
Timeline for Stories

Feb 24th, 2016
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  1. 2020 – The Emergence: Various ‘shifts’ in reality occur globally, resulting in the appearance of sapient female lifeforms which bear startling correlation to local fauna, as well as mythological creatures. Identifying themselves as ‘Mamono’, these beings immediately begin exploiting the world around them. When asked where they came from, subjects near-universally replied with “We’ve always been here.”
  2. [CLASSIFIED: Responsibility for this anomaly was claimed by an occult organization self-appelated as “The Temple of Kek”. To prevent panic, this detail was not released to the public. No further contact has been made from the Temple, and investigators have been unable to locate any members since.]
  4. 2021 – Mamono Recognised under Australian Native Title legislation. Unofficially the first recognition of Mamono Citizenship of a Sovereign nation.
  6. 2023 – Efforts towards integration of these ‘new arrivals’ are hampered with the discovery of their aggressive attraction towards human males. Numerous reports of rapes, kidnappings, and violent assaults perpetrated by Mamono are received worldwide. In addition to this, some Mamono demonstrate the ability to use frighteningly potent supernatural abilities.
  8. 2025 – Official contact is made with the ‘Higher Orders’ of Mamono, beings identifying themselves as ‘Lilim’. Whilst having no direct authority over the Mamono themselves, they claim to represent an as-yet-unseen entity known as ‘Maou’, a figure which nearly all Mamono that have been officially identified view as a kind of God-Queen. The Treaties of Seattle are ratified between these representatives and the UN security council, binding Mamono to the laws of the sovereign nation they choose to inhabit.
  10. 2030 – Minor reports of odd anomalies appearing in archived textbooks, Country and region names are either entirely incorrect or misspelled. The most frequent example is the reference to the Isles of Zippangu as a country called ‘Japan’. This curiosity is roundly dismissed by historians.
  11. {Author’s note: Yes, that is a Berenstein/stain joke.}
  13. 2032 – A Militant human centric religious organization known as ‘The Order’ begins spreading anti-mamono propaganda. Distinguishing themselves from other religious organizations is their worship of a heretofore unknown female deity known as ‘Ilias’, who seems to not correspond to any part of existing human mythology.
  15. 2035 – An ‘Embassy’ umbrella corporation comprising of Mamono-focused NGOs and lobby groups is formed on the Isles of Zippangu. Concern is raised by IMF officials over how inexplicably well-funded this organization seems to be. Interpol investigation reveals no illegal financial activities.
  17. **A Spark of Inspiration happens here**
  19. 2037 – ‘Human Rights’ parties begin gaining traction throughout world governments.
  21. 2045 – Australian ‘Humanity First’ Party enacts widesweeping reforms, dissolving the Department for Extraplanar Naturalization under allegations of aiding and abetting Mamono in illegal activities and placing all staff under investigation. Ex-Department Director, Bruce McDavidson, citing ‘creeping theocratic tyranny’ applies for political asylum in Zippangu, and begins work as an executive in The Embassy’s development branch.
  23. **Australian in a Strange Land happens here**
  25. 2046 – Scientists reveal that the recent spate of ‘drunk meteors’ are of a Crystalline material previously unknown to science. Studies begin into the potential applications and hazards of this material. A worldwide Public Safety Campaign is launched on avoiding contact with the meteorites after numerous people are reduced to a vegetative state upon contact with them.
  27. 2047 – Entrepeneur Kusanagi Keito revolutionizes real-time translation technology whilst working under the embassy’s auspice. Trade markets are thrown into chaos as peer-to-peer sales increase thousands of percent overnight.
  29. 2052 – A Mamono Delegation brings forward an official complaint to the UNSRC against The Order, now a worldwide organization, for targeted harassment and assault of Mamono. Citing massive corruption and infiltration of law enforcement, the delegation warns that Mamono are not helpless, and have been thus far ‘behaving themselves’. It urges the council to take action lest they ‘grow upset.’
