
mine server new

Dec 11th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. #CONFIG
  3. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. #-----------------------------------Logo------------------------------------
  5. logo: &e&l[mine]
  6. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. #-----------------------------------Types-----------------------------------
  10. playerleveling: true
  11. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. #---------------------------------PLeveling---------------------------------
  15. #PlayerLeveling (Reward uses vault!)
  16. xpforlvlup: 500
  17. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. #----------------------------------MaxLvL-----------------------------------
  21. maxlvl: 999999 #MaxXp is used to mark max level of player (eg. 100 Bob[Lv100])
  22. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. #----------------------------------Suffix-----------------------------------
  26. suffix: true
  27. setsuffix: &8[&7Lv%{lvl.%player%}%&8] #Do NOT touch %{lvl.%player%}%
  28. vipprefix: &a[VIP] &b
  29. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. every 5 second:
  33. loop all players:
  34. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  35. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&l-=Miner-Life=-"
  36. set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 15
  37. set score "&b&lLevel:" in sidebar of loop-player to 14
  38. set score "&e&l%{lvl.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  39. set score "&6&lNeedXP: &a%{nextlv.%loop-player%}-{xp.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  40. set score "&b&lPP(Point) &a%{pp.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  41. set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  42. set score "&e&lPlayers: &a%{Count.WorldExample}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  43. set score "&lLoggins:" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  44. set score "&a%{lgc.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  45. set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  46. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  48. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. #
  50. #&e&lランク≫ %{prefix::%uuid of loop-player%}%
  51. #
  52. #
  53. #
  54. #
  55. #&6&lNextLV&f: &e%{nextlv.%loop-player%}%
  57. variables:
  58. {mining.%player%} = 0
  59. {min.%player%} = 0
  60. {xp.%player%} = 0
  61. {lvl.%player%} = 0
  62. {nextlv.%player%} = 500
  65. on any movement:
  66. set tab header to "&d--------==>>&e&l-=Miner-Life=-&d<<==---------" and footer to "& &a%number of all players%&7/25" for player
  67. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  68. add {lvl.%player%} to {xp.%player%}
  69. if {xp.%player%} is greater or equal to {nextlv.%player%}:
  70. if {lvl.%player%} is greater or equal to {@maxlvl}:
  71. stop
  72. else:
  73. remove {nextlv.%player%} from {xp.%player%}
  74. add 1 to {lvl.%player%}
  75. send "{@logo} &7レベルアップ!現在のLV: &a%{lvl.%player%}%" to player
  76. add 1 to {pp.%player%}
  77. add round({lvl.%player%}*15*({lvl.%player%}*0.02+1.03)) to {nextlv.%player%}
  78. loop all players:
  79. player is not "syu_cat"
  80. message "{@logo} &b&l%player%さんがレベルアップ!現在のレべル:&7%{lvl.%player%}%" to loop-player
  81. stop
  82. if {xp.%player%} is greater or equal to {@xpforlvlup}:
  83. if {lvl.%player%} is greater or equal to {@maxlvl}:
  84. stop
  85. else:
  86. remove {nextlv.%player%} from {xp.%player%}
  87. add 1 to {lvl.%player%}
  88. send "{@logo} &7レベルアップ!現在のLV: &a%{lvl.%player%}%" to player
  89. add 1 to {pp.%player%}
  90. set {nextlv} to round({nextlv} * 1.1)
  91. stop
  93. on mine of stone:
  94. cancel event
  95. give player stone named "&7石" with lore "&8普通の石。特に何もない。"
  96. wait a tick
  97. add 2 to {xp.%player%}
  98. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  99. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  100. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  101. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  102. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  103. give player stone named "&7石" with lore "&8普通の石。特に何もない。"
  104. add -100 to {_a}
  105. else:
  106. exit the loop
  107. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  108. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  109. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  110. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  111. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  112. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  113. add -100 to {_a}
  114. wait 1 tick
  115. else:
  116. exit the loop
  117. on mine of coal_ore:
  118. cancel event
  119. give player coal ore named "&8石炭" with lore "&8よくある石炭。"
  120. wait a tick
  121. add 4 to {xp.%player%}
  122. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  123. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  124. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  125. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  126. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  127. give player coal ore named "&8石炭" with lore "&8よくある石炭。"
  128. add -100 to {_a}
  129. wait 1 tick
  130. else:
  131. exit the loop
  132. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  133. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  134. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  135. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  136. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  137. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  138. add -100 to {_a}
  139. wait 1 tick
  140. else:
  141. exit the loop
  142. on mine of lapis_ore:
  143. cancel event
  144. give player lapis ore named "&1ラピスラズリ" with lore "&8すごく青い。"
  145. wait a tick
  146. add 12 to {xp.%player%}
  147. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  148. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  149. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  150. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  151. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  152. give player lapis ore named "&1ラピスラズリ" with lore "&8すごく青い。"
  153. add -100 to {_a}
  154. wait 1 tick
  155. else:
  156. exit the loop
  157. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  158. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  159. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  160. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  161. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  162. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  163. add -100 to {_a}
  164. wait 1 tick
  165. else:
  166. exit the loop
  167. on mine of iron_ore:
  168. cancel event
  169. give player iron ore named "&7鉄" with lore "&8普通の鉄。特に何もない。"
  170. wait a tick
  171. add 6 to {xp.%player%}
