
(Moth) A Moth's Song - 7

May 4th, 2014
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  1. >A purple gem laced in gold rolls across the floor.
  2. >It tumbles across the hardwood and bumps against a piano bench.
  3. >The room is dark, made even darker by the large grand piano sitting in the corner.
  4. >It sits, keys covered, all alone, save a small table with a single picture frame on it.
  5. >The sounds of something hard tapping against the wooden floor bounce against the walls of the room.
  6. >The picture frame raises off of the table, but nothing can be made out.
  7. >A grumble echoes through the room, probably the sound of thunder.
  8. >There's no way of telling.
  9. >Something shuffles before the hard tapping sounds again.
  10. >The door creeks and shuts.
  12. >"Actias, wake up."
  13. "Hm?"
  14. >You groan, blink the sleep out of your eyes, and roll over as a hand touches your shoulder.
  15. "Why is my bed so uncomfortably hard?"
  16. >"You're sleeping on the floor."
  17. >Sitting up, you groggily hold your head in your hooves.
  18. "Ugh."
  19. >"Might I add, you're sleeping on the floor of my piano room."
  20. >He kneels beside you and rubs your back.
  21. >"You know you aren't allowed in here."
  22. "I don't know... hng."
  23. >You rub the back of your head and cringe.
  24. >It feels like something hit you in the back of the head.
  25. >August picks something up from where your head lay a moment ago.
  26. >He frowns and picks you up.
  27. "Is something wrong?"
  28. >You wrap your hooves around his neck so you can balance yourself and turn to see what's in his other hand.
  29. >He holds the picture of the two ponies he's always hidden in this room.
  30. "O-oh. I am so sorry, August. I will replace the glass, and the fr-"
  31. >"No, no. Don't worry about it."
  32. >He sounds upset, but he does well to conceal it.
  33. >You tried asking once before who the ponies in the picture were, but August just brushed it off and told you it wasn't important.
  34. >If he's upset over the glass alone, then it has to be important.
  35. >Maybe you can ask again?
  36. >He picks you up and sits down on the piano bench, his eyes still locked on the picture.
  38. >"You know, the ponies in the picture. They were old friends of mine."
  39. "Yes, you told me that before changing the subject a long time ago."
  40. >"I think... maybe, I'm ready to talk about it. It's been long enough, and I have new friends now, right?"
  41. "Right."
  42. >You look up at him with a soft smile, hoping he'll smile back.
  43. >"These two. They taught me a lot when I came here. They taught me the land's history, they taught me all about each race of ponies, they taught me all about the monsters and other creatures."
  44. >He points at the pony on the left, a plain looking earth pony mare with a cream coat, dull amber hair, and sky-blue eyes.
  45. >She looks old in the picture.
  46. >"She was the one that found me lying face down in a river west of a little town to the north of Canterlot."
  47. >He points at the pony on the right, a little filly with similar coloration as the mare stands beside her.
  48. >"I miss them. I really do. They helped me get used to this world, they helped me find my feet, they helped me get where I am today."
  49. >You look closer at the picture, specifically August.
  50. >He looks much younger in the picture than he does now.
  51. >And smaller too.
  52. "Why do you look so different?"
  53. >He chuckles a little bit.
  54. >"I was a kid when I woke up in this world. Maybe twelve, thirteen years old. It was scary."
  55. "So what about your family?"
  56. >"I don't know. I stopped thinking about it a long time ago, you know? I had family here. Those two took care of me, they took me in as their own."
  57. >He let's out a small chuckle.
  58. >"I actually kind of fell in love with the filly."
  59. "Where are they now?"
  60. >"I don't know. I moved here when I was eighteen, and just kind of lost contact with them. I suppose it's stupid, but they seemed happy for me when I left. Like they knew I was going to do great things."
  61. "Well, I am sure they'd be very proud of you today!"
  62. >"I think they would be."
  63. "Would you like to visit them?"
  64. >He smiles softly.
  65. >"No, I don't think I would. I'm not ready to see them again."
  66. "Okay."
  68. >August kicks something as he shifts his foot to stand up, just after putting the picture back on the table.
  69. >He kneels down to pick up the amethyst gem off of the floor.
  70. >"What's this doing here?"
  71. "I have no idea. I thought you took it back last night?"
  72. >"I did. I put it in my room."
  73. "Can I ask why you thought an amethyst would look good on me?"
