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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. Been waiting a long time for this.
  3. •What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
  4. PvE
  5. •If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
  6. Raids
  7. •If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
  8. N/A
  9. •What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
  10. I’m not sure Death Knights have any such issues. There are no minor reagent costs to abilities anymore (Corpse Dust, guffaw), or such things. The problems we have are definitely more in the realm of mechanics and design. Most minor annoyances were taken care of in the transition from Wrath to Cata, thakfully.
  11. •What makes playing your class more fun?
  12. What I like about Death Knights the most I would have to say is the resource system. Resources systems are probably the thing that differentiate classes the most. Casters all feel very much the same to me because it’s simply a “you have mana, so the only thing that constrains you is Damage per Action.” In the same way Feral kitties and Rogues are basically the same thing. You could just say Ferals are a fourth rogue talent tree, and then change all the game art to gray boxes, no one would be able to tell you different.
  13. This becomes somewhat hard to answer if taken to the next level of “What makes playing your spec more fun.” I’m a diehard Frost player. I used to like Blood DPS too in Wrath, and I’ve never really enjoyed Unholy. The thing that makes Frost fun right now is simply that I enjoy Death Knights the most out of any class and I enjoy DPS out of any role, and I very much dislike Unholy.
  14. What I really loved about Blood DPS in Wrath was the flavour of the huge burst you got when you used all your cooldowns, each of which were pretty fun themselves. Dancing Rune Weapon in particular is one of my favorite abilities in-game even though now it’s just a mediocre tanking cooldown. Even so it retains the flavour it had. Your weapon starts to fight on it’s own, mimicing the attacks your character does. It’s not some silly mirror image clone, it’s actually like you have a second character attacking (and watching a floating weapon attack is just pretty fun). Raise Ghoul for Frost and Blood is kind of a fun ability simply because you just summon the thing and let it go wild. Minions and guardians you don’t have to manage are amusing DPS cooldowns that you just have to pick the right time to use. They can all be made different from each other by what they do once they’re summoned so they’re more interesting than a simple “you do x% more damage for y seconds” cooldown. Speaking of which, I know that’s exactly what Hysteria was, but it was interesting simply because you could use it to exacerbate the awesome fun of Dancing Rune Weapon, or you could cast it on someone else who bribed you with gold, or cast it on them after decimate and watch them die! I also really loved Blood’s self-healing as a DPS. It meant that healers didn’t need to worry about you as much as the other DPS and kind of gave you a feeling of independence within a crowd of people who absolutely depended on the healers to survive a fight. You also felt like you were taking a little bit of stress off the healers to by being able to heal yourself as you DPSed.
  15. Frost as it is currently it pretty fun in AoE because you get to go wild with Howling Blast spam, but the single-target priority has suffered a lot since ICC. To be honest my favorite time for Frost was when your biggest concern was churning out Frost Strikes. I didn’t like spamming IT and PS to fuel that, but I did like the bigger focus on RP dumping. After that time passed, ICC was probably the most solid Frost DPS has been as far as the feel of the spec is concerned. The only thing I hated was Rime procs being ignored because Howling Blast didn’t do enough damage single-target at the time to use it unless there were a ton of adds. Regardless there was much more thought to the spec then than there is now. As it stands Frost is probably a bit too easy and mindless.
  16. I don’t have any fun as Unholy, so I’m moving on!
  17. •What makes playing your class less fun?
  18. RNG. What do I mean? Too many elements of Frost are influenced by chance. During t11 when 2h was preferred over DW, it was largely due to Might of the Frozen wastes helping to minimize the influence of RNG because it gave a more consistant flow of RP. This meant that if you didn’t have very many Rime or RE procs you weren’t dead in the water because you at least had all that extra RP to fall back on and Frost Strike with. The actual DPS difference between 2h and DW wasn’t that big, and DW actually had higher potential DPS. The nerf to MotFW for 4.2 wouldn’t have done much to change this but the mistake was made to allow Killing Machine to proc from off-hand attacks (reverting a change made long ago to combat shadowfrost, if I recall), which basically made DW flat out better without and brought us back to a spec that suffered much more from RNG. So now what happens when Rime doesn’t proc, or RE doesn’t proc? We sit around with nothing to do for a few globals.
  19. Now, I realize that the initial goal for DKs in Cata was to give us more free GCDs (and I’m sure you know already that that goal didn’t pan out at all), but the fact is most of us hate free GCDs. They don’t feel good. If we’re not doing something with each GCD we’re loosing DPS, so we hate it. In fact, free GCDs is probably one of the reasons I dislike the energy resource system that rogues and ferals use. Anyway, the RNG we suffer doesn’t just decrease our DPS , but it gives us empty GCDs where we just feel useless, unable to use and ability, losing DPS. It’s aggravating.
  20. The things I don’t like about Unholy? I don’t want to play another pet spec. I played a hunter all through Classic and if I wanted to play a pet spec I would go back to my hunter. The reasons I don’t like Unholy are inconsolable and not really worth discussing because as long as it’s a pet spec I’ll likely never be happy with it, and that’s an unreasonable demand to make because there are plenty who do like it because it’s a pet spec.
