
Session 23: ...And in the Darkness, Bind Them.

May 4th, 2014
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  1. [2014-05-03 20:24:44] <The_Batmare> 03====Session 23: ...And in the Darkness, Bind Them====
  2. [2014-05-03 20:25:03] <The_Batmare> 03...Transmission Interrupted....
  3. [2014-05-03 20:30:43] <The_Batmare> 03Standing in a classroom is an older unicorn mare, with white mane and golden coat. Her horn is glowing in a light blue aura as she manipulates an illusion of a Unicorn. "Now class, with the recent death the Coop has asked us to go over the effects of Shadow Magic once again. Take Pony Jane here. She hasn't used any of the Darkness, and, as such, looks like you and me. Now, as someone...
  4. [2014-05-03 20:30:43] <The_Batmare> ...pulls on the Darkness more and more, it starts to accumulate and change. Stage one is a single, minor physiological change. Maybe the pony will have fangs, or slitted eyes. Phase two will usually see another change, most commonly both I have already listed. Phase three... well, the pony looks monstrous. Depending on the race, they become a different type of monster. Earth Ponies have...
  5. [2014-05-03 20:30:43] <The_Batmare> ...scaly skin, unicorns have curved horns, a pegasus's wings start trailing inky black smoke..."
  6. [2014-05-03 20:31:03] <The_Batmare> 03... Transmission Reestablished ...
  7. [2014-05-03 20:33:13] <The_Batmare> 03The earth pony in combat armor, pipe spear held in tail, steps forward. His combat armor, quite high quality, shows a large '41' in gold letters that has been spattered in blood. His mane and tail are leaking inky black smoke that disperses harmlessly in the air. His fanged grin and slitted eyes watch you all.
  8. [2014-05-03 20:38:45] * Clue speaks up. "Aim for his limbs! We have to stop him! And things that can't defend themselves are easier to kill!"
  9. [2014-05-03 20:42:41] <The_Batmare> 03Tallie fires twice with her grenade launcher on the stallion with the spear, unleashing explosive hell. The cloud clears around the stallion, and he looks slightly bruised.
  10. [2014-05-03 21:01:31] * Militus charges forward. He stumbles as he is almost sent sprawling, dropping his spear.
  11. [2014-05-03 21:03:40] * Emerald_Blitz sets the wounded mare down gently and flies to Militus' aid! Her shield crackles into existence around her as she lands and with a flip of her Telekinesis, hands Militus his spear back. "Getting sloppy, soldier!" she shouts. "Try that again!"
  12. [2014-05-03 21:13:46] * Militus eagerly grabs his weapon and goes for another attack, but doesn't have much more luck this time.
  13. [2014-05-03 21:17:27] <CrystalGM> 03The pony easily deflects the blow, pulling a syringe from the bandolier and jabbing it into his leg. Dark energy flows through him as the bruising disappears. He attempts a stab into Emerald_Blitz but her shield deflects it! It lands a bit from his hooves, where he picks it up.
  14. [2014-05-03 21:26:25] * Clue shakes her head. "Take out his front right leg!" The unicorn takes in a deep breath and steadies her aim on said leg. *BANG* *BANG* The hunting rifles bellow as their projectiles hit their mark.
  15. [2014-05-03 21:28:10] <CrystalGM> 03The bullets strike the pony's leg, but he stands firmly on it.
  16. [2014-05-03 21:28:19] * Asami Arghs and is left in the spends the next few seconds running to catch up with her speedier comrades "WAIT UP!, lets do this together not piecemeal!"
  17. [2014-05-03 21:32:57] <CrystalGM> 03Tallie, unimpressed with Bloomper, pulls her revolver and opens fire! Unfortunately, that first round in the chamber? Pops. Doesn't fire. Pops. In a cloud of smoke. Welp, time to quickly clean it! But one shot does hit the stallion of the attempted three... and the round bounces off the armor.
  18. [2014-05-03 21:53:00] * Militus approaches his foe again, being stumbled by another attempt at tripping, before putting a fresh gouge into the monstrous stallion's leg.
  19. 2014-05-03 22:02:09] * Emerald_Blitz calmly breaks open her shotgun and switches the buckshot for slugs. Then she looks down, aims Plymouth, and pulls the trigger. The slugs rip through the darkly-gifted stallion's leg, leaving it... worse for wear but still intact. The alicorn blinks. "Hmm. Unexpected," she says, calmly reloading again.
  20. [2014-05-03 22:03:47] * Militus growls. "I've seen robots that weren't this tough..."
