
Donation Button Removed

Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. After thinking about this for a good month, I've decided that I will make donations private and I will discorage them hardly once my girlfriend's family debt is over. I do not remove them thoroughly because that's pretty much impossible if you use Twitchalerts. Not only that, but if someone really wants to give some of its money I won't say no for pure respect.
  2. I made this decision because I think money should never be donated for pure joy or just to spend it on my hobbies or free time, such as new games or new stream equipment. There are several hunderds of thousands of people who are starving in the world or are about to be in the poverty threshold, so having a public button for donations just doesn't feel ethical to me.
  3. Now, with that being said, don't think I don't like streams that encourage donations towards the broadcasters or that simply have a public donation button; people are in their right to do whatever they want, and I will be more than happy to see a donation button from another broadcaster if they are fine with it.
  4. Money-wise, I'm certainly not rich, and I'm not even close to wealthy. But I can live with what I've got, since my I'm lucky enough to have a family that can afford paying my translation career (for the moment), therefore any extra money would be to spend it on things to do in my free time, which is not fine if there are more peoples that are struggling to survive.
  5. Therefore, you will be able to still donate, with the donation alert will no longer be displayed and the stream will have absolutely nothing that will tell if you donated or not. I also ask you sincerely to not put any money on me for the aforementioned reasons, but you've got every right to do it if you really want to.
  6. Thanks you for your understanding, friends :)
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