
Dont call her Elena

Nov 10th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: (Wow your head looks JUST like her)
  2. Tsaaq: ((:D))
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn sat at a table in the library, a couple of books in front of her stacked in a neat pile while she settled back in her seat with her novel opened in front of her face. She was oblivious to the world, lost in her own little book fantasy and enjoying the quiet evening in the library because nerd.-
  4. Tsaaq: ((NEEEEEERDDDDD))
  5. Tsaaq: Penelope was heading towards the school library with her nose in the air and her posture straight as a board. She stepped into the barely populated library and sized up the students who'd been inside. She saw Quinn and raised an eyebrow. She went straight over to the blonde with a fake smile plastered onto her face. "Well well well. Elena Quinn Parker." She greeted softly as to not disturb the other students. "I've always admired your studious nature." She complimented then showed off her pearly whites.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing her name, especially considering she never introduces herself as Elena, was a bit of a shock to her, lifting her eyes from her book and lowering it into her lap as she looked at the pretty redhead that was standing in front of her. "Oh. Thank you. I'm sorry, have we met?"-
  7. Tsaaq: "Oh oh oh, Don't you remember at the transfer seminar?" She asked her. "When we had the cute little group things and we did ice breakers and you were wearing that pink sweater." Penelope wiggled her fingers. She pouted her large red lips. "I must admit. I did sneak a peek at the roster. Just so I would be able to connect names and faces. But you don't mind right?" She waited on Quinn's response.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Oh..." She trailed off, her memory recalling the seminar, but honestly she had tried to keep to herself as much as possible where interaction wasnt forced on her. She lied, not wanting to hurt Penelope's feelings because she seemed to know her well enough. "Oh, right. I'm sorry. It's been a long day. I knew you looked familiar, but I'm afraid I don't remember your name. I don't mean to be rude."-
  9. Tsaaq: Penelope's mouth fell open and her eyes went wide. "Don't be silly." She whispered before taking a seat beside her. "I'm Penelope Van Buren." She introduced herself as she crossed one leg over the other and held her hand out to Quinn. "You know, you've got very pretty eyes." She began to smile again and at this point anyone who had to witness it would probably unsettled. "To be fair. I'm extremely good with names and have a photographic memory. So I can understand how me knowing you but not vice versa could've occured."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "It's nice to see you again, Penelope." She said with a bit more of a genuine smile this time, closing her book completely when the female sat down next to her, obviously not going to leave her to read any time soon. "Thank you. I think you're just overall gorgeous, so I guess you win there." She laughed a little nervously because this exchange was so fucking weird.-
  11. Tsaaq: She gasped and put her hand on her own chest. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" She practically squeaked. "I guess some of us are just lucky." Penelope looked to the side before lifting her shoulders then lowering them once more. "Have you met any other students since the transfer seminar?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: (BITCHHHH)
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Not really. I knew a few people, but I keep to myself for the most part. It's easier that way." She spoke in a hushed voice, because library. "I'm sure you've made lots of friends though, right?"-
  14. Tsaaq: ((LMAOOO.))
  15. Tsaaq: She nodded her head while listening to Quinn then began to grin. "Well..." She whispered. "I'm a very personable girl but I haven't really narrowed down my specific group of friends as of yet. The qualms of being new in a school I suppose." She sputtered her large lips and flipped her ginger hair. "But you seem lovely."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I can understand that. It's important to align yourself with the right people." She thought of her friends from back home, growing a bit sad because she missed them. "I appreciate your compliments. You seem lovely as well." She paused, considering her words carefully. "Maybe.. we can get together to study one night?"-
  17. Tsaaq: Penelope tilted her head while looking over at Quinn. "Aw!" She sighed with a smile. "Of course. What's your major again?" She asked her. "I'm Pre Law." She volunteered the fucking information without any requesti.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Pre-med." She spoke a little shortly, looking at one of the anatomy textbooks shed had sitting on the table in front of her. She carefully lifted her hand to push her hair back from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Pre law sounds fun...."-
  19. Tsaaq: Her head began to nod once more. "Oh it's a total bore." She answered. "But it's in my DNA to be a lawyer." She shrugged. "But Pre-Med seems very good. That means you'll be saving lives in the near future." She feigned a gasp.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "That's kind of the plan." She laughed a little uncomfortably, setting her novel down on top of the two textbooks on the table. She slid them over to her so she could hug them to her chest, climbing up to her feet. "It's pretty late and I should probably head back to the dorms so I can get into bed. But it was nice to see you again, Penelope."-
  21. Tsaaq: "Oh. Right. Of course. Time sure flies." Penelope stood to her feet as well. "Well it was a pleasure. I assure you. I will be in touch." She wiggled her fingers at the blonde while smirking. "Get to the dorms safely." She waved.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "You too." She said with a faint smile before turning away from the overbearing redhead, walking quickly with her books to her chest as she made her way out of the library to walk across campus to her dorm.-
  23. Covet: [Lol I enjoy what I'm watching. It's amusing.]
  24. Tsaaq: ((Damn you lol.))
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