
Group 80: Session 3

Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> ---The Coltifornia Campaign, Group 80---
  2. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> ---Session 3---
  3. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> When the ponies came West, they did not come free of tribulation. It took many months of arduous labor to come to Coltifornia, risking danger to life, limb and soul just to make it out alive. The journey, these ponies hopes, was always worth it.
  4. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> But arriving, they would usually find, was not the end of the battle. Instead, it came with it a new series of fights and struggles, to truly become the best in the true spirit of the typical Coltifornian pony.
  5. [18:30] <~Radio|GM> And the heroes of our own story have come across one of those struggles themselves! A physical struggle, perhaps, but nonetheless a challenging one. Three monstrous spider creatures face the party now, as they continue their search for a dog and a missing mare. What is to follow? This chapter, as always, is theirs to write alone.
  6. [18:30] <~Radio|GM> ---Begin Session---
  7. [18:31] <~Radio|GM> The spiders face the group menacingly, fangs clicking as their legs skitter-skatter all over the gravel! They are colored interestingly, in bands of black and yellow not unlike a honeybee.
  8. [18:31] * Brookwind stares up the spider-things, mouth open as her revolver rests in her hoof.
  9. [18:32] * Radiant_Fury is grinning a little as her flare guns raise.
  10. [18:33] <~Radio|GM> Limuko, on the other hand, is trotting along the path, easy-as-you-please. He sees nothing out of the ordinary.
  11. [18:34] * Limuko agrees with the text in the sky that seems to narrate everything. There was nothing out of the ordinary as he continues to trot on his path, having finished his apple.
  12. [18:47] * Danger_Zone thinks this has finally gotten interesting! She brings her grenade rifle to bear, aiming to get as many of the spiders in the blast as possible. With a grin, she flies in closer, calling out a loud, "Heads up!" before firing!
  13. [18:49] * Danger_Zone kicks the reloader lever and prepares for her next shot.
  14. [18:51] <~Radio|GM> The blast lands amongst the spiders as they give off horribly loud shrieking noises, all three of their glossy bodies charred and smoking. Clearly, they are none the worse for wear, though, as they continue to skitter about angrily.
  15. [18:52] * Brookwind growls, snapping her revolver up and letting off three shots into the first spider.
  16. [18:54] <~Radio|GM> The second shot goes wide, but the other two shots bite savagely into the spider's large, rounded bulbous body, as it gives off another loud, raspy shriek of pain. It seems to be weakening greatly, its legs moving erratically, as black liquid gushes from the two holes in its body.
  17. [18:59] * Chasseuse 's muzzle clamps down on the handle of her knife while her horn glows light green. A sickle, surrounded by her magic aura, is brought up and positioned in front of her. As her sickle is readied to strike, she steps forward, putting herself between Brookwind and the Spiders.
  18. [19:35] <~Radio|GM> The spiders hiss and lunge fiercely at the group! None of their attacks land, the spiders evidently being more bark than bite, but they do advance much closer.
  19. [19:39] * Brookwind grunts. "Going to have to try harder than that!"
  20. [19:39] * Radiant_Fury cracks her neck a few times, taking careful aim with her flare guns and firing at the more grievously wounded of the two spiders, then a second at a less injured one.
  21. [19:43] <~Radio|GM> The first attack misses, but the second succeeds as it hits the strange bumblebee-colored spider, as its body ignites. The thing emits a terrible, high-pitched squeal of pain, as it skitters madly about, its legs flailing as it skitters madly about, blinded by the flames and its own pain.
  22. [19:45] <~Radio|GM> The spider's flailing arms manage to miss Brookwind, who deftly avoids the attack, but a second flailing, flaming leg comes crashing down upon Chasseuse's back, igniting her coat!
  23. [20:06] * Chasseuse 's eyes widen. A spider leg, smacking her back, followed by intense heat... She looks back and shrieks, "No no no... Au secours! Au secours!"
  24. [20:06] * Radiant_Fury frowns a little. "Hey, Chass! You're surrounded by water! Think for a second!"
