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Dec 30th, 2016
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  1. returned code 403. Server response: {
  2. "error": {
  3. "errors": [
  4. {
  5. "domain": "usageLimits",
  6. "reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
  7. "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
  8. "extendedHelp": ""
  9. }
  10. ],
  11. "code": 403,
  12. "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
  13. }
  14. }
  16. /**
  17. * The URL for the Fusion Tables API
  18. * @type {string}
  19. */
  20. var FUSION_URL = '';
  22. /**
  23. * Submit the data to Fusion Tables when the form is submitted.
  24. * @const
  25. * @param {Object} e The form object.
  26. */
  27. function onFormSubmit(e) {
  28. // Get the row number of the newly entered data.
  29. var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  30. var row = sheet.getLastRow();
  32. // Check to make sure the rowid column is there.
  33. init();
  35. // The values entered into the form, mapped by question.
  36. var formValues = e.namedValues;
  38. // Insert the data into the Fusion Table.
  39. var rowId = createRecord(formValues);
  40. if (!rowId) {
  41. rowId = -1;
  42. }
  43. insertRowId(rowId, row);
  44. }
  46. /**
  47. * Initialize the spreadsheet by adding a rowid column.
  48. */
  49. function init() {
  50. var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  51. var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
  52. var lastHeaderValue = sheet.getRange(1, lastColumn).getValue();
  53. if (lastHeaderValue != 'rowid') {
  54. sheet.getRange(1, lastColumn + 1).setValue('rowid');
  55. }
  56. }
  58. /**
  59. * Add the rowid from the INSERT to the corresponding row in the spreadsheet.
  60. * @param {string} rowId The row id of the inserted row.
  61. * @param {number} row The row number to enter the rowid in.
  62. */
  63. function insertRowId(rowId, row) {
  64. var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  65. var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
  66. lastCell = sheet.getRange(row, lastColumn);
  67. lastCell.setValue(rowId);
  68. }
  70. /**
  71. * Create a record in the Fusion Table.
  72. * @param {Object} dictionary of columns mapped to values.
  73. * @return {?string} the rowid if successful, otherwise null.
  74. */
  75. function createRecord(columnValues) {
  76. // Get the properties associated with this Script.
  77. var docid = ScriptProperties.getProperty('docid');
  78. var addressColumn = ScriptProperties.getProperty('addressColumn');
  79. var latlngColumn = ScriptProperties.getProperty('latlngColumn');
  81. // Create lists of the column names and values to create the INSERT Statement.
  82. var columns = [];
  83. var values = [];
  84. for (var column in columnValues) {
  85. // If the column is not the spreadsheetRowNum,
  86. // add it and the value to the lists.
  87. if (column != 'spreadsheetRowNum') {
  88. var value = columnValues[column];
  90. // If an address column was specified, geocode the value in it.
  91. if (addressColumn && column == addressColumn) {
  92. var latlng = geocode(value);
  93. latlngColumn = latlngColumn.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  94. columns.push(latlngColumn);
  95. values.push(latlng);
  96. }
  98. if (typeof value != 'string') {
  99. value = value.toString();
  100. }
  101. value = value.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  102. values.push(value);
  104. column = column.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  105. columns.push(column);
  106. }
  107. }
  109. var query = [];
  110. query.push('INSERT INTO ');
  111. query.push(docid);
  112. query.push(" ('");
  113. query.push(columns.join("','"));
  114. query.push("') ");
  115. query.push("VALUES ('");
  116. query.push(values.join("','"));
  117. query.push("')");
  119. var response = queryFt(query.join(''));
  120. if (response) {
  121. var rowId = response[1][0];
  122. return rowId;
  123. }
  124. }
  126. /**
  127. * Geocode the address.
  128. * @param {string} address The user-entered address.
  129. * @return {string} the geocoded results.
