
Keeper of the Faith

Feb 11th, 2020
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  1. [01:16] Andrew Mercia says, "Hello Priestess you look lovely today."
  2. [01:25] As before, that Priestess of The Faith is relaxing at a table, drinking some tea. This time, it's a blueberry blend, with pleasant floral notes. As before, she uses honey with her tea! A soft, warm smile is given towards Andrew;
  4. "Thank you, Andrew. Would you like some tea?"
  6. A small pause is given, before she asks;
  8. "And how are you faring? Well, I hope."
  9. (Yiel)
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [01:29] Andrew sits at the table with a smile appearing on his face he had a rather eventful day. He'd been doing his task and making strides towards a better future.
  14. "I'd love some tea." while he placed his things to the side and prepared to relax "I don't get to see you often and I get worried about you sometimes. How are you feeling? Is there anything you'd like me to look at for you?"
  16. Andrew waited for her to prepare the tea.
  18. "How are your living conditions? Do you have a place of your own? If not we can find you one.
  20. I've also completed the task you've given to me the last time we spoke."
  21. (Andrew Mercia)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [01:47] That blonde gently sets a teaspoon of honey within a fresh mug! Then, tea is poured in, and that honey is gently stirred! With that touch, she'll set the blueberry tea before the other!
  26. A soft smile is given towards the Acolyte, giving him a small nod and listening to his words patiently. She takes a small sip of her tea, gathering her own words, before addressing his!
  28. "I'm quite alright, thank you for asking, Andrew." There's a chuckle at his near-doting words, waving a hand dismissively as she speaks!
  30. "Ah! Don't you worry about myself. I stay here. I'm quite happy here, as well - I like to assist as a Nurse. I'm not really someone who needs much to live."
  32. Because her faith sustains her more then anything else. After all, the symbol on her right palm is the symbol of Yiel - her star.
  34. "I'm glad to hear that. May I have your report?"
  36. Changing the subject casually, witha warm, sunny smile, as always!
  37. (Yiel)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [01:56] Andrew sips the tea leaving a sweet taste in his mouth and offering her a nod. He couldn't argue with her logic, but he still worried from time to time about her.
  42. "I'll keep that in mind since I'm basically one of the man Doctors here. You'll see me around quite a bit helping others get back to their daily lives." He'd take another hefty sip of his tea.
  44. "If you say so, but the offer will always stand and I'll make good on my work if you ever take me up on it." He'd smile towards her the young man seemed beaming with energy.
  46. "So, I've spoken with others like you asked, but I've went into a more understand route when it comes to this. The people I've decided to study and understand better were the demons and their worshipers.
  48. I've found that the bat demon hunts people because they hunt her kind and she starts she wants to live in peace. She wants to grow without worrying that she'll be killed by someone in the future.
  50. I understood where she was coming form in a sense of wanting a place to live in peace.
  52. The next was a wolf demon that stated his only goal in live was to kill anyone for sport. It didn't matter who they were or what they did.
  54. He made the entire world fear him and would like continue down a path that wipes out human entirely.
  56. The final person was a demon worshiper that only seeks to see the demise of the city. He claim that we've caused his family such pain and he seek to make us suffer for the actions of the Knights."
  58. Andrew smiled a little.
  60. "I've come to an understand that all demons lie and people that follow them want power. They attacked the city again today and I stood with my guildmate to push them from the city, but give them guidance along the way.
  62. I won't take their life jsut because they /exist/ but if they continue harming others then they force my hand."
  63. (Andrew Mercia)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [02:20] That's a gentle nod given towards the other, but the evocation of the enemies of the people being interviewed has her thoughtful. Just quiet for a long time, longer then usual, her expression turning a bit solemn.
  68. Her tea is stirred, considering those words, before she speaks calmly;
  70. "I admire your enthusiasm, and I thank you for going out and doing my request - and if you have them, I'd like the names of those, if you were told them..."
