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Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. # What makes you better than other applicants?
  2. #### I have been a Administrator on a server that went down after a couple of weeks after I became a admin, the reason it went down is not certain but after a while the owner just stopped responding and the server never went up again. I have also tried running my own server which works but isn’t very big I don’t have it online a lot cause I run it from my own computer. I have been Helper on a skyblock server, but that server also mysteriously went down for ever I do not know how that keeps happening.
  4. If I were to see another staff member abusing their permissions I would try to first get evidence of the staff member abusing their permissions and after I have gathered enough evidence to make sure I have a case against the abusing staff member I will the go ahead and notify a higher ranking staff member that is in charge of managing the staff team and tell them that this staff member was abusing their permission and show them proof of the staff member abusing they permissions. The reason I would get proof before reporting them is because you should never accuse someone of abusing or anything without proof because that is how rumors are started and rumors are a powerful thing, if too many people start to believe the rumors even if they are not really true then the person who is being talked about can get hurt in the process and it also has the chance of breaking up a staff team if people go around accusing people without the proper evidence.
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