  130. */
  131. function geocode(address) {
  132. var results = Maps.newGeocoder().geocode(address);
  133. Logger.log('Geocoding: ' + address);
  134. if (results.status == 'OK') {
  135. var bestResult = results.results[0];
  136. var lat =;
  137. var lng = bestResult.geometry.location.lng;
  138. var latLng = lat + ',' + lng;
  139. Logger.log('Results: ' + latLng);
  140. return latLng;
  141. } else {
  142. Logger.log('Error geocoding: ' + address);
  143. Logger.log(results.status);
  144. return '0,0';
  145. }
  146. }
  149. /**
  150. * Initialize the query to Fusion Tables. Rerun the query if not successful.
  151. * @param {string} query The query to execute
  152. * @return {?Array} the Fusion Table response formated as an array if the
  153. * query was successful. Returns null if not.
  154. */
  155. function queryFt(query) {
  156. var response = run(query);
  158. // If the query failed with a 401 or 500 error, try again one more time.
  159. if (response == -1) {
  160. response = run(query);
  161. }
  163. // If the query failed again, or failed for some other reason, return.
  164. if (response == -1 || response == -2) {
  165. return;
  166. }
  168. return response;
  169. }
  171. /**
  172. * Send query to Fusion Tables and catch any errors.
  173. * @param {string} query The query to execute
  174. * @return {Array|number} the Fusion Table response formatted as an array
  175. * if successful, -1 if a 401 or 500 error occurred, -2 if some other error
  176. * occurred.
  177. */
  178. function run(query) {
  179. var method = 'post';
  180. var lowercaseQuery = query.toLowerCase();
  181. if (lowercaseQuery.indexOf('select') == 0 ||
  182. lowercaseQuery.indexOf('show') == 0 ||
  183. lowercaseQuery.indexOf('describe') == 0) {
  184. method = 'get';
  185. }
  187. var token = ScriptProperties.getProperty('token');
  188. if (!token) {
  189. token = getGAauthenticationToken();
  190. if (!token) {
  191. return -2;
  192. }
  193. }
  195. var response;
  196. var sql = encodeURIComponent(query);
  197. try {
  198. if (method == 'get') {
  199. var url = FUSION_URL + '?sql=' + sql;
  200. response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
  201. method: method,
  202. headers: {
  203. 'Authorization': 'GoogleLogin auth=' + token
  204. }
  205. });
  206. } else {
  207. response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(FUSION_URL, {
  208. method: method,
  209. headers: {
  210. 'Authorization': 'GoogleLogin auth=' + token
  211. },
  212. payload: 'sql=' + sql
  213. });
  214. }
  215. } catch(err) {
  216. if ('401') != -1) {
  217. // If the auth failed, get a new token
  218. token = getGAauthenticationToken();
  219. if (!token) {
  220. return -2;
  221. }
  222. return -1;
  223. } else if ('500') != -1) {
  224. // If there were too many requests being sent, sleep for a bit
  225. Utilities.sleep(3000);
  226. return -1;
  227. } else {
  228. Logger.log('The failing query: ' + decodeURIComponent(sql));
  229. var docid = ScriptProperties.getProperty('docid');
  230. if (!docid) {
  231. Logger.log('The script is missing a docid Project Property');
  232. }
  233. if ('Bad column reference') != -1) {
  234. Logger.log('Looks like the column names in the form do not match ' +
  235. 'the column names in the table. Make sure these match!');
  236. }
  237. var addressColumn = ScriptProperties.getProperty('addressColumn');
  238. var latlngColumn = ScriptProperties.getProperty('latlngColumn');
  239. if (addressColumn && !latlngColumn) {
  240. Logger.log('Since you added an addressColumn project property, ' +
  241. 'you also need to add a latlngColumn property');
  242. }
  243. Logger.log(err.message);
  244. return -2;
  245. }
  246. }
  248. response = response.getContentText();
  249. response = CSV2Matrix(response);
  250. return response;
  251. }
  253. /**
  254. * Get the auth token using Client Login. Save the token
  255. * to a Script Property "token".
  256. * @return {?string} the auth token.
