
One Messy Week

Jul 28th, 2013
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  1. Here goes nothing.
  3. /////////
  5. “I knew my family should've stayed back in Japan.”
  6. “Oh, please, Tatsy, that was back in the 80's!”
  7. “But maybe I wouldn't've met your crazy ass.”
  8. “I would have gone across the pacific for you!”
  10. Tatsuya Inuzo groaned as he slumped back in his seat, tired. Amy Sylvia's hand-me-down Miata was getting old, and kind of uncomfortable. In his eyes, she should've replaced it as soon as she got it, but she hung onto it like some kind of prized relic. It was just...a good-looking girl like her, with luscious blond hair, green eyes, and a nice, if somewhat young body, should not have been driving such an old, kind-of run down car.
  12. “It shames me to be in this car. And you know about the Japanese and shame.”
  13. “Oh, please, Tatsy.” Amy rolled her eyes as she turned down a side street marked with verdant trees. “You're as American as apple pie. How many times have you been in Japan?”
  14. Tatsuya shrank back further in his seat. “....Two...” he replied barely above a whisper.
  15. “Hah! And I heard from the grapevine that you had forgotten how to use chopsticks!”
  16. Tatsuya blushed and looked away from her. “That, and you apparently got mistaken for a girl.”
  18. He didn't want to look at her, but he could look at himself in the wing mirror while they drove down the street. Truthfully, he was a girly boy. Someone the Japanese would call an “otokonoko”. His whole build was thin and not very muscular, sort of girlish, with a cute face and large blue eyes. He kept his hair long due to laziness, which didn't help much, nor did the striking purple color. He had been asked out by clueless men before, that was for certain. One time he even thought of becoming one of those internet trap idols—guys who trapped it up and scored internet fame from legions of sexually-confused horny men. But then again, that kind of thing happened only in Japan anyway.
  20. “...Yes, I did. Anyway, why are we going to your house anyway?”
  22. Amy stopped a crosswalk and ran her fingers through her hair coquettishly. “Well, it's summer...and my parents are gonna be gone for 2 weeks on a vacation.”
  24. “How convenient.” Tatsuya smirked jeeringly.
  26. “Well, it happened.” Seeing the coast was clear, Amy floored it down the road and stopped right in front of a brick two-story house halfway down the road. The trees were thick here, granting plenty of shade from the hot summer sun. “Now we got my house free...for some, you know, diaper fun?”
  28. Tatsuya jumped at the mention of the word “diaper”. He hadn't expected her to be that quick. It had been quite the embarrassing moment for him; most people didn't have to deal with the girl they liked somewhat discovering a package of diapers in their room. “I told you about that only like 3 weeks ago. Now you want to do this kind of stuff? Already?”
  30. Amy leaned over to his seat flirtatiously and put one finger on his chin. An uncomfortable bulge was starting to build in his pants. “Oh, maybe you just turned me on to them? Come on, get out.” She made her leave slowly and deliberately. Tatsuya just stayed in the car dumbfounded for a minute before getting out himself.
  32. //////
  34. Inside, the house was pretty well-furnished, he had to admit. Downstairs had a living room to the right and and a walk-in kitchen to the left. Going further back led to a bathroom and a leisure room with a rather nice TV. Upstairs held three bedrooms and some bathrooms. The whole house had quite plush and nice furnishings; it wasn't a mansion, of course, but Amy's family had quite some money to throw around. They also liked cream-colored furniture and carpet it seemed.
  36. Tatsuya awkwardly lied down on a large sofa and rested his head, nearly falling asleep. His eyes caught two big boxes near the wall, completely nondescript. “What are those?”
  38. “Diapers. What else did you expect?” Amy nonchalantly answered as she walked around the kitchen. “Want some soda or orange juice?”
  40. “Soda, whatever. You just have the boxes lying there? Your parents don't do anything?”