  172. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  173. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  174. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  175. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  176. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  177. give player iron ore named "&7鉄" with lore "&8普通の鉄。特に何もない。"
  178. add -100 to {_a}
  179. wait 1 tick
  180. else:
  181. exit the loop
  182. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  183. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  184. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  185. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  186. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  187. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  188. add -100 to {_a}
  189. wait 1 tick
  190. else:
  191. exit the loop
  192. on mine of gold_ore:
  193. cancel event
  194. give player gold ore named "&6金" with lore "&8インゴットだよ。"
  195. wait a tick
  196. add 8 to {xp.%player%}
  197. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  198. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  199. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  200. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  201. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  202. give player gold ore named "&6金" with lore "&8インゴットだよ。"
  203. add -100 to {_a}
  204. wait 1 tick
  205. else:
  206. exit the loop
  207. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  208. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  209. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  210. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  211. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  212. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  213. add -100 to {_a}
  214. wait 1 tick
  215. else:
  216. exit the loop
  217. on mine of redstone_block:
  218. cancel event
  219. give player redstone block named "&cレッドストーン" with lore "&8少し光っている。"
  220. wait a tick
  221. add 10 to {xp.%player%}
  222. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  223. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  224. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  225. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  226. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  227. give player redstone block named "&cレッドストーン" with lore "&8少し光っている。"
  228. add -100 to {_a}
  229. wait 1 tick
  230. else:
  231. exit the loop
  232. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  233. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  234. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  235. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  236. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  237. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  238. add -100 to {_a}
  239. wait 1 tick
  240. else:
  241. exit the loop
  242. on mine of diamond_ore:
  243. cancel event
  244. give player diamond ore named "&bダイヤモンド!" with lore "&bすごく輝いている。"
  245. wait a tick
  246. add 15 to {xp.%player%}
  247. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  248. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  249. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  250. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  251. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  252. give player diamond ore named "&bダイヤモンド!" with lore "&bすごく輝いている。"
  253. add -100 to {_a}
  254. wait 1 tick
  255. else:
  256. exit the loop
  257. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  258. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  259. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  260. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  261. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  262. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  263. add -100 to {_a}
  264. wait 1 tick
  265. else:
  266. exit the loop
  267. on mine of obsidian:
  268. cancel event
  269. give player obsidian named "&0黒曜石" with lore "&7黒い。"
  270. wait a tick
  271. add 20 to {xp.%player%}
  272. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  273. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  274. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  275. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  276. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  277. give player obsidian named "&0黒曜石" with lore "&7黒い。"
  278. add -100 to {_a}
  279. wait 1 tick
  280. else:
  281. exit the loop
  282. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  283. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  284. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  285. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  286. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  287. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  288. add -100 to {_a}
  289. wait 1 tick
  290. else:
  291. exit the loop
  292. on mine of concrete:
  293. cancel event
  294. give player glowstone named "&6光石" with lore "&7ピカピカ光っている。"
  295. wait a tick
  296. add 30 to {xp.%player%}
  297. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  298. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  299. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  300. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  301. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  302. give player glowstone named "&6光石" with lore "&7ピカピカ光っている。"
  303. add -100 to {_a}
  304. wait 1 tick
  305. else:
  306. exit the loop
  307. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  308. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  309. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  310. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  311. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  312. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  313. add -100 to {_a}
  314. wait 1 tick
  315. else:
  316. exit the loop
  317. on mine of emerald ore:
  318. cancel event
  319. give player emerald named "&aエメラルド" with lore "&a&lキラキラー"
  320. wait a tick
  321. add 40 to {xp.%player%}
  322. set {_a} to {fortune.%player%}
  323. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  324. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  325. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  326. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  327. give player emerald named "&aエメラルド" with lore "&a&lキラキラー"
  328. add -100 to {_a}
  329. wait 1 tick
  330. else:
  331. exit the loop
  332. set {_a} to {boostxp.%player%}
  333. if name of player is "syu_cat":
  334. set {_a} to {xp.%player%}
  335. loop {lvl.%player%}/100 times:
  336. chance of 20+{_a}%:
  337. add 100 to {xp.%player%}
  338. add -100 to {_a}
  339. wait 1 tick
  340. else:
  341. exit the loop
  342. #-------------------------------------------------
  343. #tab
  344. #-------------------------------------------------
  345. on join:
  346. add 1 to {lgc.%player%}
  347. send "&dWelcome!"
