
Evemek: The Pseudo-Divine

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. Dravus had also taken it upon himself to attempt to scout out those stinnox caverns. He had figured that it could be a suitable place, though there were a few risks. It was an easy accesible location. But perhaps these individuals were intent on traveling along there. As the yokai referred to him as sir he would turn his attention to Hastur, listening to what heh ad to say. Of course the stinnox would be an annoyance, but they were unavoidable.
  3. "Yes, I see... I suppose it was a bit before you individuals had taken the opportunity to scout that I had went there myself. It seems to be a location that we could use, but of course it is a commonly known area to all types of beings. If you are willing to take this risk to use it as a hiding location, then so be it..." He said for a moment, curious as to how they would feel about that area now.
  5. Regardless, Dravus did not care much. He was a traveller, and he roamed to many different areas in search of many different types of things. But after finishing up on that topic, the yokai would stare upon the being that was rather new to him. Even if the information that they had on such a place was little, it would still be at least a little valuable.
  7. "Well then, tell me all that you know of this location... This information is what I seek." Dravus stated. Soon he would go on to adress the yokai's identity. He figured if they were going to be another one allied with him, then he should have something to call them by. 'But before you go on, tell me. What is your name?"
  8. (Admiral Dravus)
  10. It had appeared as though Admiral Dravus was quite the hot commodity today, with the appearance of the two seperate yokai, both of whom Uzavok had never seen before. As Uzavok had looked around firstly to the one that appeared to be having a conversation with Dravus at the current moment. Looking before him was a Elemental that resembled a butterfly .. A rather large one to be precise, funny how after all of its development Uzavok had not met him, or her before.
  12. Eyes averting to the greater yokai, Uzavok had not known this one nor seen him before either. Dravus seemed to have quite the bit of comrades, something that Uzavok would not complain about. Not really saying anything though, Uzavok simply sat back as he listened to the dialogue between them, one of the words that the greater yokai caught him, at the mention of Valnik, the yokai whom he named. So this is a comrade of Valnik?
  14. Getting losed in there conversation and talk of caves, stinnox, and underground areas, Uzavok could not help but to feel that he was either being kept out of current events/plans, or he has just been out of the loop for too long. Addressing his concerns to Dravus, Uzavok had spoke out. "What is this that the greater yokai speaks on, Dravus?" Uzavok asked inquisitively looking for answers.
  16. As he stood in the vast lands of the Prarie Grasslands, Uzavok's eyes were constantly shifting from yokai to yokai, studying them and there features.
  17. (Uzavok)
  19. Hastur would nod to Dravus in response, it was good that they were getting things done for once, instead of just roaming the lands and terrorizing people before being destroyed, like some of the less evolved members of there race chose to do.
  21. He would look to the lightning elemental
  23. "By any chance would you happen to be Uzavok? Greetings. I am Hastur, the faceless one. Close am I to reaching the same state you are in, the glorious stage where I will gain an elemental power. I am relatively new to the group, having been in it for about three months now, maybe a bit more than that, but not much."
  25. "I don't know, its hard to measure time. Our people can live for a century and only then be considered an adult by growth standards, measuring time by human standards is confusing. I'm thirty two, almost middle aged by human standards, yet in terms of our race my life has barely begun. So would that mean that three months for humans would be more like three weeks in terms of time passing for us? I don't know. Interesting to think on though"
  27. Hastur stood at 8'4 and was nearing evolution, his skin was in the design of holy robes and on his back sat two wings of bone, lacking the ability for flight. A trait left over from his time as a winged lesser, the ability to fly was something he had lost upon becoming a mega, yet the wings remained
  29. He lacked a face, featureless, and yet he could still see, hear, smell, and speak. Perhaps his features were hidden behind the featureless mask of skin? And his voice sounded quite odd indeed, echoing out, as though it were being spoken by multiple creatures all at the same time.
  30. (Hastur)
  32. Valnik awoken in the cavern after his rest, taking the time to let his wounds heal from the demonstration of power that he had against Zan. While nothing serious it was something to take notice of while he rested away, awaiting for the moment that he awoke to start to leave the cave. Of course not catching sight of Hastur perhaps now was the best time to attempt to speak with him once more about any particular subject that might of come up during that. Not that it truely matter cause it took a fair amount of time to sort the bullshit from what Hastur had to say from the facts that one may actually find important but none the less, it was still at least what Valnik would describe to be a interesting conversation.
