
[WiP][RGR] Roommates

Dec 4th, 2015
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  1. > Like lightning, your eyes bolt open.
  2. > You can almost feel it - a surge of adrenaline hitting your system all at once.
  3. > Muscle memory causes your arms to flail outwards tossing the covers of your bed off.
  4. > Unfortunately, your spinal cord can’t seem to remember just where that FUCKING ALARM CLOCK IS. FUCK.
  5. > Flailing your hand across the small table like a spastic, you finally get lucky after what feels like an eternity.
  6. > A little to the left, little more right – series of small plastic bumps… AHA!
  7. > With your initial panic subsiding, you gaze at the red, magically-discharged light.
  8. > 0531.
  9. > It’s been a minute. One whole minute since it was told to go off. Fucking hell…
  10. > With a sigh, you swing your legs around and sit up.
  11. > Looking back over, you grumble and wipe a small amount of sleep from your eyes.
  12. “Fucking thing gets closer every time, I swear.”
  13. > Getting up, you stretch – a series of popping sounds from your spine greet your ears.
  14. > Exiting your somewhat-small, almost-Spartan room, you head immediately to the kitchen.
  15. > With speed born from memory, you quickly replace the old filter and add in water. A few scoops of ground coffee beans… and press.
  16. > Yawning a little, you head back into your room.
  17. > While waiting on your coffee to finish brewing, you take a mat out of your closet and place it on the floor.
  18. > If you hadn’t been at this so long, you’d honestly debate why you’re about to do this. But you have been at this a while, and so it comes naturally – a few basic stretches to start with, a few sit-ups, a few push-ups. Just stuff to help you stay somewhat fit.
  19. > Completing your routine, you wipe a thin amount of sweat from your brow.
  20. > Stuffing the mat back into your closet, you head over to your accompanying small bathroom and perform the morning triple S.
  22. > Well, your hair is still a bit wet… fuck it, it’ll be fine.
  23. > Finished toweling off, you don a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and proceed back into the kitchen.
  24. > Pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you hear a distinct *click* and the sound of a door opening.
  25. > Casually turning around, you spy a magenta unicorn brushing a lock of her violet mane off her face.
  26. “Morning, Ammy.”
  27. > Following an almost exaggerated yawn, she speaks.
  28. > “Morning, Anon.”
  30. > “Morning, Ammy.”
  31. > Upon hearing that, the muscles of your mouth start to form a slight smile.
  32. > Instead, you force a yawn, exaggerating the movement and disguising what would’ve been a smile.
  33. “Morning, Anon.”
  34. > You are Amethyst Star, currently flat-mates with Anonymous the human.
  35. > “So, want me to get something going for breakfast or…?”
  36. > Using your magic, you pour some coffee into a random mug. As you do so, you consider his rather generous offer, and, with a tired smile, reply as you always do:
  37. “Sure, sounds great.”
  38. > Grabbing a frying pan from one of the cupboards, Anonymous begins his work – eggs, bread, milk…
  39. > It’s fascinating to watch, really. Like a moving piece of artwork.
  40. > As his hands dexterously crack an egg into a bowl, you trace your eyes across the musculature in his arm.
  41. > Artwork indeed.
  42. > Yes, you’re looking – not touching. Big difference. Even if the other mares joke about it being otherwise.
  43. > A bachelorette, an unclaimed colt. One house, no one else.
  44. > Oh, but a mare can dream, can’t she?
  45. > And so, you sit. Like always, fantasizing while nursing your coffee, just watching while Anonymous works.
  46. > What a catch. So close, yet so far. You could just…
  47. > “...Ammy? Ammy. Amethyst. Amethyst Star, you in there?”
  48. “Huh! Oh, I, just uh – “
  49. > Giving a good natured chuckle, he turns around to wash his hands. As his short laugh quiets he throws his head over his shoulder to speak
  50. > “Hey, relax, I’ve been to college. Trust me, I know what sleep deprivation ‘s like.”
  51. > Quickly drying his hands, he sets down two plates on the table
  52. > “And, voila, French toast with a twist. Whaddya think?”
  53. > Levitating a fork you cut off a bit of the bread and skewer it.
  54. > This… this is actually pretty good.
  55. > … Who the fuck are you kidding, his cooking is always good.
  56. > If only you could find a colt that’s – one, interested in you, and two, cooks this well – you’d be a happy mare.
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