

Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. local players = game:GetService("Players")
  2. local player = players.LocalPlayer
  3. if game.PlaceId == not 2377868063 then
  4. game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Wrong Game")
  5. end
  7. local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  8. local Check ="Hint", game.CoreGui)
  9. local WeaponFile = RS.Weapons.Modules
  10. local client = { }
  11. Check.Text = "Intitalizing Step 1 Checking Version, fuck u lol"
  12. if RS.AdminRE.DataCost == 12 then
  13. Check.Text = "Intitalizing Step 2 Getting Modules"
  14. else
  15. player:Kick("Version_Error")
  16. end
  17. if Check.Text == "Intitalizing Step 2 Getting Modules" then
  18. Tac = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Weapons.Modules["Tac Shotgun"]);
  19. warn("Loaded Tac")
  20. SupAR = require(WeaponFile["Suppressed AR"]);
  21. warn("Loaded S.AR")
  22. Pistol = require(WeaponFile["Machine Pistol"]);
  23. warn("Loaded Pistol")
  24. Sniper = require(WeaponFile["Semi-Auto Sniper"]);
  25. warn("Loaded Sniper")
  26. RPG = require(WeaponFile["RPG"]);
  27. warn("Loaded RPG")
  28. Pick = require(WeaponFile["Pickaxe"]);
  29. warn("Loaded Pick")
  30. AR = require(WeaponFile["AR"]);
  31. warn("Loaded AR")
  32. Drum = require(WeaponFile["Drum Gun"]);
  33. warn("Loaded Drum")
  34. SAR = require(WeaponFile["Scoped AR"]);
  35. warn("Loaded Scoped AR")
  36. SMG = require(WeaponFile["SMG 101"]);
  37. warn("Loaded SMG 101")
  38. Hawk = require(WeaponFile["Desert Hawk"]);
  39. warn("Loaded Desert Hawk")
  40. BurstAR = require(WeaponFile["Burst AR"]);
  41. warn("Loaded Burst AR")
  42. DoubleBarrelShotgun = require(WeaponFile["Double Barrel Shotgun"]);
  43. warn("Loaded DBS")
  44. HeavyAR= require(WeaponFile["Heavy AR"]);
  45. warn("Loaded Heavy AR")
  46. ExplosivePistol = require(WeaponFile["Explosive Pistol"]);
  47. warn("Loaded Explosive Pistol")
  48. HeavySniper = require(WeaponFile["Heavy Sniper"]);
  49. warn("Loaded HS")
  50. Minigun = require(WeaponFile["Minigun"]);
  51. warn("Loaded Minigun")
  52. PumpShotgun = require(WeaponFile["Pump Shotgun"]);
  53. warn("Loaded Pump Shotgun")
  54. QuadLauncher = require(WeaponFile["Quad Launcher"]);
  55. warn("Loaded Quad Launcher")
  56. TacticalAR = require(WeaponFile["Tactical AR"]);
  57. warn("Loaded Tactical AR")
  58. TacticalRifle = require(WeaponFile["Tactical Rifle"]);
  59. warn("Loaded Tactical Rifle")
  60. SawnoffShotgun = require(WeaponFile["Sawn-off Shotgun"]);
  61. warn("Loaded Sawn Off Shotgun")
  62. else
  63. player:Kick("Module_Error, fuck u lol")
  64. end
  65. function client.esp()
  66. while true do
  67. for i,v in next, game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() do
  68. if v.Name ~= game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name then
  69. pcall(function()
  70. local A ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  71. A.Parent = v.Character.Head
  72. A.Adornee = v.Character.Head
  73. A.AlwaysOnTop = true
  74. A.ZIndex = 1
  75. A.Color3 =,0,1)
  76. A.Size =,0.5,0.5)
  77. local B ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  78. B.Parent = v.Character.UpperTorso
  79. B.Adornee = v.Character.UpperTorso
  80. B.AlwaysOnTop = true
  81. B.ZIndex = 1
  82. B.Color3 =,1,0)
  83. B.Size = v.Character.UpperTorso.Size -,0,0.2)
  84. local C ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  85. C.Parent = v.Character.LowerTorso
  86. C.Adornee = v.Character.LowerTorso
  87. C.AlwaysOnTop = true
  88. C.ZIndex = 1
  89. C.Color3 =,1,0)
  90. C.Size = v.Character.LowerTorso.Size -,0,0.2)
  91. local D ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  92. D.Parent = v.Character.LeftLowerArm
  93. D.Adornee = v.Character.LeftLowerArm
  94. D.AlwaysOnTop = true
  95. D.ZIndex = 1
  96. D.Color3 =,0.2,1)
  97. D.Size = v.Character.LeftLowerArm.Size -,0,0.2)
  98. local E ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  99. E.Parent = v.Character.LeftUpperArm
  100. E.Adornee = v.Character.LeftUpperArm
  101. E.AlwaysOnTop = true
  102. E.ZIndex = 1
  103. E.Color3 =,0.2,1)