  348. send "&dJoin Count: &a%{lgc.%player%}%"
  349. set join message to "&7[Join] &b%player%"
  350. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.item.pickup ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1"
  351. set display name of player to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  352. on quit:
  353. send "&aYou Left the Server"
  354. set quit message to "&7[Quit] &b%player%"
  355. on command "/help skripts":
  356. if player is op:
  357. send "Opened skript help"
  358. else:
  359. cancel event
  360. send "&cyou don't have permission"
  361. on command "/? skripts":
  362. if player is op:
  363. send "Opened skript help"
  364. else:
  365. cancel event
  366. send "&cyou don't have permission"
  367. command /resetstatus [<offline player>]:
  368. permission: skript.k2r
  369. permission message: あなたは権限を持っていません。
  370. trigger:
  371. if arg-1 is not set:
  372. set {xp.%player%} to 0
  373. set {lvl.%player%} to 1
  374. set {fortune.%player%} to 0
  375. set {pp.%player%} to 0
  376. set {boostxp.%player%} to 0
  377. set {nextlv.%player%} to 500
  378. send "%player%のステータスをリセットしました"
  379. if arg-1 is set:
  380. set {xp.%arg-1%} to 0
  381. set {lvl.%arg-1%} to 1
  382. set {fortune.%arg-1%} to 0
  383. set {pp.%arg-1%} to 0
  384. set {nextlv.%arg-1%} to 500
  385. send "%arg-1%のステータスをリセットしました"
  387. command /status [<offline player>]:
  388. trigger:
  389. if arg-1 is not set:
  390. open chest with 3 row named "&e&l%player%'s &6&lStatus" to player
  391. wait 2 tick
  392. format slot 10 of player with beacon named "&b&lLevel" with lore "&8[&b&l%{lvl.%player%}%&8]" to close
  393. format slot 11 of player with emerald named "&eADDCompression" with lore "&8[&a&l%{xc.%player%}%&8]" to close
  394. format slot 12 of player with gold nugget named "&bPP" with lore "&8[&e&l%{pp.%player%}%&8]" to close
  395. format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&dfortune" with lore "&8[&d&l%{fortune::%player%}%&8]" to close
  396. format slot 14 of player with iron block named "&bXPBoost" with lore "&8[&b&l%{boostxp::%player%}%&8]" to close
  397. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&6&lLoggins" with lore "&8[&6&l%{lgc::%player%}%&8]" to close
  398. if arg-1 is set:
  399. open chest with 3 row named "&e&l%arg-1%'s &6&lStatus" to player
  400. wait 2 tick
  401. format slot 10 of player with beacon named "&b&lLevel" with lore "&8[&b&l%{lvl.%arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  402. format slot 11 of player with emerald named "&eADDComperssion" with lore "&8[&a&l%{xc.%arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  403. format slot 12 of player with gold nugget named "&bPP" with lore "&8[&e&l%{pp.%arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  404. format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&dfortune" with lore "&8[&d&l%{fortune::%arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  405. format slot 14 of player with iron block named "&bXPBoost" with lore "&8[&b&l%{boostxp::%arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  406. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&6&lLoggins" with lore "&8[&6&l%{lgc::%arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  408. on rightclick holding a diamond:
  409. name of held item contains "&eポイント割り振り&a(right click)"
  410. open chest with 3 rows named "&aポイント割り振り" to player
  411. wait a tick
  412. format slot 10 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eAddCompression " to run [player command "/xcm"]
  413. format slot 12 of player with diamond named "&dFortune &alv %{fortune.%player%}%" to run [player command "/fortune"]
  414. format slot 14 of player with gold ingot named "&bXP増加 &alv %{boostxp.%player%}%" to run [player command "/boostxp"]
  415. command /lvup:
  416. trigger:
  417. open chest with 3 rows named "&aポイント割り振り" to player
  418. wait a tick
  419. format slot 10 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eAddCompression " to run [player command "/xcm"]
  420. format slot 12 of player with diamond named "&dFortune &alv %{fortune.%player%}%" to run [player command "/fortune"]
  421. format slot 14 of player with gold ingot named "&bXP増加 &alv %{boostxp.%player%}%" to run [player command "/boostxp"]
  422. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. #-----------------------------------addons-----------------------------------
  424. command /boostxp:
  425. trigger:
  426. if {pp.%player%} is greater than 0.1:
  427. remove 1 from {pp.%player%}
  428. add 1 to {boostxp.%player%}
  429. send "&bBoostXP&aに1ポイント割り振りました!"
