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- /*
- Created by Fabrizio Di Vittorio ( -
- Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Fabrizio Di Vittorio.
- All rights reserved.
- This file is part of FabGL Library.
- FabGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- FabGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with FabGL. If not, see <>.
- */
- #include "fabgl.h"
- #include "fabutils.h"
- #include "sprites.h"
- #include "sounds.h"
- using fabgl::iclamp;
- fabgl::ILI9341Controller DisplayController;
- //fabgl::VGAController DisplayController;
- fabgl::Canvas canvas(&DisplayController);
- fabgl::PS2Controller PS2Controller;
- SoundGenerator soundGenerator;
- #define TFT_SCK 18
- #define TFT_MOSI 23
- #define TFT_CS 5
- #define TFT_DC 22
- #define TFT_RESET 21
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // IntroScene
- struct IntroScene : public Scene {
- static const int TEXTROWS = 4;
- static const int TEXT_X = 130;
- static const int TEXT_Y = 122;
- static int controller_; // 1 = keyboard, 2 = mouse
- int textRow_ = 0;
- int textCol_ = 0;
- int starting_ = 0;
- SamplesGenerator * music_ = nullptr;
- IntroScene()
- : Scene(0, 20, DisplayController.getViewPortWidth(), DisplayController.getViewPortHeight())
- {
- }
- void init()
- {
- canvas.setBrushColor(Color::Black);
- canvas.clear();
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().FillBackground(true));
- canvas.selectFont(&fabgl::FONT_8x8);
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::BrightWhite);
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().DoubleWidth(1));
- canvas.drawText(50, 15, "SPACE INVADERS");
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().DoubleWidth(0));
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::Green);
- canvas.drawText(10, 40, "ESP32 version by Fabrizio Di Vittorio");
- canvas.drawText(105, 55, "");
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::Yellow);
- canvas.drawText(72, 97, "* SCORE ADVANCE TABLE *");
- canvas.drawBitmap(TEXT_X - 20 - 2, TEXT_Y, &bmpEnemyD);
- canvas.drawBitmap(TEXT_X - 20, TEXT_Y + 15, &bmpEnemyA[0]);
- canvas.drawBitmap(TEXT_X - 20, TEXT_Y + 30, &bmpEnemyB[0]);
- canvas.drawBitmap(TEXT_X - 20, TEXT_Y + 45, &bmpEnemyC[0]);
- canvas.setBrushColor(Color::Black);
- controller_ = 0;
- music_ = soundGenerator.playSamples(themeSoundSamples, sizeof(themeSoundSamples), 100, -1);
- }
- void update(int updateCount)
- {
- static const char * scoreText[] = {"= ? MISTERY", "= 30 POINTS", "= 20 POINTS", "= 10 POINTS" };
- auto keyboard = PS2Controller.keyboard();
- auto mouse = PS2Controller.mouse();
- if (starting_) {
- if (starting_ > 50) {
- // stop music
- soundGenerator.detach(music_);
- // stop scene
- stop();
- }
- ++starting_;
- canvas.scroll(0, -5);
- } else {
- if (updateCount > 30 && updateCount % 5 == 0 && textRow_ < 4) {
- int x = TEXT_X + textCol_ * canvas.getFontInfo()->width;
- int y = TEXT_Y + textRow_ * 15 - 4;
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::White);
- canvas.drawChar(x, y, scoreText[textRow_][textCol_]);
- ++textCol_;
- if (scoreText[textRow_][textCol_] == 0) {
- textCol_ = 0;
- ++textRow_;
- }
- }
- if (updateCount % 20 == 0) {
- canvas.setPenColor(random(256), random(256), random(256));
- if (keyboard->isKeyboardAvailable() && mouse->isMouseAvailable())
- canvas.drawText(45, 75, "Press [SPACE] or CLICK to Play");
- else if (keyboard->isKeyboardAvailable())
- canvas.drawText(80, 75, "Press [SPACE] to Play");
- else if (mouse->isMouseAvailable())
- canvas.drawText(105, 75, "Click to Play");
- }
- // handle keyboard or mouse (after two seconds)
