

Oct 31st, 2017
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  1. Retarded video from a retarded man. Japan's fixation is purely from Jared Taylor growing up there and being able to write about it. And it generally being more well known about than South Korea.
  3. Japan isnt "pretty liberal" actually. I mean, it could be less liberal but this narrative is kind of a lie liberals of all stripes tell themselves, because not cracking the East is a failure for them. It's ethnocentric even in its laws as it permits 'Japanese only establishments' as the most salient example, it isnt uncommon for police to question foreigners in a way one wouldn't see in the West for any criminal. And I wouldn't necessarily call a society which works so much they had to commodify relationships "dysfunctional". Autistic would be a better word tbh
  5. And what liberalism Japan does have is mostly due to the West rebuilding it and removing the old militarist education and ethos. With Abe seems keen to peel back ever so much. Like Turkey, it won't last the test of time
  7. 1:22 Skeptics are pathetic yet pretend they hold the higher ground. Reality check: only you guys are autistic enough to ignore group dynamics, so you think everyone else is abnormal
  9. 1:29 Preamble to the Constitution: "for ourselves and our posterity"
  10. Writings of the Founders: "America is a new frontier for whites" (essentially)
  11. First immigration law: whites only
  12. anti-racemixing laws: supreme court did fuckall to stop them until very recently when they decided the Constitution actually had an opinion on the matter (it doesnt without assuming it is a living document which can mean whatever the majority of judge's now decide it really means)
  14. 1:34 buzzwords. Meaningless. Without merit. Like you!
  16. 1:53 nobody has ever explained why class issues arent collectivist or identitarian. Really the only challenge to le neoliberal hegemony comes from the nationalistic right and white identity, because identity is powerful while liberalism is not, liberalism was co-opted into neoliberalism (the 'liberal order' as it is called) in fact while progressives are pawns. If Western Nations decide globalism is bad, it's over because it's only popular among what is essentially a Western cult
  18. 2:19 East Coast Labor guy upset nobody talks about him, fair enough but that's an identitarian and collectivist notion is it not?
  20. 6:37 hilarious
  22. 6:41 see Voltaire's writings about the Jews to see how silly that is. Unless you can find broadly egalitarian statements from them that were specific (and as such cant just be considered propaganda for their side) one should assume they werent since nobody was at the time
  24. 6:50 yes...THAT is why the US became the world hegemon. And not for having a secure strategic location while everyone else destroyed themselves in war. Our neighbors are Canada and Mexico, not Germany, France, China, or Russia.
  26. 8:00 weird how this moron believes this guy's strawman interpretation when it is convenient...
  28. 8:19 no advanced nation has fixed the birth rate issue... and nobody wants to emulate the consumerist aspects of Japan, fairly obvious, shocked it needs to be said. So the issue with the US is the native population being overrun if we focus on what we can fix.
  30. 8:59 kinda meaningless, snapping like a small dog. Spencer actually concedes Japan has issues, which impedes your earlier points you know
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