
famliy freindly

Apr 2nd, 2014
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  1. 2014.04.02 14:44:39 [G] Chromostome99: HEY realm guy!!
  2. 2014.04.02 14:44:48 [G] InventorJames15: hu y
  4. 2014.04.02 14:47:03 [G] InventorJames15: rocky you are inviteid by the way ;)
  6. /home/minecraft/mcserver/logs/latest.log:[14:47:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [CommandBook] (PM) Chromostome99 -> InventorJames15: james stop boasting about your realm!
  8. 2014.04.02 14:47:54 [G] InventorJames15: you suck
  9. 2014.04.02 14:48:01 [G] InventorJames15: stop
  10. 2014.04.02 14:48:11 [G] Chromostome99: stop what
  11. 2014.04.02 14:48:15 [G] InventorJames15: you dont even have one >;(
  12. 2014.04.02 14:48:21 [G] megagal1978: do i suck:(
  13. 2014.04.02 14:48:27 [G] InventorJames15: i report you
  14. 2014.04.02 14:48:29 [G] InventorJames15: not you
  15. 2014.04.02 14:48:31 [G] Chromostome99: yeah but im making a sever
  16. 2014.04.02 14:48:43 [G] megagal1978: plz dont fight
  17. 2014.04.02 14:48:55 [G] Chromostome99: inventor im trying to make it so you have a bit more friends
  18. 2014.04.02 14:48:59 [G] InventorJames15: chromostorme stoo boasting o8bout your server
  19. 2014.04.02 14:49:09 [G] InventorJames15: ha ha ;)_
  20. 2014.04.02 14:49:19 [G] InventorJames15: bet thay suck
  21. 2014.04.02 14:49:21 [G] Chromostome99: but what im saying is dont come on and just say your invited
  22. 2014.04.02 14:49:24 [G] InventorJames15: peis
  23. 2014.04.02 14:49:38 [G] Chromostome99: and i have a realm
  24. 2014.04.02 14:49:43 [G] InventorJames15: YOU DO NOT HAVE REALMS !!!!!!!!!!
  25. 2014.04.02 14:49:44 [G] megagal1978: is it family friendly?
  26. 2014.04.02 14:49:49 [G] KiaraJD: ok my skin it now changed
  27. 2014.04.02 14:49:55 [G] InventorJames15: yes i dont get it ?
  28. 2014.04.02 14:50:07 [G] megagal1978: dont do caps plZ
  29. 2014.04.02 14:50:18 [G] InventorJames15: no
  30. 2014.04.02 14:50:21 [G] Chromostome99: inventor please stop
  31. 2014.04.02 14:50:38 [G] Chromostome99: im trying to make it so you have more friends
  32. 2014.04.02 14:50:54 [G] InventorJames15: leave ?>@.:
  33. 2014.04.02 14:51:02 [G] KiaraJD: every1 is friends here
  34. 2014.04.02 14:51:05 [G] InventorJames15: n...ow
  35. 2014.04.02 14:51:08 [G] megagal1978: plz dont be mean InventorJames15
  36. 2014.04.02 14:51:09 [G] Chromostome99: i know
  37. 2014.04.02 14:51:32 [G] Rocky_Spakle: inventor james chromestome where are you
  38. 2014.04.02 14:51:35 [G] InventorJames15: w
  39. 2014.04.02 14:51:46 [G] InventorJames15: my layer
  40. 2014.04.02 14:51:51 [G] Chromostome99: im at free build spawn
  42. 2014.04.02 14:54:10 [G] InventorJames15: 666
  44. 2014.04.02 14:56:03 [G] InventorJames15: 666
  46. 2014.04.02 14:56:35 [G] KiaraJD: afk
  47. 2014.04.02 14:56:43 [G] InventorJames15: no thay suckk
  48. 2014.04.02 14:57:01 [G] Chromostome99: who
  49. 2014.04.02 14:57:08 [G] InventorJames15: afks
  50. 2014.04.02 14:57:14 [G] Chromostome99: no
  51. 2014.04.02 14:57:24 [G] Chromostome99: if they need to be they need to be
  52. 2014.04.02 14:57:25 [G] InventorJames15: its poinlessly stupid
  53. 2014.04.02 14:57:36 [G] KiaraJD: kk
  54. 2014.04.02 14:57:39 [G] morningelegance: afks aren't stupid :p
  55. 2014.04.02 14:57:48 [G] Chromostome99: hey morning
  56. 2014.04.02 14:57:51 [G] morningelegance: nor are they pointless :p
  57. 2014.04.02 14:57:53 [G] morningelegance: hey!