  21. •How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
  22. Simply put, it’s too mindless. I think this probably stems from the KM change to affect Oblit and FS rather than FS and IT/HB like it used to. We spam Oblit and FS like mad, and the difference between using KM on either is simply too small for it to matter much. The preference is to use KM on an Oblit, but with the frequency at which KM procs ([i]especially[/i] for DW Frost now, holy crap) you don’t want to sit on a KM proc for more than a GCD or two, which basically mean that you don’t do anything different than usual regardless of KM procs. Oblit is priority over KM in the first place so it doesn’t change our ability priority in the least. If KM procs were much less infrequent there would at least be the choice to be made on whether or not you sit on it for a few seconds to wait for runes to come up for an Oblit. If KM was changed back to FS and IT/HB then you would at least have to watch for the procs to make sure you didn’t use them on Rime proc’d HBs unless you were AoEing in which case you would want to use them on HB.
  23. OH HEY SPEAKING OF HOWLING BLAST. What in the world are you thinking keeping it in our single target priority? I thought the point was to take AoE out of single-target rotations and priorities. Simple suggestion: Rime causes IT to do increased damage so that we use that instead. Reduce the primary target damage on HB and raise the ancillary damage so it’s all back to some happy medium and it becomes a strictly AoE spell. Also please fix whatever weird bug got introduced to HB when you added the facing requirement to cast it. I’ll go into that in the wish list section.
  24. This section wouldn’t be complete without whining about Runic Empowerment. I hated this to death at Cata’s launch but now I don’t hate it so much… but that’s not to say I don’t hate it at all. I was actually just about to start saying that it had a use but then I realize that it could be completely removed from the game and I’d have no regrets or complaints. It only adds an unneeded layer of RNG to our class. You wanted to mix up our priorities/rotations but it honestly doesn’t do much of that. If you took it away, the only thing that would happen is that Blood would lose a few Death Strikes, Frost a few Oblits, and Unholy would slow down a little. The actual way each spec uses it’s strikes and RP dumps wouldn’t change all that much. The only thing I feel that it adds is RNG frustration.
  25. •What’s on your wish list for your class?
  26. Frost Presence: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Unholy Presence’s GCD reduction is way too good. Frost Presence isn’t good enough. As long as haste increases resource regeneration and Unholy Presence increases the amount of resources we can spend, Frost Presence is going to be useless. Fix plz?
  27. Minimize the dramatic impact of RNG in frost. There’s another Frost DK in my guild that is very close to me in skill and our DPS can vary wildly because of proc droughts.
  28. Make Howling Blast a strictly AoE ability and give us a single-target option for Rime. I suggested making Rime procs dramatically buffing Icy Touch. There are other ways obviously but this seems like the most simple.
  29. Fix Howling Blast. As I mentioned, when you added to facing requirement to Howling Blast (target must be in front of you to cast Howling Blast) you also managed to make it so that the ancillary damage wouldn’t hit anything behind you even if it was within 10 yards of the primary target. This makes the ability extremely frustrating to use in AoE for a melee class, seeing as your primary target is more often than not right next to you and having to adjust your position to make sure ALL of the mobs you want to hit are also in front of you is really way too much fuss when no one else has to be this anal about it.
  30. Give DRW back a bit of it’s former glory. Give it to Frost or make it better for Blood or give Blood back a DPS option. Right now it seems like it’s in the Blood tree just for the sake of retaining it because it was a signature ability… for Blood [i]DPS[/i]. Maybe I’m just jealous that I can’t have it anymore, I don’t know.
  31. Do something about Blood Caked Blade. This really doesn’t belong in the tank tree JUST out of reach of DPS. No one who’s reasonably informed uses this talent right now.
  33. •What spells do you use the least?
  34. Dark Simulacrum: I REALLY appreciate that you let us copy Hand of Ragnaros, but that’s really the only time I’ve used it that didn’t involve a paladin getting Mind Controlled. Seriously. This is one of those spells that add thought to the role of DPS. You pay more attention to boss abilities when there are some that you can copy and it helps keep things interesting. I wish we could use it on more raid bosses because it’s a spell I honestly wish I could use more.
  35. Army of the Dead: I barely even use this pre-pull anymore. I wish I had more reason to use it because it’s one of those spells that should be fun but the numbers just don’t support it. Casting it during combat is a DPS loss because of the channeling time, and casting it before combat is too much of a timing game with whoever pulls the boss that can make it too much of a pain in the ass sometimes. Then there’s also having to worry about the ghouls taunting adds on the fights that have them within the first minute, etc. Can we have a minor glyph that removes the taunt at least?
  36. Necrotic Strike: Go figure, right? To be expected from someone who doesn’t PvP.
  37. Blood Strike: Good riddance. Keep it away from me.
  38. Icy Touch: No longer on my bars. With HB applying FF with the glyph and doing way more damage, why would it be? CC is still a joke so there’s no reason to avoid AoE.
  39. Death Strike: Useless again. Maybe this is hyperbole, but not by much.
  40. Runeforges: Lichbane! Gonna kill me some undead! Can we at least try to make some of these decent alternatives to Fallen Crusader, even if it’s situational?
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