- if (updateCount > 50) {
- if (keyboard->isKeyboardAvailable() && keyboard->isVKDown(fabgl::VK_SPACE))
- controller_ = 1; // select keyboard as controller
- else if (mouse->isMouseAvailable() && mouse->deltaAvailable() && mouse->getNextDelta(nullptr, 0) && mouse->status().buttons.left)
- controller_ = 2; // select mouse as controller
- starting_ = (controller_ > 0); // start only when a controller has been selected
- }
- }
- }
- void collisionDetected(Sprite * spriteA, Sprite * spriteB, Point collisionPoint)
- {
- }
- };
- int IntroScene::controller_ = 0;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // GameScene
- struct GameScene : public Scene {
- struct SISprite : Sprite {
- SpriteType type;
- uint8_t enemyPoints;
- };
- static const int PLAYERSCOUNT = 1;
- static const int SHIELDSCOUNT = 4;
- static const int ROWENEMIESCOUNT = 11;
- static const int PLAYERFIRECOUNT = 1;
- static const int ENEMIESFIRECOUNT = 1;
- static const int ENEMYMOTHERCOUNT = 1;
- static const int ENEMIES_X_SPACE = 16;
- static const int ENEMIES_Y_SPACE = 10;
- static const int ENEMIES_START_X = 0;
- static const int ENEMIES_START_Y = 30;
- static const int ENEMIES_STEP_X = 6;
- static const int ENEMIES_STEP_Y = 8;
- static const int PLAYER_Y = 170;
- static int lives_;
- static int score_;
- static int level_;
- static int hiScore_;
- SISprite * sprites_ = new SISprite[SPRITESCOUNT];
- SISprite * player_ = sprites_;
- SISprite * shields_ = player_ + PLAYERSCOUNT;
- SISprite * enemies_ = shields_ + SHIELDSCOUNT;
- SISprite * enemiesR1_ = enemies_;
- SISprite * enemiesR2_ = enemiesR1_ + ROWENEMIESCOUNT;
- SISprite * enemiesR3_ = enemiesR2_ + ROWENEMIESCOUNT;
- SISprite * enemiesR4_ = enemiesR3_ + ROWENEMIESCOUNT;
- SISprite * enemiesR5_ = enemiesR4_ + ROWENEMIESCOUNT;
- SISprite * playerFire_ = enemiesR5_ + ROWENEMIESCOUNT;
- SISprite * enemiesFire_ = playerFire_ + PLAYERFIRECOUNT;
- SISprite * enemyMother_ = enemiesFire_ + ENEMIESFIRECOUNT;
- int playerVelX_ = 0; // used when controller is keyboard (0 = no move)
- int playerAbsX_ = -1; // used when controller is mouse (-1 = no move)
- int enemiesX_ = ENEMIES_START_X;
- int enemiesY_ = ENEMIES_START_Y;
- // enemiesDir_
- // bit 0 : if 1 moving left
- // bit 1 : if 1 moving right
- // bit 2 : if 1 moving down
- // bit 3 : if 0 before was moving left, if 1 before was moving right
- // Allowed cases:
- // 1 = moving left
- // 2 = moving right
- // 4 = moving down (before was moving left)
- // 12 = moving down (before was moving right)
- static constexpr int ENEMY_MOV_LEFT = 1;
- static constexpr int ENEMY_MOV_RIGHT = 2;
- static constexpr int ENEMY_MOV_DOWN_BEFORE_LEFT = 4;
- static constexpr int ENEMY_MOV_DOWN_BEFORE_RIGHT = 12;
- int enemiesDir_ = ENEMY_MOV_RIGHT;
- int enemiesAlive_ = ROWENEMIESCOUNT * 5;
- int enemiesSoundCount_ = 0;
- SISprite * lastHitEnemy_ = nullptr;
- GameState gameState_ = GAMESTATE_PLAYING;
- bool updateScore_ = true;
- int64_t pauseStart_;
- Bitmap bmpShield[4] = { Bitmap(22, 16, shield_data, PixelFormat::Mask, RGB888(0, 255, 0), true),
- Bitmap(22, 16, shield_data, PixelFormat::Mask, RGB888(0, 255, 0), true),
- Bitmap(22, 16, shield_data, PixelFormat::Mask, RGB888(0, 255, 0), true),
- Bitmap(22, 16, shield_data, PixelFormat::Mask, RGB888(0, 255, 0), true), };
- GameScene()
- : Scene(SPRITESCOUNT, 20, DisplayController.getViewPortWidth(), DisplayController.getViewPortHeight())
- {
- }
- ~GameScene()
- {
- delete [] sprites_;
- }
- void initEnemy(Sprite * sprite, int points)
- {
- SISprite * s = (SISprite*) sprite;
- s->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyExplosion);
