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- clear
- % initial
- lr=0.0000000034; % learning rate
- %lr=0.00000115; % learning rate
- mom=1; % momentum
- iDim=1; % input dimension
- %y=100+sin(2.*pi/12.*x);
- % activation functions
- sigmoid=@(x) 1./(1+exp(x));
- dsigmoid=@(x) sigmoid(x).*(1-sigmoid(x));
- relu=@(x) max(x,0);
- drelu=@(x) x>0;
- activF={sigmoid dsigmoid;relu drelu}; % cell of poential activation func
- epochmax=20000;
- N=25;
- for L=1:5 % Neuron number
- TN=L; % test number
- bestEpoch=1;
- %dimV=[iDim N 1 ]; %dimension of each layer, from input to output
- dimV=cat(2,iDim,ones(1,L)*N,1);
- dimPerLay=repelem(dimV,2) ;dimPerLay([1,end])=[];
- dimPerLay=reshape(dimPerLay,2,[])';
- xDiam=50; %span of x coordinates
- activFidx=ones(1,size(dimV,2))*2;activFidx(end)=1; % last layer sigm, rest relu
- numSample=1000;
- x=(rand(numSample,1)-0.5).*xDiam;
- %x=linspace(-0.5*xDiam,0.5*xDiam,numSample)';
- for i=1:size(dimPerLay,1);
- w{i}=(rand(dimPerLay(i,:))-0.5)*1;
- dw{i}=0;
- b{i}=(rand(1,dimV(i+1))-0.5)*xDiam;
- %b{i}=linspace(0,50,dimV(i+1));
- db{i}=0;
- end
- yp{1}=x;
- y=100+cos(pi./12.*x)+sin(pi./5.*x);
- for epoch=1:epochmax
- for i=1:size(dimPerLay,1) % forward propagate
- v=yp{i}*w{i}+b{i};
- act=activF{activFidx,1};
- dact=activF{activFidx,2};
- %yp{i+1}=relu(v); %yp{i+1}=I;
- yp{i+1}=act(v); %yp{i+1}=I;
- %phi{i}=drelu(v);
- phi{i}=dact(v);
- end
- e=y-yp{end};
- bSize=size(e,1);
- E(epoch)=sum(0.5*(e).^2)/bSize; % square error
- % BP
- %delta{size(dimPerLay,1)}=sum(E)/bSize;
- delta{size(dimPerLay,1)}=e;
- for i=size(dimPerLay,1)-1:-1:1
- delta{i}=phi{i}.*(delta{i+1}*w{i+1}');
- end
- % weight update
- for i=size(dimPerLay,1):-1:1
- %d=mom*dw{i}+lr.*yp{i}'*delta{i};
- gd=yp{i}'*delta{i};
- dp=(dw{i}.*gd)>=0;% dot product
- %dp(dp==0)=-0.5;
- % if epoch>2 & E(epoch)>E(epoch-1)
- % dp=-ones(size(dp));
- % end
- d=mom*dw{i}.*(dp)+lr.*gd;
- w{i}=w{i}+d;
- dw{i}=d;
- if E(epoch)<=E(bestEpoch)
- bestw=w; bestyp=yp;bestEpoch=epoch;
- end
- %gdb=sum(delta{i});
- %dp=(db{i}.*gdb)>=0;% dot product
- %dp(dp==0)=0.2;
- %d=mom*db{i}.*dp+sum(lr.*delta{i});
- d=mom*db{i}+sum(lr.*delta{i});
- b{i}=b{i}+d;
- db{i}=d;
- end
- if mod(epoch,500) ==0
- figure(2)
- subplot(1,2,1)
- plot(x',y','o',x',yp{end}','*',x',bestyp{end},'.')
- subplot(1,2,2)
- plot(epoch-500+1:epoch,E(epoch-500+1:epoch))
- %lr=lr*0.95;
- end
- %ydelta(epoch)=sum(delta{end});
- %delta{3}
- end
- figure(1)
- SPdist=mod(TN-1,5)+2*5*floor((TN-1)/5)+1;
- SPerror=SPdist+5;
- subplot(2,5,SPdist)
- plot(x',y','o',x',yp{end}','*',x',bestyp{end},'.')
- title(cat(2,'Distribution L=',num2str(L)))
- subplot(2,5,SPerror)
- plot(3000:epoch,E(3000:end))
- title(cat(2,'Error L=',num2str(L)))
- [min(E) E(end)]
- E(end)/min(E)
- end
- % figure (3) ; plot(sort(w{1}))
- % figure (4) ; plot(sort(w{2}))
- % figure (5) ; plot(sort(w{3}))
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