  104. E.Size = v.Character.LeftUpperArm.Size -,0,0.2)
  105. local F ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  106. F.Parent = v.Character.RightLowerArm
  107. F.Adornee = v.Character.RightLowerArm
  108. F.AlwaysOnTop = true
  109. F.ZIndex = 1
  110. F.Color3 =,0.2,1)
  111. F.Size = v.Character.RightLowerArm.Size -,0,0.2)
  112. local G ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  113. G.Parent = v.Character.RightUpperArm
  114. G.Adornee = v.Character.RightUpperArm
  115. G.AlwaysOnTop = true
  116. G.ZIndex = 1
  117. G.Color3 =,0.2,1)
  118. G.Size = v.Character.RightUpperArm.Size -,0,0.2)
  119. local H ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  120. H.Parent = v.Character.RightLowerLeg
  121. H.Adornee = v.Character.RightLowerLeg
  122. H.AlwaysOnTop = true
  123. H.ZIndex = 1
  124. H.Color3 =,0.2,0.1)
  125. H.Size = v.Character.RightLowerLeg.Size -,0,0.2)
  126. local I ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  127. I.Parent = v.Character.RightUpperLeg
  128. I.Adornee = v.Character.RightUpperLeg
  129. I.AlwaysOnTop = true
  130. I.ZIndex = 1
  131. I.Color3 =,0.2,0.1)
  132. I.Size = v.Character.RightUpperLeg.Size -,0,0.2)
  133. local J ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  134. J.Parent = v.Character.LeftUpperLeg
  135. J.Adornee = v.Character.LeftUpperLeg
  136. J.AlwaysOnTop = true
  137. J.ZIndex = 1
  138. J.Color3 =,0.2,0.1)
  139. J.Size = v.Character.LeftUpperLeg.Size -,0,0.2)
  140. local K ="BoxHandleAdornment")
  141. K.Parent = v.Character.LeftLowerLeg
  142. K.Adornee = v.Character.LeftLowerLeg
  143. K.AlwaysOnTop = true
  144. K.ZIndex = 1
  145. K.Color3 =,0.2,0.1)
  146. K.Size = v.Character.LeftLowerLeg.Size -,0,0.2)
  147. end)
  148. end
  149. end
  150. wait(2)
  151. end
  152. end
  153. function client.NoMap()
  154. while true do
  155. _G.HeadSize = 25
  156. _G.Disabled = true
  157. if _G.Disabled then
  158. for i,v in next, game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() do
  159. if v.Name ~= game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name then
  160. pcall(function()
  161. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Name = "PP"
  162. v.Character.PP.Size =,_G.HeadSize,_G.HeadSize)
  163. v.Character.PP.Transparency = 0.5
  164. v.Character.PP.CanCollide = false
  165. end)
  166. end
  167. end
  168. end
  169. wait(1)
  170. end
  171. end
  172. function client.InvisLoop()
  173. while wait() do
  174. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildStuff:GetChildren()) do
  175. if v.ClassName == 'Part' then
  176. v. CFrame =,math.huge,math.huge)
  177. elseif v.ClassName == 'Model' then
  178. v:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
  179. elseif v.ClassName == 'MeshPart' then
  180. v.CFrame =,math.huge,math.huge)
  181. elseif v.ClassName == 'UnionOperation' then
  182. v.CFrame =,math.huge,math.huge)
  183. end
  184. end
  185. wait(2)
  186. end
  187. end
  188. function client.AimBot()
  189. local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService')
  190. local RS = game:GetService('RunService')
  191. local Players = game:GetService('Players')
  192. local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')
  193. local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
  194. local Studio = RS:IsStudio()
  195. local PlayerGui = RS:IsStudio() and Player:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') or game.CoreGui
  196. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  197. local old_icon = Mouse.Icon
  198. local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  199. targetpart = 'Head' -- Don't change this.
  200. -- It can be changed with the targetpart_change hotkey ingame.
  201. local target
  202. local target_old
  203. local alert = false
  204. local lockedon = false
  205. local settingkey = false
  206. local upvals = nil
  207. local val = 1
  208. local windows = {}
  210. local version = 1.25
  211. local Spawn = nil or game.PlaceId == 292439477 and workspace:WaitForChild('Lobby',2):WaitForChild('Spawn1',2)
  212. local spawned = false
  213. script.Name = 'GameSense!'