  257. */
  258. function getGAauthenticationToken() {
  259. var username;
  260. var password;
  261. var response;
  263. try {
  264. username = ScriptProperties.getProperty('username');
  265. if (!username) {
  266. throw new Error('Missing username in Project Properties.');
  267. }
  268. } catch(err) {
  269. Logger.log('Error authenticating.');
  270. Logger.log(err.message);
  271. return;
  272. }
  274. try {
  275. password = ScriptProperties.getProperty('password');
  276. if (!password) {
  277. throw new Error('Missing password in Project Properties.');
  278. }
  279. } catch(err) {
  280. Logger.log('Error authenticating.');
  281. Logger.log(err.message);
  282. return;
  283. }
  285. username = encodeURIComponent(username);
  286. password = encodeURIComponent(password);
  287. try {
  288. response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
  289. '', {
  290. method: 'post',
  291. payload: 'accountType=GOOGLE&Email=' + username +
  292. '&Passwd=' + password + '&service=fusiontables&Source=googledocs'
  293. });
  294. } catch(err) {
  295. Logger.log('Error authenticating.');
  296. Logger.log(err.message);
  297. return;
  298. }
  300. var tokens = response.getContentText();
  301. var token = tokens.slice('Auth=') + 5, tokens.length);
  302. token = token.replace(/n/g, '');
  303. ScriptProperties.setProperty('token', token);
  304. return token;
  305. }
  307. /**
  308. * Parse CSV return values into array of objects
  309. * Copied and adapted from here:
  310. *
  311. * Javascript-Exec-Regular-Expression-Command.htm
  312. * @param {string} strData The string data to parse into an array
  313. * @param {string} strDelimiter The string delimiter
  314. * @return {Array} An array of objects containing the parsed values
  315. */
  316. function CSV2Matrix(strData, strDelimiter) {
  317. strDelimiter = (strDelimiter || ',');
  318. var objPattern = new RegExp(
  319. '(\' + strDelimiter + '|\r?\n|\r|^)' +
  320. '(?:"([^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*)"|' +
  321. '([^"\' + strDelimiter + '\r\n]*))'
  322. , 'gi');
  323. var arrData = [[]];
  324. var arrMatches = null;
  326. while (arrMatches = objPattern.exec(strData)) {
  327. var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[1];
  328. if (strMatchedDelimiter.length && (strMatchedDelimiter != strDelimiter)) {
  329. arrData.push([]);
  330. }
  331. if (arrMatches[2]) {
  332. var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[2].replace(/'""'/g, '"');
  333. } else {
  334. var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[3];
  335. }
  336. arrData[arrData.length-1].push(strMatchedValue);
  337. }
  338. if (arrData[arrData.length-1].length == 0 ||
  339. arrData[arrData.length-1][0].length == 0) {
  340. arrData.pop();
  341. }
  342. return arrData;
  343. }
  345. /**
  346. * Sync the Fusion Table to the Form data. Run this every hour or so.
  347. */
  348. function sync() {
  349. // Check to make sure the rowid column is there.
  350. init();
  352. // Get the data in the spreadsheet and convert it to a dictionary.
  353. var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  354. var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
  355. var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
  356. var spreadsheetData = sheet.getRange(1, 1, lastRow, lastColumn);
  357. spreadsheetData = spreadsheetData.getValues();
  358. var spreadsheetMap = {};
  359. convertToMap(spreadsheetData, spreadsheetMap);
  361. // Get the columns in the spreadsheet and escape any single quotes
  362. var columns = spreadsheetData[0];
  363. var escapedColumns = [];
  364. for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
  365. var columnName = columns[i];
  366. columnName = columnName.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  367. escapedColumns.push(columnName);
  368. }
  370. // Get the data from the table and convert to a dictionary.
  371. var docid = ScriptProperties.getProperty('docid');
  372. var query = "SELECT '" + escapedColumns.join("','") + "' FROM " + docid;
  373. var ftResults = queryFt(query);
  374. if (!ftResults) {
  375. return;
  376. }
  377. var ftMap = {};
  378. convertToMap(ftResults, ftMap);
  380. // Get the properties associated with this Script.