  34. It only took a few moments for the Greater a few moments to pick up the scent of the other faceless Yokai mixed with Zan's scent as well, differentiating the two wasn't difficult from there as Hastur's grew stonger the closer he had gotten to the entertance of the cave. Perhaps the 'Faceless One' had already left in an attempt to rendezvous with the others to let them know what they had found while scouring the cave in their small team.
  36. Valnik stepped out into the desert land, ceasing any drool that may of dripped from his mouth as the travel ahead of him was long for the most part but do-able so long as he followed the trail and remembered his scouting correctly from the first time they had gone through this. Thus for he marched quickly through the desert and began to make his way to the prarie.
  38. Strangely enough as he traveled he was greeted not only by the sight of the massive serpent Admiral which would lead him in the right direction but also the sight of the others he knew. One of them of course being Hastur, then the other a elemental class that he had yet spoken with in some time now since his prior evolution into the Mega class and a strangely familiar human but the Greater wouldn't pay the creature much mind for the time being.
  40. Standing at around eight feet tall, the Greater could match Hastur in height with a very lean and toned body with most of its muscle groups well defined. Several spines protruding from his body outwards, while he lacked any sense of lips that only showed his jagged pointed teeth. Two beady red eyes that seemed to be always in place along with two hole that would make up a noise without all that other flesh that wasn't exactly required to make it work properly.
  42. Approaching the group he would silently wait and make his presence known at the side of the Kaor class and getting closer to Uzavok before turning to face the elemental and speaking out. "Time.. Has pasted hasn't it?" The creature asked in a less than curious manner before letting drool escape from the side of his mouth, the thick substance falling down upon his flesh to give it a shiney coat of slime that he oh so loved.
  43. (Valnik Moonstone)
  45. Dravus continued to sit there for a moment as he would stare towards the many individuals that had gathered before him, but more specifically, the one that had the information regarding mormegil. For the time being, Styn had taken his full attention, and soon enough he would begin to relay such infromation regarding the once underground location where many dark beings resided. The yokai figured this could be valuable if his kin were still interested in such an idea.
  47. "Interesting, well I will keep these things in mind." He stated towards Styn for a moment as he had received whatever information he could relay to him. From then on, he would gaze towards the many yokai that had continued to gather, and finally another giga had entered the area. From this point, Dravus figured it could possibly be a good time to begin telling these ones about some upcoming plans.
  49. Dravus had still been seeking the assistance of the Oscuri, but it was rather difficult to get in touch with them. "Welcome to the little gathering. I was just getting ready to speak upon something of rather importance." Dravus stated for a moment, but first he would gaze around, seeing if anyone else was going to attempt to join into the conversation or anything of that matter before continuing to speak on.
  50. (Admiral Dravus)
  51. One's arrival came only with his following behind Styn-- She spoke in reference to something, albeit he'd never decipher what it was prior. Perhaps it was worth investigating, considering the trek happened to be traversing back to the East. There were no qualms in leaving just then... Albeit, this was not just some retreat, but a rendevous point. It was... Interesting to say the least.
  53. Malformed monstrosities towered over his meager 5'10" human form, though unlike the common plebean, he dared to venture up to this entourage seemingly grouping up at the volition of the highest power: A Kaor. Perhaps one of the rare Kaor lords themselves? He didn't know for sure, at a glance-- But encroaching upon the matter lead to one inadvertantly eavesdropping upon the telepathic conversation afoot.
  55. Something about a location, he didn't arrive on time to realize what exactly it was. Then, a name, 'Uzavok, Hastur'... Then, Styn to boot; Last, but not least was the familiar serpent which he had recognized only by their vocalization, one he could not tag an identity to... But brazenly he proclaimed his presence, in an effort to find out.
  56. "So it seems today was my most bless day." He started, "I've found five masters of the Occult, all huddled in one place... In clear public eye midst the southern prairies of Nostvale."
