
DAiE Ch. 5 P. 3 - The Counter-Offer

May 25th, 2012
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  1. >You are Flim.
  2. >And right now, you are feeling spectacular.
  3. >Everything went according to plan. You got your superiors off your case, and you didn't have to spend a single bit.
  4. >You clink your tankard of cider to your brother's, and drink deeply.
  5. >The drink doesn't fully mask the pain of your broken snout, but it certainly helps.
  6. >This is what, your third mug?
  7. >Maybe your fifth.
  8. >You've lost count.
  9. >Flam is going on about something to a pretty mare who's joined your celebration.
  10. >He doesn't notice a large figure maneuver its way behind you.
  11. >Nor does he notice the hand that places itself on your shoulder.
  12. >You freeze up, your mind flashing back to that night.
  13. >"Hello, Flim. How's your nose?"
  14. >You don't answer. You want to call out for help but the words catch in your throat.
  15. >"Grab your brother. Meet me out back."
  16. >You can't see that 'human' behind, but you know he's smiling. You can feel it.
  17. >"I've got a business proposal for you."
  19. >The longest, loudest silence in your life follows. It drowns out the din of the cider bar with its volume.
  20. >You spin around, to face him, but he's already gone.
  21. >"Oi, Flim. What's gotten into you?"
  22. >You don't answer. Getting out of your seat, you motion to him towards the door.
  23. >He shoots you that "don't clockblock me, man," look. He doesn't understand.
  24. "We need to go."
  25. >Through the drunken haze, he looks into your eyes and immediately understands the urgency. He turns to the mare and apologizes, offering her a kiss on the hoof and a hotel room number before stumbling towards the door with you.
  26. >You exit the bar. Your eyes dart left, then right. No sign of-
  27. "Oof!"
  28. >You bump into a large frame. Your brother gives a soft squeak.
  29. >You look up, and see him. The air leaves your lungs.
  30. >Standing there, in a dark brown leather trenchcoat and fedora, is the human who put you in the hospital for a week.
  32. >Stumbling to your feet, you back into a wall away from him.
  33. "Wh- what do you want?"
  34. >Underneath the shade of his hat, he grins.
  35. >"You two are hard to find, you know that? I had to trace you all the way from Ponyville."
  36. >He takes off his hat and admires it. Is that a... candy cane in his mouth?
  37. >"Like the getup? I had Rarity make it up for me. I feel like a real gangster."
  38. >What the hell is this crazy alien on about?
  39. >He looks down and notices your expression.
  40. >"Uhm. Nevermind."
  41. >Putting the hat back on, he takes a step towards you. You and your brother can't help but flinch in response.
  42. >He smiles, secure that he's got control of the situation.
  43. >"Now then, let's take a walk, gentlecolts. I'd like to make a deal with you."
  45. >His hand gestures for you to lead the way. Flam looks to you, and you to him. Swallowing your fear, you give him a nod and start walking.
  46. >The busy streets of Manehattan give you some confidence. He wouldn't attack you here, right?
  47. >Right?
  48. >"So. Down to business."
  49. >He takes the candy cane out of his mouth for a second, and blows through pursed lips into the air.
  50. >"I know you burned down Pinkamina's lab."
  51. >"You can't prove that."
  52. >Your brother is quick to react. Maybe a little too quick. The human raises an eyebrow at that.
  53. >"Oh no?"
  54. >He reaches into his coat, and produces a small metal device.
  55. >It flicks open, and reveals a small glass screen.
  56. >With a press of a button, what can only be some sort of recording starts to play.
  57. >And you do not like what you see.
  59. >It recorded everything.
  60. >You and your brother.
  61. >Your cutie marks.
  62. >Breaking into the building.
  63. >Leaving.
  64. >The fire.
  65. >Everything.
  66. >Your legs freeze up as you watch on, horrified.
  67. >"Hostile business practices? Not illegal. Making awful cider? Not illegal, but a damn shame."
  68. >He does that weird blowing thing with the candy cane again.
  69. >"Arson? I'm fairly certain that's illegal."
  70. >"Are you pretending to smoke?"
  71. >The human freezes up, his face turning bright crimson.
  72. >" I'm just... cold."
  73. >"In that coat?"
  74. >The human shoots your brother a look that could melt steel. He promptly shuts up.
  75. >"Look, I've got something you want. Namely, I've got something you want the authorities not to see."
  76. "S-so you're blackmailing us."
  77. >"In so many words, yes."
  78. >Flam takes on a grim expression.
  79. >"And what do you want?"
  80. >The human takes a bite of his candy cane, the confection crunching loudly between his teeth. It seems like minutes before he gulps down the pieces of sugar.
  81. >"Well, if I recall correctly. You were offering Ms. Pie somewhere in the range of..."
  82. >"What was it, 20,000 bits?"
  84. >That's when Flam's magic grabs the device out of the monkey's hand.
  85. >Before you know what's going on, you're running.
  86. >The sound of your hooves galloping is almost a whisper under your heartbeat.
  87. >You hear the human yelling about something. It's not important.
  88. >Flam tosses the device your way, and you catch it. You already know the plan.
  89. >You both take separate turns. You don't have the luxury of looking back to see who the human followed. All you know is you've gotta get rid of this thing.
  90. >You dart left. Then right.
  91. >You run and run and run.
  92. >Finally, you're at the docks. You think you've lost him.
  93. >And then, you bump into a large frame.
  94. >You're pretty sure your heart stops. Looking up, you see it was only a minotaur.
  95. >"Watch where you're goin', pipsqueak."
  96. "S-sorry. Sorry."
  97. >You breathe a sigh of relief, turning to leave.