  72. But a 'but' is incoming.
  74. "However, Eliade's monsters are very similar to beasts. It wouldn't be right to give them any quarter within our realm. They are nightmares made flesh, conjured from the mind of a mad mage of eld. Their words shouldn't be listened to, and it would be prudent to rid them from our lands. They've no souls, and are completely disconnected from the stars - with the exception of those that leech power from the light above. There's no place in the greater path of souls for them."
  76. Her words are given as calmly and coolly as possible. She takes a sip of her tea, before continuing;
  78. "Even the most peaceable of Demons subsist off of the flesh of humans, and to allow them room to live within our lands would allow families to go missing, and those who cannot fight to suffer. I understand that the Order causes much in the way of problems - that a certain group of Knights damaged our connections to Theria to the point of them allowing Demons within their walls. Still, they are an important, and venerable institution within our lands, and they protect from that second variety of Demon you spoke to - the one that wishes for us to be killed."
  80. "As for the worshipper... There are many people who are lost. This city is a bastion of the Kingdom and without it, so many innocent people would be left unprotected..."
  82. Just explaining things from a very institution-centric pointof view. That is what the Priestess is, after all. These systems are seen as extremely important for the continued survival of the faithful upon these lands.
  84. "I'm sure you understand, Andrew."
  85. (Yiel)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [02:33] Andrew looks down he felt like he did something wrong? He felt like he was back tracking towards his goal that he set out for himself. The attempts to learn and understand might have back-fire on him and it made him fill sick inside he doesn't even drink his tea anymore.
  90. "I see. I've failed to complete what you've asked thus I've back-tacked to where I wanted to be within the church. I've made a fatal mistake and I know there isn't any coming back from that.
  92. I'll continue to move in a way that rids the demons from this place to ensure they never step foot on this land again. I'll repent for the mistake I make and hopefully I'm forgive."
  94. Andrew didn't have plenty to say on the topic he was sure he did something wrong while trying to complete his duty. He did something completely wrong and now what would that make him? He did a back-step as an Acolyte.
  96. "I hope this doesn't change that I'm still pushing to become the Keeper of Faith and I'll continue to assist you any way I can."
  97. (Andrew Mercia)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [02:35] Cezary peeks into the room, spotting the two occupants before speaking from the door frame
  102. "uh, Good afternoon Miss Yiel, Andrew. mind if I join you? or.. Is this a bad time?"
  105. (Cezary Koskallis)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [02:48] Even the smooth-voiced, calm Yiel can be a touch harsh sometimes, when it comes to her adherence to doctrine it's rare, but present. A thoughtful look is given to the now-dejected other. Considering what to say on the matter.
  110. Cezary is familiar, and a gentle smile is momentarily given to him as she considers her response, motioning then he come.
  112. "Of course. Come sit down with us, Cezary."
  114. Her attention returns to Andrew, however, now speaking, with gentle movements paired with a reemergence of a smile that's now serene and reassuring. She'll lean in to give him a touch on the shoulder - for a moment.
  116. "It's fine, you did do what I asked for you to do - albeit with a group I did not expect. Likewise, you survived your encounters, which many who happen upon Demons and their ilk do not have the fortune of. What is important is not to dwell in such sad thoughts related to you believing that you failed, but rather, to use what you've learned to advance your understanding. One core tenet of our faith is self-improvement. We are an editor's copy of a tome - prone to revisions and changes. Except, there is no final version, we shall work to better ourselves constantly."
  118. Finally, she adds;
  120. "Likewise, I wish for you not to think that you're assisting me - the path of an Acolyte is one of growth and change. This is your journey, so do not despair, trust in the stars above and overcome the obstacles you encounter on your path to betterment."
  122. Another sip of her tea is taken!
  123. (Yiel)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [02:54] Andrew seems to have a better understanding of were his path leads him, and his faith remains stronger than ever. The task at hand were the demons that attack the city on a daily bases, but he was slowly getting rid of them.
  128. "I understand and I'll keep following my path and that leads me towards the front lines where I protect everyone from the demons. I'll be sure to be careful around them and keep others from falling into any traps.