  58. 2014.04.02 14:58:08 [G] InventorJames15: SIX IS COMING
  60. 2014.04.02 14:58:17 [G] morningelegance: Inventor easy on caps tonight please
  62. 2014.04.02 14:58:19 [G] Chromostome99: james im sure you have been afk a few times
  63. 2014.04.02 14:58:32 [G] Chromostome99: :;
  65. 2014.04.02 14:58:40 [G] InventorJames15: n..0
  66. 2014.04.02 14:58:46 [G] morningelegance: n0?
  68. 2014.04.02 14:59:42 [G] InventorJames15: you call this a famliy freindly server welll be a freind to my face this suks im quiting
  69. 2014.04.02 14:59:55 [G] InventorJames15: peic
  71. /home/minecraft/mcserver/logs/latest.log:[14:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: InventorJames15 lost connection: Disconnected
  72. /home/minecraft/mcserver/logs/latest.log:[14:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: InventorJames15 left the game.
  74. /home/minecraft/mcserver/logs/latest.log:[15:07:23] [Server thread/INFO]: InventorJames15 logged in at ([freebuild] -35.02880487199593, 13.23017727451807, -258.7427818177596)
  76. 2014.04.02 15:10:44 [G] InventorJames15: not great
  77. 2014.04.02 15:10:53 [G] morningelegance: Inventor what's up?
  78. 2014.04.02 15:11:04 [G] InventorJames15: poeple are being jerks
  79. 2014.04.02 15:11:19 [G] InventorJames15: im temptit to quit forever
  80. 2014.04.02 15:11:37 [G] TroyBoy777: Who James?
  81. 2014.04.02 15:11:54 [G] morningelegance: Hey there's no need for you to feel like you need to quit :P If you think someone's being mean-
  82. 2014.04.02 15:12:08 [G] morningelegance: then just message a Helper/Admin about it and we can sort it out :)
  84. 2014.04.02 15:12:54 [G] InventorJames15: chromostorme99 someguyifogotthenameof
  86. 2014.04.02 15:13:12 [G] InventorJames15: whoops needid fingerspacec
  87. 2014.04.02 15:13:17 [G] morningelegance: Okay when was it? We can look at chat logs to see if anything went on
  88. 2014.04.02 15:13:33 [G] InventorJames15: dude obout 2 minutes ago
  89. 2014.04.02 15:13:43 [G] InventorJames15: you were thhere
  91. 2014.04.02 15:14:16 [G] morningelegance: Okay, I was just making sure when you were talking about, so that we can read the right logs.
  92. 2014.04.02 15:15:10 [G] InventorJames15: wait the host of the server
  93. 2014.04.02 15:15:17 [G] InventorJames15: ?
  95. 2014.04.02 15:15:29 [G] morningelegance: What about the host of the server?
  97. 2014.04.02 15:16:09 [G] InventorJames15: you said to contact admin ?
  99. 2014.04.02 15:16:28 [G] morningelegance: I said helper or admin. Seeing as I'm a helper online, you can contact me :)
  100. 2014.04.02 15:17:03 [G] InventorJames15: im going back on to my realm now im bord
  101. 2014.04.02 15:17:10 [G] morningelegance: Okay, seeya James :)
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