  74. >"Honestly, I have no idea."
  75. >You smirk and roll your eyes.
  76. >Of course, he never thinks very far ahead in his plans.
  77. "Well, regardless, we should put it somewhere safe."
  78. >He stands back up and rolls the gem in his hand.
  79. >"Maybe someone at the guild will want it?"
  80. "Maybe. We do need to go there today."
  81. >"Right. I want to meet this student of yours."
  82. >August carries you out of the room, just like he did the first time you were in there.
  83. >You hate when he carries you.
  84. >He sets you down in the hallway and turns back to the room.
  85. >His hand wraps around the door knob and twists it, but it resists.
  86. >"Already locked? Hm. No signs of anyone breaking it open."
  87. "That is very strange, is it not?"
  88. >"Yeah. Any idea how you got in there?"
  89. >You shake your head.
  90. >Something jingles in your mane.
  91. >August kneels beside you and runs his fingers through your mane.
  92. >He picks a small ring with a key attached to it.
  93. >"This is the key to the room... How did you get it? I always keep it in my room."
  94. "I... I have no idea, August! Would you accuse me of stealing into your room in the night just to get in there?"
  95. >"No, but this is... definitely strange."
  96. "Where did you get that amethyst from?"
  97. >"I got it from an old trinket store in Canterlot Mountain."
  98. >You stare at him like he's stupid.
  99. "You bought a gem from an OLD trinket store in Canterlot Mountain."
  100. >"Yes."
  101. "Where primarily MAGICAL UNICORNS live."
  102. >August nods slowly and looks at you like you're crazy.
  103. >"I don't see-"
  104. "You do realize that most stores in unicorn-dominant towns only really sell MAGICAL trinkets, right?"
  106. >August stares at the amethyst.
  107. >"Are you implying that this is a magical trinket that would allow one to pick locks, pass through doors, or teleport into other rooms?"
  108. >He says this with such a dry, sarcastic tone.
  109. >You squint and glare at him.
  110. "You know that I do not appreciate that kind of tone, August. I find it neither funny nor humorous and I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop it."
  111. >August sucks his teeth for a second, considering your request.
  112. >He shrugs and raises his eyebrows.
  113. >"Alright. I'll stop it."
  114. "Thank y-"
  115. >He grabs you and picks you up in his tight embrace.
  116. >"But only if I get to hug you whenever I want!"
  117. >You dislike his hugs even more than his sarcasm!
  118. "Put me down!"
  119. >"Nope."
  120. "If I say please, will you put me down?"
  121. >"I'll consider it."
  122. "You are not considering it, you are merely saying that you are. Put me down!"
  123. >"You're right. And, I supposed I can let you have your way, just for today."
  124. >He sets you down and starts walking into the living room.
  125. "Good to know you are feeling better, August."
  126. >"Mmm. Are you ready to go?"
  127. >You nod with a slight smile and point a hoof to August's hand.
  128. "You, however, are clearly not ready. Do you expect to play a violin with no instrument?"
  129. >He holds his hands up, looks at them briefly, tilts his head back, and scoffs light-heartedly.
  130. >"I was going to try my hand at magic. Maybe conjure up a violin and a bow. Maybe even use telekinesis to play it."
  131. >You roll your eyes.
  132. "Go get your violin, August. I will meet you outside."
  133. >He is a silly being, unlike when you first met him.
  134. >He was very reclusive, and could be cruel in that behaviour.
  135. >You believe it was just because he was lonely, for when he took you in, he slowly became more and more kind, even carefree.
  136. >The warm morning breeze engulfs your body as you trot out the front door.
  137. >It causes you to buzz happily, a smile forming across your face.
  139. >The sun's bright, warm light on your eyes causes you to... scream.
  140. >You put your hooves over your eyes and scream and scramble to get into the shade or back into the house.
  141. >A shadow looms over you as you wriggle on the porch.
  142. >A hand touches your shoulder and instantly calms you down.
  143. >August's soothing shushes quell you.
  144. >He places something in your hooves.
  145. >"You forgot your sunglasses."
  146. "You do not think I realized that, August?! You couldn't have warned me before I left the house?"
  147. >Quickly placing the sunglasses on your face, you stand up and jab a hoof in August's leg.
  148. >"Hey, hey! Stop, Actias. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I didn't know you didn't have them."