  58. A glance in the direction of the voice, did not provide one with the image of a typical man, but a horde of bats, fluttering about en mass -just- overhead to forge a maelstrom overhead of the animated black-- Soon to coalesce together into the physical form of Evemek, descending midst the group with a light gust toiled abroad in his descent, forging a halo of dust upon impact with the arid earth.
  60. It was hardly a fall of extreme measures, though an introduction that was perhaps, more grandiose than it neede to be. "I believe I've introduced myself few times in the past to several of you... Yes?"
  61. (Evemek)
  62. Telepathically told Dravus only tidbits of the infomation Styn held, after all don't give away it all so early. "Very useful isn't it? And this is only a fraction of what I know.."
  64. She chittered, eyes golden gleaming looking all around.. "This is very... open.. Hehe.."
  65. (Styn)
  66. Hastur looked to the situation and then to the mortal that stood before them, and then he would go to speak towards Admiral Dravus, motioning to the mortal that stood in front of them, annoyance clear in his voice
  68. "Why is this piece of meat standing before us? Is he on our side or is he merely one of the mortals who thinks themselves to be all big and bad, if that is what he is indeed, I suggest each of us attacking him at once, so it will end quickly and we can continue with the conversation. If he's on our side, so be it. I have not the patience to argue such matters"
  70. He would then go to say the next portion, however realising that the human in front of him could very well be not an ally, he said the next portion of his little speech through yokai telepathy, to the other yokai present
  72. "So what is it that you need to talk about that is of importance, Admiral Dravus? The uncovering of the fallen city? Its something we should do soon, and quickly, and then keep it hidden. Something the fools in charge of it last time did not seem able to do."
  74. "It would still remain active if they would of merely not informed the outside world of its existance, pitiful fools, a shame they couldn't just do the logical thing, but I suppose mortals are never very smart now are they?"
  76. "So what is on the agenda to speak of?"
  78. After he was finished he would raise a hand and rub the side of his head with a sigh, he was used to speaking, yokai telepathy was second nature to most yokai, and he could do it well, but after speaking verbally for so long, it took a bit of a toll on the mind to stretch it like it used to, the brain is a muscle after all, and if not stretched, it shrivels, and that particular portion of the muscle had not been stretched in quite a bit to the extent it just was
  79. (Hastur)
  80. Valnik gazed down at the human, slowing starting to remember where he may of seen him before but the days of being a Lesser were covered in but a thick fog and not something he tended to want to look back upon very much before his mind had expanded as it has. For the time between his growth there was a considerable amount that he has learned and some knowledge was going to have to be tosses off to the side for favor of more important information and a single face of someone he did not know if he would ever see again wasn't very important to him.
  82. While Hastur outwardly it seemed as though Hastur had something against the Human that was most likely the case. The opinions of Hastur were heavy and weighed down but for Valnik this served as a opprotunity to learn how humans would interact with them. Or at least a single particular one and given that he has been allowed to stay in their presence for so long was at least admirable. Though why did he seek the darkness that the Yokai carried with them? When the human beast could stay behind their walls? For the time being the questions would remained unanswered as the beast spoke out to answer Hastur's question from before, however the sound of his shrill voice was most likely rather unpleasant for the human's ears to experience.
  84. "I've.. Seen this one before somewhere. Unsure of what to do with him." It was the truth and the best Valnik could muster for the moment since if they truely wished to be rid of the human the Kaor himself would most likely solve that problem on his own or at least instruct the others to do it if he so pleased.
  86. While they spoke through telecommunic conversation Valnik would also add in, unsure of how much Hastur might of shared of their exploration it was more an attempt to agree with the older Greater and to listen to what the Kaor might of have currently planned.
  88. "Yes.. If uncovering the city is required it would be best to do it soon. As Hastur said.. Keeping its location a secret, especially from the human would add to our chances of survival should he be allowed to follow us." Shifting his glance over to Dravus it was now a chance to learn without the nonsense spouted by the other Yokai to how this one might of thought to himself.
