
But when babies?

Jan 25th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was sitting in the lobby waiting for her name to be called back so she could go in for her check up. She was anxious because all she wanted was for the doctor to clear her so she could start attending class and actually have a life again. She was twisting her ring around her finger, staring over at the nurse willing her to say her name.-
  2. Covet: Felix was feeling a little bit anxious and jittery because he wanted to smoke but hadn't had the chanc yet. He was trying to keep himself still, but wasn't doint that good of a job at it.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She glanced over at him fidgeting in his seat, reaching her hand out to cover his as she raised her brows. "Do you want something from the vending machine? I know I have a couple of singles..."-
  4. Covet: "Nah, Not really hungry. I forgot to call in my meds, and they couldn't have it ready before tomorrow, so I'm a little antsy is all." He told her with a shrug, then smiled.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Well maybe one of the nurses can't help you out filling it if it's getting to you that much." She said in a sympathetic tone, keeping her hand over the top of his. When the nurse finally called her name, she all but jumped out of her chair. "Right here." She said quickly, moving to follow her.-
  6. Covet: "Eh, I've already called it in I'll be fine until in the morning. I'm picking it up before class in the morning." He told her, giving her hand a squeeze. He got up with her, since he was holding her hand as she got up. "Hey, they're not going anywhere, slow down."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Okay, well it's okay if you need me to help you with anything. I should be cleared off bed rest tonight." She spoke, clearly giddy about that fact. She followed behind the nurse down the hallway, turning into one of the exam rooms.-
  8. Covet: "Hopefully, you're getting about as antsy as I am." He told her, with a laugh, walking down the hall and into one of the rooms that the nurse directed them to.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She hopped up to sit on on the exam table, swinging her legs back and forth and folding her hands in her lap. "This might be the first time I was happy to walk in here." She smirked, not intending it to be an insult, but the nurse was clearly not as amused. // The nurse stuck the finger thermometer on her finger and went about getting her blood pressure taken. "One ten over seventy. Much better than last time." She said as she recorded it in the chart.-
  10. Covet: "Yeah, I can tell, it's throwing me off over here." He said with a smile. "And that is fantastic on your blood pressure."
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She watched as the nurse walked out to get the doctor, turning her smiling face to Felix. "So far all good news. I can feel it, he's going to take me off bed rest and give us the green light." She said with a nod, clearly overzealous about the state of her health.-
  12. Covet: "Give us the green light?" Felix asked furrowing his brow.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, slipping off the exam table and walking over to stand in front of Felix. "To start trying. Well... after you get your cast off." She added like what she was talking about had been obvious.-
  14. Covet: "Uh... Steph.. I don't want to be a debbie downer over here, but... You just had a heart attack a week ago...And you have to be eating more than the few handfuls of grapes a day... I don't want you to get your hopes up, when that's kind of an unrealistic expectation of yourself, given your current circumstance." He told her as he took his hat off, fidgeting with it in her hands.
  15. Covet: *his hands
  16. Alexithymiaa: "No I know, I'm not stupid. But I've been working towards that and I've even a little more each day so really soon I'll be exactly where I need to be. And this isn't an exact science, it takes a little while of trying before things actually happen so by the time it does, it'll all work out." She reached her hand out to settle over his fidgeting hands, finding him at least a little amusing. "I know you're nervous, but I promise it's going to be fine." Bitch I really dont think it's his fucking apprehension towards kids.-
  17. Covet: "Yeah.. but my reasons for being nervous have completely changed." He said furrowing his brow. "By all means we can keep practicing, but I don't think the doctor is going to sign off on us trying yet, just because of the risks involved." Felix said, trying not to be annoyed that she thought this was about his fear of having kids.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Well that's why we're here to find out how he thinks I'm doing. I know I feel better and for me that's usually a pretty good indicator." // Dr. Greene walked in with her chart in hand, giving them both a warm smile. "Evening. How are we doing?" He asked as he shut the door behind him.-
  19. Covet: "Right..." Felix said pulling his hat back on, giving a nod to the doctor, trying not to think about the eventual consoling he was going to have to do after this appointment.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "A lot better." She started in, walking back over to the exam table and sitting down. // "I can see that." He said as he wrote a few things down and then set her chart down. "Let's have a listen." He stuck the stethoscope into his ears and then pressed it to her chest, listening to her heart and nodding. "Definitely stronger and steadier than it was a week ago, that's for sure. And what kind of diet changes have you made?" He asked, but sort of swung his glance to Felix because he expected Steph to lie.-
  21. Covet: Felix looked over at Steph, "She's been doing good, upping her calorie intake a little more each day."
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded her head after Felix spoke, chiming in. "I have been. Grapes and Cheerios and smoothies. Once I'm off bed rest I intend to start cooking again and I'll have some eggs...." She trailed off, trying to be excited about this, but she was more excited about the result of it than anything else. // The doctor jotted a few things down. "Good, that's good to hear. I would like to hear a little bit more of an expansive diet plan the next time I see you, but this is a good start. Try to work some carbs in whenever you can because that's what's going to boost your energy. And have you set up an appointment with Dr. Ferguson yet?"-
  23. Covet: Felix took a mental note of this so he knew what he could start pushing her on as far as food went. "No." He answered immediately because he knew Steph would dance around that one. "I told her you said it was something that needed to be done. She's been following everything damn near to a T, except that."
