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a guest
Dec 10th, 2019
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  1. on click
  2. if name of tool of player contains"&4&lAdmin Tool"
  3. if player has permission "admin.admintool":
  4. cancel event
  5. open chest with 3 rows names "&4&lAdmin Tools"
  6. wait 1 tick
  7. format gui slot 0 of player with grass named "&9&l/spawn" to run:
  8. execute player command "/spawn"
  9. close player's inventory
  10. format gui slot 13 of player with diamond block named "&b&lGamemode 1" to run:
  11. execute player command "/gmc"
  12. close player's inventory
  13. format gui slot 22 of player with craftingtable named "&a&lGamemode 0" to run:
  14. execute player command "/gms"
  15. close player's inventory
  16. format gui slot 23 of player with glass named "&f&lGamemode 3" to run:
  17. execute player command "/gmsp"
  18. close player's inventory
  19. format gui slot 21 of player with blaze rod named "&9&l/list" to run:
  20. execute player command "/list"
  21. close player's inventory
  22. format gui slot 31 of player with enderchest named "&5&lEnderChest" to run:
  23. close player's inventory
  24. execute player command "/ec"
  25. format gui slot 53 of player with red glass named "&4&lClear inventory" to run:
  26. execute player command "/ci"
  27. close player's inventory
  28. format gui slot 8 of player with yellow wool named "&e&lTijd" to run:
  29. open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lTijd en Weer"
  30. wait 1 tick
  31. format gui slot 21 of player with blue wool named "&9&lNacht" to run:
  32. execute player command "/night"
  33. close player's inventory
  34. format gui slot 23 of player with yellow wool named "&e&lDag" to run:
  35. execute player command "/day"
  36. close player's inventory
  37. format gui slot 8 of player with blue glass "&a&lWeather clear" to run:
  38. execute player command "/weatherclear"
  39. close player's inventory
  40. format gui slot 0 of player with red glass "&4&lSluiten" to run:
  41. close player's inventory
  42. command /admintools
  43. permission staff
  44. trigger:
  45. give 1 399 named "&4&lAdmintool"
  46. send "&aJe hebt een &4&lAdmintool &aGekregen!"
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