- s->type = TYPE_ENEMY;
- s->enemyPoints = points;
- addSprite(s);
- }
- void init()
- {
- // setup player
- player_->addBitmap(&bmpPlayer)->addBitmap(&bmpPlayerExplosion[0])->addBitmap(&bmpPlayerExplosion[1]);
- player_->moveTo(152, PLAYER_Y);
- player_->type = TYPE_PLAYER;
- addSprite(player_);
- // setup player fire
- playerFire_->addBitmap(&bmpPlayerFire);
- playerFire_->visible = false;
- playerFire_->type = TYPE_PLAYERFIRE;
- addSprite(playerFire_);
- // setup shields
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- shields_[i].addBitmap(&bmpShield[i])->moveTo(35 + i * 75, 150);
- shields_[i].isStatic = true;
- shields_[i].type = TYPE_SHIELD;
- addSprite(&shields_[i]);
- }
- // setup enemies
- for (int i = 0; i < ROWENEMIESCOUNT; ++i) {
- initEnemy( enemiesR1_[i].addBitmap(&bmpEnemyA[0])->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyA[1]), 30 );
- initEnemy( enemiesR2_[i].addBitmap(&bmpEnemyB[0])->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyB[1]), 20 );
- initEnemy( enemiesR3_[i].addBitmap(&bmpEnemyB[0])->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyB[1]), 20 );
- initEnemy( enemiesR4_[i].addBitmap(&bmpEnemyC[0])->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyC[1]), 10 );
- initEnemy( enemiesR5_[i].addBitmap(&bmpEnemyC[0])->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyC[1]), 10 );
- }
- // setup enemies fire
- enemiesFire_->addBitmap(&bmpEnemiesFire[0])->addBitmap(&bmpEnemiesFire[1]);
- enemiesFire_->visible = false;
- enemiesFire_->type = TYPE_ENEMIESFIRE;
- addSprite(enemiesFire_);
- // setup enemy mother ship
- enemyMother_->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyD)->addBitmap(&bmpEnemyExplosionRed);
- enemyMother_->visible = false;
- enemyMother_->type = TYPE_ENEMYMOTHER;
- enemyMother_->enemyPoints = 100;
- enemyMother_->moveTo(getWidth(), ENEMIES_START_Y);
- addSprite(enemyMother_);
- DisplayController.setSprites(sprites_, SPRITESCOUNT);
- canvas.setBrushColor(Color::Black);
- canvas.clear();
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::Green);
- canvas.drawLine(0, 180, 320, 180);
- //canvas.setPenColor(Color::Yellow);
- //canvas.drawRectangle(0, 0, getWidth() - 1, getHeight() - 1);
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().FillBackground(true));
- canvas.selectFont(&fabgl::FONT_4x6);
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::White);
- canvas.drawText(125, 20, "WE COME IN PEACE");
- canvas.selectFont(&fabgl::FONT_8x8);
- canvas.setPenColor(0, 255, 255);
- canvas.drawText(2, 2, "SCORE");
- canvas.setPenColor(0, 0, 255);
- canvas.drawText(254, 2, "HI-SCORE");
- canvas.setPenColor(255, 255, 255);
- canvas.drawTextFmt(254, 181, "Level %02d", level_);
- if (IntroScene::controller_ == 2) {
- // setup mouse controller
- auto mouse = PS2Controller.mouse();
- mouse->setSampleRate(40); // reduce number of samples from mouse to reduce delays
- mouse->setupAbsolutePositioner(getWidth() - player_->getWidth(), 0, false); // take advantage of mouse acceleration
- }
- showLives();
- }
- void drawScore()
- {
- canvas.setPenColor(255, 255, 255);
- canvas.drawTextFmt(2, 14, "%05d", score_);
- if (score_ > hiScore_)
- hiScore_ = score_;
- canvas.setPenColor(255, 255, 255);
- canvas.drawTextFmt(266, 14, "%05d", hiScore_);
- }
- void moveEnemy(SISprite * enemy, int x, int y, bool * touchSide)
- {
- if (enemy->visible) {
- if (x <= 0 || x >= getWidth() - enemy->getWidth())
- *touchSide = true;
- enemy->moveTo(x, y);
- enemy->setFrame(enemy->getFrameIndex() ? 0 : 1);
- updateSprite(enemy);
- if (y >= PLAYER_Y) {
- // enemies reach earth!