  89. (Valnik Moonstone)
  90. [12:43:31] Dravus simply would gaze around the srrounding plains and such, looking for any newcomers. But it seemed that with each individual that would join in, another one would exit. It was rather dissappointing, and perhaps he would have to save his news for another time. He needed to make sure that all of his comrades were capable of hearing what he had to say. The Kaor gazed towards Evemek who soon made their entrance into the frey.
  92. "Hello there, our last meeting was cut short... It seems that we weren't fully capable of finishing things. But I believe you have gotten the gist of what I was attempting to tell you." Dravus knew that he was beginning to understand the darkness. Soon enough he would likely attempt to manifest it on his own. It did seem as if Evemek was rather eager to encounter these individuals who were of course beings that the potency of darkness was instilled.
  94. "Allow me to introduce myself this time... I am the Admiral, they refer to me as this. Or they also may call me Dravus. These are more of my kin, who I am not sure if you've encountered Yet." He said, gazing towards Valnik and Hastur. It always excited the Kaor to see that his group of yokai was always growing. It was rather... Spectacular.
  96. "It is nothing to wrry for you two, this one is not an enemy to us." He stated, attempting to relieve their minds of any thoughts that they had, specifically Hastur since they seemed rather hostile at first look. "But as for what I was speaking upon, I will inform you when we have the others as well. It would be best to tell everyone at once." He didn't want to have to go through the trouble of repeating himself.
  98. "So tell me boy, what has brought you here to us this day?" He questioned towards Evemek. He had yet to learn the name of such a being, but he figured that he would question it soon enough. But for now, he simply was curious as to the boy's apperance to this little scene.
  99. (Admiral Dravus)
  100. [12:59:44] The guttural murmur of his now-aching stomach was acting out to the Darkness Elemental orb he swallowed just hours earlier. Indigestion? Perhaps, but at the very least, one couldn't claim nothing was happening. One's skin seemed to grow deprived of its healthy caucasion glow, for a more morbid alabaster-- Albeit, he'd keep the most of his physical qualities and general appearance without adopting enough grotesque attributes to leave him reviled in common society.
  102. Needless to say, compared to his last appearance, his presence had intensified several fold. In realization of such, Evemek took upon a much more bold arrival, disregarding the threat made from the Gigai for the simple sake that he felt more than capable of taking the ilk of such magnitude, save for the Kaor. Though, to dabble on the matter of conflict would ultimately digress from the matter at-hand; What purpose was there in attacking the only individuals that could not only advance his powers in the Occult, but accept him for partaking in the same genre of magic arcane.
  104. "Yes. I do believe I recall what was, of our last, brief meeting. " He replied back to Dravus, pivoting his footing to glance over from behind a crow mask.
  105. "I admit, I wasn't aware that you were infact, an Admiral." A sweeping gaze took in all at the scene, stopping upon Styn.
  106. "It only makes this encounter, that much more of an honor." He fixed himself, placing all of his genuine attention upon the Kaor, completely at ease-- Drastically different from his typically petrified behavior.
  108. "I had a dream. " He started, " -- That some day I'd change the world, by purifying it in the name of Kraus..." He admitted outright, before taking to a pause, allowing the others to take upon thoughts on the matter. He wanted to add tension, as though to test the waters. Should lips have even quivered to imply pending speech, he'd immediately kick back up his rhetoric once more to conclude in clarity.
  110. "That dream is dead... For I, will forever be deemed a sinner, and have denounced my faith in such a cruel god... And thus, with the fall of that dream, the voices... The presented me with an idea. An idea... That I can't do by myself..." He admitted, taking to a kneal in reverence.
  111. "I've come to you and your ilk, to fulfill that idea..." He lowered his head, right arm resting upon a risen knee.
  113. Almost as though to properly define his alignment, a visible ebonic miasma frothed from the flesh to conjure semblence to the abyss stowed away in this vessel, having grown pungent.
  114. In the manifestation of such an extreme variant of the shadow's pyre, he rose up to his feet.
  116. "This new idea... This dream...." His voice, now sounded of a distinct baritone in comparison to his seemingly benevolent youth moments prior, contorted by the esoteric forces at his volition.
  117. "--... Is to perfect this world... By purifying it, and all within it with the eternal night..."