  214. Mouse.TargetFilter = Camera
  215. -- hotkey
  216. toggle_aim = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2
  217. toggle_aimbot = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  218. toggle_trigger = Enum.KeyCode.I
  219. toggle_esp = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  220. toggle_gui = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  221. toggle_bottompos = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  222. toggle_performance = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  223. toggle_bones = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  224. toggle_chams = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  225. toggle_tracers = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  226. toggle_boxes = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  227. toggle_font = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  228. ffatoggle = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  229. targetpart_change = Enum.KeyCode.K
  230. priority_toggle = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  231. sethotkey = Enum.KeyCode.Delete
  232. -- aim fov
  233. fov_increase = nil
  234. fov_decrease = nil
  235. -- aim sens (how smooth your crosshair will move)
  236. sens_increase = Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket
  237. sens_decrease = Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket
  238. -- parts
  239. parts = {
  240. 'UpperTorso',
  241. 'LowerTorso',
  242. 'LeftUpperArm',
  243. 'LeftLowerArm',
  244. 'RightUpperArm',
  245. 'RightLowerArm',
  246. 'LeftUpperLeg',
  247. 'LeftLowerLeg',
  248. 'Head'
  249. }
  250. fonts = {
  251. Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
  252. Enum.Font.Cartoon,
  253. Enum.Font.Arcade,
  254. Enum.Font.SciFi,
  255. Enum.Font.Fantasy,
  256. Enum.Font.Code,
  257. Enum.Font.Highway,
  258. Enum.Font.Bodoni
  259. }
  260. textSet = false
  261. currentfont = 4
  262. hidden = false
  263. performance = false
  264. -- aim
  265. fov = 7
  266. ffa = true
  267. sens = 0.673
  268. drop = 0
  269. aim_toggled = false
  270. bottompos = false
  271. aim_priority = 2
  272. -- [2] FOV or [1] Distance
  273. aimingcolor = Color3.fromRGB(1,1,0)
  274. aimbot_toggled = true
  275. aim_line = true
  276. locksoundid = 538769304
  277. mouseiconid = 18671553
  278. -- trigger
  279. trigger_toggled = true
  280. trigger_delay = 1/20
  281. -- esp
  282. esp_toggled = false
  283. esp_bones = false
  284. esp_chams = false
  285. esp_tracers = false
  286. -- item_esp (coming soon)
  287. linesize = 5
  288. showdists = true
  289. textsize = 14
  290. textoffset = 20
  291. visiblecolor = Color3.fromRGB(38,255,99)
  292. hiddencolor = Color3.fromRGB(255,37,40)
  293. headboxsize = 1
  294. headboxaimsize = 2
  295. headboxshape = 'rectangle'
  296. -- rectangle or diamond
  297. -- box esp
  298. bounding_box = true
  299. -- box_pointsize = 0 [UNUSED]
  300. box_line_size = 1
  301. -- box_line_size_visible = 2 [UNUSED]
  302. local GUI ='ScreenGui',PlayerGui)
  303. GUI.Name = 'GameSense '..version
  304. GUI.ResetOnSpawn = false
  305. ESP ='Folder',GUI)
  306. ESP.Name = 'ESP'
  307. local Bottom ='Frame',ESP)
  308. Bottom.Name = 'Bottom'
  309. Bottom.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  310. Bottom.Size =,1,0,1)
  311. Bottom.Position =,0,1,1)
  312. local FovGui ='Frame',GUI)
  313. FovGui.Name = 'FovGui'
  314. FovGui.Size =,280,0,320)
  315. FovGui.Position =,-FovGui.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0.5,-FovGui.AbsoluteSize.Y/2)
  316. FovGui.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
  317. FovGui.BackgroundColor3 =,0.105,1)
  318. local Indicator ='TextLabel',GUI)
  319. Indicator.Name = 'Indicator'
  320. Indicator.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  321. Indicator.TextSize = 0
  322. Indicator.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center
  323. Indicator.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center
  324. Indicator.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  325. Indicator.Text = aim_priority>1 and 'FOV: '..fov or 'Distance'
  326. local KeysList ='TextLabel',GUI)
  327. KeysList.Name = 'KeysList'
  328. KeysList.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  329. KeysList.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
  330. KeysList.TextSize = 0
  331. KeysList.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  332. KeysList.Size =,0,1,0)
  333. KeysList.Position =,5,0,-280)
  334. KeysList.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  335. KeysList.Active = false
  336. local n = 0
  337. spawn(function()
  338. while Status do
  339. Indicator.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(n,.5,1)
  340. FovGui.ImageColor3 = Indicator.TextColor3
  341. if not textSet then
  342. if aim_toggled and target then
  343. Status.TextColor3 = aimingcolor
  344. Status.Text = ('Aiming at '
  345. else
  346. Status.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(n,.5,1)
  347. Status.Text = 'On Standby'
  348. end
  349. end
  350. n = 0
  351. end
  352. end)
  353. local function distfromspawn(x)
  354. if Spawn then
  355. return xBig GrinistanceFromCharacter(Spawn.Position)
  356. else
  357. return 201
  358. end
  359. end
  360. local function playsound(id)
  361. local sound ='Sound',Camera)
  362. sound.Volume = 3
  363. soundTonguelay()
  364. game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(sound,5)
  365. end
  367. local function DrawLine(Folder,P1,P2,Thickness,Color,LineTransparency,BorderThickness,BorderColor)
  368. -- Declare variables
  369. local Point1,Point2 = P1.Position,P2.Position
  370. if Point1 and Point2 then
  371. local X,Y = Camera.ViewportSize.X, Camera.ViewportSize.Y
  372. local X1,X2 = (X * Point1.X.Scale + Point1.X.Offset + P1.Size.X.Offset/2), (X * Point2.X.Scale + Point2.X.Offset + P2.Size.X.Offset/2)
  373. local Y1,Y2 = (Y * Point1.Y.Scale + Point1.Y.Offset + P1.Size.Y.Offset/2), (Y * Point2.Y.Scale + Point2.Y.Offset + P2.Size.Y.Offset/2)
  374. local MidX,MidY = (X1+X2)/2, (Y1+Y2)/2
  375. -- Set defaults to prevent errors
  376. Thickness = Thickness or 1
  377. Color = Color or,1,1)
