

Oct 22nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &f&lTAG HOP &8> &f
  3. admin: &c&lTAG HOP &4> &c
  4. command /admin:setpos [<text>]:
  5. permission: op
  6. trigger:
  7. if arg 1 is not set:
  8. send "{@admin} Correct usage: /..os <location id>"
  9. send "{@admin} Don't use if you don't know what it does!"
  10. send "{@admin} Set position %arg 1% to your current location."
  11. set {position::%arg 1%} to player's location
  12. command /tag [<text>]:
  13. permission: op
  14. trigger:
  15. if arg 1 is "start":
  16. broadcast "{@prefix} Tag Starting in &c5&f..."
  17. wait 1 second
  18. broadcast "{@prefix} Tag Starting in &64&f..."
  19. wait 1 second
  20. broadcast "{@prefix} Tag Starting in &e3&f..."
  21. wait 1 second
  22. broadcast "{@prefix} Tag Starting in &a2&f..."
  23. wait 1 second
  24. broadcast "{@prefix} Tag Starting in &21&f..."
  25. wait 1 second
  26. broadcast "{@prefix} Game has started!"
  27. broadcast "{@prefix} The Peace Period is ending in 10 seconds!"
  28. wait 1 second
  29. set {tag::game} to true
  30. loop all players:
  31. teleport loop-player to {position::map1}
  32. add 1 to {_id}
  33. set {tag::player::%{_id}%} to loop-player
  34. set {tag::taggerid} to random integer from 1 to {_id}
  35. set {tag::currenttagger} to {tag::player::%{_id}%}
  36. wait 10 seconds
  37. add 1 stick named "&eTagger" to inventory of {tag::player::%{tag::taggerid}%}
  38. send "{@prefix} &lYou are the tagger!" to {tag::player::%{tag::taggerid}%}
  39. wait 50 seconds
  40. broadcast "{@prefix} 2 minutes left!"
  41. wait 60 seconds
  42. broadcast "{@prefix} 1 minute left!"
  43. wait 30 seconds
  44. broadcast "{@prefix} 30 seconds left!"
  45. wait 27 seconds
  46. broadcast "{@prefix} Ending in &a3"
  47. wait 1 second
  48. broadcast "{@prefix} Ending in &e2"
  49. wait 1 second
  50. broadcast "{@prefix} Ending in &c1"
  51. wait 1 second
  52. broadcast "{@prefix} &lGame over!"
  53. loop all players:
  54. teleport loop-player to {position::spawn}
  55. clear inventory of loop-player
  56. set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
  57. broadcast "{@prefix} %{tag::currenttagger}% lost the game!"
  58. set {tag::game} to false
  59. stop
  60. if arg 1 is "stop":
  61. send "{@admin} Can't force stop the game, tho we made the server think its off."
  62. set {tag::game} to false
  63. on drop:
  64. if {bypass::*} contains player's uuid:
  65. stop
  66. cancel event
  67. on inventory click:
  68. if {bypass::*} contains player's uuid:
  69. stop
  70. cancel event
  71. on damage:
  72. cancel event
  73. if {tag::game} is false:
  74. stop
  75. if attacker's tool is stick:
  76. if {tag::currenttagger} is not player:
  77. clear attacker's inventory
  78. stop
  79. clear attacker's inventory
  80. add 1 stick named "&eTagger" to inventory of {tag::currenttagger}
  81. broadcast "{@prefix} %victim% has been tagged!"
  82. set {tag::currenttagger} to victim
  83. on join:
  84. set health of player to 10
  85. if {tag::game} is true:
  86. teleport player to {position::map1}
  87. set player's gamemode to spectator
  88. send "{@prefix} The game is currently running. Please wait till the next lobby is available!"
  89. stop
  90. else:
  91. send "{@prefix} Welcome, %player%!"
  92. teleport player to {position::spawn}
  93. set player's gamemode to adventure
  94. stop
  95. on quit:
  96. if {tag::game} is true:
  97. if player is {tag::currenttagger}:
  98. broadcast "{@prefix} The tagger has left!"
  99. command /admin:bypass:
  100. trigger:
  101. if player is not "CrittedX" or "Krajek" or "p3rty":
  102. send "{@prefix} No permission!"
  103. stop
  104. if {bypass::*} contains player's uuid:
  105. send "{@admin} Bypass mode disabled."
  106. remove player's uuid from {bypass::*}
  107. stop
  108. else:
  109. send "{@admin} Bypass mode enabled."
  110. add player's uuid to {bypass::*}
  111. stop
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