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pizzza rewritten mastercomfig

a guest
May 10th, 2020
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  1. //mastercomfig refactored
  2. sv_cheats 1 //prevents fog cvar spew on startup
  3. con_filter_enable 1
  4. con_filter_text_out "unknown" //filter out unknown errors in console log
  6. //NETWORK
  7. //general
  8. cl_cmdrate 67 //send to server at this hz
  9. cl_updaterate 67 //get from server at this hz
  10. cl_interp .0152; //reduce entity interp to minimum
  11. cl_interp_ratio 1;
  12. net_queued_packet_thread 1; //queue split packets
  13. net_compresspackets 0; //for slow cpus/fast nets
  14. net_compresspackets_minsize 957;//compress pacs above max reliable pac size
  15. net_maxroutable 1200;
  16. net_maxfragments 1200; //balance between reliability and avoid split pacs
  17. rate 196608; //high rate to reduce choke and scale to pac rate
  18. //recommended: .8(upload)
  19. net_splitpacket_maxrate 196608;
  20. //scale split pac rate up to this (1.57mbps)
  21. //recommended: .8(upload)
  22. net_maxcleartime 4; //use rate to control pac delat
  23. net_maxpacketdrop 1000; //use faster pac drop threshold
  24. net_splitrate 1; //do not split multiple pac (for bad cpu)
  25. cl_timeout 70; //wait for reconnection
  26. cl_pred_optimize 1; //reuse pred data if server didnt respond
  27. cl_lagcompensation 1; //ensure lag comp is on
  28. cl_predictweapons 1; //wep firing prediction
  29. cl_smooth 0; //disable smoothing of pred errors
  30. cl_smoothtime 0.01; //smooth out view for 0.01 seconds
  32. //files
  33. net_maxfilesize 64; //max out file upload size for extra content
  34. cl_downloadfilter all; //allow all server custom files
  35. cl_allowdownload 1; //download sprays
  36. cl_allowupload 1; //upload sprays
  38. //mm
  39. tf_mm_custom_ping_enabled 1; //enable ping limit
  40. tf_mm_custom_ping 50; //ping limit
  41. tf_mm_debug_level 0; //remove mm debug output
  42. tf_party_join_request_mode 1; //0 open; 1 request; 2 invite
  44. //local servers
  45. cl_localnetworkbackdoor 1; //network optimisation
  46. net_usesocketsforloopback 1; //use net sockets for local players
  47. sv_parallel_sendsnapshot 1; //send snapshots to clients in parallel
  50. //threading
  51. cl_threaded_client_leaf_systemm 0; //use trad behaviour (<4cores)
  52. r_threaded_renderables 1; //async set up bones on animated ents
  53. r_threaded_particles 1; //process particle syss in parallel
  54. r_threaded_client_window_manager 0; //use trad behaviour (<4cores)
  55. mat_queue_mode -1; //force queued singe threaded mode (<4cores)
  56. studio_queue_mode 1; //use q calls for studio renders
  57. host_thread_mode 1; //use threded frame behaviour (2 forces)
  59. //material system queue
  60. r_queued_decals 0; //disabled by default bc crashes
  61. r_queued_post_processing 0; //offload decal draws to material system
  62. r_queued_ropes 1; //q some rope rendering using material sys
  64. //lod
  65. r_rootlod 1; //max perf
  66. lod_transitiondist -1; //dont fade map objects for max perf
  67. r_lod -1; //use r_rootlod to properly fade thru lods
  68. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 1024; //reduce to minimum
  70. //lighting
  71. r_ambientboost 0; //disable to save small amount of cpu
  72. r_ambientmin 0.5; //allow for ambient boosting even in bright
  73. //makes characters stand out
  74. r_rimlight 0; //disable light around character edges (gpu)
  75. mat_phong 0; //flatter shading
  76. r_lightaverage 0; //uses a lot of cpu and unnoticeable