  149. >Tears roll down your cheeks as he hugs you.
  150. >You begrudgingly hug him back.
  151. >But only because you're frightened!
  152. >You have never liked the sun, it's always been harsh on your eyes.
  153. >It has always made you prefer softer lights from bulbs.
  154. >It also, probably, does not help that you tried to fly up to the sun when you were a child, shortly after learning to fly.
  155. >You and August stay like this for a little while.
  156. >"Should I carry you?"
  157. >You shake your head and sigh as you pull back from the hug.
  158. "I can walk. I am not blind, I am not lame."
  159. >"If you're sure, then let's go."
  160. >Leaning against him as the two of you walk downhill into town, you look up at August.
  161. >He keeps glancing down at you, obviously concerned.
  162. >You stop walking and sigh as he turns around.
  163. "If it makes you feel better, you can carry me."
  164. >He smiles and picks you up in one arm and carries his violin case in the other.
  165. >After taking a moment to adjust yourself and get comfortable, he starts walking back down the hill.
  166. "You do not have to worry about me."
  167. >"You almost blinded yourself because you forgot your sunglasses. I have reason to worry about you."
  168. "I mean besides that."
  169. >"I have to worry about you, because if something were to happen, I wouldn't forgive myself. It's just that..."
  171. >If he says he loves you, you will hop down, kick him in the shin, and walk yourself to the Musician's Guild.
  172. >It would not be surprising if he said that, considering all he's done for you over the past few months.
  173. >"You're my best friend, Actias."
  174. >You take a sharp breath.
  175. "Good. Let us keep it that way."
  176. >He chuckles and pats you on the back.
  177. "I need little to worry about besides my music and your lights."
  178. >"I know."
  179. "I do not need to worry about some stallion, or -"
  180. >"I know, Actias. I know."
  181. >You stare him in the eyes for a second, a dejected feeling in your heart.
  182. >How dare he interrupt you.
  183. >But... you are rambling.
  184. >You have no time to worry about anything, you just need to calm down.
  185. >What you do next, you have no idea why.
  186. >You hug him tight and nuzzle into his shoulder.
  187. "You are my best friend too, August."
  188. >"Yeah. Feel better so you can go back to being an ornery little moth, alright?"
  189. >This elicits a giggle from you.
  190. "Very well, August. I will do my best."
  191. >"You used to act a lot like this, when we first met."
  192. "I know."
  193. >"Why?"
  194. "I was scared, August. Nervous, frightened... alone."
  195. >"I know. I was a little worried you'd move on shortly after meeting me."
  196. "And you are glad I did not?"
  197. >"Very much so."
  198. "Well, dear August, you are very lucky to have had such tantalizing music."
  199. >"I guess I am."
  200. >You laugh, he laughs.
  201. >"What made you change? You were so happy-go-lucky and care-free when we first met."
  202. >You hum softly in thought.
  203. "Responsibility. To the guild, to myself, to... you."
  204. >It feels like the walk to the guild-hall is taking forever
  205. "You changed me moreso than anything else. I wanted to learn about music, you taught me, I took it seriously."
  206. >"Do you resent me for it?"
  207. "Absolutely not! I consider myself better for it."
  208. >"Good."
  209. >August sets you down just on the edge of the town square.
  210. >"I'm gonna go grab something to eat before heading to the guild. Are you hungry?"
  211. >You shake your head with a smile.
  212. >"See you there, then."
  214. >August walks in the opposite direction of the guild-hall.
  215. >You walk across the square, up a street that the town calls the String District.
  216. >Aptly named, in that its shops carry everything from stringed instruments, to extra strings, to rosin, to bows.
  217. >"Actias!"
  218. >Oh sweet sun in the sky, why.
  219. "Acteus!"
  220. >Your brother trots up to you and pulls you into an incredibly tight hug.
  221. >He holds fast to you, despite your every effort to push him away.
  222. >"Your performance last night was wonderful! I couldn't find you afterward though."
  223. "Yes, I kind of disappeared with my student and went home immediately after!"
  224. >"Oh! Well, I am definitely glad I ran into you. I'm leaving town today, and I was hoping I'd get to say good bye."
  225. >You smile softly and bite your tongue.
  226. >It is bittersweet.
  227. >You've kind of missed your brother, as obnoxious as he can be.
  228. "Well, why don't you spend the next little while with me? I am going shopping before I head to the guild."