  118. Yet again, he'd leave a moment for silence, not nearly as extensive as the first, "That is why I sought out masters... For I'm merely a sole dreamer, whom wishes to garner more knowledge of the Darkness..."
  121. (Evemek)
  123. Hastur would look to Dravus and then he would look west. He had fufilled what he had come here to do the in the first place, deliver a report of what was going on with the caves, he had no further reason to be here and nothing that involved him seemed to be taking place. So He would look to Dravus and speak
  125. "Admiral, I will be departing now. I am going to return to the stinnox caverns, clear them out a bit, perhaps rest a bit. Its been three months since my last real slumber, mainly be slaying stinnox and bandits alike, so I will be departing now, I need to feed and rest. Maybe torment some travellers if I get bored"
  127. "So then, until next time, farewell Admiral Dravus, hopefully soon we can begin work on uncovering the hidden city, the fallen city. And we will do so with pride, because its return with signal the begining of the end for the republic"
  129. "Anyway, farewell."
  130. (Hastur)
  131. Without any sense of emotion the Greater Yokai stood, its ears listening to what the emerald sepent had spoken out towards each of them. The fog that covered its body was quite the interest but Valnik had thought of it simply being a state he had cept from a prior evolution into this particular form, along with the gliding ability perhaps he might of been of the wind element in a prior enbodiment? These thoughts however were of no direct matter to the situation at hand but mainly a observation he would make.
  133. While the human was said to be of no worry in their mind, Valnik wondered how Hastur may of responded to such a thing. Perhaps with the feeling of doubt? Whatever that may of felt like, the word alone didn't bring fourth any type of particular sensation to the young ones mind but if he had to guess the feelings others might of had it would be one of the common ones he would put with the rest. It would only take a few moments before the human would start to take center stage and for what seemed to be a slightly recited dialogue it was still worth taking the moment to listen to.
  135. While Evemek himself did seem quite stooped in the ways of the dark magic he had searched his reasoning was all the more curious as though to justify what exactly he wanted. However unable to see the humans face was a strange factor, hiding behind the mask could of been something else. Not that it particualrly mattered but from what Valnik had gathered a fair amount of the humans showed their expressions freely and while this one may wear a mask perhaps the two of them were relatively in the same where as Valnik had yet to witness first hand a fair amount of emotions that would tie the two together.
  137. While the human spoke a single word made the beast tilt his head in a curious manner. The simple word such as 'dream'. What was a dream? He knew the definition from Hastur and everything about what it should be but what was it like to experience such a thing? Could the other Yokai dream as well or was it something only the more humanoid of creatures were capable of accomplishing. Taking a moment to ponder the thought the creature was visible in thought and drowning out a fair majority of what the human was saying. For if he truely wished and wanted something then he would have to go about making such a thing happen and by coming to the Yokai as a part of his 'goal' perhaps it was admirable. Though such wants don't come without a payment of their own and how much was this human willing to exchange for this world that he spoke of.
  139. With the word perfection being tossed around so much lately there must of been different interpretations of such a thing. Yokai were flawed but capable of becoming perfect, but what exactly did that mean? Valnik was not one to know those type of answers and is a perfect world on of complete darkness? It was of course a strange string of thoughts that were going to be saved for a much later time when the Yokai had gained more experience and perhaps found an answer or two himself.
  141. While Hastur started to depart it was easy to see that their numbers in the area were dwindling down but that wasn't a particular problem. If anything it let the Greater Yokai speak out further in an attempt to ask Admiral something else and perhaps engage the human at one point or another in combat.. Or that strange looking butterfly thing that he wasn't exactly sure of what it is.
  143. "Admiral.. If the meeting shall wait, perhaps we should discuss another matter. I would be more than willing to spread your word to the others of our kind to inform them and bring each of us to the same consensus." It was more of a offer and perhaps a opprotunity for the young one to go out and travel more of the world on his own and seek out the other yokai of their kin to relay the words of Admiral, perhaps a chance to speak with them on a single basis and learn their own opinions.