  130. I'll keep my faith stronger and my will to move forward even stronger. The older I get the more I begin to understand where I must go."
  132. Andrew finally sips his tea again.
  134. "I'll kept the Demons away from the citizens and continue to strengthen my faith. That's the promise I make to you now, but not only that I'll do it for my own faith and the path of the stars."
  135. (Andrew Mercia)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [02:56] Cezary nods and sits down to the right of Andrew, offering a smile to both Yiel and him. he shifts abit awkwardly and settles into the chair.
  140. "Its good to see you again Miss Yiel. It's uh, been awhile since we last spoke, but I wanted to talk to you again about getting involved with the church, I turned 16 a few months ago so I uh, should be old enough now"
  142. turning to Andrew he says
  144. "and its good to see you too as well! I life has been treating you well"
  145. (Cezary Koskallis)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [03:18] That Yiel seems a touch more relaxed as the other doesn't seem so gloomy! A soft smile is given the way of his words, a nod following afterwards. As before, she waits until both speak, before responding - to each of them, alongside gentle movements of hands;
  150. "I'm glad to hear such, Andrew. I wish you fortune upon your journey towards betterment."
  152. To Cezary, she'll gently set a teaspoon of honey into an empty mug, filling that mug with hot, blueberry-scented tea! The honey is stirred in, and the Priestess places such before the youth!
  154. "I've been doing well. Thank you for asking - Just Yiel, as well. I don't go by any such titles. If you wish to begin your journey upon the path of the Acolyte, I would be glad to take you on."
  156. A pause is had, before she continues;
  158. "To be an Acolyte is to learn, coming to a better understanding with the stars, the faith, the faithful, and the Church, itself. Upon this path, I ask you look towards the stars, meditating upon the three branches of Leonaus, until you've come to realize which of the three resonates with you. And then, deeper examination will come to have you know one star beyond the others. As you come to realize which of the stars speaks clearest to you, I'll have a few small assignments for you to undertake... How does that sound?"
  160. Her questions asked in that soft tone of hers, she looks to Andrew once more;
  162. "Since you've completed your first assignment, do you feel yourself ready for the second?"
  163. (Yiel)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [03:24] Andrew didn't want to seem like he was ignoring anyone so, he turned his attention towards the boy. "I'm doing well, and I hope I can say the same about you, right?" Andrew gives him a slight pat on the shoulder before turning his attention towards Yiel.
  168. "I'll take on any assignment I can no matter how hard it might seem, I'm ready to prove my worst and how I can become more useful while pursuing my path.
  170. I'll be sure to thinking carefully and plan according to what feels right during this path I'm about to take.
  172. I only wish to become a better version of myself and that's what I am to do."
  174. Andrew prepared to get his next task from Yiel.
  175. (Andrew Mercia)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [03:30] Cezary turns and smiles at Andrew as he is patted on the shoulder
  179. "Thanks, and yes"
  181. looking to the mug, than the woman in front of him he says
  183. "oh, thanks for the tea Mis--err.. Yiel. and that sounds great! I really think this is what I want to do with my life, and that I might be able to help people. will... I be meditating alone, or with the other acolytes? and uh... when will I know its resonated with me?"
  185. he speaks, the latter questing kinda being blurted out, quieting himself, he takes a sip of the tea
  186. (Cezary Koskallis)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [03:52] That Priestess listens to both in turn, her hands folded upon her lap as they speak. Sienna eyes look to both youths, as the serene, calm Yiel patiently overhears each's words. A soft, understanding smile is given to Andrew, while a reassuring one is given to Cezary!
  191. She speaks to Andrew, first;
  193. "Your next task is similar to the first - these assignments aim to have my Acolytes build connections to those present within our city, connections which will be sure to help them in the future. This one is less broad then the first - I'd like for you to train with a Knight - or higher, if you can, a Radiant or Exarch if possible. Not only train with them, but see if you can come to an understanding about why they fight, and learn more about them."