  229. >"That sounds absolutely fantastic. Maybe I can help you pick out a nice hat?"
  230. "I am actually in the market for a new violin! Something foreign, maybe from the Gryphons."
  231. >"I have absolutely no idea what to look for in a violin! Let's go!"
  232. >He is very enthusiastic.
  233. >Anything you take joy in, he takes joy in, even if he isn't interested.
  234. >You do not share this attitude, but you have partaken in many a pass-time with your brother, solely based on his interests.
  235. >You did not find joy in it, but you did it because you love him.
  236. "Well, I only have maybe thirty minutes until August is finished with his food."
  237. >"In that case, we'll find you the best violin we can, in thirty minutes flat!"
  238. >Oh, joy.
  239. >"So where to first?"
  240. >You point at a fair-sized store twenty feet away.
  241. >A large sign with a viola and bow hangs over the front door.
  242. >The front windows display an assortment of cellos, basses, violas, and violins.
  243. >"Oh."
  244. >He trots beside you as you walk over to the store.
  246. >Upon entering the store, the glorious smell of wood and metal hits your nostrils.
  247. >Oh, how exhilarating it is, entering a store dedicated to one of the most beautiful types of instruments there is.
  248. >It makes your heart flutter and your breath catch.
  249. >A wide smile crosses your lips as you and your brother trot into the store.
  250. >"Wow, Actias! I've never seen you smile so much!"
  251. "Well, when you find something you are passionate about, there is little to frown over."
  252. >Acteus blushes and scratches his neck.
  253. >"You can sure say that again."
  254. >You peruse the selection of violins and ponder which one would be good for August.
  255. "It has been a while since we've talked at length, Acteus. How is your life?"
  256. >"My life? Oh, it's wonderful! I joined one of the caravans, and we go around selling spices and exotic light fixtures!"
  257. "Really? Then why haven't I see any other moths around that aren't from the musician's guild?"
  258. >You smirk at him.
  259. >"U-uhm... I k-kind of got left behind a few days ago. But there's another caravan in town for a pit stop! I'll just join them!"
  260. "Sounds like you are having a little adventure, huh?"
  261. >He nods meekly.
  262. >"So this violin. It's for your friend?"
  263. "Yes."
  264. >"He's good to you, right?"
  265. "Of course."
  266. >"Just making sure."
  267. >You look over at Acteus and raise a brow.
  268. "I do not recall you ever being worried about me. As a matter of fact, I do not recall you ever being worried about anything."
  269. >"I just haven't seen you in a really long time, alright? It's reason to worry."
  270. "I guess so."
  271. >Acteus trots over to look at cellos while you continue studying the violins.
  272. >One very beautiful chestnut violin catches your eye.
  273. >It isn't the same dark color as most other violins, it's rather light.
  274. >You like how it looks.
  275. >Maybe August would like this one.
  276. >The price tag catches your eyes, and you feel you heart snap and your coin purse break.
  277. >It's worth nearly all of what you made last night!
  278. >It... is for August, though.
  280. >"Good morning, little lady!"
  281. >A startled squeak escapes your lips as you jump.
  282. >"Ah, my apologies ma'am, didn't mean to frighten you."
  283. >Your gentle moth heart pumps as if you just ran a marathon.
  284. "I-it is fine, really."
  285. >Your breath settles and your heart calms after a moment.
  286. "I was just looking at this fine violin, and was wondering what you could tell me about it."
  287. >The stallion clerk looks up at the violin you point at.
  288. >"Hmm. Ah, yes. This one comes all the way from the Gryphon kingdom, from a craftsman named Castagna Uccello."
  289. "That would explain the price."
  290. >The stallion nods.
  291. >"It is quite expensive, but I ensure you that it is masterfully crafted and sounds like Celestia's very own voice."
  292. "Sounds like it is well worth it."
  293. >The stallion smiles.
  294. >"It definitely is. It's one of my absolute favorite models."
  295. "Well, I guess I will take it!"
  296. >"Alrighty then! Let me just ring you up."
  297. >The stallion places the violin in a matching case with its bow and trots up to the counter with it.
  298. >You follow him and glance over at Acteus, who is still staring at the cellos.
  299. >"Let's see here. You're a member of the Musician's Guild, right?"
  300. "Yes, why?"
  301. >"Special discount, twenty percent."
  302. "Oh, that is neat!"
