thanks. Um, have a nice rest of the day Bastian?” She almost asked as if she wasn’t sure if that’s what to say. “I will, you too!” She gave him a small smile and headed out. He turned to see Wren grinning at him. “When’s the wedding?” He turned a little red and waved her off. “Shut up I just like being friendly and you know it.” She laughed. “Yes but fucking with you is fun.” He pouts and goes back to work.
  15. Bastian headed off work, dead as always after the lunch rush and headed over to his favorite Chinese place to get dinner. The familiar face of the tan woman working the counter. “Hey Val.” He said with wave and a grin. She smiled a bit. “Hey Bastian. Same old same old?” He nodded. “Yeah.” He grinned just as a thunderstrike outside caught his attention. “Craaaaaap.” Val started loading up the boxes. “Ouch, you don’t have a car do you?” He sighed. “No. Can you double bag that for me?” She smiled. “Yeah no problem..” She handed him his food and he smiled. “Wish me luck.” He headed out, dreading the few block walk to the apartment.
  17. He hummed to himself as his brown hair clung to his forehead. He liked the rain most of the time, but man it sucked when you had food. He had an umbrella yeah, but it was old and it rained through a few of the holes. He would probably have to buy a new one soon. Man he had better things to spend his money on. And to to- His train of thought was interrupted by a soft squeaking sound. He looked over in the direction of the noise and saw a cardboard box. When he looked inside he saw a tiny black kitten shivering in the cold rain. “Oh… poor little guy…” He leaned down and gently picked it up, noticing the writing on the side saying “Free Kitten.” He frowned hard. The poor thing was shivering and absolutely soaked. “Come one little guy, you’re coming with me.” He pulled the collar of his sweater open and put the cat inside, using the hand not used to carry the umbrella to hold it in place. Of course this meant the job of carrying the chinese became a precarious balance as he held it in the same hand as the umbrella. The kitten sneezed and he frowned more, picking up the pace a bit.
  19. As soon as he got home he stuck the umbrella into the basket and hurried towards the kitchen to put the chinese down before he attended to the kitten. He bumped into Nova in the hall though. “Hey Seb, glad you didn’t get soaked in the rain.” He nodded quickly. “Y-yeah good thing. Sorry but I am /really/ hungry so I’m gonna go eat and stuff in my room.” He was still clutching the cat at his chest which meowed at perhaps the worst time. Nova raised an eyebrow. “Did something just meow?” “NO! I uh was just practicing my cat impression! Meow.” It sounded nothing like a cat. “Cat impression.” “Yes.” “You realize for an impression you need more than just a meow.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. You gotta do the paw hands too.” They smirked, obviously enjoying this. He gulped and put his hand out like a paw. “M-meow?” They snrked. “You’re a shit cat Seb you know that.” He nodded. “Y-yeah better go practice!” He tried to push past but the cat meowed again. “Seb.” “Yes?” “You have a cat in your sweater don’t you.” “Maybe.” “Why are you hiding it from me?” “Because I thought you’d get mad?” They gave him a look. “Bitch. Do you really think I have the emotional capacity to give a fuck about you having a cat?” “Yeah fair point.” “Glad we got that squared. Now lemme see the little shit. You pick out a name yet?” On cue the kitten poked it’s tiny head out of the collar like a tiny second head for Bastian. It had warmed up a bit from the sweater but was still shivering as he gently pet it’s head. “I’m thinking Bartholomew.” Nova gave him a look again. “Bartholomew is the stupidest name you could have picked for the little bastard.” Despite this they moved forward and scratched it under it’s chin. “Go to the living room, I’ll grab a blanket for the little bastard.” They went off before he could say anything. He grinned at the cat. “I think they like you. Now come on, lets go warm you up.”
  21. Bastian laid on the floor after quickly devouring his food. Bartholomew was laying on his chest under a blanket. Nova ran down to the store at his insistence and got some kitten food and a fresh bottle of milk. Now he played with it’s paws happily as it purred. Nova sat on the couch watching this. “So you just found a cat on your way home?” He nodded as it curled up on his neck. “Yeah. Poor guy was left out in the rain.”
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