  21. [2014-05-03 22:12:01] <CrystalGM> 03The earth pony stabs once and swings into Militus. Blood gushes from Emerald_Blitz's wound as darkness swirls around the stallion, his wounds healing...
  22. [2014-05-03 22:12:29] * Militus cries out as he recieves a rather sizable wound for his troubles.
  23. [2014-05-03 22:16:08] * Clue takes aim once again at the limb and totally misses. But hey. It didn't jam! She lets out a huge groan.
  24. [2014-05-03 22:21:30] * Asami comes to a stop and breathes forth a mighty gout of flame!....and the ball of blue flame doth cometh unto thine crazed stallion and creates the hellfurnace from whence he shall burn to hades! "Eat some torch you filly foolin' fuck!
  25. [2014-05-03 22:24:45] <CrystalGM> 03Tallie fires three times. The first bullet digs into the stallion's scaled hide, with the second two bouncing off harmlessly.
  26. [2014-05-03 22:26:53] <Tallie> "Take that!" she shouts, then sees the flat bullets on the ground. "OH COME ON! NO FAIR!"
  27. [2014-05-03 22:32:36] * Militus tries another attack, but misses. With a roar and anger and frustration he buries his spear deep into his opponent's chest before ripping it free, showering himself with arterial spray in the process.
  28. [2014-05-03 22:39:09] * Emerald_Blitz digs out a bandage and patches the hole in her chest and administers with a pinprick from the vial, a dose of a drug. She snorts and stomps as horrid and itchy warmth flows through her body. Her eyes fog a bit and the urge to crush this scaled cretin overpowers all others. She aims plymouth at his leg and fires again.
  29. [2014-05-03 22:41:24] * Militus swears under his breath as he sees Emerald_Blitz dose herself on a vial of chems.
  30. [2014-05-03 22:55:24] <CrystalGM> 03The stallion cackles in laughter as he stabs Militus with his spear before his pipbuck glows. He easily grabs Emerald's shotgun using his spear before the shadows swirl around him... and he screams in pain.
  31. [2014-05-03 22:59:33] <CrystalGM> 03With several loud guncracks as his limbs shatter, blood, bone and shadow are torn from the stallion as he manifests! Standing over him is a dark, shadowy version of himself. The being grins. "I... HUNGER..." In a swirling of shadows the manifestation is clothed in copies of the stallion's armor, the spear... and Plymouth, Emerald_Blitz's sawed-off shotgun.
  32. [2014-05-03 23:00:06] * Militus grunts and tries to stay up, but finally slumps over on the floor, unconcious.
  33. [2014-05-03 23:00:34] <CrystalGM> 03The stallion, now on the ground and groaning in pain, has dropped his spear and Emerald_Blitz's shotgun.
  34. [2014-05-03 23:05:16] * Clue cringes in horror. She kicks at her reloaded in a quivering panic. A deep breath in and her aim bears down on the shadow. "KILL THE SHADOW! KEEP IT AWAY FROM THE HOST!"
  35. [2014-05-03 23:06:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'M ON IT!" Emerald shouts as Militus goes down. "BY CELESTIA'S FLANKS! FALL BACK! FALL BACK!"
  36. [2014-05-03 23:06:58] <Tallie> "WHO HAS A FLASHLIGHT?!" she shouts. "LIGHT HURTS SHADOW!"
  37. [2014-05-03 23:08:21] <Clue> *BANG* Goes the Hunting Rifle. "DONT FALL BACK!! SHOOT IT!! SHOOOT IT! BEFORE TRUE MANIFESTATION!"
  38. [2014-05-03 23:12:15] * Asami grumbles and summons up her reserves to re-apply the fire to the shadow "I can't do this all day yaknow! Get Milly out of there!
  39. [2014-05-03 23:21:04] <CrystalGM> 03Tallie's bullets find no purchase on the flaming manifestation.
  40. [2014-05-03 23:22:56] <Tallie> "FLOYD FUCKING DAMNIT!" she shouts. "JUSTFUCKINGDIE!"
  41. [2014-05-03 23:31:22] * Emerald_Blitz screams at the top of her lungs as her newly amplified magic scoops up her friends, and their moments-ago enemy and their gear, and flies as fast as her wings can beat, scooping up the other two to deposit them in a secondary holding position. THe alicorn slaps a healing gauze on the worst of Militus' injuries and crams a powerful purple potion down his gullet until she sees him stir,...
  42. [2014-05-03 23:31:23] * Emerald_Blitz ...leaving his spear beside him. "Buy me time!" she shouts as she throws the ragged stallion out the door and slams it shut.
