

Apr 26th, 2018
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  1. Jonny Stowers says [low]: Hey!
  2. Riley Campbell~#FEB822~ (Whisper): Hey, what's up?
  3. Jonny Stowers says [low]: How about later/
  4. Riley Campbell~#FEB822~ (Whisper): What later?
  5. Jonny Stowers says [low]: Well, Let me take your number down.
  6. Riley Campbell~#FEB822~ (Whisper): But, what do you mean?
  7. Jonny Stowers says [low]: There has been so many times I wanted to text a cop and I cant.
  8. Jonny Stowers says [low]: I wanted you to come over later;.
  9. Jonny Stowers says [low]: You know hang out.s
  10. Riley Campbell~#FEB822~ (Whisper): I don't really just give out my number.
  11. Riley Campbell~#FEB822~ (Whisper): Y'know?
  12. Jonny Stowers says [low]: What If I kiss you again cutie?
  13. Riley Campbell says: Ehm... I'm not exactly sure my boyfriend would like that.
  14. Jonny Stowers says: It matter if you like it.
  15. Riley Campbell says: And if I don't want it?
  16. Jonny Stowers says: You know you want it at some point.
  17. Riley Campbell says: Oh, do I?
  18. Jonny Stowers says: One time. Let me give you a nice soft kiss on the lips.
  19. Riley Campbell says: Uh...
  20. Jonny Stowers says: My lips won't bike.
  21. Jonny Stowers: bite* ))
  22. Jonny Stowers says: Make some history with me.
  23. * Riley Campbell ~s~peers up at Jonny, arching her left eyebrow a look of true concern growing on her face.
  24. Jonny Stowers says: You will only feel it for a second.
  25. Riley Campbell says: I'd rather not/.
  26. Jonny Stowers says: My my day alittle better now.
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