
Dry Bowser's Rainy Wind Trip

Jan 8th, 2018
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  1. Dry Bowser was walking casually through the rainy Neo Bowser City, enjoying the constant downpour of rain in the neon lit metropolis as he watched the racers zip right by him, with the skeletal reptile shrugging it off as he was enjoying his night walk regardless.
  3. "Now this is what I'm talking about," Dry Bowser said to himself as he brushed back his wet red hair with his right bony hand. "A walk by myself in the city with the rain, and no one to be annoying to you..."
  5. Dry Bowser sadly would not be able to enjoy much of the peace he had, with it getting windy suddenly as he could feel several of his more fragile bones fly out. Dry Bowser looked around for the source of this sudden wind, seeing that it was a group of mischievous Fly Guys, who were laughing as they were causing gusts all around the city. Dry Bowser however would not have it, clenching his fists as he pulled out a long bone from his skeletal body.
  7. Dry Bowser: (scoffs) So that's how you want to play, huh...
  9. Dry Bowser then chucked his bone boomerang at the Fly Guys, watching it twirl around them as the robed enemies watched it go by them, laughing as they turned back to Dry Bowser and made more gusty winds. However all of them had their guards lowered, for the boomerang bone came right back, nailing all of them as they were knocked into the abyss below the city. Dry Bowser smirked as he snatched the bone with his mouth, placing it somewhere within the deep confines of his spiked charcoal shell as he resumed the walk that he was previously on, having taken care of the Fly Guy menace.
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