  98. >And the human steps into your line of sight.
  99. "bugger"
  101. "H-how did you-"
  102. >He taps his temple, grinning. "My vision is augmented."
  103. >You don't stop to think about what the hell that means. You back away. He takes another step towards you.
  104. >Every step you take is matched by him, eventually you back into a railing, the Manehattan bay behind you.
  105. >"It's over, give me the camera, Flim."
  106. >Your eyes dart around for an escape route.
  107. >There is none.
  108. >As the human takes one final step towards you, you yell out, flinging the camera towards the water.
  109. >"NO!"
  110. >He pushes you to the ground as he runs up to the rail, clamoring to reach out.
  111. >But he can't, the metal device drops into the murky, polluted waters with a 'ploop' noise.
  112. >"No, no, NO!"
  113. >The human slams his hand against the metal rail, which you can hear dent slightly.
  114. >Even still, you're safe now. Even if he kicks the crap out of you, you're safe.
  115. >You stumble to your hooves, trying to catch your breath.
  116. "L... looks like I won, you.. stupid monkey."
  117. >He deflates slightly, turning and slumping against the rail as he slides to the ground.
  118. >"I.. I..."
  119. "Yeah, what is it?"
  120. >"I really liked that camera."
  122. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  123. >And right now, your heart just isn't in it.
  124. >You smile, as Berry Punch leaves with her cookies. But it's a sad smile. All of your smiles have been sad lately.
  125. >You barely see the Doctor anymore. With the workshop gone, you have to throw parties just to get him out of his house.
  126. >And it's been even worse since he's gotten back from that trip. You haven't seen him all week.
  127. >And if you don't see him, how are you gonna ask him...
  128. >Oh, come off it, Pinkie. You aren't gonna ask him even if you WERE seeing him more. You don't have the-
  129. >The bell rings, and the sound of footsteps snaps you out of your brooding.
  130. >"Hello, Pinkamina."
  131. >Before you know what's happening, you're over the counter and hugging the Doctor. He lets out a surprised sound, but before long returns the hug.
  132. >It makes you feel so warm and happy in his strong arms.
  133. >You contain the blush on your face as you look up at him. His face is... blue?
  134. "Doc?"
  135. >"I-I can't breathe."
  136. "...oh!"
  137. >You release him from your hug, and the color returns to his face quickly as he takes deep, gasping breaths of air.
  138. "S-sorry!"
  139. >"It's alright. I'm sorry I haven't seen you much lately."
  140. "It's... okay."
  141. >It's not okay.
  142. >"No, no it's not okay. But I'm going to make it okay. I have a surprise for you, Pinkamina."
  144. >You trot along awkwardly, the Doc's hands over your eyes.
  145. "U-uhm... is this really necessary, Doc? I can't see where I'm-."
  146. >"If you see where we're going, it will ruin the surprise."
  147. >He's got a point. And you bet he looks really silly trying to walk while covering your eyes.
  148. >You stifle a giggle, letting him lead you on.
  149. >You walk for a while now, you think you're on the edge of Ponyville now.
  150. "Alright, alright, the suspense is killing me, where are you taking me?"
  151. >"Sh, sh! Almost there!"
  152. "Uuuuuugh!"
  153. >Not long after, you hear the faint 'pssh' of pneumatic actuators. You're hit by a burst of cool, conditioned air. Your hooves are hitting metal now.
  154. "...Anon? Where are we?"
  155. >"You can open your eyes now, Pinkamina."
  156. >He lifts his hands off, and you can't believe what you see.
  157. >Tables, benches, vices, tools.
  158. >Tanks, shelves, several crates labeled "duct tape."
  159. >It's... your workshop. But new. Brand new. Newer than it's ever been. Everything is shiny. Everything is...
  160. "'s wonderful."
  162. >The Doctor has a big, stupid grin on his face.
  163. >You would too, if you could believe what you were seeing.
  164. "I... I don't... how..."
  165. >"Surprise."
  166. "It's.. you... but..."
  167. >He just grins at you.
  168. >Finally, you let the smile spread to your face.
  169. >Your entire body starts shaking.
  170. >Pink energy starts to build up around you.
  171. >"Uhm... Pinkamina?"
  172. >Your smile takes up your entire face now, your eyes and snout just tiny afterthoughts.
  173. >"Pinkamina?"
  174. >The energy builds up, more and more.
  175. >"pinkamina"
  176. >You rocket up, smashing through the ceiling and shooting into the sky.
  177. >When you hit your peak, you let out the biggest "WOOOHOOOOO!" you possibly can.
  178. >When you land, you come back in through te door, tapping the confused Doctor, who is still looking at the hole you left in disbelief, on the shoulder.
  179. "S-sorry. We can fix that. But.. but..."
  180. >And then the tide comes.
  182. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  183. >And right now, all you can hear is Pinkamina talking.
  184. >She has said "thank you" more times than you can count. And there is a chip in your brain for counting things.
  185. >She's nerdgasming over every detail, every tool, her voice never stopping for breath, not one millisecond.
  186. >You smile, just letting her run her course. You can't stop her now, and you don't want to.
  187. >She deserves this, for all she's done for you.
  188. >For all you'll... ask her to do.
  189. >Finally, after what seems like hours, she finishes, almost passing out before she takes a long-needed breath.
  190. "...are you done?"
  191. >"I... I think so. But..."
  192. "Yes?"
  193. >"How did you afford all of this?"
  194. >You grin.
  195. "Well, Pinkamina. Let's just say it's a very good idea to keep back-ups of all your data."
  196. >You pause.
  197. "And to buy a waterproof camera."
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