  378. LineTransparency = LineTransparency or 0
  379. BorderThickness = BorderThickness or 0
  380. BorderColor = BorderColor or,0,0)
  381. -- Draw the line
  382. local Line = Folder:FindFirstChild(P1.Name..'-'..P2.Name) or'Frame',Folder)
  383. Line.Visible = false
  384. Line.BackgroundTransparency = LineTransparency
  385. Line.BorderSizePixel = BorderThickness
  386. Line.BorderColor3 = BorderColor
  387. Line.Size =,(,Y1) -,Y2)).magnitude-1,0,Thickness)
  388. Line.Position =,MidX-Line.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,MidY-Line.AbsoluteSize.Y)
  389. Line.BackgroundColor3 = Color
  390. Line.Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2((Y2-Y1),(X2-X1)))
  391. Line.Name = P1.Name..'-'..P2.Name
  392. Line.Visible = true
  393. return Line
  394. else
  395. return nil
  396. end
  397. end
  398. local function GetNearest(e)
  399. local lowest,nearest,gui = math.huge,nil,nil
  400. if e==1 then
  401. for _,plr in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
  402. if plr.Name~=Player.Name and plr.Character~=nil and plr.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart) then
  403. local dist = PlayerBig GrinistanceFromCharacter(plr.Character[targetpart].Position)
  404. local ray =,(plr.Character[targetpart].Position-Player.Character.Head.Position).unit*2000)
  405. local part,point = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,{Camera,Player.Character,unpack(windows)})
  406. local Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(plr.Character[targetpart].Position).x
  407. if part and part:IsDescendantOf(plr.Character) and Z>0 and dist < lowest and (ffa or plr.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor) then lowest = dist nearest = plr.Character end
  408. end
  409. end
  410. elseif e==2 then
  411. for _,plr in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
  412. if plr.Name~=Player.Name and plr.Character~=nil and plr.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart) then
  413. local pos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(plr.Character[targetpart].Position)
  414. local ray =[targetpart].Position,(plr.Character[targetpart].Position-Player.Character[targetpart].Position).unit*2048)
  415. local part,point = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,{Camera,Player.Character,unpack(windows)})
  416. local dist = (,Mouse.Y),pos.Y)).magnitude
  417. if part and part:IsDescendantOf(plr.Character) and pos.Z>0 and dist <= Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov) and dist < lowest and (ffa or plr.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor) then lowest = dist nearest = plr.Character end
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  421. return nearest
  422. end
  423. Mouse.Move:Connect(function()
  424. cursor = ESP:FindFirstChild('Cursor') or'Frame',ESP)
  425. cursor.Name = 'Cursor'
  426. cursor.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  427. cursor.Size =,1,0,1)
  428. cursor.Position =,Mouse.X,0,Mouse.Y)
  429. end)
  430. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input)
  431. if Input.KeyCode == toggle_aim or Input.UserInputType == toggle_aim then
  432. aim_toggled = true
  433. warn('GS: aim toggled',aim_toggled and 'on' or 'off')
  434. alert = true
  435. while aim_toggled and aimbot_toggled do
  436. target = GetNearest(aim_priority)
  437. if target then
  438. local dist = PlayerBig GrinistanceFromCharacter(target[targetpart].Position)
  439. local headpos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(target[targetpart],dist/(100/drop),0))
  440. local moveto =*sens,(headpos.Y-Mouse.Y)*sens)
  441. aimpos = GUI:FindFirstChild('AimPos') or'Frame',GUI)
  442. if not GUI:FindFirstChild('AimPos') then
  443. aimpos.Name = 'AimPos'
  444. aimpos.BorderSizePixel = 1
  445. aimpos.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
  446. aimpos.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  447. aimpos.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
  448. aimpos.Rotation = 45
  449. aimpos.ZIndex = 4
  450. aimpos.Size =,3,0,3)
  451. end
  452. aimpos.Position =,headpos.X-aimpos.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,headpos.Y-aimpos.AbsoluteSize.Y/2)
  453. aimpos.Visible = true
  454. mousemoverel(moveto.X,moveto.Y - drop)
  455. if alert or target~=target_old then
  456. playsound(locksoundid)
  457. print('GS: locked onto',target.Name)
  458. lockedon = false
  459. alert = false
  460. end
  461. end
  462. RS.Heartbeat:wait()
  463. target_old = target
  464. if aimpos then
  465. aimpos.Visible = false
  466. end
  467. end
  468. lockedon = false
  469. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_trigger then
  470. trigger_toggled = not trigger_toggled
  471. setText('Toggled TriggerBot '..(trigger_toggled and 'On' or 'Off'))
  472. Notification({Title='TriggerBot';Text='TriggerBot was toggled '..(trigger_toggled and 'On' or 'Off');Duration=2;})
  473. warn('trigger toggled',trigger_toggled and 'on' or 'off')
  474. local Box ='SelectionBox',PlayerGui)
  475. Box.Color3 =,0,0)
  476. Box.LineThickness = .05
  477. Box.Adornee = nil
  478. if trigger_delay>0 then wait(trigger_delay) end
  479. while trigger_toggled do
  480. local Target = Mouse.Target
  481. local plr = Players:FindFirstChild(Target.Parent.Name)
  482. if Target and Target.Parent and plr~=nil and plr~=Player and ffa or plr~=nil and plr.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor then
  483. Box.Adornee = Mouse.Target
  484. mouse1press()
  485. wait()
  486. mouse1release()
  487. end
  488. RS.Heartbeat:wait()
  489. end
  490. BoxBig Grinestroy()
  491. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_esp then
  492. esp_toggled = not esp_toggled
  493. Notification({Title='ESP';Text='ESP was toggled '..(esp_toggled and 'On' or 'Off');Duration=2;})
  494. setText('Toggled ESP '..(esp_toggled and 'On' or 'Off'))
  495. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_aimbot then
  496. aimbot_toggled = not aimbot_toggled
  497. Notification({Title='AimBot';Text='AimBot was toggled '..(aimbot_toggled and 'On' or 'Off');Duration=2;})
  498. setText('Toggled AimBot '..(aimbot_toggled and 'On' or 'Off'))
  499. elseif Input.KeyCode == fov_increase then
