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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. {"fields":[{"name":"**❮♢• Roleplay Commandments •♢❯**","value":"I ➣ Basic rules; no godmod, auto-hitting, meta, etc. Turn based order, only one action per message. No pulling random bullshit.\nII ➣ All actions should be done in a single message, not multiple lines of text.\nIII ➣ Literacy is required, detail is encouraged.\nIV ➣ Logic and physics exist despite the supernatural elements.\nV ➣ Your character cannot have a position of extreme power, such as a shogun or emperor.\nVI ➣ **Alternate Universe.** No characters from other shows or obvious bootlegs.\nVII ➣ ERP is not allowed.\nVIII ➣ You cannot void an action or a series of events without consent from all the people involved. Staff can void events despite for good reason, such as major plot holes.\nIX ➣ You can only have up to three characters. Your characters cannot directly interact with each other just as an excuse to meta or to benefit yourself or your characters. Regular dialogue or comedic scenarios are fine. The character max may be increased for individuals whom staff deem worthy.\nIX ➣ **This server is RTK.**","inline":false},{"name":"**❮♢• Enforcement •♢❯**","value":"I ➣ Warning\nII ➣ Warning\nIII ➣ 6h Mute\nIV ➣ Permanent Ban\n\nYou may argue against your punishment in the muted channel. You can still roleplay while muted to prevent RPLocks. However, speaking in an RP channel as if it were general while muted will get you banned. If you were to do something despite knowing it's against the rules, your punishment may be increased, or if you were to just do something incredibly stupid in general.","inline":false}],"timestamp":"2019-09-19T11:52:00.000Z","title":"**❮♢• General Commandments •♢❯**","description":"I ➣ Your right to speak is protected. However harassment, witch-hunting, etc will be punished. You're basically allowed to say whatever until someone has a problem with it.\nII ➣ Follow discord ToS. No fucky links, no raiding, etc. If you've had any history with partaking in raids or have been discovered to raid servers, that's grounds for a banning.\nIII ➣ English only outside of jokes and roleplay.\nIV ➣ Use channels for their intended purpose.\nV ➣ No spam or any other generic rule.\nVI ➣ Advertisement is not allowed. Ask for partnerships.\nVII ➣ NSFW content not allowed. Higher punishment.\nVIII ➣ All rules may be subject to change at any time without warning. It is your responsibility to regularly review them.","thumbnail":{"url":""},"author":{"name":"❮♢• Commandments •♢❯"},"color":16711680,"footer":{"icon_url":"","text":""}}
  6. {"fields":[{"name":"**❮♢• Stats •♢❯**","value":"Each character has a set of stats tied to their physical abilities and capabilities. They are as follows:\n`Strength` - A measure of strength. Size and weight would also affect Strength, but only in certain situations.\n`Speed` - How fast one can move their body. **Not a measure of how much distance one can cover in a set amount of time.**\n`Reflexes` - The speed at which one reacts and processes changes.\n`Durability` - The toughness of one's body when taking damage.\n`Breath` - **Demon Slayers only.** How powerful a demon slayer's attacks are.\n`Blood Demon Art` - **Demons Only.** How powerful a demon's Blood Demon Art is.\n\nStats are compared in ratio to each other.\nThe average human has 100 in each stat (aside from Breath and Blood Demon Art).\n**Start with 1,000 Stats.**","inline":false},{"name":"**❮♢• Stamina •♢❯**","value":"**Your Stamina = Your Breath/Blood Demon Art stat.**\nStamina determines how much you can use your abilities. Your abilities all use stamina. Once you run out of stamina, you essentially can't move. That's about it.\n\n","inline":false},{"name":"**❮♢• Other •♢❯**","value":"The Demon Slaying Corps is not officially recognized by the government or the public, and therefor their existence is not common knowledge, nor are demons.\nUnique abilities, such as Demon-Consumption or Super Senses are not allowed (probably giveaway only).","inline":false}],"timestamp":"2019-09-21T11:31:00.000Z","title":"**❮♢• Breaths & Blood Demon Arts •♢❯**","description":"__**Breaths**__\nBreathing styles allow a demon slayer to increase their physical capabilities as well as the ability to unleash extremely powerful attacks. **Using a breath style will increase the user's Strength & Speed by 2x, equivalent to a Demon's multiplier.** \n**You can find the Breath Styles here:**\nYou can only use one Breath Style.\n**Total Concentration** increases the multiplier from 2x to 2.5x at the cost of 10 Stamina per Turn when used. This stamina drain is negated once the Demon Slayer reaches 750 Breath Stat.\n\n__**Blood Demon Arts**__\n**Demons' Strength, Speed & Durability are doubled. (Don't double stats in the Character Sheet)**\nAn ability unique to every demon. A demon cannot have more than one Ability aside from sub-abilities (such as Rui's string-themed abilities). For example, you can't have a Fire ability but also have a shape-shifting ability.\n**You cannot have a canon ability.**\n**Time-manipulating abilities, unstoppable/instant win abilities and joke abilities aren't allowed.**","thumbnail":{"url":""},"author":{"name":"❮♢• Mechanics•♢❯"},"color":16711680,"footer":{"icon_url":""}}
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