

Jul 9th, 2015
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  1. Wow, you sure found a gem of a place to chill out this time, usually when you go on hikes like this, all alone in the Northern German wilderness, You would usually find odd places like this, old hideouts from both the second world war and the cold war, but they are usually just run down old houses soon to be bulldozed, or old bunkers, half broken and filled with shells and memories of fallen men. However you've never once, seen a field with periscope esque pipes emerging from the ground. Honestly you're a mixture of excited and frightened.
  3. You think for a moment, is this going to take alot of time, it's already easily midday, you have to be back by 6 at the latest. Usually things like this will take hours, sometimes days to explore in the full. You think, and realize, this is worth your time. In doing so, you trot on over to one of the pipes poking out from the ground, squatting down to take a peek at them, you notice, that they are in fact air vents. But that would only mean- something is underground. This really is worth your time.
  5. After a tiny bit of exploring and scouting the area out, you assumptions seem to be correct so far, as you find an entrance. It's covered by a fragile wooden lid, presumably a last resort to keep intruders out, nothing a trusty pocket knife could shimmy off with some elbow grease.
  7. Ridding the lid of the enterance, you enter the bunker esque structure, you're firstly greeted by an iron gate. Opening the door, you enter with ease, but you're suddenly surprised by the swing back off the door, letting off a loud metallic clang. Thankfully the lock was already broken, but if it wasn't you would of been in for a lot of trouble. Looking back on probably the last rays of sunlight you would be seeing, you smile gently and turn to the corridor facing you. The walls are painted a mildew green and the ceiling is painted a foggy white colour. The floors are made of cold concrete. Facing the darkness ahead of you , you take your backpack off , and take out a flashlight your mother makes you keep in-case your faced with coming home late, it's very helpful in winter.
  9. Arm with your flashlight, you say your goodbyes to the last rays of sunlight you will be seeing for a while, and venture on into the corridor. It's a long , dark silent walk around the corridors, you see bits and pieces possibly from other people finding it or just the wear and tear of old age on the ground, pipes, rubble, but obvious signs of people, like shopping bags and various objects found in modern society. It was a while before you found a dead end, which wasn't a pleasant place to see, a caved in wall surrounded by walls covered in graffiti, most of them being lewd and vulgar words, others not making much sense. But one hit you like a ton of bricks, it said in hurried blurred writing, "Don't go any further, get the hell out of here."
  11. Finally feeling as if you were making some progress, you enter a very long hallway, which seems to turn on a very awkward angle, once you reached the end of it, and came out of the other side of it, you turned back to the hallway you just walked through, and considered for a moment, if this was really worth it, it was already 4 pm , and you are freezing down here. You could either venture on more, or get the hell out of there, as the graffiti before told you to. Then again, who listens to what a wall tells them to do. You decide to venture on , and doing so, you turn your back to the hallway you just came from, and walk on forward, into the darkness.
  14. Walking into the hallway, you feel as if it's colder in this part of the bunker. There's no longer the settling speckles of daylight coming in from cracks and vents. Holding the flashlight steadily in your hand, you shine it up and down the hallway's walls. There's the usual horrible paint-job, and obvious signs of possible teenagers being there with graffiti, but one piece of graffiti on the wall catches your eye. On the wall is written 'Help', in rushed writing. It makes your heart race , with both fear and excitement. You wonder what caused someone to write that; are they simply messing with people who may come into this bunker in the future, or were they actually warning people of possible danger in this place, it wasn't the first hurried warning you've seen, and you feel it won't be the last, as you're still pretty convinced this place is worth your time to explore further.
  16. You continue walking, moving past the graffiti on the walls to a more, secluded and deeper part of the bunker. This part is even more unsettling than before. It is vault doors, but they've been ripped of the hinges. You wonder, what creature or teenager could do this, did they get a blow torch and tools to do this? That's the only way humanly possible to rip it off, right? You aren't to eager to advance any further through these vault doors, but it seems the only way to get further in the bunker is through the entrance led by the vault doors.
  18. You don't feel so eager now to advance through to the deeper hallways of this bunker, seeing as not only is one vault door ripped off the hinges, but multiple. You get a very eerie vibe deeper in the bunker, and the stench deeper here is absolutely disgusting, it doesn't make you want to stay down here any longer, but as you've stated before, you aren't prepared to let all this, hard work and exploring go to waste.
  20. You chew on your bottom lip, cautiously continuing on through the hall, stepping over ripped off vault doors with slight ease. You feel a lot better after getting pass them, but still worried. You have a horrible feeling in your gut, telling you to get the fuck out of there now, but you still continue on. You would usually follow your gut, but something is telling you to ignore it just this time. You feel you're going to find something amazing here.
  23. You stand momentarily in the hall, taking a moment to became aware of your current surroundings- when suddenly you hear rather loud noise, ringing out through the bunker. It sounded close and you almost drop your flashlight in shock. You turn around, flashing your flashlight quite frantically, trying to find out what made that noise, and hoping with all your might that it wasn't close. You don't have anything to fight with if it's a large animal or some drunken homeless man, and you don't feel like discussing anything with other teenagers, because you know by fact that they all dislike you, for wearing your skirts too high and not having all your buttons up, or how your bust is larger than theirs, whatever petty reason they have, it's just isn't worth your time trying to explain anything to them.
  25. Still very cautiousness about the noise, you stay in place, trying to figure out if there's anything whatsoever around you, but then, your flashlight suddenly goes pitch-black, your stuck in the dark, with a possible intruder in a bunker with you. You are pretty sure you have some spare batteries in your backpack, but that will easily take a few minutes to take them out and replace the batteries in your flashlight, but in those few minutes, anything could get you.
  27. "Is anyone there?" You shout out in a shaky voice, you have that horrible gut feeling again, and you feel shouting out was probably the worst mistake you could make, you take your backpack in one hand, and begin searching for the spare batteries, frantically working through the junk you have in there, you find a pair. Taking the old batteries out of the flashlight and replacing them with new ones, your flashlight clicks back on, and you feel relived. Honestly, you just hope whoever or whatever made that noise, didn't hear you shout out in a moment of pure stupidity.
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