  500. fov = fov + .5
  501. if FovGui.Visible then
  502. FovGui:TweenSize(,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2,0,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
  503. end
  504. setText('Aim FOV: '..fov)
  505. elseif Input.KeyCode == fov_decrease and fov>0 then
  506. fov = fov - .5
  507. if FovGui.Visible then
  508. FovGui:TweenSize(,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2,0,(Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov))*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
  509. end
  510. setText('Aim FOV: '..fov)
  511. elseif Input.KeyCode == sens_increase then
  512. sens = sens + .05
  513. setText('Sens: '..sens)
  514. elseif Input.KeyCode == sens_decrease then
  515. sens = sens - .05
  516. setText('Sens: '..sens)
  517. elseif Input.KeyCode == targetpart_change then
  518. val = val+1
  519. targetpart = val<=#parts and parts[val] or parts[1]
  520. if parts[1]==targetpart then val = 1 end
  521. Notification({Title='Target Part';Text='Target part set to '..targetpart;Duration=2;})
  522. setText('Target Part: '..targetpart)
  523. elseif Input.KeyCode == ffatoggle then
  524. ffa = not ffa
  525. Notification({Title='FFA e';Text='FFA e is '..(ffa and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled');Duration=2;})
  526. setText('FFA e: '..(ffa and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
  527. elseif Input.KeyCode == priority_toggle then
  528. aim_priority = aim_priority+1>2 and 0 or 1
  529. aim_priority = aim_priority+1
  530. FovGui.Visible = aim_priority>1
  531. setText('Aim Priority: '..(aim_priority==1 and 'Distance' or 'FOV'))
  532. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_bones then
  533. esp_bones = not esp_bones
  534. if not esp_bones then
  535. for _,v in next,ESP:GetDescendants() do
  536. if v:IsA('Frame') and v.Name:match('-') then
  537. vBig Grinestroy()
  538. end
  539. end
  540. end
  541. setText('Toggled ESP Bones '..(esp_bones and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
  542. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_gui then
  543. hidden = not hidden
  544. for _,gui in next,GUI:GetDescendants() do
  545. if gui:IsA('GuiObject') and not hidden and not gui.Visible then
  546. gui.Visible = true
  547. Mouse.Icon = 'rbxassetid://'..mouseiconid
  548. elseif gui:IsA('GuiObject') and gui.Visible then
  549. gui.Visible = false
  550. esp_toggled = false
  551. Mouse.Icon = old_icon
  552. end
  553. end
  554. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_bottompos then
  555. bottompos = not bottompos
  556. if bottompos then
  557. Bottom.Position =,0,1,1)
  558. end
  559. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_performance then
  560. performancee = not performancee
  561. setText('Performance e '..(performancee and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
  562. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_chams then
  563. esp_chams = not esp_chams
  564. setText('Chams '..(esp_chams and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
  565. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_tracers then
  566. esp_tracers = not esp_tracers
  567. setText('Tracers '..(esp_chams and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
  568. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_boxes then
  569. bounding_box = not bounding_box
  570. setText('Bounding Boxes '..(bounding_box and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
  571. elseif Input.KeyCode == toggle_font then
  572. currentfont = (currentfont+1)>#fonts and 1 or currentfont+1
  573. for _,v in next,GUI:GetDescendants() do
  574. if v.Name~='KeysList' then
  575. if v:IsA('TextLabel') or v:IsA('TextButton') then
  576. v.Font = fonts[currentfont]
  577. end
  578. end
  579. end
  580. end
  581. end)
  582. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input)
  583. if Input.KeyCode == toggle_aim or Input.UserInputType == toggle_aim then
  584. aim_toggled = false
  585. end
  586. end)
  587. local function checkifspawned(x)
  588. spawned = false
  589. while not spawned and game.PlaceId==292439477 do
  590. spawned = distfromspawn(x)>200 and true or false
  591. wait(1/5)
  592. end
  593. spawned = true
  594. end
  595. checkifspawned(Player)
  596. Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function©
  597. checkifspawned(Player)
  598. for _,v in next,ESP:GetDescendants() do
  599. if v:IsA('Frame') and v.Name:match('-') then
  600. vBig Grinestroy()
  601. end
  602. end
  603. end)
  604. Notification({Title='Aimbot '..version;Text='Loaded successfully.';Icon='rbxassetid://2572157833';Duration=10;})
  605. wait(.5)
  606. RS.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  607. if cursor then
  608. FovGui.Position =,FovGui.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,FovGui.AbsoluteSize.Y/2)
  609. Indicator.Position =,0,0,40)
  610. end
  611. end)
  612. Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
  613. spawn(function()
  614. if FovGui.Visible then
  615. FovGui:TweenSize(,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2.35,0,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2.35),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
  616. wait(.1)
  617. FovGui:TweenSize(,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2,0,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true)
  618. end
  619. end)
  620. end)
  621. while true do
  622. Indicator.Text = (aim_priority>1 and 'FOV: '..fov or 'Distance') ..'\nSens: '..sens..(aim_toggled and '\nAiming' or '')
  623. if not bottompos then Bottom.Position = cursor.Position end
  624. if esp_toggled then
  625. for _,v in next,ESP:children() do
  626. if v~=Bottom and not Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
  627. vBig Grinestroy()
  628. end
  629. wait()
  630. end
  631. for _,v in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
  632. local Char = v.Character
  633. if Char and spawned and v~=Player and Char:FindFirstChild(targetpart) and distfromspawn(v)>100 then
  634. if ffa or v.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor then
  635. local X = Camera:GetPartsObscuringTarget({Camera.CFrame.p,Char[targetpart].CFrame.p},{v.Character,Char,Camera,unpack(windows)})