  77. r_dynamic 0; //muzzle flash etc
  78. r_maxdlights 0; //no dynamics
  79. r_worldlightmin 0.004; //dont render insignificant world lighting
  80. r_worldlights 1; //only use this number of world lights
  81. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1;
  82. mat_disable lightwarp 1; //how light fades
  84. //shadows
  85. r_shadows 0;
  86. r_shadowrendertotexture 0; //dont use two mats for shadows
  87. cl_blobbyshadows 1; //simpler blob shadow
  88. r_flashlightdepthtexture 0; //cpu intensive
  89. r_flashlightdepthres 32; //only works when depth texts on
  90. r_flashlightrender 0; //disable flashlight shadow
  91. r_flashlightmodels 0; //disable lighting models
  92. r_flashlightscissor 1; //disable shadow rendering where unneeded
  93. nb_shadow_dist 200; //dont use shadows from far away (nextbot)
  94. r_shadowmaxrendered 31; //render all shadows
  96. //effects
  97. cl_ejectbrass 0;
  98. muzzleflash_light 0;
  99. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0; //muzzle flash in first person
  100. tracer_extra 0; //bullet line fluff to look thicker
  101. r_drawtracers_firstperson 0;
  102. cl_show_splashes 0; //water splashes
  103. cl_fasttempentcollision 10000; //skip collision checking (needls brass etc)
  105. //water
  106. r_cheapwaterstart 0; //always use cheap water
  107. r_cheapwaterend 0.01; //^
  108. r_waterforceexpensive 0;
  109. r_waterforcereflectentities 0;
  110. r_waterdrawrefraction 0;
  111. r_forcewaterleaf 0; //use true viewpoint for vis testing
  113. //particles
  114. cl_particle_batch_mode 1; //default
  115. tf_particles_disable_weather 1; //rain, snow, ash
  116. mat_reduceparticles 1;
  117. cl_new_impact_effects 0; //for bullet impact particles (dust)
  118. r_drawflecks 0; //dont create part systems when things hit
  119. r_particl_sim_spike_threshold_ms 0; //early finish unused stats
  121. //post processing
  122. mat_postprocessing_combine 1;
  123. mat_hdr_level 0; //1 for ldr and bloom, 2 for hdr and bloom
  124. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor 0; //disable bloom on ldr
  125. building_cubemaps 0; //allow for postpro & pix vis testing
  126. mat_colorcorrection 0; //free effect but i dont care
  127. mat_colorocorrection_disableentites 0;
  128. pyro_dof 0; //ssao depth pass for pyrovision
  129. pyro_vignette 0;
  130. pyro_vignette_distortion 0;
  131. pyro_max_intensity 0; //pyrovision effects shit
  132. pyro_max_rate 0;
  133. pyro_max_side_length 0;
  134. pyro_max_side_width 0;
  135. pyro_min_intensity 0;
  136. pyro_min_rate 0;
  137. pyro_min_side_length 0;
  138. pyro_min_side_width 0;
  140. //motion blur
  141. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0;
  143. //anti aliasing aa/filtering
  144. mat_antialiasing 0; //setting this to 1 can sometimes crash
  145. mat_aaquality 0; //csaa
  146. mat_alphacoverage 0; //disabling alpha-to-coverage improves aa
  147. mat_software_aa_strength 0;
  148. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui; //hud
  149. mat_trilinear 0; //do bilinear
  150. mat_forceaniso 1; //disable aniso (powers of 2 enable)
  152. //characters
  153. r_flex 0; //face anims
  154. flex_rules 0; //face anims
  155. anim_3wayblend 0;
  156. ai_expression_optimisation 1; //extra vis check above target fps
  157. ai_expression_frametime 0; //infinite target fps = disable expressions
  158. r_teeth 0;
  159. cl_setupallbones 0; //dont setup every anim component of a model
  160. flex_smooth 0;
  161. mp_usehwmmodels -1; //high quality models
  162. mp_usehwmvcds -1; //high quality facial expressions