  25. [20:07] <Brookwind> "Get into the water!"
  26. [20:07] <Radiant_Fury> "Yes, that is what I /just/ said. Thank you, detective."
  27. [20:09] * Dumisani lets out a deep, bellowing roar of anger, lowering her head and charging towards the flaming spider, then continuing on to charge at the next closest creature.
  28. [20:09] <Brookwind> "Holy shit! Rhino!"
  29. [20:11] * Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes. "Yes, that is what that is. Your input is /invaluable/, detective. Are you going to tell us to shoot them next?"
  30. [20:12] <Brookwind> "With all due respect, Miss Fury, shut up."
  31. [20:13] * Radiant_Fury nods. "I could say the same to you, detective. You're not due for any respect."
  32. [20:13] <~Radio|GM> Limuko, as he walks, fails to notice a rock at his hooves and promptly trips over it! Thankfully, with a fluid, agile motion he manages to right himself up without ever touching the ground.
  33. [20:14] * Limuko widened his eyes as he trips on the rock, but sighs in relief after the red text informed him of being able to right himself up before falling down ... how does it narrate everything?
  34. [20:18] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani's attack trounces the burning spider, who lets out one last final shriek as it is effectively crushed by the hulking rhino's advance. Its body bursts into a mess of black blood-like liquid as its legs quiver, the giant thing fallen onto its back.
  35. [20:18] <~Radio|GM> Unfortunately, some of the flames scorch Dumisani as she charges.
  36. [20:27] * Danger_Zone is somewhat impressed by the others! They're decent in a fight, that's for sure. She aims her shot to catch as many of the remaining spiders as she can, and fires, reloads, and fires again!
  37. [20:34] <~Radio|GM> Danger_Zone's explosive power does its job, as it reduces one spider to cinders and leaves the other horribly weakened, but it is not without its consequences, as Chasseuse, Brookwind, and Dumisani are all caught in the blast.
  38. [20:34] * Brookwind throws a hoof in front of her face as she's pelted with shrapnel. "WATCH YOUR FIRE!"
  39. [20:35] * Brookwind then quickly takes aim and fires her last three rounds at the remaining spider.
  40. [20:36] * Radiant_Fury chuckles at Brookwind's amusing choice of words.
  41. [20:37] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind's shots ring true, as the last spider is felled and ends the fight once and for all.
  42. [20:37] * Dumisani grunts, a good amount of the shrapnel just bouncing off her armor, though a few larger pieces slam into her thick skin.
  43. [20:37] * Radiant_Fury calmly slips two new flares into her guns and briskly trots over to survey the carnage. "Huh."
  44. [20:38] * Chasseuse turns, ending her telekinesis rather abruptly, sickle falling to the ground as she bolts for the water. She cries out in pain, leaping into the water, the fire and explosives painful, to say the least.
  45. [20:38] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. Not her fault they're trying to hug the spiders. "Why don't you watch where you're standing!?"
  46. [20:38] * Radiant_Fury gives Chasseuse a small smile. "Sorry about that."
  47. [20:39] * Dumisani turns and glares at Danger_Zone. "Give me reason not to kick you."
  48. [20:40] * Chasseuse 's head pokes out of the water. She shivers, giving a small nod and shaky acknowledgment to Radiant_Fury, "It iz alright... you did not mean to."
  49. [20:40] * Brookwind snorts and gallops after Chasseuse to makes sure she's alright.
  50. [20:40] * Radiant_Fury slips her flare guns back into their holsters. She nods to Chasseuse. "They don't usually do that."
  51. [20:41] * Brookwind also offers Chasseuse a healing potion.
  52. [20:43] <~Radio|GM> As the group speaks, perhaps they can take sight of a figure approaching from ahead on the path, amidst the fog.
  53. [20:44] * Chasseuse smiles to Brookwind as she wades out of the water and takes the potion. With a flash of her horn, her coat is clean once again. "Zank you." She nods, gulping down the potion.