  42. Amy walked over and handed him a glass filled with bubbling soda before setting down on a nearby chair. “Nah, these came after they left.”
  44. “How convenient.” Tatsuya took a big swig of soda—the fizzing, crackling feeling jolted him awake in an instant. “I'm surprised you came onto this so quickly.”
  46. “Well, I looked around...I mean, it's a unique fetish. But I'm kind of an open-minded person. That and I've always liked dominating men.” Amy smiled at him a little.
  48. “Oh yeah? You learn something new every day.” Tatsuya sat up, now feeling full of energy. “Well, now what?”
  50. “Well, let's just get them on, first.” Amy had a devilish look in her eye, something that made Tatsuya wary...
  52. They broke open the boxes and pulled out two massive cases of diapers. They were premium ones intended for ABDL's—Tatsuya had to admire Amy for going for the best. There were 64 diapers in each case, all of them neatly folded and ready to be worn. Tatsuya had never seen such a massive amount. This would've lasted him months...but he only wore sporadically to make up for his small stash. They had a babyish design, clearly meant more for AB's than DL's.
  54. And he had never gotten diapers this impressive. He took the precious few seconds to slowly fondle them and squeeze them, feeling how thick they were compared to the store-boughts he had always used. A feeling of jealously rose up in him, and he quickly glared at Amy.
  56. Amy just laughed. “What, is little Tatsy mad~?” She strolled over and pinched him on the cheek. “Ah, he looks like he's cwanky~” Tatsuya pushed her off but she just grabbed on again. “I bet little Tatsy needs a change, doesn't he?” Tatsuya could not deny the hard-on making his pants tight. This girl was good. Too good.
  58. Amy pushed him down onto his back. “How was that? I practiced a little, you know. I kind like this mommy thing.”
  60. “Good...I guess.”
  62. “You dick tells me its better than good.” Amy slowly and deliberately unzipped his pants and pulled them off of his legs. “Wow, Tatsy, you have such girly legs. Are you sure you were born the right sex?” She then took his underwear and pulled that off too, having to manipulate it a little to get it off off his raging stiffy. Then she took the diaper she had been holding and taped it onto him. “How is it?”
  64. Tatsuya didn't say anything at first. Not because he was dumbfounded or anything similar. No, it was because he had never worn a diaper this thick and snug. It perfectly cupped his whole waist and fit him like a glove. The padding in the middle was so thick he couldn't even close his legs. It felt kind of like he had a small pillow between his legs. “...I like it...” He meekly responded.
  66. “That's very good, Tatsy. I hope you like staying in them, because you're not getting out for quite some time.”
  68. “Wait, what?”
  70. Amy had a smile that was so devious she looked like a villain. “Well, you see, I read this one story...” She blushed heavily. “And in the story, a guy was in diapers for like a I thought I'd try it with you. You like messing, don't you?”
  72. “...Yes...” Tatsuya slowly sat up, a little bewildered. “But...I've never stayed in a diaper that long...and this is kind of sudden! I never agreed to this!”
  74. “Well, there's a first for everything, right? Tell you what, I'll be in diapers for as long as you stay in that one diaper. So if you want to see me in diapers, then you'll have to stay in that one!”
  76. Tatsuya just winced. This woman was EVIL. There was no way he could pass up a chance to see her in diapers. The mere thought was nearly making him cum. “Dammit, you crazy woman...fine. You drive a hard bargain, but I can't pass up a chance to see you in diapers. Are you gonna be in just one too?”
  78. “Nah.” Amy strolled over daintly to the rest of the diapers. “Tatsy's gonna be my caretaker, you know? You'll be changing my diapers, feeding me...” She pulled one of the diapers out of the case and sniffed it lovingly. “Wow, the smell's nice...”
  80. ...This was an odd situation. “Wait, you mean...aren't you the dom here? You can't just add conditions after I agreed!”
  82. “Yes, but I'm a little babyish, you know? You'll have to do everything I say.”