  163. r_glint_procedural 0; //use cpu instead of gpu
  164. r_eyes 0;
  165. r_eyemove 0;
  166. tf_clientsideeye_lookats 0;
  167. blink_duration 0;
  169. //decals
  170. r_decals 32; //must equal mp_decals
  171. mp_decals 32;
  172. r_drawbatchdecals 0;
  173. r_spray_lifetime 2; //number of rounds to keep sprays
  174. cl_playerspraydisable 0;
  175. r_decale_cullsize 256; //hide decals unless close
  176. r_decal_cover_count 6; //overlaps
  177. r_decal_overlap_area 1; //0-1
  178. r_drawmodeldecals 0; //blood decals on bodies
  179. r_renderoverlayfragment 0; //decal based logos and posters
  180. r_maxmodeldecal 9;
  181. r_overlayfadeenable 0; //can cause small perf issues
  182. r_overlayfademax 1000;
  183. r_overlayfademin 999;
  185. //gibs
  186. cl_burninggibs 0;
  187. props_break_max_pieces 0;
  188. violence_hgibs 1; //human gibs (better perf)
  189. violence_hblood 1; //human blood (better perf)
  191. //props
  192. r_decalstaticprops 0; //also does some lighting data
  193. cl_phys_props_enable 0; //client side physics props
  194. cl_phys_props_max 20;
  195. cl_phys_props_respawndist 1500; //dont spawn if i can see em
  196. cl_phys_props_respawnrate 120; //slow respawn rate
  197. r_propsmaxdist 900; //max dist props are visible
  198. r_drawdetailprops 0;
  199. cl_detaildist 0;
  200. cl_detailfade 0;
  201. r_staticprop_lod 63 //63 lowest lod
  202. r_physpropstaticlighting 1; //use premade lighting
  204. //general
  205. mat_reducefillrate 1; //simplify material shading and use some dx8
  206. mat_bumpmap 0;
  207. mat_specular 1;
  208. mat_viewportscale 1;
  209. mat_viewportupscale 1;
  210. r_3dsky 0;
  211. r_dopixelvisibility 1; //do visibility testing for glows and lights
  212. r_drawpixelvisibility 0; //debug
  213. r_pixelvisibility_partial 0; //costly precise partial vis algo
  214. cl_drawmonitors 0;
  215. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0;
  216. mat_drawflat 1;
  218. //ropes
  219. rope_rendersolid 0;
  220. r_ropetranslucent 0;
  221. rope_solid_minalpha 0; //draw nonsolid
  222. rope_solid_minwidth 0.1; //draw small ropes
  223. rop_smooth 0;
  224. rope_subdiv 0; //heavy loops
  225. rope_collide 0; //cpu heavy world collision
  226. rope_wind_dist 0; //cpu heavy wind
  227. rope_averagelight 1; //use average light not cpu costly shit
  229. //optimisation
  230. fps_max 120; //bro 60hz monitor chill
  231. engine_no_focus_sleep 0; //limit fps when alt tabbed (buggy)
  232. r_fastzreject 0; //first pass on cpu first then faster gpu 2nd
  233. r_entityclips 1; //clip ents preferably using clip planes
  234. disp_dynamic 0; //dynamic meshes for world geo (displacements)
  235. r_hunkalloclightmaps 0; //alloc lightmaps in mem/some too big for hunk
  236. r_frustumcullworld 1; //cull on world draw
  237. r_worldlistcache 1; //cache some world rendering
  238. mat_clipz 1; //clip whats drawn
  239. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures 1;
  240. r_occlusion 1; //use cpu to have gpu skip invis models
  241. r_occludemaxarea 101; //dont skip large object occlusion
  242. r_occludeminarea 0.003; //occlude almost everything for bad gpus
  243. r_occludermincount 2; //force at least 2 occluders
  244. r_lightcache_zbuffercache 1; //load z cache data with map
  245. r_drawopaquestaticpropslast 0; //use newer rendreing mode if poss
  246. mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil 0; //dont use stencil buffer
  247. //for occlusion queries
  248. host_flush_threshold 0; //early finish 360 only flush task