  54. [20:45] * Radiant_Fury bends down to look at the exploded, charred spider parts. "Well... unless these spiders can actually talk and write ransom notes, doesn't help me much." She starts trotting into the fog from whence the spiders came.
  55. [20:45] * Chasseuse stops, the potion at her lips. She frowns, quickly inspecting herself and her injuries.
  56. [20:47] * Limuko trots further towards his destination. The fog didn't really bother the black zebra with white stripes, as he actually found it quite relaxing. Limuko took notice of the figures he could see ahead in the mist, narrowing his eyes more to get a better look.
  57. [20:47] * Danger_Zone is kinda flying up too high to be kicked, but she humors the rhino. "Because /you're/ the one who ran into the line of fire. /After/ I already started firing! You knew what you were running into."
  58. [20:47] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse can see that at least three largish pieces of shrapnel are embedded in her flesh, each in a different injury. They shouldn't be too hard to remove, but they require tools that Chasseuse does not have nor has the skill to use.
  59. [20:48] * Dumisani snorts again. "Not a reason. Went after you fired. Your fault."
  60. [20:48] * Radiant_Fury trottrots into the unknown. The unknown was fun. And hopefully, the unknown was flammable. Or inflammable.
  61. [20:49] * Chasseuse huffs, depositing the potion into her saddlebag. She frowns up at Danger_Zone. "I stood still, actually."
  62. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury, being the brave one, is the first to see the figure approach. She can see that it is a stallion, a zebra at that, though this one is predominantly covered with black markings rather than white.
  63. [20:51] * Radiant_Fury stops. That's not a spider. "Excuse me." She calls towards it.
  64. [20:52] * Limuko nearly stopped his heart. Was that a mare's voice. He then crouched down, because apparently sneaky zebras did that as he tried to use the fog to avoid whoever spoke to him.
  65. [20:53] * Radiant_Fury levitates out a flare gun and levels it off in the zebra's direction. "I can see you."
  66. [20:54] * Limuko widens his eyes in panic as he raised his hooves in the air. "Limuko surrenders! Limuko surrenders! Please do not kill Limuko!" He begged, seeing what was shaped like a gun in the mist.
  67. [20:55] * Radiant_Fury lowers her weapon and stashes it. "Didn't plan on it. Please stop hiding."
  68. [20:56] * Danger_Zone snorts at Dumisani in return, and looks to Chasseuse. "Next time, run!"
  69. [20:57] * Limuko relaxes ... but not enough still hearing the mare. "Limuko did not mean to be dangerous. Limuko was just on his way to nearest town that doesn't shoot zebras." The third speaking zebra said to Radiant_Fury, trying to keep his distance away from her.
  70. [20:57] * Chasseuse huffs. "Next time, do not shoot at ponies! Ze spiders were not even able to reach you, zey were us, yet I must run?"
  71. [20:58] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "You did more 'arm zen 'elp."
  72. [20:59] * Radiant_Fury steps closer. "You weren't being dangerous. Quite the opposite. You were hiding when I was addressing you. Step forward, please."
  73. [20:59] * Dumisani growls deep in her throat and pushes her head closer to Danger_Zone. "Next time. Don't. Shoot. Or I will crush you."
  74. [21:01] * Limuko gulps, but seeing as he had no choice in the matter he trots far enough for Radiant_Fury to get a better look at Limuko ... who seems rather nervous around the mare.
  75. [21:01] * Chasseuse winces at Dumi's threat. "Just... do not do it again, please."
  76. [21:02] * Radiant_Fury has that effect on ponies. Her fiery mane blows behind her even in the absence of wind, while her piercing blue eyes stare at Limuko. "I'm looking for a lost pony. Have you seen anypony wandering around here?"
  77. [21:03] * Limuko however wasn't looking directly at Radian_Fury ... was he almost blushing? "Limuko does not know of lost pony he is afraid." He didn't take notice of the pyromaniac staring at him.
  78. [21:05] * Radiant_Fury frowns a little. "Look at me when you are talking to me." She says stepping closer. "You're looking for the fort. Keep following this road and find the front gate. Good day." She says, breezing past him.