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She instantly shot Felix a dirty look for throwing her right under the bus. "Well.... I was on bed rest for the last week and I wasn't exactly sure when you would say it was okay to start getting back to normal and stuff so I don't think it's unreasonable that nothing has been set up yet..." // "That's true, yes... but as of today I'm clearing you to start returning to your normal routine and activity, so now there is no reason why you shouldn't be on the phone calling her office in the morning." He eyed her. "With that said, we're going to need to build that heart muscle back up, but we need to do this strategically as to not cause it too much stress. So start small, go for a little walk down to the corner of your street and walk back. I don't want more than ten minutes of light cardio at a time."-
  25. Covet: "You could have scheduled it so we could do it sometime this week." Felix said because that was BS Steph. "Ten minutes, end of the block, or essentially down to Cadence's, Then we can visit for a while then do the next ten minutes on the way back?"
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that works. Cadence is pretty much at the end of the block and it'll be good to take Penny and Nugget for their walks again." She said with a nod, trying to bypass the topic of therapy. "So it seems like everything is really in order then, right?" She asked a little chipper, trying to lead into her question smoothly but it wasnt happening. "So does that mean in a couple weeks everything will be fine to start trying for a baby?" // Dr. Greene paused, a little annoyed to be having this conversation with her AGAIN. He set her chart down, crossing his arms over his chest. "I understand that this is important to you and that y'all are ready to have a family, but this isn't an overnight fix. It's going to take a little bit of time."-
  27. Covet: Felix sighed. tipping his head back because he knew the blow was coming and he knew how she was gonig to take it. He wasn't going to add insult to injury by saying I told you so.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Well I know that, but... that's why I said in a couple of weeks. So that my body has time to recover and get back on track." She spoke confidently, a little confused why Felix was sighing in his corner. // Dr. Greene took a deep breath, looking her straight in the face. "Your body needs more than a couple of weeks to recover and get back on track. At the very least it's going to take your body a couple of months to get back to one hundred percent normal activity. And that's just your activity." He paused, turning to pick up her chart. "I'm not going to answer this question every time you come in. I'll make you a deal, when your daily intake exceeds a thousand calories, I'll reexamine you with pregnancy in mind. Until then? I'm not discussing this."-
  29. Covet: Felix gave a thankful look to the Doctor, because at least there was a realistic goal for her to see to achieve. "We'll keep working on it. We're going in the right direction." He said giving Steph an encouraging smile.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "A thousand calories? Done. Should we make an appointment to come back for a reevaluation on our way out?" She asked, hopping down from the table cheerfully because reality doesn't exist and she's in her magical rainbow fantasy place. // "That does not mean go home and push yourself to binge. The calories don't count if you get sick. This is going to be a gradual thing and if you force it, it's going to do more harm than good." He walked to the door, shaking his head. "If I see you in the next three weeks, I'm not going to be happy with you." He said as he headed out, so done with this damn appointment.-
  31. Covet: Felix got up, more aggitated than when he came in. He looked at Steph knowing that she wasn't taking this actually seriously. "I'll make sure she limits herself, Doc." He said then looked at Steph putting his hand on the door, turning to look at her. "Did you actually listen to him, or did you only hear what you wanted?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "What? Of course I listened to him. I'm not an idiot." She said, furrowing her brows. "He wants my diet up to a thousand calories a day. I can do that. There's no point in grumbling about it because he doesn't want to hear it and neither do you and ultimately everyone wins in the end. Was I supposed to kick and scream about it?"-
  33. Covet: "That's not all he said." Felix said. " What else did he say?" He asked her standing in front of the door. "I don't want you kicking and screaming about it, but I want you to have a realistic expectation of what to expect, So making sure you heard everything he said, is important to that."
  34. Alexithymiaa: "I do have a realistic expectation of what to expect. This isn't exactly the first time I've done this. He doesn't want me to force it. Rest assured, the entire process of getting healthy is forcing it so I've got news for you if you think you can get one without the other." She crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at him. "The only way I'm going to get what I want, is if he gets what he wants. Why is it so awful that I'm being agreeable so that I can work towards what I want?"-
  35. Covet: "Of course it is, but at a reasonable rate... Not overdoing it so that you don't burn out and fall back into previous habbits." Felix told her. "Because what you want isn't going to happen in the time you think it is going to. I don't care if it's not the first time you've done this, and the fact that you can say that with such a casual tone like it's no big deal after everything that has concerning and why you need to go to Therapy. Which we will be setting up tomorrow."
  36. Alexithymiaa: "I didn't say it was no big deal, I just mean I know the steps to this dance really well. I know what I have to do, I just need to actually do it." She turned to the side and slipped by him out of the exam room, not wanting to be trapped in there anymore. "I'm not calling that office."-
  37. Covet: Felix followed after her. "I said everything... everything the doctor says...and he said getting your therapy set up, needed to be done. I'm not joking about this Stephanie. Your mind is just as important as your body, for functioning purposes." He told her, sternly and annoyed.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -She stopped short, whirling around to face him because she hated it when he used her full name. "I'm not joking about this either, Felix. I don't need to sit and have a stranger listen to me ramble for an hour a week to have my therapy. I've been doing nothing, but writing and that's what works for me. I called Alex yesterday and he's going to fly up to help me write the song I should have written years ago. So stop giving me a fucking attitude." She planted her hands on her hips, clearly prepared for a fight even though she just wanted to go home.-
  39. Covet: "Fine." He said and walked past her without so much as another word or look, as he went to get into the vehicle, climing in and closing the door, turning over the engine, waiting for her to get in as he just stared straight ahead. He wasl already fully intending to sleep on the couch tonight as well because he wasn't going to deal with it if she wasn't going to take it actually seriously.
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