- }
- }
- }
- void gameOver()
- {
- // disable enemies drawing, so text can be over them
- for (int i = 0; i < ROWENEMIESCOUNT * 5; ++i)
- enemies_[i].allowDraw = false;
- // show game over
- canvas.setPenColor(0, 255, 0);
- canvas.setBrushColor(0, 0, 0);
- canvas.fillRectangle(80, 60, 240, 130);
- canvas.drawRectangle(80, 60, 240, 130);
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().DoubleWidth(1));
- canvas.setPenColor(255, 255, 255);
- canvas.drawText(90, 80, "GAME OVER");
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().DoubleWidth(0));
- canvas.setPenColor(0, 255, 0);
- if (IntroScene::controller_ == 1)
- canvas.drawText(110, 100, "Press [SPACE]");
- else if (IntroScene::controller_ == 2)
- canvas.drawText(93, 100, "Click to continue");
- // change state
- level_ = 1;
- lives_ = 3;
- score_ = 0;
- }
- void levelChange()
- {
- ++level_;
- // show game over
- canvas.setPenColor(0, 255, 0);
- canvas.drawRectangle(80, 80, 240, 110);
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().DoubleWidth(1));
- canvas.drawTextFmt(105, 88, "LEVEL %d", level_);
- canvas.setGlyphOptions(GlyphOptions().DoubleWidth(0));
- // change state
- pauseStart_ = esp_timer_get_time();
- }
- void update(int updateCount)
- {
- auto keyboard = PS2Controller.keyboard();
- auto mouse = PS2Controller.mouse();
- if (updateScore_) {
- updateScore_ = false;
- drawScore();
- }
- if (gameState_ == GAMESTATE_PLAYING || gameState_ == GAMESTATE_PLAYERKILLED) {
- // move enemies and shoot
- if ((updateCount % max(3, 21 - level_ * 2)) == 0) {
- // handle enemy explosion
- if (lastHitEnemy_) {
- lastHitEnemy_->visible = false;
- lastHitEnemy_ = nullptr;
- }
- // handle enemies movement
- enemiesX_ += (-1 * (enemiesDir_ & 1) + (enemiesDir_ >> 1 & 1)) * ENEMIES_STEP_X;
- enemiesY_ += (enemiesDir_ >> 2 & 1) * ENEMIES_STEP_Y;
- bool touchSide = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < ROWENEMIESCOUNT; ++i) {
- moveEnemy(&enemiesR1_[i], enemiesX_ + i * ENEMIES_X_SPACE, enemiesY_ + 0 * ENEMIES_Y_SPACE, &touchSide);
- moveEnemy(&enemiesR2_[i], enemiesX_ + i * ENEMIES_X_SPACE, enemiesY_ + 1 * ENEMIES_Y_SPACE, &touchSide);
- moveEnemy(&enemiesR3_[i], enemiesX_ + i * ENEMIES_X_SPACE, enemiesY_ + 2 * ENEMIES_Y_SPACE, &touchSide);
- moveEnemy(&enemiesR4_[i], enemiesX_ + i * ENEMIES_X_SPACE, enemiesY_ + 3 * ENEMIES_Y_SPACE, &touchSide);
- moveEnemy(&enemiesR5_[i], enemiesX_ + i * ENEMIES_X_SPACE, enemiesY_ + 4 * ENEMIES_Y_SPACE, &touchSide);
- }
- switch (enemiesDir_) {
- enemiesDir_ = ENEMY_MOV_RIGHT;
- break;
- enemiesDir_ = ENEMY_MOV_LEFT;
- break;
- default:
- if (touchSide)
- break;
- }
- // sound
- ++enemiesSoundCount_;
- soundGenerator.playSamples(invadersSoundSamples[enemiesSoundCount_ % 4], invadersSoundSamplesSize[enemiesSoundCount_ % 4]);