  31. 2065 – The Third Great Depression. The bubble of Fiat currency finally bursts. World governments scramble to maintain order and essential services as trade markets utterly collapse. Embassy satellite subsidiary ACITI Corporation buys 90% of world communication infrastructure. Director David McDavidson justifies the purchase as ‘ensuring the continued functionality of our most treasured right, the ability to communicate.’
  33. 2070 – Order Forces establish new sovereign nations under the Illian banner in conquered territory. Unable to levy sanctions against these new nation-states for need of their resources to fuel the still comatose world economy, Order influence within the UN begins to grow. In protest, Zippangu, which has long declared The Order a terrorist group, withdraws its ambassadors from all UN nations, puts a stop to all foreign trade, and halts all immigration, including tourism. The ‘Silk Curtain’ has been dropped.
  35. **Under Foreign Skies Happens here**
  37. 2079 – John Walden, in concert with Kusanagi Keito discover the near-limitless information storage capacity of the ‘Drunk Meteors’. Applications of this technology are limited due to the seemingly random bursts of resonant radiation which are emitted from the crystals, however surprisingly minimal shielding is required to safeguard users from this.
  39. **The Sweetness of Poisoned Fruit Happens here**
  41. 2100 – The Order now controls 50% of the world’s nation states. The remaining countries form a new treaty organization to maintain their sovereignty in the face of this new world hyperpower.
  43. 2150 – The Order now controls 100% of the world’s nation states. Mamono have their citizenships revoked and are forced into ghettoes and shantytowns. Humans who fraternize with Mamono are shunned and find it difficult to access public services.
  45. 2175 – The Order begins destroying history texts which reference the world prior to 2150CE, now known as ‘1 Anno Ilias’. Numerous Fraternal, scientific and historical organizations form a hurried alliance to preserve the information in secret.
  47. 2193 – A flight of Dragons Razes an Order city to the ground in retaliation for the murder of their matriarch’s human spouse. The first blow of The Greatest War has been struck.
  49. 2500 – Human population has reduced from >7bn to <4bn. Five species of Mamono have been declared extinct. The war cools, with hostilities largely ceasing on both sides.
  51. 2550 – Ilias is manifest on Earth, at her High Temple in Jerusalem. The Lodges of History, growing desperate as their ability to operate openly is ever more curtailed and their members vilified, detonate a thermonuclear device over the city, irradiating it and killing hundreds of thousands in an attempt to lay The God low. The Order, most of their upper echelon killed in the attack, fracture into regional groups, each convinced its own command structure should lead. Furious, Ilias turns Her face from Humanity at large, only the most Pious are given divine ability.
  53. 2600 – Chance discovery of the ability to manipulate reality from a survivor of exposure to the resonant energy from the storage matrix. The Lodges of History, now secret societies in truth, begin exploring this new miracle.
  55. 2625 – The Order, claiming Divine instruction, begin forcibly sterilizing any Human perceived to have nascent psychic or supernatural ability. No explanation is given, except the Ilian scriptural passage ‘I am the Source of All Blessing. Through Me alone do Miracles flow.”
  57. 2642 – The Lodges of History, now imbued with the terrifying ability to re-work reality to their wills, declare their independence from Ilian rule, styling themselves ‘The Grand Lodge of Resonance’.
  59. 2645 – A brief war lasting approximately a week is fought between The Order and The Grand Lodge. A truce is quickly declared and Independence ratified after ‘Resonants’ drop an asteroid on a regional capitol. Resonants begin fulfilling roles as ambassadors between Mamono and regional Human settlements, forced into an uneasy cooperation due to the massive population hit caused by The Greatest War.
  61. 2650 – The First ‘Bull’ is reported born, the Male Mamono cause for global news. In a cataclysmic display, Ilias falls from The Heavens to the discordant cries of Her Celestial attendants. 30% of Ilian leadership kill themselves in abject grief. Ilian Priests and Priestesses who still retain the sanity to communicate attribute it to ‘The Blasphemous and Terrible Magicks of the Demon Lord and the Treason of the First Unclean.’
