
King Arthur

Aug 5th, 2016
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  1. So the basic jist of it was starting out as a squire during the period of King Uther, Arthur’s father, and serving the Earl of Salisbury. MC-kun would be finishing up his training as a squire and going on some little adventures with his friends, a hunting trip tutorial sorta. He ends up being knighted, getting his spurs and whatnot, being a real knight finally.
  3. MC-kun and friends go on adventures that involve slaying a Giant after getting tested by Merlin (that cunt), escorting Merlin to retrieve Caliburn, and then going back to court to tell their tale to the Earl and other nobles, where they can start trying to woo ladies. Life goes on, more border patrol, more little skirmishes with bandits and whatnot, and trying to come into the proper knighthood that they’ve been presented with and being the lord of their manor.
  5. Eventually shit goes bad and Uther leads the knights to war against the Saxons since they’ve been cunts for a long time. The Saxons are some bad dudes, real bad, and super strong, so the knights are taking some heavy losses but eventually manage to pull out on top after a long time fighting against the Saxons.
  7. Not that peace will last long, because Uther falls in love with the Duke of Cornwall’s wife, and wants to fuck her SUPER BAD. Cornwall is strong and didn’t lose many knights in the war while Uther’s men are tired and exhausted. King Uther goes kinda mad and declares war on Cornwall because he wants to get his dick wet and eventually they manage to get to the final battle of the campaign.
  9. Then Prince Madoc dies fighting the Duke.
  11. The only son of the King.
  12. Uther gets his Lady but loses his son. Life once more goes back to normal or as normal as it can be after so much fighting for so long. Uther eventually has a son with the Queen, and it’s all fucking dandy until Merlin steals the child away in the middle of the knight after having a horrible vision of what will happen if he doesn’t.
  14. Uther hosts a feast after a while
  17. EVERY
  18. ONE
  19. ALL THE NOBLES OF LOGRES (Their region of Britain)
  21. Except MC-kun because he’s doing something else, so now at this point quite a few years have passed and he’s likely a senior knight with his own wife and kids, but the problem presents itself that with all this chaos, no King, and no Earl, what the FUCK is he going to do to try to save his home. Because the one in charge now is the Countess of Salisbury, and she’s in no position to lead, and the Earl’s son is only a few years old….
  23. MC-kun is presented with a variety of options which will no doubt include trying to rally everyone together, seeking power for himself, or hunting down the King's murderers (or his Son, since he's one of the very few that know of Arthur's existence)
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