- // handle enemies fire generation
- if (!enemiesFire_->visible) {
- int shottingEnemy = random(enemiesAlive_);
- for (int i = 0, a = 0; i < ROWENEMIESCOUNT * 5; ++i) {
- if (enemies_[i].visible) {
- if (a == shottingEnemy) {
- enemiesFire_->x = enemies_[i].x + enemies_[i].getWidth() / 2;
- enemiesFire_->y = enemies_[i].y + enemies_[i].getHeight() / 2;
- enemiesFire_->visible = true;
- break;
- }
- ++a;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (gameState_ == GAMESTATE_PLAYERKILLED) {
- // animate player explosion or restart playing other lives
- if ((updateCount % 20) == 0) {
- if (player_->getFrameIndex() == 1)
- player_->setFrame(2);
- else {
- player_->setFrame(0);
- }
- }
- } else if (IntroScene::controller_ == 1 && playerVelX_ != 0) {
- // move player using Keyboard
- player_->x += playerVelX_;
- player_->x = iclamp(player_->x, 0, getWidth() - player_->getWidth());
- updateSprite(player_);
- } else if (IntroScene::controller_ == 2 && playerAbsX_ != -1) {
- // move player using Mouse
- player_->x = playerAbsX_;
- playerAbsX_ = -1;
- updateSprite(player_);
- }
- // move player fire
- if (playerFire_->visible) {
- playerFire_->y -= 3;
- if (playerFire_->y < ENEMIES_START_Y)
- playerFire_->visible = false;
- else
- updateSpriteAndDetectCollisions(playerFire_);
- }
- // move enemies fire
- if (enemiesFire_->visible) {
- enemiesFire_->y += 2;
- enemiesFire_->setFrame( enemiesFire_->getFrameIndex() ? 0 : 1 );
- if (enemiesFire_->y > PLAYER_Y + player_->getHeight())
- enemiesFire_->visible = false;
- else
- updateSpriteAndDetectCollisions(enemiesFire_);
- }
- // move enemy mother ship
- if (enemyMother_->visible && enemyMother_->getFrameIndex() == 0) {
- enemyMother_->x -= 1;
- if (enemyMother_->x < -enemyMother_->getWidth())
- enemyMother_->visible = false;
- else
- updateSprite(enemyMother_);
- }
- // start enemy mother ship
- if ((updateCount % 800) == 0) {
- soundGenerator.playSamples(motherShipSoundSamples, sizeof(motherShipSoundSamples), 100, 7000);
- enemyMother_->x = getWidth();
- enemyMother_->setFrame(0);
- enemyMother_->visible = true;
- }
- // handle fire and movement from controller
- if (IntroScene::controller_ == 1) {
- // KEYBOARD controller
- if (keyboard->isVKDown(fabgl::VK_LEFT))
- playerVelX_ = -1;
- else if (keyboard->isVKDown(fabgl::VK_RIGHT))
- playerVelX_ = +1;
- else
- playerVelX_ = 0;
- if (keyboard->isVKDown(fabgl::VK_SPACE) && !playerFire_->visible) // player fire?
- fire();
- } else if (IntroScene::controller_ == 2) {
- // MOUSE controller
- if (mouse->deltaAvailable()) {
- MouseDelta delta;
- mouse->getNextDelta(&delta);
- mouse->updateAbsolutePosition(&delta);
- playerAbsX_ = mouse->status().X;
- if (delta.buttons.left && !playerFire_->visible) // player fire?