  79. [21:06] * Danger_Zone glares at Dumisani. "Next time, don't get that close to my targets. I don't hold my fire. I'm warning you now, so if you get hurt, it's your fault, not mine."
  80. [21:07] <Limuko> The black zebra's face nearly turns red as Radiant_Fury trots past him. He simply nods, before trotting rather slowly out of the fog, a bit wobbly.
  81. [21:07] * Dumisani stomps a heavy, metal-clad hoof. " Nami kuponda wewe. Si mtihani mimi." She growls under her breath.
  82. [21:08] * Chasseuse trots to Dumisani's side and nudges her, leaning up to whisper, "Come, let us find ze dog. If she does not want to be agreeable wizin our group, she will not get ze reward."
  83. [21:08] * Chasseuse adds, "Zere is no need for violence 'ere..."
  84. [21:10] * Brookwind sighs, remaining silent for now.
  85. [21:10] * Radiant_Fury trottrottrots!
  86. [21:12] * Dumisani snorts. "Fine. Need to finish job anyways."
  87. [21:14] * Danger_Zone has no patience for /anypony/, much less ponies who walk into explosions. Why would she? If they wanted to take the risks, then they should deal with the consequences! She turns to fly back to the other pony. At least she looked like she knew how to fight /properly/.
  88. [21:15] * Chasseuse picks up her sickle, returning it and her knife to their sheaths. She sighs, horn lighting once more, and walks towards where she heard the sound of the dog...
  89. [21:21] * Dumisani shakes herself before plodding after Chasseuse.
  90. [21:25] * Danger_Zone takes a while before she catches up to Radiant_Fury, but soon enough, she finds her, and flies down to land next to her. "Ha! Nice one back there!"
  91. [21:26] * Radiant_Fury cocks a brow at the pegasus. "Oh. Thank you." She sounds polite, composed, neutral.
  92. [21:33] * Danger_Zone grins. "Not as awesome as mine, but I'd say it was a good second-place performance." After a moment, she asks, "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
  93. [21:34] * Radiant_Fury snorts a little. "I took that missing pony job back in town. She was supposed to have met somepony here, at the bridge. I'm thinking these spiders might have something to do with her disappearance."
  94. [21:35] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani hears nothing as she searches for the lost dog. Chasseuse, however, does hear something, but it sounds like it's coming from the very path from which they came!
  95. [21:36] * Chasseuse blinks. "I 'ear somezing..." She points her hoof behind them. "Zough... I am not sure it is ze dog."
  96. [21:37] <Dumisani> "You do? Then what is it?"
  97. [21:38] * Chasseuse closes her eyes, ears perking as she concentrates. Perhaps she'll hear the sound again?
  98. [21:40] * Danger_Zone gives a quiet 'hmm'. "I think I'll tag along. If it means more excitement, I'm more than glad! Besides..." She glances backward. "Those two need to cool off, take some time to learn not to walk into explosions!"
  99. [21:41] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse hears not a single sound.
  100. [21:41] * Radiant_Fury smiles a little. "Well, I can't guarantee you a cut of the reward, but if we find anything, it's yours."
  101. [21:43] * Chasseuse purses her lips. "I am not sure... Should we turn back, or keep going zis way?"
  102. [21:45] <Dumisani> "Hmm... Not sure. Where was the first sound?"
  103. [21:47] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse does hear something again...and it sounds like it's coming from ahead, this time.
  104. [21:47] * Danger_Zone flies alongside Radiant_Fury. "I've got another of the job listings here with me... I dunno if it's anywhere closeby though. Someplace called 'Spurvine'. What I really need is a little restocking... and maybe something to eat." She grins, though. "But... I should be able to stock up at least a bit on this job I've got. Not my normal fare, but I can put mines to use!"
  105. [21:47] * Chasseuse points ahead! "Zat way... I ... zink." She trots forward.
  106. [21:48] * Radiant_Fury raises a brow curiously. "Mines? Spurvine? Hmmm..." She looks up in thought. "How much is your job paying?"