  84. “I want to say 'fuck you' so badly right now, but I'll do it if it means seeing you in diapers.”
  86. “I knew you would have to say yes.”
  88. /////////
  90. A few minutes later, Amy was diapered and up wearing nothing but a simply black T-shirt with black thigh-highs. The contrast of black and white was rather striking, to say the least. Tatsuya had been sitting down in the living room, not really having anything to do.
  92. “You wanna try wearing thigh-highs?” Amy asked him. “You'd look good in them.”
  94. “Maybe, I guess.” Tatsuya just lazily sat around, not doing much, staring at the ceiling.
  96. “Well, I say you are wearing them. You have to do whatever I say, right?” Amy started to get up and go upstairs.
  98. “Wait, dammit!” But she kept going and disappeared up the stairs. Tatsuya sighed. She was really gonna milk this for all it was worth.
  100. When she came downstairs, she had far more than thigh-highs with her. She also was holding a schoolgirl outfit with a mischievous smile. Tatsuya first presumed that she was going to wear it, but then she put it down and walked over to him...
  102. “I saw this upstairs, I think you'll be wearing it.” He opened his mouth to object, but she simply put one finger to it. “Uh-uh~ Tatsy does whatever I say, remember? You're wearing this outfit.”
  104. “But...” Tatsuya just gave up there. Amy was intent in turning him into her fucktoy, and to be honest, he really didn't have a problem with that. Of course, one part of his brain was telling him that he should resist, but another was currently telling his dick to become as hard as possible. (I haven't this many boners in a while...)
  106. So he decided to comply and put on the socks and the outfit. It was a Japanese serafuku that only covered a little of his diaper. Actually, it was kinda small and tight, and he felt like he wanted to die. This was why he couldn't trap. He just got too damn embarrassed, blushing and turning his head away from Amy.
  108. “Ah, now, Tatsy, don't be like that!” She grabbed his head with surprising force and pulled it towards her, before giving it a small kiss, which only served to make him even more red. “You look cute...very cute.”
  110. “I look like a girl...” He pushed away, acutely aware of how the thick diaper was making walking difficult. He looked down at himself and sighed. He really did look like a girl. More than Amy did. How was that even possible? Maybe God was feeling like a dick that day. On the other hand, the embarrassment was almost enjoyable. He managed to look Amy straight in the eye, aware of how girly he humiliating indeed. He wanted to ease the pain in his crotch, to jack off, but doing that in front of Amy? ...Well, he decided to do it anyway.
  112. Or he did until Amy grabbed his hand. “Oh, Tatsy, I had no idea you were so horny right now! My baby's growing up, isn't he? Let me help you, though...” She gripped his shoulders and slowly set him down on the ground like she was about to change his diaper. He was a little confused at first—until she set her foot right on diaper, above his dick. “Oh, you're quite big—bigger than I expected.” Her socked foot began to slowly dance around his crotch, feeling his dick through the diaper. “You like this kind of thing, don't you?”
  114. Amy started to slowly massage his dick with her foot, moving it up and down with rhythmic motions. She had to exert quite a bit of pressure to get through the thick padding, but that only served to make the experience more gratifying. Tatsuya himself couldn't believe his eyes. He was getting a footjob, while diapered, from Amy, who was diapered himself. He ran that through his mind a few times, trying to truly grasp it. While he did, got a perfect view of Amy's crotch on the ground. Seeing her crotch, swaddled by that thick, plushy diaper of hers, only served to make him even harder.
  116. Amy's eyes widened. “Wow, you're getting even more turned on, are you?” She started to speed up her foot, causing an intense feeling to rush through Tatsuya. His dick felt like it was on fire, being stroked more and more; a feeling of pleasure began to run through it, though he knew that would be nothing compared to the inevitable orgasm...
