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May 24th, 2017
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  1. -] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:44.451717 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_settings_advanced_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  2. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:44.451813 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (1.6ms)
  3. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:44.456526 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)
  4. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:45.934258 #3308:ac6bd8] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:32:45 -0400
  5. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:45.936545 #3308:ac6bd8] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  6. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:45.936625 #3308:ac6bd8] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"WY8WtkvISej0JufNi0DCbrsvZtcI+A6MZHrzirFzhzfGnVftxQqEP6Wned8lL0Qjtzd9M2gi9CTzz8pu/+uGsQ==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  7. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:45.955327 #3308:ac6bd8] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)
  8. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.536143 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/accordion_select?id=vmdb_accord" for at 2017-05-24 15:32:47 -0400
  9. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.538011 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#accordion_select as JS
  10. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.538069 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Parameters: {"id"=>"vmdb_accord"}
  11. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.565038 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered shared/summary/_textual.html.haml (0.9ms)
  12. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.603961 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered shared/summary/_textual.html.haml (38.7ms)
  13. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.765668 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered shared/summary/_textual_listview.html.haml (158.3ms)
  14. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.814997 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered shared/summary/_textual_listview.html.haml (49.1ms)
  15. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.867341 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered shared/summary/_textual_listview.html.haml (52.0ms)
  16. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.867450 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_db_summary.html.haml (307.8ms)
  17. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.867811 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (311.7ms)
  18. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:47.873093 #3330:8908b4] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 335ms (Views: 1.1ms | ActiveRecord: 86.5ms)
  19. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.177735 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/accordion_select?id=diagnostics_accord" for at 2017-05-24 15:32:49 -0400
  20. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.179553 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#accordion_select as JS
  21. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.179615 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Parameters: {"id"=>"diagnostics_accord"}
  22. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.206240 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.1ms)
  23. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.221391 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_server_desc.html.haml (12.2ms)
  24. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.221494 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (15.4ms)
  25. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.221849 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.1ms)
  26. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.222122 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.1ms)
  27. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.222371 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  28. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.222597 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  29. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.222836 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  30. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.223052 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  31. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.223247 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  32. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.223346 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (18.2ms)
  33. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:49.229491 #3341:87256c] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 50ms (Views: 1.6ms | ActiveRecord: 2.2ms)
  34. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:50.974186 #3350:853d10] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:32:50 -0400
  35. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:50.976047 #3350:853d10] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  36. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:50.976118 #3350:853d10] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"wfyFEiziJBbXpzQIomjAtSJMN9y+KwaJmVbo1wt1jdBe7sRJoiDpwYYmqhoMB0b4LlQsON7x/CEO49EzRe2MVg==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  37. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:50.992736 #3350:853d10] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)
  38. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.635885 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_production_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:32:51 -0400
  39. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.637885 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  40. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.637940 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_production_log"}
  41. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.701319 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  42. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.701636 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  43. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.701913 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  44. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.702176 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  45. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.702441 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  46. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.702965 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.1ms)
  47. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.705932 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (3.1ms)
  48. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.706054 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (3.4ms)
  49. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.706491 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.1ms)
  50. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.706787 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  51. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.706924 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (6.8ms)
  52. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:51.720652 #3308:ac7628] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 7.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.3ms)
  53. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:56.012664 #3330:88fab8] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:32:56 -0400
  54. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:56.014390 #3330:88fab8] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  55. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:56.014451 #3330:88fab8] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"Q1+nDCOmsf4jDm/bZhYmOhBALWZfb5j4h05gKWuAu7jcTeZXrWR8KXKP8cnIeaB3HFg2gj+1YlAQ+1nNJRi6Pg==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  56. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:32:56.029628 #3330:88fab8] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
  57. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:01.123551 #3341:8720a8] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:01 -0400
  58. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:01.125334 #3341:8720a8] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  59. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:01.125403 #3341:8720a8] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"P46KyeWg9hCw1a0eD20/Aeun//a/+Ba/WMB69QMe5nugnMuSa2I7x+FUMwyhArlM57/kEt8i7BfPdUMRTYbn/Q==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  60. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:01.143349 #3341:8720a8] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
  61. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.534974 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_audit_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:03 -0400