  107. [21:48] <Dumisani> "Then we walk. If you get tired, I'll carry you."
  108. [21:49] <~Radio|GM> Now, both Chasseuse and Dumisani can hear the sound too. It's certainly not a dog barking, but it sounds more like the shifting of a pony's hooves on gravel.
  109. [21:50] * Danger_Zone eyes Radiant_Fury. "Why? Suddenly having second thoughts about sharing?"
  110. [21:50] * Dumisani flicks her ears forward. "Hear that?"
  111. [21:50] * Radiant_Fury nods slowly. "Perhaps we could make a deal."
  112. [21:51] * Chasseuse continues... though erring on the side of caution, she draws her knife, floating it out of its sheath with her magic. "We shall see, I am sure. And perhaps zey will 'ave seen ze dog."
  113. [21:53] <~Radio|GM> The curious noise that they hear turns out to that of a zebra, trotting forward along the path. It is Limuko on his way to Trotters Fort.
  114. [21:54] * Danger_Zone grins at Radiant_Fury. "What kind of deal?"
  115. [21:54] * Chasseuse shows no hostility to the zebra, though her knife is still floating by her side. ""Ello!" she calls, waving a hoof in greeting. "You would not 'ave crossed paths wiz a dog recently, would you?"
  116. [21:55] * Radiant_Fury returns her grin slightly. "How much is your job paying?" She repeats, still grinning.
  117. [21:56] * Limuko was glad that the mare from before was away from him. Zebra hormones, he couldn't understand it, perhaps it was his age or just part of his race. He didn't really know. Shaking his head of the thoughts of that mare he met does he continue to trot forward, then taking notice of Chasseuse's voice. By instinct, he turned his head toward her. Upon visual
  118. [21:58] * Limuko contact of her does his ears flop down as he looked at her, his face turning red as he tries to mutter something. "Li- ..."
  119. [21:59] * Dumisani blinks as she steps closer to the noise, looking through the fog.
  120. [21:59] * Limuko didn't take notice of the rhino yet, distracted by Chasseuse as his heart seemed to beat more.
  121. [22:00] * Chasseuse quirks her head. Her knife is sheathed as she takes note of the zebra's red face. "I mean no 'arm... simply looking for a dog. 'Ave you seen one recently?"
  122. [22:01] * Danger_Zone keeps her grin as well. "Gonna have to tell me the plan, first. How else we gonna keep the deal fair?"
  123. [22:02] * Limuko seemed to be in a gaze before he shook his head. Bad Limuko! Zebra hormones shouldn't take over him like that. His face was still red as he distanced himself away from Chasseuse a bit, but forces a smile as his face was still red. "W-well ... Limuko did see dog go to Foalsom upstream." He said nervously.
  124. [22:02] * Radiant_Fury narrows her eyes, but her grin never fades. "You'll have to tell me the price first. How else am I going to be sure you aren't lowballing me."
  125. [22:03] * Chasseuse smiles, moving a few steps closer. "Really? 'Ow long ago was zis?"
  126. [22:04] * Danger_Zone doesn't budge. "How else am I gonna know /you're/ not just gonna do the same?"
  127. [22:05] * Limuko seemed to go redder as Chasseuse trots closer to him, moving back to keep their distance. "Welllll ... Limuko saw dog about half an hour ago." He replied nervously, his smile appearing more relaxed now.
  128. [22:05] * Radiant_Fury smiles. "Why don't you give me your listing, and I'll give you mine?" She asks, floating the rolled out piece of paper out of her pack.
  129. [22:06] * Chasseuse nods. "Zank you!" She turns her head, looking back to Dumisani. "So, upstream... if we 'urry, we may be able to catch ze dog."
  130. [22:08] * Limuko then blinks, finally seeing Dumisani as his eyes widen in surprise. In all the conzebra's life, he has never seen something like a rhino before. He spoke out in zebra. "Na kubwa wazazi wangu amekufa, ni nini?! (By my great dead parents, what are you?!)"
  131. [22:08] * Danger_Zone eyes Radiant_Fury for a few moments, then takes out the listing she has as well.