  43. [2014-05-03 23:38:41] * Militus staggers back to his hooves, coughing up blood as his wounds knit by magic. He glares at the manifestation across the room, not noticing much else. He staggers towards it with his spear ready, muttering under his breath.
  44. [2014-05-03 23:44:47] * Militus meets the abomination as it emerges from the dark. He tears into it with manic fury. "NO! NEVER AGAIN!"
  45. [2014-05-03 23:51:09] <CrystalGM> 03The manifestation takes the hits and grins. The manifestation raises the Dark Plymouth and shudders. Darkness flows into the gun, and it fires into Militus. Buckshot peppers Militus, and the manifestation snarls before throwing away the shotgun. It clatters against the ground, landing near the door labeled 'Overmare's Office'.
  46. [2014-05-03 23:54:46] * Militus staggers backward from the force of the hits, but doesn't seem much fazed otherwise, even as blood drips down his armor. "You won't have me so easily!" He seems to have forgotten all else in the room besides the manifestation.
  47. [2014-05-03 23:56:04] * Clue takes aim at the approaching darkness. *BANG* *BANG* The barrels echo, but only one pair makes their home into the being.
  48. [2014-05-03 23:59:08] * Asami tries to summon up a 3rd fireball but alas...the spirit of Spike gets the better of her and nothing but dead sparks come instead she plants her feet in a defensive stance...waiting for the shadow...thing to draw near
  49. [2014-05-04 00:07:48] <Tallie> "BLOOMPBLOOMP!" she shouts, firing her bloompidoomp behind the manifestation. "BLOOMP FUCKIN BLOOMP!"
  50. [2014-05-04 00:08:35] <CrystalGM> 03The manifestation... comes out of the explosions mostly unharmed.
  52. [2014-05-04 00:09:08] * Militus staggers backward, crying out as he is riddled with shrapnel.
  53. [2014-05-04 00:09:25] * Emerald_Blitz wheels on the wing and darts back to Militus' side. She swiftly pokes an open potion into each side of the zebra's mouth like a ridiculous beer hat of healing. The shining juice begins sealing the zebra's wounds as Emerald's horn glows brilliant green, and Militus's pipe spear sheathes itself in golden light. "Strike it down, Militus! Let the shadows never trouble you again, for you have...
  54. [2014-05-04 00:09:26] * Emerald_Blitz ...*friends.*"
  55. [2014-05-04 00:13:28] * Militus nods, not taking his eyes off the monster in front of him. "Yes...kill it...DIE!" he bellows, taking two rather generous chunks out of the thing's chest.
  56. [2014-05-04 00:20:29] <CrystalGM> 03The manifestation cackles. "No, no, its your FRIENDS who shall die!" The manifestation's pipbuck glows purple as he easily disarms the zebra, taking his pipe spear before slamming both spears into Emerald_Blitz and her shield twice.
  57. [2014-05-04 00:25:15] * Clue takes aim at the shadow firing a shot that, unsurpsingly jams. She just only sighs in anger.
  58. [2014-05-04 00:26:45] <Asami> Emmy get out of there! use your wings to get out of reach!
  59. [2014-05-04 00:27:44] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm fine," Emerald says through gritted teeth, sounding angrier than the group has yet heard her. "Which is more than I can say. For this MOCKERY of a wisp of smoke!"
  60. [2014-05-04 00:29:46] <CrystalGM> 03Tallie pulls out a wrench and gets to work on Clue's saddle to fix the jam.
  61. [2014-05-04 00:38:20] * Emerald_Blitz loads the shining electrical shells into Plymouth, snaps it closed, and draws a bead on the abomination. "If you were my friend instead of a pale shadow, I wouldn't pull this trigger." BL-BLAM!
  62. [2014-05-04 00:40:27] * Emerald_Blitz looks to Militus. "But it isn't. Finish it."
  63. [2014-05-04 00:41:18] <CrystalGM> 03The manifestation wobbles on his hooves, chunks of shadow blasted into the ether by the lightning slugs.
  64. [2014-05-04 00:44:29] * Militus doesn't seem to need much encouragement. With a battle cry he starts trying to force-feed the monster his remaining spear.
  65. [2014-05-04 00:48:06] * CrystalGM roars and wails into the alicorn with the pair of spears, one glowing with Emerald's magic.
  66. [2014-05-04 00:48:17] <CrystalGM> 03The stallion roars and wails into the alicorn with the pair of spears, one glowing with Emerald's magic.