  144. (Valnik Moonstone)
  146. With the things that continued on, Dravus had been rather eager to hear what this being had to say as their reason for appearing in this location. Perhaps it was to meet once more with the Admiral, or perhaps it was to seek power from these 'masters of occult.' It had been official near this point that the boy had fallen into the darkness. But that would be good for both parties in this case. He hoped that doing so would lead him to acquire more power.
  148. And as for the knowledge he sought, that could be provided as well, depending on what he thought. But for now, the yokai would listen to what the boy had to say. Upon them speaking upon their dream with kraus, he only smirked. He had heard him state before that he had fallen from the light. He had come to an agreement with the Kaor that it was never enough. Dravus wished that other individuals could only think the same.
  150. "Stay with us, cling to the darkness and your dreams shall be fulfilled." Although Dravus could not exactly claim that he could bestow upon this individual what he was seeking now, he would surely be capable of doing so once he had reached his potential! Soon enough Dravus would ascend to imperfection, he could feel it.
  152. He only would give a nod to dismiss Hastur as he would announce his departure, he would only gaze towards the giga as they would begin to speak to him as well. He figured that he would give the being a slight hint of what the idea he had to inform them about was. He smirked as he would decide to inform Valnik of what he needed to tell these individuals about.
  154. "Simply tell them that their is a golemn, whose power needs to be fueled, though do not relay this to anyone outside of our kin." He said. But such words were said aloud, so Evemek could also hear. But he had already confessed his alliance to the darkness, so Dravus had no reason to be tight-lipped around him. But if he would betray the trust that was established, he had other plans for the boy.
  156. "Well then, that is all I truly have for right now... But I believe your dream is an an interesting one... Tell me boy, what do you call yourself?" Dravus would finally question the identity of the boy after their second meeting. He figured it was a rather simple question, and for now they might depart, but he was sure that they would come into contact again.
  157. (Admiral Dravus)
  158. It was finally time to introduce himself, a transformed youth since the day Eglencenin had began aiding in his growth. The many others that aided his development to date, were sadly replaced by the destructive effect the occult had on the human mind. He was ultimately addled to such extent that he came to believe that this was, his ilk. A mere man, amongst yokai... A suicide wish? Or perhaps insurmountable determination.
  160. "I was but lowly scum tossed aside the streets and forced to become an orphan. Fodder tossed to the Lion's Den, to prove as mincemeat to their gladiators... A scourge, with no greater conviction that oblivion as told by several Valmasian magi." He started, "... I am Evemek... --And in due time, I intend to ascend through the occult, and master the Umbral domain, without sullying it with deviants of the purest shadow."
  162. "I have no digression... And for this fact, I am confident that I shall thrive and surpass the common ilk in my domain." As though to further prove his point, he held out his right hand, with palm widened and empty, almost as though offering the Kaor an invisible gift. "--With years of study and dabble...." He went on, soon concentrating the miasma that rolled off his vessel into the center of his open hand. The radiance soon coalesced into a solidified spheroid of the malignant element, soon emanating a distinct mauve-- To blindingly white gleam...
  164. " I've managed to comprehend the concept of the Occult... For it is Oblivion; To truly harbor manipulation over void, means to also enforce will upon reality." The light subsided, and in the palm of his hand? A large slab of steak, riddled with the stench of the transmundanic element.
  165. To create matter of thin air?! Such, must've been divine... Especially from how one described of it... Though, it was entirely up to the observers.
  167. As though to prove his point, he tossed the meat slab forth, expecting the Admiral to catch and consume the offering. The physical consistency was true to that of chicken meat: Imitating the pheasant flesh. The taste checked out as well, assuming one went that far... And finally, the presence of the occult was strong itself self, despite a disbeliever's claim to the act being naught but an illusion, it provided all the nutrients needed for newborn beastlings of the night.
  169. "... But I'm only babbling on, now..."
  170. (Evemek)
  172. Inform the other of a Golemn? Power that needs to be fueled? Cryptic but it was at least something to go off of. Least for the time being it would give the Yokai a reason to explore and perhaps head back to the caves depending if Zan had left yet like Hastur and possible the Elemental from before that went with them. Their communication not being the best was at least decent enough to not leave someone behind for the most part. Though what was this Golemn and where was it located? Questions rised to the point where perhaps he should just take things as they were or discover this information on his own. From a typical standpoint it seemed relatively unlikely that many creatures would give away their secrets easily but to keep something from kin would just be a strange act indeed.