  195. "Likewise, I'd like you to speak to a noble or city official about themselves and regional politics. Having a multifaceted understanding as to why greater organizations are moving in the waythat they are is important to understanding what influences individuals."
  197. "And finally, I ask you seek out a craftsman or artisan - preferably a true master, and speak with them about their craft and what goes into making something truly wonderous. That and come to an understanding about them - as before."
  199. "Once you've done those three things, please come and report back to me - and please have their names, as well. Likewise, only Osronans."
  201. Then, to Cezary!
  203. "It's your choice - prayer and meditation is important, as is stargazing. I recommend you spend some time with Andrew, as he may be able to tell you about how he came to an understanding with the star he's currently looking to. I'm sure he would be similarly willing to meditate and speak with the stars with you."
  205. "Likewise, your assignment is the one that Andrew had. Find three Osronans you've not talked to, and come to an understanding with them. Ask them about their dreams, goals, and wishes, and learn about them. Then, after you've finished, come to me and give a report of what you've learned. Making connections to others is an important element of being a part of the Clergy, and knowing others will assist one in knowing more about themselves."
  206. (Yiel)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [03:59] Maria Masters asks, "Do you mind if I sit here, or are you all busy?"
  210. [04:01] Andrew understood this would likely grant him a better understand of those within the city while making himself known. He'd likely not complete this one as fast due to the amount of people involved with this.
  212. He needed to create a game plan on top of all the guild work he'd been doing. he'd likely needed to buckle down and focus on that while keeping the guild doing great.
  214. The priestess had a long list of actions that needed to be completed and would keep him busy.
  216. "I understand I'll be doing this throughout the year to ensure I gain the proper information when the times comes for us to meet. This will also give me the chance to get my name out there and slowly become known to others.
  218. It's similar to the other task, but there is a lot involved with this one. I'll be sure to keep up with said task and try to complete it in a timely manner."
  219. (Andrew Mercia)
  220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. [04:02] Cezary Nods eagerly
  224. "I'll be sure to! I always meet people around the pond so it wont be much different from what I've already been doing. and thank you so much for giving me this chance, I wont let you down!"
  227. they turn eagerly to Andrew
  229. "I'd like to maybe work with you if possible... and I know a few people in the knights and uh, one of their armorers I could introduce you to, if you'd like that is and is uh.. allowed"
  231. they look over to Yiel abit uncertainly
  232. (Cezary Koskallis)
  233. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. [04:08] There's a small, encouraging nod given towards Andrew! A similar nod finds Cezary, her response spoken after his is!
  237. "You can work with Andrew, Cezary, provided Andrew welcomes such accompaniment. Though, you'll still have to complete your own version of this assignment, once the time comes."
  239. Then, to Maria, the Priestess, motions for her to come sit with them - she'll get her a teaspoon of honey in a mug, with some blueberry tea poured atop such! The teaspoon is stirred around, mixing the honey, and that hot mug is placed before Maria with a soft smile!
  241. She'll sip her own tea, before speaking to Andrew oncemore;
  243. "I'm glad to hear it. Do take your time, as this assignment does involve finding specific individuals and such."
  244. (Yiel)
  245. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  247. [04:12] Cezary Koskallis says, "I uh, also wanted to ask something only kind of related... is Miss Marisol a priest? I heard someone call her Stellus, but other people tell me she is a senior knight? I spoke to her briefliy but didnt get a chance to ask her"
  248. [04:12] Maria sits down, stretching her arms and sitting in the oddly comfortable chairs. She takes a cautionary first sip of the tea - blueberry? How did this woman know one of her favorite foods? She eagerly takes another sip, then turns to Yiel. "What an odd coincidence. I can't get enough of blueberries, and here I am, being served such in a tea... Thank you for your hospitality, Yiel. I've been meaning to talk to you, but I'll allow you to finish speaking with Andrew and the other man first."
  249. (Maria Masters)
  250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [04:12] Andrew Mercia says, "I should get some rest, and I don't wanna take up all your time
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