  62. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.536736 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  63. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.536789 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_audit_log"}
  64. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.584359 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  65. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.584663 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  66. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.584885 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  67. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.585089 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  68. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.585546 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.0ms)
  69. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.587534 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (2.1ms)
  70. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.587636 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (2.3ms)
  71. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.587906 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  72. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.588111 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  73. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.588309 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  74. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.588405 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (5.0ms)
  75. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:03.593919 #3350:84a74c] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 57ms (Views: 1.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.0ms)
  76. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.428766 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_production_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:04 -0400
  77. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.430885 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  78. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.430944 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_production_log"}
  79. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.491838 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  80. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.492126 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  81. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.492349 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  82. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.492573 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  83. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.492823 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  84. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.493260 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.0ms)
  85. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.495827 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (2.7ms)
  86. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.495962 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (3.0ms)
  87. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.496333 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  88. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.496585 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  89. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.496705 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (5.9ms)
  90. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:04.509512 #3308:ac6f20] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 78ms (Views: 7.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms)
  91. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.165171 #3330:88f5e0] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:06 -0400
  92. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.167590 #3330:88f5e0] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  93. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.167748 #3330:88f5e0] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"mSbQeE1pef79ZZfxt+Io0hd+0VgcWKv27aJHgnhGQKMGNJEjw6u0KazkCeMZja6fG2bKvHyCUV56F35mNt5BJQ==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  94. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.191876 #3330:88f5e0] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 1.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)
  95. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.809902 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_audit_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:06 -0400
  96. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.811580 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  97. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.811637 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_audit_log"}
  98. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.857497 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  99. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.857790 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  100. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.857983 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  101. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.858179 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  102. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.858582 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.0ms)
  103. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.860914 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (2.5ms)
  104. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.861004 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (2.7ms)
  105. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.861239 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  106. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.861433 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  107. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.861623 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  108. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.861729 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (5.1ms)
  109. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:06.867552 #3341:87bec8] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 56ms (Views: 1.5ms | ActiveRecord: 3.3ms)
  110. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.535081 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_production_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:07 -0400
  111. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.537016 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  112. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.537084 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_production_log"}
  113. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.587223 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  114. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.587518 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  115. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.587750 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  116. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.587950 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  117. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.588168 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (0.1ms)
  118. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.588519 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.0ms)
  119. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.590633 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (2.2ms)
  120. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.590809 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (2.5ms)
  121. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.591182 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  122. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.591374 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  123. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.591496 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (5.5ms)
  124. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:07.601787 #3350:853edc] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 65ms (Views: 6.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)
  125. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:11.213790 #3308:ac7c18] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:11 -0400
  126. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:11.215800 #3308:ac7c18] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  127. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:11.215874 #3308:ac7c18] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"XfoxPaLkUoSLFI3/OJLNh6SWGKBimsVnuCpara4XufTC6HBmLCafU9qVE+2W/UvKqI4DRAJAP88vn2NJ4I+4cg==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  128. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:11.234185 #3308:ac7c18] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
  129. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:16.326646 #3330:890314] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:16 -0400