  118. A series of haughty laughs began to come from Amy. She held her hand to her mouth like some kind of rich ojou, laughing at Tatsuya, laughing at how he was about to come already. “Are you really that sexless, Tatsy? About to come already? Please, you'll have to do better than that!” Tatsuya was starting to pant from the sexual desire building up in him, Amy's insults only serving to make him even more excited. He was about to orgasm now...
  120. ...And then Amy pulled her foot away, denying him the pleasure he so desperately wanted. Her eyes were filled with nothing but devilish intentions. “Sorry, Tatsuya, but I just don't see the point in letting a guy like you orgasm, you know. Maybe if you could hold a little longer.”
  122. Tatsuya quickly rose to his knees and begged for release—his dick was still on the edge, so tantalizingly close...he felt like Tantalus himself. “Oh come on! Please!?” His voice was desperate, but Amy laughed and pushed him away.
  124. “Oh, that's very cute. But you'll have to do better than that.” Amy knelt down and got on all-fours next to him. “Maybe next, time got it~?” She gave him such a cute smile he couldn't help but forgive her. “Now, I have to go get something upstairs, can you get me a bottle of milk while you're at it? I kept a baby bottle in the cupboard for this occasion.” With that, she retreated upstairs.
  126. /////
  128. Tatsuya grumbled, still annoyed at being denied orgasm, and went over to the kitchen. He quickly retrieved the milk and the bottle. (Dammit, drive a hard bargain..) He nearly dropped the items, his hands were shaking from anger and still-releasing sexual energy. While pouring the milk into the bottle, it nearly spilled everywhere. But on the other hand, he did like this stuff. (I should just face it, I want to be treated like a baby and dominated by a woman, fuck).
  130. Then he noticed a cupboard was open. He went to close it, but then noticed a small bottle in it. It was a bottle of laxative—fast-acting, too, as it advertised working its magic in 1 hour.
  132. She didn't appear to be coming down anytime soon. If he was quick, he could dump it into the milk and she wouldn't know a thing...then he could see her uncontrollably mess herself, which would be quite hot for him. Then she would probably punish him when she inevitably found it. That would also be hot for him. He knew what he had to do.
  134. Checking carefully, he took the bottle and dumped it into the milk. She was nowhere to be seen, so he quickly put it away and screwed the nipple onto the milk bottle. A few minutes later, Amy came down, her diaper giving her a cute sort of waddle, holding, so to speak, in her hand.
  136. “Where's the milk?” She asked. Tatsuya pointed over to it on the kitchen table. She smiled, dropping her things and grabbing the bottle giddily. Then she walked over to him on the couch and sat down. “Well, I want you to give me it.” She then laid down over his lap and handed him the bottle.
  138. He just sighed. “You really are a baby...” Taking the bottle, he put it slowly to her lips; she started to suck on it enthusiastically, draining the milk out rather quick, while making a variety of cute babyish sounds behind the nipple. She really did look like a baby. Tatsuya couldn't resist touching her diaper, feeling it a little. He expected to get his hand swatted away, but she actually took it and forced it onto her diaper, signaling for him to pleasure her a little more. He gladly did so and snuck his hand down underneath to her vagina, where he started to finger her a little. A few moans of pleasure came out from behind the bottle's nipple, and he decided to go faster. Amy was starting to rock her hips back and forth, pleasure building up in her crotch as Tatsuya explored every part of her vag. He had never ever touched a woman before, and Amy could tell, but he seemed to have been learning quickly.
  140. Her cries were getting more passionate as more and more pleasure began to build up in her body. Her pussy was slick and wet with fluids by now, and Tatsuya began to jam in a little deeper, feeling every crevice and every inch of her. Eventually, the stimulation was too much, and she came in a ferocious orgasm, pleasure flowing through like a lightning bolt. “Mmmffaaaaaahhhh~” She moaned profusely behind the nipple—the bottle was long since drained, and Tatsuya removed it. “Aaaaah~ Tatsy, I had no idea you could please a woman like that...maybe it's because you look so like one of us~”
  142. “I'm not that good.” He started to blush and look away, counting the minutes until the laxative would work.