  63. 2655 – More ‘Bulls’ reported born, however Agendered ‘Null’ Mamono are also being reported, a cause for concern amongst the populations heaviest hit. Mamono medical knowledge being almost non-existent amongst Humans thanks to hundreds of years of hostility, Humans are at a loss to explain this.
  65. 2665 – Efforts to patch relationships between the two species are tentative yet sincere, Resonants now occupying positions of leadership throughout the atrophied remains of National governments. Concern is raised over the hyper-aggressiveness and obscenely limited intelligence observed with the ‘Bull’ Mamono.
  67. 2675 – Populations of Mamono begin to withdraw from contact with Human society once Bulls come of age. Fertility rates of Mamono copulating with Bulls are frighteningly high. Pairings between Human and Mamono, once a necessary occurrence, become more and more rare.
  69. 2700 – Declaring it ‘The New Century of Peace’, The Grand Lodge of Resonance begins work on re-structuring the now purely secular Governments. A Governmental Hub city is built in what was once Marseilles in Southern France, dubbed ‘Magisterium’.
  71. 2793 – Mamono become more and more disinterested with Human interaction, Reports of territorial attacks are rare but consistent. Resonant emissaries are sent to communicate with the Mamono settlements. Their testimonies speak to the Mamono being most apologetic… So long as the Bulls weren’t in earshot. Rural townships are encouraged to form militias in addition to regular law and order personnel as a precaution.
  73. 2857 – Mamono attacks become more frequent and savage. Evidence begins to surface that some species have begun hunting Humans as a food source. Extra resources are provided to rural settlements for defense.
  75. 2885 – As if by unspoken command, Mamono begin attacking human settlements in earnest. Though well trained and equipped with the most modern weaponry, Humans find themselves rapidly swarmed under. Too late, the Resonants realized their mistake. Due to the absence of a credible external threat, the police forces were not equipped to function as a standing army. Settlement after settlement is plowed under as Magisterium frantically struggles to mount a response.
  77. 2887 – The Armies of Humanity are formed. The push-back against the Mamono begins.
  79. 2893 – Human population has dipped below 4bn for the first time since The Greatest War. Resonant Governors realize that with Humanity once again on a war footing, Lodge Recruitment is growing more and more difficult.
  81. 2895 – Matango infection totally exterminates all Human life on the Island of Manhattan. Resonants glass the island and sink it under the sea as a precaution. Mainland North America begins combing for evidence of infection. Hundreds die in riots at perceived Totalitarianism.
  83. 2925 – Emergency evacuations for isolated communities are no longer feasible. Mamono are beginning to operate in concert, and though their losses are pyrrhic, they are beginning to co-ordinate and mimic military tactics concerningly well. Evidence of Quisling Cults begins to surface, Humans subserviating themselves beneath certain types of Mamono in exchange for a questionably extended lifespan.
  85. 2930 – A hidden order of Heroes approaches the Grand Lodge, claiming to be Ilian Scions, and begging for their assistance in keeping their Echidnae instructors safe. Grand Lodge agrees on the condition that the Heroes take active roles in the Army. The presence of these Heroes boosts morale amongst the Humans immeasurably.
  87. 2995 – Human population has dropped below 1bn. Fearful of their continuance, the Heroes disappear once again into the general population. In retaliation, The Grand Lodge executes the Echidnae.
  89. 3000 – Mutual Extinction seeming inevitable, The Resonants begin recording all their knowledge, in addition to mapped human genomes within a Resonance Matrix, hoping to leave an ark against the possibility of survivors.
  91. 3005 – The Day of the Midnight Sun. The God Tyris appears to Humanity, Maou Prostrated before Him. Tyris declares the immediate implementation of Theocratic Rule. Maou commands all Mamono to cease all hostility. Those few who disobey are summarily obliterated.
  93. 3006 – The One Holy Church of Eternal Tyris is established. Majority of Female Resonants are forced to take Vows as High Priestesses, those few that remain are posted to ambassadorial positions. Resonants no longer to be given positions of executive authority within Magisterium. Most, viewing the near extinction of their species as a colossal failure of their own making, do not dispute this.
