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a guest
Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. {{ $var }} - Echo nội dung
  2. {{ $var or 'default' }} - Echo nội dung với giá trị mặc định
  3. {{{ $var }}} - Echo nội dung đã mất
  4. {{-- Comment --}} - A Blade comment
  5. @extends('layout') - Mở rộng template với layout
  6. @if(condition) - Starts an if block
  7. @else - Starts an else block
  8. @elseif(condition) - Start a elseif block
  9. @endif - Ends a if block
  10. @foreach($list as $key => $val) - Starts a foreach block
  11. @endforeach - Ends a foreach block
  12. @for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) - Starts a for block
  13. @endfor - Ends a for block
  14. @while(condition) - Starts a while block
  15. @endwhile - Ends a while block
  16. @unless(condition) - Starts an unless block
  17. @endunless - Ends an unless block
  18. @include(file) - Includes another template
  19. @include(file, ['var' => $val,...]) - Includes a template, passing new variables.
  20. @each('file',$list,'item') - Renders a template on a collection
  21. @each('file',$list,'item','empty') - Renders a template on a collection or a different template if collection is empty.
  22. @yield('section') - Yields content of a section.
  23. @show - Ends section and yields its content
  24. @lang('message') - Outputs message from translation table
  25. @choice('message', $count) - Outputs message with language pluralization
  26. @section('name') - Starts a section
  27. @stop - Ends section
  28. @endsection - Ends section
  29. @append - Ends section and appends it to existing of section of same name
  30. @overwrite - Ends section, overwriting previous section of same name
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