

Sep 29th, 2012
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  1. <div><div><strong>Characters:</strong> Kitty Norvile and you!</div><div><strong>Location</strong>: Way out in yonder sticks upon the turtle&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Situation</strong>: It's a full moon night!</div><div><strong>Warning</strong>: n/a, will edit if any become applicable&nbsp;</div><div><strong>OOC Note:</strong> It's a full moon night, which means that the wolf is in charge! Feel free to have your character have decided to follow her from the city- her network post was probably fishy to the more suspicious folks, after all! For those of you whose characters tend to wander around in the woods, that's cool too!&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>A very very important thing, though, is that the wolf is actually a wild creature, not some wolf-man/man-wolf thing. She's a definitely large <em>wolf</em>, since conservation of mass and all that.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>That said, Wolf!Kitty is a bit of a wuss; while she's head of her pack back home, she also does her best to <em>avoid</em>&nbsp;fights and attacks. So unless your character tries to attack her, they'll probably well off unless they do anything else that's generally asking for getting mauled, like forcing a wild animal into a corner. &nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>As a reminder, Kitty does have an excellent sense of smell, so if she comes across their scent at a later time after this encounter, she will probably remember it after waking up and scenting strangers around when those scents hadn't been there earlier. She generally does not remember all of what goes on during full moon nights- it's blurry.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><cut text="'Howl...'"><div>The responses from last night's network post were helpful; well, most of them were helpful- Steph and Bruce's were especially useful with giving her an idea of where to go (she tried to not think too much on Bruce's looks; he was handsome, and looked like the sort of person she would've tried to flirt with before she was married- which made her miss Ben even more).<div>&nbsp;</div><div>Kitty left from her suite early in the morning, hitching a ride with some kedan heading towards the tail end of the shell in exchange for a few hours' worth of work. It wasn't too much, just loading and unloading things for their shop, and helping with a quick inventory count, before sitting in a cart drawn by a strange looking animal- a kirin, they called it- for &nbsp;a few hours.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The conversation provided by the kedan was light- talk about the weather, idle gossip. The occasional question directed at her, asking how she was liking Keeliai so far, and had she gone to this place, or that one yet?</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Next time- if there was a next time here- she'd plan better.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The vast tracts of bare shell was actually unnerving, to an extent- it was all too much a reminder that this wasn't actually land, and definitely not Earth. The bioluminescence didn't help, for that matter.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Eventually, though, it the day was waning into evening, and she could actually see trees, and mountains- which were weird and foreign, for how obviously dug into and mined they were; these were nothing like home's (another pang, there)- and Kitty could feel Wolf's need to run, and hunt, which was relieving. Until the replies started filtering in with confirmation that there were places outside of the city with few people, she was worried that she would end up locking the suite up and Changing there, where there was no space, and far too many people nearby.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Kitty thanked the kedan, and hopped off, making her way towards the treeline. The path the cart took was worn, and the farther she was from it, the better.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>It took some time to get further into the forested area, looking around for a good place to deposit her clothes, but she found one that would work- a large tree up against a rise of craggy ignored rock would provide decent enough shelter, later.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>It was already hurting to resist the Change. Wolf wanted out, now.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Kitty pulled off her clothes (no bra, not on full moon nights), kicked off her shoes, and put them against the rock, before moving away, and letting the wolf take over.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>It was fluid and painful, fur rippling outwards, bones shifting, the whole body warping and changing until a large sandy wolf is where a human had been just seconds before, and howls.</div></cut>
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