  95. 3007 – The Brides of Tyris implement the Offices of The Mistresses of Bloodlines. Announce marriages are annulled and all Humans will breed as ordered by Magisterium.
  97. 3008 - Ambassadors from Pandemonium announce that The Council of Matriarchs has been established and that Mamono will be governed by their word.
  99. 3009 – The Doctrines of The Pax Deus are codified and distributed to all lands and holdings.
  101. 3012 – The Holy Crusade of Unification begins
  103. 3015 – All Human settlements have been brought under Tyrisian rule. The Pax is Law across all peoples of the earth.
  105. 3020 – Responding to lacking trade, port cities establish the Independent Merchant and Freelancer’s Combine
  107. 4507 – The City of Heliopolis becomes the first ‘Free’ city, independent of secular Magisterium governance.
  109. 5385 – Arch-Heretic Joshua of House Bruss is relieved of his role as Continental High Lord and burned in the purifying flame. Unanimous decree is passed that no Continental Noble shall ever hold the title of High Lord again.
  111. 8182 – Waylander Bruce is anointed Dominus of the Australs
  113. 9973 - Prince William of House Caladon, Sister Superior Magda, and the Lilim Emmisary Lyra of Pandemonium locate the city of Hamunapt.
  115. 9976 – Prince William assumes the Title ‘Baron Caladon’ after his father’s abdication.
  117. 9987 – Jeremy is born to Lady Rosaline, Daughter of the 235th High Lord Anderson and acknowledged by Baron William.
  119. 9989 – Charles is born to Chancellor Anastasia of House Gagarin and acknowledged by Baron William
  121. 9997 – Lloyd is born to Sister Superior Brunhilde and acknowledged by Baron William
  123. 9999 – Samuel is born to Ambassador Kyla and acknowledged by Baron William.
  125. 10005 – Charles is declared a ‘Cut Branch’ by the Mistresses of the Bloodlines. Jeremy is declared Heir Apparent.
  127. 10018 – Samuel is awakened to Resonance, Lloyd is anointed Lord Dumat. Amaranth is born to Sister Katherine.
  129. **Chronicles of the Pax happens here**
  131. 10050 – Seti is named Heir Apparent of Caladon, sparking the Horus Accords.
  133. 10053 – Kyla is officially named Empress of Magisterium and Chatelaine of the Continental Baronies.
  135. 10055 – Prince Samuel of House Caladon is allegedly killed by a Giant Squid.
  137. 10056 – Lord Baron Charles, Horus Amun-Thoth, High Magistrate of Ammit dies. Seti assumes the throne, naming himself Seti I, by the will of Ammit, Emperor of the Westerlands.
  139. 10060 – Total pacification of the Westerlands under Seti’s rule has been achieved.
  141. 10083 – Divine Amaranth, the last remaining Bride of Tyris steps down, bringing an end to millennia of theocratic rule.
  143. 10194 – Corvus is Born
  145. 10213 – The City of Valhael is destroyed by unknown forces on the Coronation of High King Ulfred. Both Astaropolitan and Pandemonian representatives escape unharmed.
  147. **Tales of the Walker happens here**
  149. 10214 - The War of The Angels
  151. 10220 - Unable to hide His Divine nature any longer, Corvus officially accepts the Mantle of Raven of the North. Hailed in Primacy in the Nordenlands, he is also viewed as a near-messianic figure throughout the remainder of the Known World.
  153. 10235 - Rumors begin circling about a secret order of Human Mages present within society. Magisterium and the Outland Kingdoms neither acknowledge nor decry this, seemingly content to let it remain rumor.
  155. 10290 - Following the abolition of the Order of Amaranth as the Heroic Bloodlines become sufficiently dispersed into the general population, Lyssa is Anointed Nagarani of Heliopolis, Hamunapt and Memphis by general acclaim.
  157. 10315 - Odd cults to Anachronistic deities begin springing up in the general populace, the worship of Tyris begins to lose fashion amongst the Human population, despite the Church and the Crown's efforts to the contrary.
  159. 10412 - Reitia is born.
  161. **Twilight of the Gods happens here**
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