  174. While the human and the Kaor spoke it was interesting for the most part to see the interaction between the two and how the Kaor would openly speak to one that had pledged itself to their cause. Perhaps even more humans could be swayed in the same fashion but in a world so wide was it something that would happen so often? Most Human's from what Valnik had heard were against the Yokai race and wouldn't for the most part assist them with anything except for what seems to be a select few and even then there was the Oscuri to which the Greater could only assume was another race that existed much like the Drakanite's.
  176. Pushing these thoughts away there was no reason for the Admiral to worry about Valnik speaking freely about this subject to those who weren't a member of their kin as he had come across a fair majority of them and had gathered their scent enough to tell them apart less' they were to evolve and take on a new shape. If anything coming across a new Yokai would give the young one a reason to offer his hand to bring force another member to their kin and someone to make grow strong without possible end.
  178. "Evemek.." The voice spoke out slowly, drool continuing its constant dripping and commiting the name and the mask to memory, having been in range enough to pick up the humans scent for future needs if it was ever so required. Though through further observation perhaps the human and Hastur carried something in common, they greatly enjoyed speaking and going into a fair amount of detail about a particular subject when something should just be more straight forward and to the point but perhaps humans were simply the type to justify their reasons. Perhaps a delusion to feel the need to belong to the occult? These thoughts were beyond Valnik to answer so that's simply where they would remain in his mind.
  180. Seeing the trick of making the meat appear once again it was more than apparent to the Yokai that indeed the two of them have met before even if it was only briefly after his transformation into the Mega form. Now that he carried a greater understanding for the world around him the Yokai would not see the act of creation nothing more than a mere feat conjured by magic, nothing among the realm of gods. Simply because the man before him was just that, a man and not a god. Not the same god that he has been told to have forsaken his people.
  182. Turning his attention and his body this time to Admiral the Yokai nodded his head in agreement to what he was able to pass along to bring each of them together but a opprotunity like this was best not to slip while he could maintain contact with one of such a higher evolution. The hissing sound of his voice rang out once again, much like a screech with audiable words within it. "If there is ever a chance, I would like to question you Elder. There is much I do not understand and to many opinions that add to much color to this new world." It was short and sweet, conveying the point the young one had to the Kaor.
  183. (Valnik Moonstone)
  184. [14:07:08] Continuing to listen on to what the boy had to say, it was rather interesting to hear the little life story. It was not surprising that such a being could have been an orphan. It was those beings that seemed to come around to the darkness easier. Perhaps it was used to fill the void and empty space that they lacked. He was unsure, but in his favor it was always better. Dravus was intrigued by the dream that Evemek continue to go on about though. Perhaps it would coincide with what Dravus had planned in the near future.
  186. And as the boy continued on, Dravus would observe to see his progressions. This seemed to be something that Evemek had been practicing. He had recalled from their last meeting that he mentioned manipulating things through void. Or something of that nature. Regardless, he only watched as the hand was extended at first, curious as to what may occurr.
  188. It was rather interesting to observe te near blinding light before it would collpase and fade, only to see something else placed in it's absence. This would of course be meat, a gift, and a meal for the Kaor. He figured that he would accept such an offering for now. He doubted an harm being done from such a little gift.
  190. Without much thought he would consume the 'gift' from Evemek, and it'd bring a smirk to the face of the Kaor. "It seems that you are coming along, as you continue, I ensure that you will find the answers you seek." And soon enough, his gaze would be delivered to the giga yokai. He was curious as to what he may want to discuss, but he figured he would take the time to listen.
  192. "But for now, I shall depart..." He stated, slowly turning towards the opposite way, he would only speaok to welcome his kin to come along. "Come Valnik, we may speak of what sparks your curiosity, and I shall ease your confusion." He stated. Dravus served as not only a source of power for this group, but knowledge as well. Although there were other yokai that were even older than himself, he seemed to be quite wise when it came to certain topics as well.
  193. (Admiral Dravus)
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