  132. [22:09] * Radiant_Fury floats her slip to Danger_Zone. "If you try anything... Don't try anything."
  133. [22:10] * Dumisani nods at Chasseuse before looking over at Limuko. " Vifaru."
  134. [22:11] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. She can't understand... that.
  135. [22:16] * Danger_Zone grabs the offered slip in her teeth, allowing Radiant_Fury to take hers in exchange.
  136. [22:16] * Radiant_Fury browses it, keeping one eye on Danger_Zone.
  137. [22:16] * Brookwind has been standing next to Chasseuse, watching and listening quietly.
  138. [22:17] * Limuko blink's at Dumisani's reply, being able to understand her. "A rhino? Limuko has never heard of rhino's before. Maybe parents might, but they are dead." The black zebra then looks around at Dumisani's features, his zebra hormones not affected by the presence of rhinos.
  139. [22:17] * Danger_Zone reads Radiant_Fury's slip. She remembers seeing it on the board, briefly.
  140. [22:18] * Dumisani snorts softly. "Rare. Only live in small tribes."
  141. [22:19] * Limuko nods to Dumisani. "Hmm, just like Limuko. Limuko has not seen much of his kind other than parents."
  142. [22:23] * Dumisani nods. "Come. We need the dog."
  143. [22:23] * Limuko blinked. Was Dumisani addressing him?
  144. [22:24] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow at Brookwind. "Why are you following us...?"
  145. [22:24] * Chasseuse adds, "You can 'elp if you wish, just curious."
  146. [22:26] <Brookwind> "Because Miss Fury declined my help with her case, though I'm still pursuing it on my own." She replies to Chasseuse. "And it seems as if both cases are connected as well, so I'll stick with you if that's alright."
  147. [22:26] <~Radio|GM> As the sun continues to rise, the fog begins to clear.
  148. [22:28] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "'Ow do you know zey are connected?"
  149. [22:29] * Limuko then looks back at Chasseuse and notices Brookwind. Great, another mare. He shook his head as he looked back toward Dumisani, the only female that didn't trigger his hormones. "Are you speaking to Limuko to follow?" He said to the rhino in confusion.
  150. [22:29] * Dumisani nods. "Yes."
  151. [22:29] * Brookwind gestures to the area around them. "Well they both landed us in the same location... it's just a hunch, but a strong one." She replies to Chasseuse.
  152. [22:31] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "If two rocks are thrown, and zey land in ze same place, were zey thrown by ze same pony?"
  153. [22:31] * Radiant_Fury hmmms a little. "All right then. We collaborate, and both walk away with 230 caps. Does that sound fair?"
  154. [22:31] * Limuko didn't understand this. He was just on his way to Trotters Fort to sell the gold he received, but the rhino wanted him to follow after he gave her directions. "Limuko is confused, why do you need Limuko to help find dog? You know where dog is, but need further help from Limuko?"
  155. [22:32] * Danger_Zone thinks for a moment, then nods. "Alright. Sounds good." She offers to swap papers back.
  156. [22:33] * Brookwind shakes her head at Chasseuse. "No, but right now I don't have any evidence in either direction, so I'm working off inferences for now."
  157. [22:33] * Dumisani rolls her eyes. "Need you to make sure is right dog."
  158. [22:35] * Chasseuse shrugs at Brookwind. "Zey may be related, but I do not believe zat logic is sound..." She turns, trotting upstream in search of the dog. "Dumisani, we should move. Ze dog is only getting farther away."
  159. [22:35] * Limuko nods slowly. He didn't really want to deal with this. He was just a conzebra, fooling others off their caps just so he could afford enough to feed himself. But he didn't exactly want to anger the rhino. "Well ... if rhino friend says so, then Limuko will come."
  160. [22:36] * Radiant_Fury takes her paper back and smiles. "So... I can only guess that you're Danger Zone, the pony those other two were trying to wake up this morning?"
  161. [22:36] <Brookwind> "And if they are connected, then we kill two birds with one stone." She says, trotting after Chasseuse.