  303. >"Yup. The violin's gonna come out to... eight hundred bits."
  304. >Acteus whistles as he approaches you.
  305. >"Wow, this August fella' must be something special to spend that much on a gift!"
  306. >You take eight large silver coins out of a small pouch that you keep tucked in your neck fluff and place them on the counter.
  307. "Oh he is. He is quite something."
  308. >The store clerk smiles and waves as you and Acteus leave with a brand new violin.
  309. >Your brother stops in the middle of the street as your start to walk back to the square.
  310. >"So uh... I guess I should be getting to the caravan now."
  311. "So soon?"
  312. >"Yeah. Might as well help them get ready."
  313. "Okay."
  314. >You trot over to him and give him two large silver coins.
  315. "Take care of yourself. And do not forget to visit, you will always be welcome."
  317. >He smiles and puts the bits in his saddlebag.
  318. >"Thanks, Actias. I'll try to come back soon."
  319. >You wave as he trots away, ready to go on a new adventure.
  320. >As for you, you walk in the opposite direction with the handle of the violin case in your mouth, back to the square.
  321. >The square is always busy, always bustling.
  322. >Ponies with no direction, no aim.
  323. >Ponies with a destination, a purpose.
  324. >Earth ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, the occasional bat-pony that wanders in the day, crystal ponies, and sea-ponies.
  325. >Honestly, it's a bit surprising to see sea-ponies around here.
  326. >But apparently there's an underwater spring that feeds into the square's fountain system.
  327. >It's a musical town, and music can bring anyone together.
  328. >"Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo!"
  329. >That is literally all they ever sing.
  330. >It's a little annoying, since it's so repetitive, but the fillies and colts gather around to listen every day.
  331. >You would sing all day every day too, if you had an audience.
  332. >Taking a sharp left from the String District, you trot over to the steps that lead up to the Musician's Guild.
  333. >August should be here by now, most likely sitting inside.
  334. >You ascend the short flight of steps and trot into the building, a smile on your face.
  335. >August is going to be so surprised!
  336. >Once inside, you look around at all of the ponies practicing their instruments.
  337. >It is always so nice to hear such wonderful sounds.
  338. >But, one sound in particular, one that doesn't belong to this beautiful symphony, catches your antennae.
  339. >Sitting in a stairwell to your left, one that leads to the balcony of the main room, is a little filly, crying her eyes out.
  340. >Your eyes shift from the stairwell to the main hall and back.
  341. >Curse your sympathy for children!
  342. >You trot into the stairwell and look over at the filly.
  343. >The filly sniffles and wipes her eyes on her hooves before looking up at you.
  344. >"M-Miss Actias! I, uh..."
  345. >You set the violin down and sit beside the filly, your student, and hug her close.
  346. >Her tears wet your neck fluff.
  348. "What is wrong?"
  349. >The filly mumbles, sniffles, and wipes her face in your neck fluff.
  350. >You glare at the wall in hopes of this ordeal resolving quickly.
  351. >"I-I tripped last night on th-the way home, and wh-when I fell, I landed o-on my violin and br-broke it!"
  352. >She starts bawling again.
  353. >You do recall the filly not having a case for her violin.
  354. >Her parents also looked rather stressed when they approached the two of you at the ice cream shop, and you don't recall seeing them at the performance beforehand.
  355. >"I-I don't know wh-what to do!"
  356. >The filly continues sobbing into your neck.
  357. >Your eyes catch the chestnut violin case, you cringe, and stare back at the wall.
  358. >That is August's brand new violin.
  359. >You bought it specifically for him, with him in mind.
  360. >Do it, Actias.
  361. >You will literally make this filly's day, week, month, year, and life, if you do this.
  362. >It will probably even make her parents' day.
  363. >This is going to upset you so badly.
  364. "You can have this one."
  365. >The filly's sniffles stop and she looks up at you.
  366. >You point your nose toward the violin case that sits beside you.
  367. >Your student's eyes light up for a moment before she shakes her head.
  368. >"I-I can't! My parents don't have the money to pay for a new violin, and-"
  369. "It is a gift."
  370. >"But-"
  371. "Please. I insist, uh..."
  372. >The filly lets out a soft giggle.
  373. >"You don't even know my name!"
  374. "You never told me."
  375. >"Y-you never asked."
  376. "Introductions do not work like that, little filly."