  636. local Dist = PlayerBig GrinistanceFromCharacter(Char:FindFirstChild(targetpart).Position)
  637. local Color = hiddencolor
  638. local Folder = ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or'Folder',ESP)
  639. Folder.Name = v.Name
  640. -- ESP
  641. local Head = Folder:FindFirstChild('Head') or'Frame',Folder)
  642. if not Folder:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  643. Head.Name = 'Head'
  644. Head.BorderSizePixel = 1
  645. Head.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
  646. Head.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  647. end
  648. Head.BackgroundColor3 = #X>0 and hiddencolor or #X==0 and visiblecolor
  649. Head.Rotation = headboxshape=='diamond' and 45 or 0
  650. Head.ZIndex = 3
  651. local HP = Folder:FindFirstChild('HP') or'TextLabel',Folder)
  652. if not Folder:FindFirstChild('HP') then
  653. HP.Name = 'HP'
  654. HP.TextTransparency = Head.BackgroundTransparency-.4
  655. HP.Font = fonts[currentfont]
  656. HP.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
  657. HP.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  658. HP.TextSize = 14
  659. end
  660. HP.Text = showdists and Char.Name..'\n'..math.floor(Dist+.5) or Char.Name
  661. if aim_toggled and target==Char then
  662. Head.Size =,headboxaimsize,0,headboxaimsize)
  663. Head.BackgroundColor3 = aimingcolor
  664. HP.Text = showdists and '['..Char.Name..']'..'\n'..math.floor(Dist+.5) or '['..Char.Name..']'
  665. HP.TextSize = 16
  666. else
  667. Head.Size =,headboxsize,0,headboxsize)
  668. end
  669. HP.TextColor3 = Head.BackgroundColor3
  670. local toScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Char[targetpart].CFrame.p)
  671. if #X==0 then Color = visiblecolor end
  672. Head.Position =,toScreen.X-Head.Size.X.Offset/2,0,toScreen.Y-Head.Size.Y.Offset/2)
  673. HP.Position =,0,0,textoffset)
  674. if esp_tracers then
  675. local Line = DrawLine(Folder,ESP.Bottom,Head,linesize,Head.BackgroundColor3,.75,1,,0,0))
  676. Line.Visible = Head.Visible
  677. else
  678. local imtired = Folder:FindFirstChild(ESP.Bottom.Name..'-'..Head.Name)
  679. if imtired then
  680. imtiredBig Grinestroy()
  681. end
  682. end
  683. if toScreen.Z<=0 then Head.Visible = false else Head.Visible = true end
  684. HP.Visible = Head.Visible
  685. if Char:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and Char.Humanoid.RigType==Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then
  686. local Neck = Folder:FindFirstChild('Neck') or'Frame',Folder)
  687. Neck.Name = 'Neck'
  688. Neck.ZIndex = 2
  689. if Char['Torso']~=nil then
  690. local Pos = (Char.Torso.CFrame*,.8,0)).p
  691. local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
  692. Neck.Position =,X,0,Y)
  693. Neck.BorderSizePixel = 0
  694. if Z<=0 then Neck.Visible = false else Neck.Visible = true end
  695. else
  696. Neck.Visible = false
  697. end
  698. --
  699. local Pelvis = Folder:FindFirstChild('Pelvis') or'Frame',Folder)
  700. Pelvis.Name = 'Pelvis'
  701. Pelvis.ZIndex = 2
  702. Pelvis.BorderSizePixel = 0
  703. if Char['Torso']~=nil then
  704. local Pos = (Char.Torso.CFrame*,-1,0)).p
  705. local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
  706. Pelvis.Position =,X,0,Y)
  707. if Z<=0 then Pelvis.Visible = false else Pelvis.Visible = true end
  708. else
  709. Pelvis.Visible = false
  710. end
  711. --
  712. local RightFoot = Folder:FindFirstChild('Right Foot') or'Frame',Folder)
  713. RightFoot.Name = 'Right Foot'
  714. RightFoot.ZIndex = 2
  715. RightFoot.BorderSizePixel = 0
  716. if Char['Right Leg']~=nil then
  717. local Pos = (Char['Right Leg'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
  718. local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
  719. RightFoot.Position =,X,0,Y)
  720. if Z<=0 then RightFoot.Visible = false else RightFoot.Visible = true end
  721. else
  722. RightFoot.Visible = false
  723. end
  724. --
  725. local LeftFoot = Folder:FindFirstChild('Left Foot') or'Frame',Folder)
  726. LeftFoot.Name = 'Left Foot'
  727. if Char['Left Leg']~=nil then
  728. local Pos = (Char['Left Leg'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
  729. local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
  730. LeftFoot.Position =,X,0,Y)
  731. LeftFoot.BorderSizePixel = 0
  732. if Z<=0 then LeftFoot.Visible = false else LeftFoot.Visible = true end
  733. else
  734. LeftFoot.Visible = false
  735. end
  736. --
  737. local RightHand = Folder:FindFirstChild('Right Hand') or'Frame',Folder)
  738. RightHand.Name = 'Right Hand'
  739. RightHand.ZIndex = 2
  740. RightHand.BorderSizePixel = 0
  741. if Char['Right Arm']~=nil then
  742. local Pos = (Char['Right Arm'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
  743. local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
  744. RightHand.Position =,X,0,Y)
  745. if Z<=0 then RightHand.Visible = false else RightHand.Visible = true end
  746. else
  747. RightHand.Visible = false
  748. end
  749. --
  750. local LeftHand = Folder:FindFirstChild('Left Hand') or'Frame',Folder)
  751. LeftHand.Name = 'Left Hand'
  752. LeftHand.ZIndex = 2
  753. LeftHand.BorderSizePixel = 0
  754. if Char['Left Arm']~=nil then
  755. local Pos = (Char['Left Arm'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p
  756. local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z
  757. LeftHand.Position =,X,0,Y)
  758. if Z<=0 then LeftHand.Visible = false else LeftHand.Visible = true end
  759. else
  760. LeftHand.Visible = false
  761. end
  762. -- draw joints
  763. if esp_bones then
  764. if Head.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Head,Neck,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
  765. if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,Pelvis,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
  766. if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,RightHand,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
  767. if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,LeftHand,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
  768. if Pelvis.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Pelvis,RightFoot,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