  162. [22:37] * Radiant_Fury thinks that if Brookwind tries anything, the only bird that's getting killed today is her.
  163. [22:37] * Brookwind honestly could care less about what Radiant_Fury thinks.
  164. [22:37] * Radiant_Fury smiles internally. The feeling is certainly mutual.
  165. [22:38] * Limuko was still confused with all the text in the sky. Why was he seeing it?
  166. [22:38] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes, putting her own paper away. "I make my own mornings! It was waaaay too early."
  167. [22:38] * Dumisani nods and turns to Chasseuse. "Lead the way."
  168. [22:39] * Chasseuse is already trotting!
  169. [22:40] * Radiant_Fury nods a little. "I'm Fury. I'll admit, it was, and still is, too early. Have you tried coffee?"
  170. [22:40] * Limuko reluctantly follows the group, staying more close to Dumisani and away from both Chasseuse and Brookwing, his face slightly still red.
  171. [22:53] * Brookwind holds up a hoof. "Hold up! I heard the dog, really close by too."
  172. [22:53] * Limuko was relieved when he heard Brookwind say that. Now he didn't have to stay with these mares any longer and could head towards town to sell his gold!
  173. [22:54] * Danger_Zone is about to answer, but she suddenly looks around. "That's... wait. I hear the dog."
  174. [22:56] <~Radio|GM> Some did hear. And some will notice what is lying at their feet soon...
  175. [22:56] * Radiant_Fury scrunches her noise. "Dog? What dog? From the Bounty Board?"
  176. [22:58] * Dumisani quickly turns her head to the left. "Over there. Dog is over on the left bank."
  177. [23:00] * Chasseuse quirks her head, looking towards the left bank.
  178. [23:00] * Danger_Zone nods, and as she looks around... she notices something half-buried in the dirt. She reaches down to pull up... an envelope.
  179. [23:00] * Limuko looks toward the left bank as well to see if he can notice a dog there. He needed to get to town soon, and the sooner he found the dog the better.
  180. [23:00] * Radiant_Fury watches Danger_Zone intently. "Well, well..."
  181. [23:00] * Brookwind lofts into the air, looking for the dog.
  182. [23:00] * Dumisani doesn't wait, just walks towards the bank.
  183. [23:03] * Danger_Zone offers the envelope to Radiant_Fury to open, while she keeps looking around for the dog. "Huh. Think it's about your missing mare?"
  184. [23:04] * Radiant_Fury gently opens the letter with her telekinesis. "Almost certainly. She and her presumed kidnappers had been communicating through coded letters."
  185. [23:04] <~Radio|GM> The envelope has clearly been opened before, and the message reads as follows:
  186. [23:07] <~Radio|GM> "WM BMF HFLLMHV BMFJ HRHGVJ QNMDH"
  187. [23:07] <~Radio|GM> Beneath the cipher, the simple word "No" is written in a different hand.
  188. [23:10] * Radiant_Fury smiles. "Whoever this is... they're getting smarter."
  189. [23:12] * Danger_Zone takes a quick look at the page, and gives Radiant_Fury a strange look. "Uhh... if you say so."
  190. [23:15] * Radiant_Fury folds it up and tucks it away. "All right then."
  191. [23:19] * Radiant_Fury gives a firm nod. "Whoever it is that took her was here as well. They had to deliver this message and read it again when she answered it. Curious..."
  192. [23:22] * Danger_Zone has no idea what Radiant_Fury is talking about. "And that means... what?"
  193. [23:22] * Radiant_Fury continues in the upstream direction. "It means we're getting somehwere."
  194. [23:26] <~Radio|GM> Those who pay attention can see it, as they approach the bank closely. It is clearly the tail of a dog, its haunches disappearing as it trundles further over the ledge.
  195. [23:32] <~Radio|GM> From both locations, both ends of the party see the same thing.
  196. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> The same dog! The same tail! In two different locations...!
  197. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> ---End Session---
  198. [23:36] <~Radio|GM> All party members gain 4000 EXP!
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