  377. >"W-well, my name's Falsetto."
  378. "What a fitting name! It is nice to meet you, Falsetto."
  379. >The filly holds up a hoof, to which you raise a brow.
  380. >"Bump your hoof against mine. It's a clipclop bump."
  381. >That's adorable.
  382. >You follow the filly's directions with a smile.
  383. >She giggles and wipes away the rest of her tears before bouncing over to the violin case.
  384. >"You're sure I can have this?"
  385. >You nod, very slowly, so Falsetto can understand that you're serious.
  386. >"Thank you so much!"
  387. >She bounces away with the violin case's handle in her mouth.
  389. "So much for that gift."
  390. >"You just made that filly the happiest kid in the entire kingdom, Actias."
  391. >With a surprised squeak and a leap into the air, you land at the bottom of the staircase and look up.
  392. >August sits at the top with a wide smile on his face.
  393. >"Now tell me. Why would a mare, a vocalist, come into a Musician's Guild with a violin and give it to a filly that she had no idea broke her violin?"
  394. >He walks down the stairs as he speaks.
  395. >"Or was that violin meant for someone else?"
  396. >Your wings buzz nervously as you try to squeak out an answer.
  397. >"Calm down, Actias."
  398. >He laughs and places a hand on your shoulder as he kneels down.
  399. >"You did something good."
  400. "But, it was a gift for you!"
  401. >"And? She obviously needed it more."
  402. "It was foreign-craft, and it was so beautiful!"
  403. >"She'll put it to better use."
  404. "What do you mean?"
  405. >"I got your next assignment. You and your student are going to Canterlot City to perform in a lounge."
  406. "A lounge? You mean like one of those slow-dance swing places?"
  407. >August nods.
  408. >"You're going to sing, the kid's going to play."
  409. "Is she even allowed in a place like that? Ponies drink in there."
  410. >"Actually, as a member of the guild, she technically is. She just isn't allowed to be more than five feet away from you."
  411. "So, basically I am going to be babysitting and performing?"
  412. >He nods again.
  413. "Great."
  414. >"Think of it this way. Have you ever been to Canterlot?"
  415. "No."
  416. >"You'll get to see new lights, especially at night."
  417. >You buzz your wings excitedly, but hide the expression from your face.
  418. "And what about you?"
  419. >"I'll be on the train with you, but after that I have somewhere else to be."
  420. "What is your assignment?"
  421. >"I can't really talk about it."
  422. "Tell me."
  423. >"No."
  424. >You pout and look up at him with sad eyes.
  425. "Please?"
  426. >He looks away and scowls.
  427. >"I'm playing at a banquet for Princess Celestia."
  428. >You gasp loudly and place your hooves on his shoulders.
  429. "Can I-"
  430. >"Alone."
  432. >Sitting on your haunches and crossing your arms, you scowl.
  433. >"It's strictly for business anyway, I won't even get to talk to her."
  434. "You do not know that."
  435. >"I'm going there, I'm playing, I'm leaving immediately after. I dislike being in that kind of environment."
  436. >He pulls the amethyst out of his pocket and rolls it around in his hand.
  437. >"Besides, it'll give me a chance to pawn this off to one of those hoity-toity bureaucrats."
  438. "Fair enough. When do we leave?"
  439. >"Wednesday morning."
  440. "Falsetto has school."
  441. >"The guild-master said it's going to count as extra-curricular and extra credit."
  442. "What about her parents?"
  443. >"Do you really think they'll deny their daughter getting to perform in Canterlot, of all places?"
  444. "No, I don not."
  445. >"Then what's there to worry about?"
  446. "I am worried about the filly getting hurt."
  447. >"That's why you'll be with her. You're going to watch out for her while the two of you are in Canterlot."
  448. "Please tell me we are going to the good part of Canterlot?"
  449. >"Of course. The lounge is one Mane Street."
  450. >He pats you on the shoulder.
  451. >"There's nothing to worry about, you know. Now come on, let's join the rest of the guild."
  452. >You trot behind August as he leaves the stairwell and turns into the main hall.
  453. >The two of you take seats on a small sofa in a far corner of the room.
  454. >You look around as August takes his violin out of its case.
  455. >Some ponies practice their music, others just sit around and chat.
  456. >This guild tends to be more of a social hour for most ponies, until it's time to perform.
  457. >There is little to complain about in that aspect though.