  769. if Pelvis.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Pelvis,LeftFoot,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end
  770. end
  771. end
  772. if esp_chams then
  773. for _,Part in next,Char:children() do
  774. if Part:IsA('BasePart') and Part.Name~='HumanoidRootPart' then
  775. local Adornment = Folder:FindFirstChild(Part.Name..'_Cham') or'BoxHandleAdornment',Folder)
  776. if not Folder:FindFirstChild(Part.Name..'_Cham') then
  777. Adornment.Name = Part.Name..'_Cham'
  778. Adornment.Adornee = Part
  779. Adornment.AlwaysOnTop = true
  780. Adornment.Size = Part.Name=='Head' and,1,1) or Part.Size
  781. Adornment.ZIndex = 1
  782. end
  783. Adornment.Color3 = Head.BackgroundColor3
  784. end
  785. end
  786. else
  787. for _,v in next,Folder:GetDescendants() do
  788. if v.Name:match('Cham') then
  789. vBig Grinestroy()
  790. end
  791. end
  792. end
  793. if bounding_box and Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  794. local Box = Char:FindFirstChild('Box') or'BillboardGui',Char)
  795. if not Char:FindFirstChild('Box') then
  796. Box.Name = 'Box'
  797. Box.Adornee = Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  798. Box.AlwaysOnTop = true
  799. Box.LightInfluence = 0
  800. Box.StudsOffset =,-Box.Adornee.Size.Y/4,0)
  801. Box.Size =,1,5,1)
  802. local Top ='Frame',Box)
  803. Top.Size =,0,0,box_line_size)
  804. Top.BorderSizePixel = 0
  805. local Bot = Top:Clone()
  806. Bot.Position =,0,1,-box_line_size)
  807. Bot.Parent = Box
  808. local Left = Top:Clone()
  809. Left.Size =,1,1,0)
  810. Left.Parent = Box
  811. local Right = Left:Clone()
  812. Right.Position =,-box_line_size,0,0)
  813. Right.Parent = Box
  814. end
  815. for _,v in next,Box:children() do
  816. if v:IsA('Frame') then
  817. v.BackgroundColor3 = Head.BackgroundColor3
  818. end
  819. end
  820. else
  821. local Box = Char:FindFirstChild('Box')
  822. if Box then
  823. BoxBig Grinestroy()
  824. end
  825. end
  826. if lockedon and target and aim_line and ESP:FindFirstChild(target.Name) then
  827. DrawLine(ESP,cursor,ESP:FindFirstChild(target.Name).Head,1,Head.BackgroundColor3,.5)
  828. end
  829. else
  830. if ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
  831. ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name)Big Grinestroy()
  832. end
  833. end
  834. else
  835. if ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
  836. ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name)Big Grinestroy()
  837. end
  838. end
  839. end
  840. else
  841. for _,v in next,ESP:children() do
  842. if v:IsA('Folder') then
  843. vBig Grinestroy()
  844. end
  845. end
  846. end
  847. if performancee then
  848. wait(1/(workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()))
  849. else
  850. RS.Stepped:wait()
  851. end
  852. end
  853. end
  854. function client.FastShoot()
  855. Tac["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  856. PumpShotgun["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  857. Pick["Debounce"] = 0.109999;
  858. SAR["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  859. Hawk["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  860. SMG["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  861. Sniper["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  862. AR["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  863. SupAR["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  864. Pistol["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  865. Drum["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  866. RPG["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  867. BurstAR["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  868. DoubleBarrelShotgun["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  869. HeavyAR["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  870. ExplosivePistol["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  871. HeavySniper["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  872. Minigun["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  873. QuadLauncher["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  874. TacticalAR["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  875. TacticalRifle["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  876. SawnoffShotgun["Debounce"] = 0.08099;
  877. end
  878. function client.AR()
  879. Tac["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  880. Hawk["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  881. SMG["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  882. SAR["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  883. Sniper["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  884. AR["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  885. PumpShotgun["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  886. SupAR["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  887. Drum["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  888. RPG["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  889. BurstAR["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  890. DoubleBarrelShotgun["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  891. HeavyAR["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  892. ExplosivePistol["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  893. HeavySniper["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  894. Minigun["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  895. QuadLauncher["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  896. TacticalAR["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  897. TacticalRifle["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  898. SawnoffShotgun["ReloadType"] = "ARReload";
  899. end
  900. function client.LowRecoil()