  67. [2014-05-04 00:48:59] <Emerald_Blitz> The shield bounds and rebounds under the assault, finally shattering and allowing the last two strikes in unimpeded. The alicorn cries out and her face twists in sheer rage, her eyes lighting up bright white again. "VERMIN" she bellows. "HOW DARE YOU"
  68. [2014-05-04 00:53:12] * Clue aims again and fires, but her uselessness proves to stick to it as only a single shot hits the enemy.
  69. [2014-05-04 00:55:06] * Asami growls in frustration and decides to use herself as a projectile and CHARGES! right at the shadow pony...attempting to slam into it
  70. [2014-05-04 01:04:13] * Asami little dragon meets brickwall....THUD....after being speared..and gets knocked prone beneath the hooves of the enraged alicorn
  71. [2014-05-04 01:05:54] * Emerald_Blitz lets loose another electrified double-blast of tazer slugs on the heavily damaged shadow, right over Asami's head, then vaults up to the ceiling on bleeding wings, chugging a healing potion as she does.
  72. [2014-05-04 01:07:27] * Tallie decides she can't do shit.
  73. [2014-05-04 01:10:24] * Militus screams curses and epithets at his opponents in zebraic as he stabs the creature's face. Repeatedly.
  74. [2014-05-04 01:15:06] <CrystalGM> 03As Militus stabs the zebra repeatedly, he comes to realize the his spear is coming backs with chunks of shadowy grey matter. Hey, isn't that important?
  75. [2014-05-04 01:16:17] <CrystalGM> 03The creature shudders for a moment... and then explodes in an otherworldly howl. Darkness sweeps through the room, and everyone can feel the corruption touch them.
  76. [2014-05-04 01:16:40] <Tallie> "Ick! Get it off!"
  77. [2014-05-04 01:17:51] * Clue blinks before charging for the Overmares Office and beating on the door. "Quantam! Open the door! It's us! From the microphone!"
  78. [2014-05-04 01:18:32] * Emerald_Blitz flaps once, then topples to the ground, pointing a shaking Plymouth at the spot the shadow was. "Filth," she hisses. "Is everyone all right?" she asks, looking at Asami and Militus with bright white eyes.
  79. [2014-05-04 01:19:00] * Tallie nods. "I'm aight," she says.
  80. [2014-05-04 01:19:20] * Militus falls to his haunches, shaking. "Not going back...not going back again...," he mutters to himself.
  81. [2014-05-04 01:20:05] <CrystalGM> 03All that remains of the shadowy creature is a suit of black combat armor, a dark pipe spear, Militus's pipe spear (still glowing from Emerald's imbuing magic), and Dark Plymouth, over near the Overmare's door.
  82. [2014-05-04 01:20:28] * Emerald_Blitz wraps a shaking wing around the zebra. "You're fine, you're fine, you stopped it," she says calmingly. "You did well, Militus. A blow that redeems past mistakes." She looks over at the dark version of her shotgun and brings it closer in her Telekinesis. "What... this remains? How...?"
  83. [2014-05-04 01:20:51] * Asami rolls slowly over and sits up...looking at her own stab wound and blood with a cough "n-no? I'm...I've been much blood all over ohhmaigahh?!" and Asami's eyes roll up in the back of her head as she faints
  84. [2014-05-04 01:21:58] * Emerald_Blitz tsks and picks up the dragon child, slapping a healing bandage on her stomach wound. "And the armor is still here too... that doesn't bode well. I hope it's not dangerous..."
  85. [2014-05-04 01:22:05] * Militus blinks a few times, slowly coming back to reality. "It's dead? Yes...yes, it's gone..."
  86. [2014-05-04 01:22:21] * Tallie grumbles, reloading all her weapons. "Fuckin shadows being hard to fuckin kill... where do they get off on it... fucking bastards..."
  87. [2014-05-04 01:22:27] * Clue continues to pound on the door. "QUANTUM! PLEASE!!" The unicorn begins to cry, her beating of the door slowing in pace as her body shudders.
  88. [2014-05-04 01:23:10] * Emerald_Blitz blinks a few time and breathes a little more deeply as she realizes she's hyperventilating. The alicorn stands up and walks over to Clue. "Don't beat on the door, sweetheart," she says, the glow beginning to fade from her eyes. "That's what he was doing. You're going to scare her again. Try the terminal." She points to the glowing machine beside the door."
  89. [2014-05-04 01:23:07] <CrystalGM> 03With the dangerous Security Chief's Manifestation removed... where is Quantum Bit?"
  90. [2014-05-04 01:23:32] <CrystalGM> 03====FOE Crystal Group: Session End====
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