  458. >Every pony here knows how to play their music and practices at home, or when there are fewer people in the room.
  459. >Sometimes, the guild-master even comes out to conduct a quick practice session with everyone.
  460. >"So that kid's your student."
  461. >You nod as August rosins his bow.
  462. >"Never seen her around."
  463. "She is new."
  464. >"Mmm. And the guild-master let a vocalist be her mentor?"
  465. "I chose her."
  467. >"And how are you going to help her get better at playing an instrument that you can't play?"
  468. "I never said I was helping her get better at the violin. She is already fantastic at it."
  469. >Jabbing August with a hoof, you continue.
  470. "I am merely helping her understand music. Where certain pieces should be played, how to really feel the emotions in a piece, how to put her very soul into her music."
  471. >"You're sure you can do all of that?"
  472. "I am sure."
  473. >"You've only just begun learning about music yourself."
  474. "I can handle it. After all, I have you to help me."
  475. >You look across the room at Falsetto, who smiles wide as she plays her new violin.
  476. >Its beautiful sounds resonate above even the loudest ponies, and nearly the whole room falls silent, save for her melody.
  477. >"Sounds to me like you won't need any help. If anything, it sounds like she knows exactly what she needs to know about music to be good."
  478. "But she does not know about mood setting, or feeling the music itself, or-"
  479. >"That's all stuff YOU need to know, Actias. Vocalists use their words to set scenes and moods. Violinists? They play what they feel in their hearts. I'm not saying vocalists don't use their hearts, but they have more to what they do."
  480. >You tilt your head and look up at him, confused.
  481. >"Nevermind. The kid's fine. If anything, she just needs someone to bring her out of her shell and help her build some self-confidence."
  482. >A wide grin forms on your face.
  483. >"Which, thinking about it, I'm not sure you're the right pony for the job. Maybe I should help."
  484. >Bingo.
  485. >August groans and taps you on the head with his bow.
  486. >"I talked myself into that."
  487. "Yes. Yes you did. And I appreciate the offer for your help!"
  488. >"I suppose I should go introduce myself properly then. Maybe actually teach her something."
  489. "I teach her things."
  490. >"Like how to scare children during their first performances?"
  491. "Excuse me! I will have you know she did an excellent job last night!"
  492. >"Mhm."
  493. >He takes his bow and violin and walks across the room.
  495. >You watch him kneel beside the filly as she finishes playing.
  496. >They chatter, Falsetto smiles and places a hoof in August's hand.
  497. >August smiles back, shaves her hoof, and ruffles her mane a bit.
  498. >You take a moment to really study the filly.
  499. >She is an earth pony with short, blonde hair so light, it's almost a platinum color.
  500. >Her coat is only slightly darker than her hair.
  501. >Her dark, forest-green eyes glance over at you briefly as she continues speaking with August.
  502. >Falsetto waves at you.
  503. >You wave back.
  504. >August looks up at you and smiles.
  505. >This new pairing will not be fun.
  506. >You fret even more for the upcoming journey to Canterlot, as you will be alone with the two of them.
  507. >After all, how much work can one get done with one's own mentor teaching one's own student?
  508. >Said mentor can easily undermine your work.
  509. >Alas, building self-confidence into this filly will be made easier with August to help.
  510. >After all, he built it into you within a week.
  511. >You rise from your seat and trot toward the entrance of the guild.
  512. >There is little for you to do here if August is preoccupied.
  513. >Plus, you might as well let him get to know Falsetto.
  514. >As you trot down the front hall, Falsetto's parents walk in through the front doors.
  515. >"Hello, Miss Actias."
  516. "Good morning."
  517. >The mare and stallion, both smile at you.
  518. >You can see where Falsetto gets her looks.
  519. >"We're here to pick up our daughter. She's still around, right?"
  520. "Yes. She is in the main room talking to my mentor."
  521. >"Oh, excellent! Thank you."
  522. >They continue walking through the hall, exchanging a few nervous words between themselves.
  523. >You put your sunglasses back on and walk out into the town.
  524. >Today is a very good day, and you feel like taking a walk, just to bask in the warmth of the sun.
  525. >Maybe you'll get some brunch, maybe you'll sing with the sea-ponies, or maybe you'll head home and take a nap.
  526. >Maybe you'll even laze about for the rest of the day and do absolutely nothing.
  527. >That sounds very relaxing.
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