  901. Tac["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  902. Hawk["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  903. SMG["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  904. Sniper["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  905. AR["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  906. SAR["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  907. PumpShotgun["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  908. SupAR["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  909. Pistol["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  910. Drum["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  911. RPG["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  912. BurstAR["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  913. DoubleBarrelShotgun["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  914. HeavyAR["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  915. ExplosivePistol["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  916. HeavySniper["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  917. Minigun["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  918. QuadLauncher["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  919. TacticalAR["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  920. TacticalRifle["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  921. SawnoffShotgun["Recoil"] = 0.209786354
  922. end
  923. if client and client.esp and client.NoMap and client.AimBot and client.FastShoot and client.LowRecoil then
  924. RS.ConfettiGUI:Clone().Parent = player.PlayerGui
  925. CheckBig Grinestroy()
  926. local Name ="TextLabel", GunCheats)
  927. local Chams ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  928. local NoRecoil ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  929. local MainGUI ="ScreenGui", game.CoreGui)
  930. local GunCheats ="Frame", MainGUI)
  931. local FastShootBTN ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  932. local NMBTN ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  933. local CB ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  934. local ESP ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  935. local NoM ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  936. local AllAR ="TextButton", GunCheats)
  937. MainGUI.Name = "Gui"
  938. MainGUI.Enabled = true
  939. GunCheats.Name = "GunCheats"
  940. GunCheats.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  941. GunCheats.Position =, 0, 0.04501, 0)
  942. GunCheats.Size =, 175, 0, 450)
  943. GunCheats.Transparency = .3
  944. GunCheats.Active = true
  945. GunCheats.Draggable = true
  946. GunCheats.BorderColor3 =, 0, 1)
  947. GunCheats.BorderSizePixel = 2.52222222
  948. Name.Name = "Name"
  949. Name.Text = "STRUCID FUCK"
  950. Name.Parent = GunCheats
  951. Name.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  952. Name.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  953. Name.Size =, 175, 0, 60)
  954. Name.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  955. Name.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  956. Name.TextSize = 15
  957. FastShootBTN.Name = "Aimbot"
  958. FastShootBTN.Text = "Aimbot"
  959. FastShootBTN.Parent = GunCheats
  960. FastShootBTN.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  961. FastShootBTN.Position =, 0, 0.16401, 0)
  962. FastShootBTN.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  963. FastShootBTN.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  964. FastShootBTN.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  965. FastShootBTN.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.AimBot() end)
  966. NMBTN.Name = "NM"
  967. NMBTN.Text = "No Map (Beta)"
  968. NMBTN.Parent = GunCheats
  969. NMBTN.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  970. NMBTN.Position =, 0, 0.855001, 0)
  971. NMBTN.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  972. NMBTN.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  973. NMBTN.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  974. NMBTN.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.InvisLoop() end)
  975. Chams.Name = "Chams"
  976. Chams.Text = "FastShoot"
  977. Chams.Parent = GunCheats
  978. Chams.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  979. Chams.Position =, 0, 0.7654321, 0)
  980. Chams.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  981. Chams.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  982. Chams.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  983. Chams.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.FastShoot() end)
  984. ESP.Name = "Chams"
  985. ESP.Text = "Chams"
  986. ESP.Parent = GunCheats
  987. ESP.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  988. ESP.Position =, 0, 0.44, 0)
  989. ESP.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  990. ESP.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  991. ESP.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  992. ESP.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.esp() end)
  993. NoM.Name = "No-Map"
  994. NoM.Text = "Hitbox Extender"
  995. NoM.Parent = GunCheats
  996. NoM.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  997. NoM.Position =, 0, 0.339, 0)
  998. NoM.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  999. NoM.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1000. NoM.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  1001. NoM.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.NoMap() end)
  1002. AllAR.Name = "AARR"
  1003. AllAR.Text = "All AR Reload"
  1004. AllAR.Parent = GunCheats
  1005. AllAR.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  1006. AllAR.Position =, 0, 0.250, 0)
  1007. AllAR.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  1008. AllAR.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1009. AllAR.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  1010. AllAR.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.AR() end)
  1011. NoRecoil.Name = "NoRecoil"
  1012. NoRecoil.Text = "LowRecoil"
  1013. NoRecoil.Parent = GunCheats
  1014. NoRecoil.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0.1)
  1015. NoRecoil.Position =, 0, 0.6454321, 0)
  1016. NoRecoil.Size =, 175, 0, 40)
  1017. NoRecoil.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1018. NoRecoil.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  1019. NoRecoil.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() client.LowRecoil() end)
  1020. else
  1021. player:Kick("Error Spwning UI, fuck u lol")
  1022. end
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