  430. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.5"
  431. else:
  432. send "&cポイントが足りません。"
  433. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.2"
  434. command /fortune:
  435. trigger:
  436. if {pp.%player%} is greater than 0.1:
  437. remove 1 from {pp.%player%}
  438. add 1 to {fortune.%player%}
  439. send "&dfortune&aに1ポイント割り振りました!"
  440. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.5"
  441. else:
  442. send "&cポイントが足りません。"
  443. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.2"
  444. command /xcm:
  445. trigger:
  446. if {pp.%player%} is greater than 0.1:
  447. remove 1 from {pp.%player%}
  448. add 1 to {xc.%player%}
  449. send "&bBoostXP&aに1ポイント割り振りました!"
  450. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.5"
  451. else:
  452. send "&cポイントが足りません。"
  453. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.2"
  454. every 10 seconds:
  455. set {Count.WorldExample} to 0
  456. loop all players:
  457. add 1 to {Count.WorldExample}
  458. if name of loop-player is not "syu_cat":
  459. set tablist name of loop-player to "&a[%{lvl.%loop-player%}%] &a%loop-player%"
  460. else:
  461. set tablist name of loop-player to "&a[%rounded down {lvl.%loop-player%}/15%] &a%loop-player%"
  462. set tablist name of loop-player to loop-player's display name
  463. command /addstatus <player> [<number>]:
  464. permission:sk.admin
  465. trigger:
  466. if arg 2 is set:
  467. wait a tick
  468. add arg 2 to {xp.%arg 1%}
  469. command /getupgrademenu:
  470. trigger:
  471. give player diamond named "&eポイント割り振り&a(right click)"
  472. command /cmdlist:
  473. trigger:
  474. send "&7&l-----===&6&lCommandList&7&l===-----"
  475. send " &6/buy &7&l》&brealmShopを開く"
  476. send " &6/ec &7&l》&bエンダーチェストを開く"
  477. send " &6/fast &7&l》&b足が速くなるアイテムをGET &a(VIP以上)"
  478. send " &6/gomi &7&l》&bゴミ箱を開く"
  479. send " &6/mining &7&l》&b採掘速度上昇アイテムをGET &b(MVP&4+&b以上)"
  480. send " &6/ping <player> &7&l》&bプレイヤーのpingを測る。"
  481. send " &6/players <hide/show> &7&l》&bプレイヤーの非表示(当たり判定も)/表示"
  482. send " &6/status <player>(オフラインも可) &7&l》&bプレイヤーのステータスを見る"
  483. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  484. on mine:
  485. clear {_i}
  486. {xc.%player%} is set
  487. set {_i} to {xc.%player%}
  488. set {_i} to {_i}+{fortune.%player%}
  489. set {_i} to {_i}/100
  490. {_i} is set
  491. event-block is stone:
  492. chance of {_i}%:
  493. give 1 stone named "&7&l圧縮石" with lore "&7ただの石を圧縮しただけ。" to player
  494. stop
  495. event-block is coal ore:
  496. chance of {_i}%:
  497. give 1 coal block named "&8圧縮石炭" with lore "&8石炭を圧縮した塊。黒い。" to player
  498. stop
  499. event-block is iron ore:
  500. chance of {_i}%:
  501. give 1 iron block named "&7圧縮鉄" with lore "&7普通の鉄を圧縮した。" to player
  502. stop
  503. event-block is gold ore:
  504. chance of {_i}%:
  505. give 1 gold block named "&6圧縮金" with lore "&7金を圧縮しただけ。" to player
  506. stop
  507. event-block is redstone ore or glowing redstone ore:
  508. chance of {_i}%:
  509. give 1 red concrete named "&4圧縮レッドストーン" with lore "&cうっすら光っている。" to player
  510. stop
  511. event-block is lapis ore:
  512. chance of {_i}%:
  513. give 1 lapis block named "&1圧縮ラピス" with lore "&1普通なラピスラズリを圧縮した。" to player
  514. stop
  515. event-block is diamond ore:
  516. chance of {_i}%:
  517. give 1 diamond block named "&b圧縮ダイヤモンド" with lore "&b&lすごくキラキラしている。" to player
  518. stop
  519. event-block is obsidian:
  520. chance of {_i}%:
  521. give 1 obsidian named "&0圧縮黒曜石" with lore "&7黒すぎて何も見えない。" to player
  522. stop
  523. event-block is glowstone:
  524. chance of {_i}%:
  525. give 1 glowstone named "&6圧縮光石" with lore "&7光っている" to player
  526. stop
  527. event-block is emerald ore:
  528. chance of {_i}%:
  529. give 1 emerald block named "&a&l圧縮エメラルド" with lore "&7輝いている..." to player
  530. stop
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