  144. Amy ignored the toys in favor of playing with Tatsuya on the floor. They did a variety of babyish things, laughing all the way through and having an overall good time. About an hour later, they were done, resting on the floor.
  146. “That was fun. This is a really fun kind of fetish, you know--” Amy stopped, feeling her stomach. “Ah, my stomach feels funny...what was that?” She quickly added when Tatsuya nearly betrayed his prank with a smile.
  148. “, what's wrong?”
  150. Amy clutched her stomach even tighter. She just felt incredibly sick all of a sudden. Her stomach was groaning and she let loose a small fart, enough to make her completely blush. “'s...nothing...”
  152. “You sure?”
  154. “I'm absolutely positive...” She was starting to grimace. Her belly felt horrible. What the hell had happened? “I just need to go to the bathroom...” She began to get up.
  156. And then it hit her.
  158. Clutching her stomach incredibly hard and gasping in sheer surprise, Amy immediately started to mess herself. Raising her butt in the air, she pushed a thick, mushy mass into the seat of her diaper. Tatsuya watched, mesmerized, as she proceeded to fill her diaper with shit. The laxative had done its job and more—Amy was completely shitting herself. The font of mess just wouldn't stop coming, staining her diaper dark brown and filling the room with an awful stench. Tatsuya started to pinch his nose, laughing. Amy yelled at him for it, but that couldn't stop her from completely filling her diaper; the sticky, squelchy mess nearly made her throw up as it stuck to her butt and then went up to her crotch, incapable of going anywhere else. By the time she stopped, her diaper was sagging, heavy, and filled with shit. The whole room stank with a horrid, putrid stench and Amy was too shocked to do anything at first. Then she finally got up, her diaper stained brown and sagging, and sat down on her mess. The feel of the crap sliding and squelching around in her diaper as she sat down nauseated her.
  160. Tatsuya was just laughing and getting a raging boner. Amy stared into space, dumbfounded for a few seconds. Then she immediately began to bawl her eyes out and fall back onto her back, throwing a tantrum on the floor. “TATSY, I WANT A CHANGE *NOW*!” She yelled as loud as possible while kicking her legs and arms, crying like a baby. Tatsuya felt defiant at first, but eventually decided to help her, crawling over to her and helping her up.
  162. “Hah, that was quite the display you gave me.” He dried her tears on his shirt and helped her lie down. Her diaper was swollen and mushy to the touch, and he touched and squeezed it quite a bit, much to Amy's dismay.
  164. “ did that happen?” Amy was still crying a little, her voice broken by little sobs.
  166. “I don't know.” Tatsuya feigned innocence as he took a new diaper out of the case and unfolded it next to Amy.
  168. “...Wipes are in the kitchen.” After retrieving them, he carefully un-taped and opened her diaper. The smell was even worse when open, and Tatsuya nearly threw up, but he diligently wiped all of the mess off of Amy and taped her into a fresh diaper.
  170. As soon as he was done, Amy scooted back from him a little. “It was you, wasn't it?” She was still blushing profusely.
  172. “What?” Tatsuya rolled onto his back and stuck his legs up in the air like some innocent baby.
  174. “You...I bet you found that laxative in the kitchen!”
  176. “Aaaand what if I did?”
  178. “Oh man, when I get my dignity back I'm gonna kill you....” Tatsuya did nothing but look at her cutely. “D-Don't think you're gonna get away just because you're a cute girly babyboi!” She sounded like she was trying to convince herself that she was intimidating.
  180. “You kinda liked messing yourself, though, didn't you?
  182. “You little fuck! I-I'll never t-tell you something like that!” Tatsuya couldn't help it and began to laugh at her riotously, snickering like a naughty child. “Why you little shit! I'm gonna punish you so goddamn hard! STOP LAUGHING, DAMMIT!”
  184. This was going to be a unique two weeks.
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