  249. r_norefresh 1; //dont store useless frametime var
  250. fast_fogvolume 1;
  251. r_pixelfog 0; //use pixel shader for fog if poss (gpu)
  252. mat_bufferprimitives 1;
  253. mat_compressedtextures 1; //allow
  254. mat_managedtextures 1; //use d3d to manage texts, uses more mem
  255. mat_filterlightmaps 0;
  256. mat_filtertextures 0;
  257. mat_mipmaptextures 1; //optimise text filtering (nvidiad lul)
  258. mat_disable_ps_patch 0; //patching if necessary when msaa enabled
  259. sv_turbophysics 1; //disable phys interactions
  261. //HUD
  262. //general
  263. cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0; //live model in hud
  264. tf_mm_dashboard_slide_panel_step 10; //h offset of primary mm panel
  265. tf_item_inspect_model_auto_spin 0;
  266. tf_quest_map_tuner_wibble_magnitude 0; //contracker
  267. tf_simple_disguise_menu 1; //concise disguise menu
  268. tf_colorblindassist 1; //jarate icon
  269. cl_disablehtmlmotd 1;
  270. sv_motd_unload_on_dismissal 1;
  271. tf_halloween_bonus_ducks_cooldown 0;
  272. tf_healthicon_height_offset 10;
  273. tf_hud_num_building_alert_beeps 2;
  274. tf_rd_finale_beep-time 10;
  275. tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1;
  276. tf_hud_target_id_alpha 100;
  277. tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 0;
  278. tf_hud_target_id_offset 0;
  279. tf_hud_target_id_show_avatars 2; //0 never 1 everyone 2 friends
  280. hud_freezecamhide 0; //hide hud in freezecam
  281. tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1;
  282. tf_queue_spinner_color 0; //0 orange, 1 blue
  283. hud_combattext_red "255";
  284. hud_combattext_green "255";
  285. hud_combattext_blue "0";
  287. //messages
  288. hud_saytext_time 10;
  289. cl_showtextmsg 1;
  290. cl_showpluginmessages 1;
  291. cl_chatfilters 63; //not working
  292. // join/leave (1), name change (2), chat (4),
  293. // server messages (8), team change (16), achievements (32)
  294. // Add a combination of these numbers together to enable that combination
  295. // for example, name change (2) + team change (16) = 18
  296. // 0 for everything disabled
  297. cl_mute_all_comms 1; //disables text and voice for muted ppl
  298. hud_deathnotice_time 5.5; //how long killfeed items stays
  299. tf_chat_popup_hold_time 1; //how long part messages appear on main menu
  301. //backpack
  302. tf_time_loading_item_panels 0.0001;
  303. cl_spec_carrieditems 1;
  304. tf_backpack_page_button_delay 0.25;
  306. //killstreaks
  307. cl_hud_killstreak_display_time 0;
  309. //notifications
  310. cl_notifications_max_num_visible 1;
  311. cl_notifications_move_time 0.1;
  312. tf_notifications_push_bottom 0;
  313. cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting 0;
  314. cl_vote_ui_show_nomtification 0;
  315. tf_hud_notification_duration 2;
  317. //contracts
  318. tf_contract_progress_show 0;
  319. tf_quest_notification_line_delay 0.2;
  321. //achievements
  322. hud_achievement_glowtime 1;
  323. hud_achievement_tracker 2;
  324. hud_achievement_count 4;
  326. //info
  327. cl_mvm_wave_status_visible_during_wave 1;
  329. //console
  330. con_nprint_bgalpha 255; //0-255 opacity
  331. con_nprint_bgborder 0; //border
  333. //view
  334. glow_outline_effect_enable 0;
  335. tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 1;
  336. tf_spec_xray_disable 1;
  337. tf_spectate_pyrovision 0;
  339. //misc
  340. bugreporter_uploadasync 1;
  341. ai_frametime_limit 0.0152; //simpler ai for low fps, for sp and mods
  343. //memory
  344. mem_max_heapsize_dedicated 128; //increase mem cap