- fire();
- }
- }
- }
- if (gameState_ == GAMESTATE_ENDGAME)
- gameOver();
- levelChange();
- if (gameState_ == GAMESTATE_LEVELCHANGED && esp_timer_get_time() >= pauseStart_ + 2500000) {
- stop(); // restart from next level
- DisplayController.removeSprites();
- }
- if (gameState_ == GAMESTATE_GAMEOVER) {
- // animate player burning
- if ((updateCount % 20) == 0)
- player_->setFrame( player_->getFrameIndex() == 1 ? 2 : 1);
- // wait for SPACE or click from mouse
- if ((IntroScene::controller_ == 1 && keyboard->isVKDown(fabgl::VK_SPACE)) ||
- (IntroScene::controller_ == 2 && mouse->deltaAvailable() && mouse->getNextDelta(nullptr, 0) && mouse->status().buttons.left)) {
- stop();
- DisplayController.removeSprites();
- }
- }
- DisplayController.refreshSprites();
- }
- // player shoots
- void fire()
- {
- playerFire_->moveTo(player_->x + 7, player_->y - 1)->visible = true;
- soundGenerator.playSamples(fireSoundSamples, sizeof(fireSoundSamples));
- }
- // shield has been damaged
- void damageShield(SISprite * shield, Point collisionPoint)
- {
- Bitmap * shieldBitmap = shield->getFrame();
- int x = collisionPoint.X - shield->x;
- int y = collisionPoint.Y - shield->y;
- shieldBitmap->setPixel(x, y, 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
- int px = iclamp(x + random(-4, 5), 0, shield->getWidth() - 1);
- int py = iclamp(y + random(-4, 5), 0, shield->getHeight() - 1);
- shieldBitmap->setPixel(px, py, 0);
- }
- }
- void showLives()
- {
- canvas.fillRectangle(1, 181, 100, 195);
- canvas.setPenColor(Color::White);
- canvas.drawTextFmt(5, 181, "%d", lives_);
- for (int i = 0; i < lives_; ++i)
- canvas.drawBitmap(15 + i * (bmpPlayer.width + 5), 183, &bmpPlayer);
- }
- void collisionDetected(Sprite * spriteA, Sprite * spriteB, Point collisionPoint)
- {
- SISprite * sA = (SISprite*) spriteA;
- SISprite * sB = (SISprite*) spriteB;
- if (!lastHitEnemy_ && sA->type == TYPE_PLAYERFIRE && sB->type == TYPE_ENEMY) {
- // player fire hits an enemy
- soundGenerator.playSamples(shootSoundSamples, sizeof(shootSoundSamples));
- sA->visible = false;
- sB->setFrame(2);
- lastHitEnemy_ = sB;
- --enemiesAlive_;
- score_ += sB->enemyPoints;
- updateScore_ = true;
- if (enemiesAlive_ == 0)
- }
- if (sB->type == TYPE_SHIELD) {
- // something hits a shield
- sA->visible = false;
- damageShield(sB, collisionPoint);
- sB->allowDraw = true;
- }
- if (gameState_ == GAMESTATE_PLAYING && sA->type == TYPE_ENEMIESFIRE && sB->type == TYPE_PLAYER) {
- // enemies fire hits player
- soundGenerator.playSamples(explosionSoundSamples, sizeof(explosionSoundSamples));
- --lives_;
- player_->setFrame(1);
- showLives();
- }
- if (sB->type == TYPE_ENEMYMOTHER) {
- // player fire hits enemy mother ship
- soundGenerator.playSamples(mothershipexplosionSoundSamples, sizeof(mothershipexplosionSoundSamples));
- sA->visible = false;
- sB->setFrame(1);
- lastHitEnemy_ = sB;
- score_ += sB->enemyPoints;
- updateScore_ = true;
- }
- }
- };
- int GameScene::hiScore_ = 0;
- int GameScene::level_ = 1;
- int GameScene::lives_ = 3;
- int GameScene::score_ = 0;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void setup()
- {
- PS2Controller.begin(PS2Preset::KeyboardPort0_MousePort1, KbdMode::GenerateVirtualKeys);
- DisplayController.begin(TFT_SCK, TFT_MOSI, TFT_DC, TFT_RESET, TFT_CS, TFT_SPIBUS);
- DisplayController.setResolution(TFT_240x320);
- DisplayController.setOrientation(fabgl::TFTOrientation::Rotate90);
- //DisplayController.begin();
- //DisplayController.setResolution(VGA_320x200_75Hz);
- // adjust this to center screen in your monitor
- //DisplayController.moveScreen(20, -2);
- }
- void loop()
- {
- if (GameScene::level_ == 1) {
- IntroScene introScene;
- introScene.start();
- }
- GameScene gameScene;
- gameScene.start();
- }
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