  381. var addressColumn = ScriptProperties.getProperty('addressColumn');
  382. var latlngColumn = ScriptProperties.getProperty('latlngColumn');
  384. // For each row in the Fusion Table, find if the row still exists in the
  385. // Spreadsheet. If it exists, make sure the values are the same. If
  386. // they are different, update the Fusion Table data.
  387. // If the row doesn't exist in the spreadsheet, delete the row from the table.
  388. for (var rowId in ftMap) {
  389. var spreadsheetRow = spreadsheetMap[rowId];
  390. if (spreadsheetRow) {
  391. var updates = [];
  392. var tableRow = ftMap[rowId];
  393. for (var column in tableRow) {
  394. var tableValue = tableRow[column];
  395. var spreadsheetValue = spreadsheetRow[column];
  396. if (tableValue != spreadsheetValue) {
  397. if (addressColumn == column) {
  398. var latlng = geocode(spreadsheetValue);
  399. latlngColumn = latlngColumn.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  400. updates.push("'" + latlngColumn + "' = '" + latlng + "'");
  401. }
  402. if (typeof spreadsheetValue != 'string') {
  403. spreadsheetValue = spreadsheetValue.toString();
  404. }
  405. spreadsheetValue = spreadsheetValue.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  406. column = column.replace(/'/g, "\'");
  407. updates.push("'" + column + "' = '" + spreadsheetValue + "'");
  408. }
  409. }
  411. // If there are updates, send the UPDATE query.
  412. if (updates.length) {
  413. var query = [];
  414. query.push('UPDATE ');
  415. query.push(docid);
  416. query.push(' SET ');
  417. query.push(updates.join(','));
  418. query.push(" WHERE rowid = '");
  419. query.push(rowId);
  420. query.push("'");
  421. queryFt(query.join(''));
  422. Utilities.sleep(3000);
  423. }
  425. } else {
  426. // If the row doesn't exist in the spreadsheet, delete it from the table
  427. queryFt('DELETE FROM ' + docid + " WHERE rowid = '" + rowId + "'");
  428. Utilities.sleep(3000);
  429. }
  430. }
  432. // Insert all the data into the Fusion Table that failed to insert.
  433. // These rows were given a rowid of -1 or have a blank rowid.
  434. var failedInserts = spreadsheetMap[-1];
  435. for (var i = 0; failedInserts && i < failedInserts.length; i++) {
  436. var rowId = createRecord(failedInserts[i]);
  437. if (!rowId) {
  438. rowId = -1;
  439. }
  440. insertRowId(rowId, failedInserts[i]['spreadsheetRowNum']);
  441. Utilities.sleep(3000);
  442. }
  443. }
  445. /**
  446. * Converts the form and table data to a dictionary, mapping rowid
  447. * to column values. If rowid == -1 or null, the rowid is mapped to a list
  448. * of column values representing the failed inserts.
  449. * @param {Array} array An array of data, the first row contains headers.
  450. * @param {Object} map The resulting dictionary of row id mapped to columns.
  451. * {rowid:{column:value,...} | [{{column:value,...}}],}.
  452. */
  453. function convertToMap(array, map) {
  454. var columns = array[0];
  456. for (var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
  457. var row = array[i];
  458. var rowId = row[row.length - 1];
  459. var columnMap = {};
  461. for (var j = 0; j < row.length - 1; j++) {
  462. var columnName = columns[j];
  463. var columnValue = row[j];
  464. columnMap[columnName] = columnValue;
  465. }
  467. if (rowId == -1 || !rowId) {
  468. if (!map[-1]) {
  469. map[-1] = [];
  470. }
  471. // Add the spreadsheet row number to the map
  472. columnMap['spreadsheetRowNum'] = i + 1;
  473. map[-1].push(columnMap);
  474. } else {
  475. map[rowId] = columnMap;
  476. }
  477. }
  478. }
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