  345. lzma_persistent_buffer 1; //keep lzma in mem to prevent reloads
  346. cl_always_flush_models 0; //keep models loaded, prevents crashes
  347. mat_levelflush 1; //clear temp mem to prevent overloadin
  348. sv_forcepreload 0; //disable harmful
  351. //sizes
  352. filesystem_buffer_size 262144; //256k buffer
  353. filesystem_max_stdio_read 64; //higher max read cap (64m)
  355. //general
  356. filesystem_native 1; //use native calls if available
  357. filesystem_unbuffered_io 1; //allow for unbuffered io where appropriate
  359. //model cache
  360. mod_load_anims_async 1;
  361. mod_load_mesh_async 1;
  362. mod_load_vcollide_async 1;
  364. //for hdds
  365. mod_touchalldata 1; //load submodels
  366. mod_forcetouchdata 1; //put submodels into cache
  367. mod forcedata 1; //cache submodel data
  369. //SOUND
  370. //threading
  371. snd_async_fullasync 1; //play sounds independent of main engine work
  372. snd_async_minsize 262144; //wait even longer if u stutter
  373. snd_mix_async 1; //use another thread to mix sounds
  374. phonemedelay 0.06; //dont delay a lot
  376. //general
  377. snd_musicvolume 0;
  378. snd_delay_sound_shift 0.01; //allow for better synced sounds
  379. snd_mixahead 0.08; //balance between delay and cpu demand
  381. //quality
  382. snd_pitchquality 0; //use linear mixer for perf
  383. snd_disable_mixer_duck 0; //enable mixin to adjust vol
  384. snd_surround_speakers 7; //force 7.1
  385. snd_legacy_surround 1; //surround effect (quad audio and better)
  387. //spatialisation
  388. dsp_enhance_stereo 1; //slight increase in quality
  389. dsp_slow_cpu 0; //disable enhanced spatialisation
  390. snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1; //every 2^x
  391. dsp_room 0; //auto dsp (big perf)
  392. dsp_facingaway 0;
  393. dsp_speaker 50; //admin effect
  394. dsp_water 0;
  395. dsp_spatial 40;
  396. dsp_db_mixdrop 0.7; //enhanced vol scaling
  397. dsp_db_min 80;
  398. dsp_mix_min 0.3;
  399. dsp_mix_max 0.7;
  400. snd_duckerattacktime 0.5; //default
  401. snd_duckerreleasetime 2.5;
  403. //optimisation
  404. snd_lockpartial 1; //use interleaved partial lockin sound algo
  405. snd_cull_duplicates 0; //skip playin dupes
  406. voice_steal 2; //reuse unimportant channels, inc fps + qual
  407. voice_buffer_ms 100; //buffer stream for better qual for delay
  408. snd_noextraupdate 1; //dont update sound twice
  409. snd_defer_trace 1; //defer dsp with tracing to next frame
  410. phonemefilter 0.01; //dont box filter
  411. phonemesnap 0; //dont crossfade second phoneme on any lod
  413. //INPUT
  414. //mouse
  415. cl_idealpitchscale 1.3; //when changin pitch use this rate
  419. //////////////////////// THIS IS IN ragdolls.cfg (called from autoexec)
  420. ////////i can never remember max length for aliases so i shorten ones that just seem long
  421. ////////also makes them much easier to read
  422. alias disone "cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1; cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0; g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600";
  423. alias distwo "g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100; ragdoll_sleepaftertime 5";
  424. alias ragoff "disone; distwo";
  426. alias enone "cl_ragdoll_fade_time 1; cl_ragdoll_forcefade 0; cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1";
  427. alias entwo "g_ragdoll_fadespeed 10000; g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 10000; ragdoll_sleepaftertime 3";
  428. alias ragon "enone; entwo";
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