  130. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:16.328293 #3330:890314] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  131. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:16.328353 #3330:890314] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"MBv237hrlxW/S/JUQXGTRUOaTojW49tUWrrlhk88QHOvCbeENqlawu7KbEbvHhUIT4JVbLY5IfzND9xiAaRB9Q==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  132. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:16.345225 #3330:890314] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)
  133. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.392884 #3341:87274c] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:21 -0400
  134. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.394793 #3341:87274c] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  135. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.394857 #3341:87274c] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"tIqZXbr+6hPJLYq9k5ePioTOeTj+hz4YiXm+eRevco0rmNgGNDwnxJisFK89+AnHiNZi3J5dxLAezIedWTdzCw==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  136. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.410250 #3341:87274c] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
  137. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.782536 #3393:869b9c] INFO -- : Started GET "/api" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:21 -0400
  138. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.784285 #3393:869b9c] INFO -- : Processing by Api::ApiController#index as JSON
  139. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:21.807006 #3393:869b9c] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 23ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)
  140. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.540931 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_audit_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:25 -0400
  141. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.543065 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  142. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.543138 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_audit_log"}
  143. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.589505 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  144. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.589741 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  145. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.589962 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  146. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.590158 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  147. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.590528 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.1ms)
  148. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.592483 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (2.1ms)
  149. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.592590 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (2.3ms)
  150. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.592831 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  151. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.593045 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.1ms)
  152. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.593229 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  153. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.593325 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (4.7ms)
  154. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:25.598820 #3350:84a634] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 56ms (Views: 1.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)
  155. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.187847 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Started POST "/ops/change_tab/?tab_id=diagnostics_production_log" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:26 -0400
  156. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.189560 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Processing by OpsController#change_tab as JS
  157. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.189617 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Parameters: {"tab_id"=>"diagnostics_production_log"}
  158. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.240181 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_summary_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  159. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.240423 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_workers_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  160. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.240618 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_collect_logs_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  161. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.240838 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_evm_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  162. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.241030 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_audit_log_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  163. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.241387 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_flash_msg.html.haml (0.0ms)
  164. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.243763 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_log_viewer.html.haml (2.5ms)
  165. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.243877 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_production_log_tab.html.haml (2.7ms)
  166. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.244168 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_utilization_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  167. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.244356 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_diagnostics_timelines_tab.html.haml (0.0ms)
  168. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.244465 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Rendered ops/_all_tabs.html.haml (5.2ms)
  169. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.255320 #3341:87bd88] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 66ms (Views: 6.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms)
  170. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.430765 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:26 -0400
  171. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.432601 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  172. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.432676 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"53RcP5rnr1ZDCwwMaTH42jhubutow+HuNVS6knwhRgJ4Zh1kFCVigRKKkh7HXn6XNHZ1DwgZG0ai4YN2MrlHhA==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  173. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:26.448765 #3350:84a2c4] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 16ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)
  174. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.537109 #3308:ac70d8] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:31 -0400
  175. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.538894 #3308:ac70d8] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  176. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.538967 #3308:ac70d8] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"2tatawsPgdduib2Ktio5/GgS6O0kXaQN4FW4WV1/69hFxOwwhc1MAD8II5gYRb+xZArzCUSHXqV34IG9E+fqXg==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  177. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.559350 #3308:ac70d8] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
  178. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.945309 #3411:802b68] INFO -- : Started GET "/api" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:31 -0400
  179. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.947423 #3411:802b68] INFO -- : Processing by Api::ApiController#index as JSON
  180. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:31.972178 #3411:802b68] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 25ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)
  181. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:36.653312 #3330:8900a8] INFO -- : Started POST "/vm_infra/wait_for_task?escape=false&task_id=2166" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:36 -0400
  182. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:36.654890 #3330:8900a8] INFO -- : Processing by VmInfraController#wait_for_task as JS
  183. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:36.654952 #3330:8900a8] INFO -- : Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"GPRZc6IQlr3UvLF9ep6yH5AMMB9XA2thMK2u8IvybOKH5hgoLNJbaoU9L2/U8TRSnBQr+zfZkcmnGJcUxWptZA==", "escape"=>"false", "task_id"=>"2166"}
  184. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:36.673186 #3330:8900a8] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms)
  185. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:37.753759 #3424:870e24] INFO -- : Started GET "/api" for at 2017-05-24 15:33:37 -0400
  186. [----] I, [2017-05-24T15:33:37.755706 #3424:870e24] INFO -- : Processing by Api::ApiController#index as JSON
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