
Rough Draft Luna Fury Night Elf Warrior

Aug 2nd, 2016
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  1. Optional History Spoilers
  3. The first and, only child of parents, with years as long as the time of the ancients. Luna was destined for a rich full life; largely in part to the tremendous knowledge of her Librarian father and Shield Huntress mother.
  5. Her mothers martial training would prove her well for the ages that lay ahead of her and, her fathers immense knowledge on numerous subjects would also be an immense boon to her character and destiny.
  7. However, as is often with destiny and the fragile threads of fate that bind it. Luna would have to take a different path. She would loose both of her parents during the events of the great Cataclysm.
  9. Her mother dies in the assault on Death Wing and her father, lost at the start of the Cataclysm campaign. Lost at sea in Azshara after a brutal attack by an unkown sea creature. His fate is still not truly known. Luna believes him to be alive…
  11. Luna had received some training from her mother in the ways of the Shield Huntress but she had only just began her true training when her mother would be slain in the raid on Death Wings lair.
  13. Luna’s father imparted much of the knowledge he had contained within his mind and his books but ultimately incomplete. Over ten thousand years of knowledge takes a lot of time to teach.
  15. With her parents gone and no sense of loyalty to her remaining family. Luna decides to travel; for answers she must find, and by her choice she must find these answers alone.
  17. On a hot summers night during start of the new Draenor campaign; that Luna would be passing through Stormwind. A smell grabs her attention...A trance consumes her, she comes to a standing stop in the middle of the people filled streets of Stormwind; she is stunned as the last couple of years flash through her mind leading her to this point in time...
  19. Luna had walked most of the known world by foot and even ventured into Azshara in search of her missing father. Not once but; five expeditions into the vast abyss of those Naga waters.
  21. In her travels Luna came across a lone and very elderly Tauren Shaman. The Shaman was gravely injured. Luna was tempted to kill him where he lay but, instead she decided for a show of compassion for this creature.
  23. Though they did not share a language they understood each others intent. On a desolate battle field deep in the Firelands Luna is able to slowly nurse the Tauren back to health.
  25. Her tasks takes a month of slow but steady progress. In that time; Luna had managed to also teach the Tauren her language in its most basic form.
  27. Through broken speaking; the two are able to finally communicate. Luna starts to learn of the Tauren. She learns her ward is only 75 years old, but somehow near the end of his days. He is tired, and part of Luna feels she should have let him pass in peace.
  29. Over the following weeks, Luna learns his name roughly translates to Moonhoof. An odd coincidence. They are both named after the goddess of the night sky.
  32. Most importantly though, Moonhoof sensed Luna had some very deep wounds that would not heal on their own. It is at this time Moonhoof decides to introduce Luna to some of the herbs he uses for his Shamanistic visions.
  34. He reasons that he finds answers within the dream, so to can Luna. On a star filled night, Moonhoof produces a small pouch of finely ground herbs from his bags and hands it to Luna. He instructs her to fetch some water. Then says “Tea need water, put in pot...boil” Luna reaches with her hands into her bottomless bag and pulls out an ice cold pitcher of mage water. Then after some more digging she retrieves a stone kettle. After carefully fixing the kettle above the small campfire. She mixes the herbs and water together and waits for them to boil. Luna notices how vast the stars in the sky are on this night. She senses something about this tea for the smell of it brewing is giving her some strange comfort.
  36. Luna digs through her bags once again and produces two wooden cups to drink the tea with. She dips out a cup for Moonhoof and a cup for herself. Then Moonhoof speaks “wait Luna, tea take you on journey, tea take you out of this world, tea make sick but, tea good”
  38. Luna understands and takes a small sip and looks across the fire at Moonhoof to see he is not there. She is alone all of the sudden. The world begins to twist and turn and spin around her. She vomits violently and comes to for a moment in the real world where Moonhoof is helping make sure she does not choke on the vomit. Then the pain stops, the sickness disappears and a state of pure tranquility takes over her senses. She sees the world for what it is.
  40. She understands the pain she has suffered from loosing her parents, she sees her father alive and well but, not in this world. She sees the moment of her mothers death as well and understands that death is simply a transition. Her mother is not lost but ascended.
  42. She dreams for several days as her mind repairs her heart and her body. On the 4th day she awakes covered in a blanket under yet another star filled sky.
  44. Moonhoof is sipping his tea as he sees her awake. He smiles showing his brownish color and very large teeth. Luna smiles and sits up next to the fire once again.
  46. Moonhoof asks her a question with one word “healed?” Luna nods and then silence sits over the camp for a few minutes then Moonhoof asks another question. “you want a.dreamer...dreamer” he points at his chest, then makes a walking motion with his fingers and, then raises his mug and hands it to Luna. Luna understands him to be asking “Do you want to be a dream walker like me”
  48. Luna accepts his offer and agrees to become his pupil. Moonhoof understood that Luna would not able to tap into the elements the same as he can, the bond is not the same. Her bond to the elemental plain is there but very different than his own...
  50. The teacher and student after a few more days rest set out to the world and set their course for Mount Hyjal. This is where Moonhoof had already decided Luna would receive her training. The world outside of the neutral zones is complicated.
  52. He fears for her safety and also his own. So Mount Hyjal had the advantage of being near to their current position and it’s a place Moonhoof is familiar with; a place where he has connections. He knows he will need a warrior trainer to aid Luna’s development in addition to his Shamanism.
  54. Luna takes to the dream walking quickly but is unable to transcend the dream to a lucid state. Moonhoof struggles with her lucid dreaming as she continues to just be a dreamer and not a dream walker. Several months pass and Luna’s training grinds to a halt. Then finally the aid Moonhoof had called for arrives. An elderly man arrives at the pairs camp in the twilight hours. Moonhoof speaks to him fluently In his native tauren language.
  56. Luna had been nearly asleep when the man arrived. She is shocked to see a human and Tauren getting along so well. They are old friends, she knew it the minute the human spoke. She heard fondness in his voice and the same from Moonhoof. She finally hears his name..Moonhoof says “Hart” the name broke the flow of his native tongue. Then after some more chatter. Hart returns to his steed and begins his preparations to join the party. He nods at Luna as he passes by her spot next to the fire and greets her in common to which Luna replies “Hello”.
  58. Day-light finally takes over the camp, the sun is bright and very hot on this day. Luna had been awake for several hours when she sees Hart come out of his tent with a shield and sword in tow. He lays 1 sword and 1 shield by her side and then returns to his tent and retrieves two giant hate filled looking axes.
  59. Hart introduces himself officially to Luna and Luna does the same. Then her training begins. The real training. Hart is a brutal teacher often causing great injury to Luna as she struggles to transcend the dream. The brutal tactics of Hart are needed though. He is not brutal out of malice but out of necessity.
  61. A month passes as the fury warrior continues to unleash his brutal nature upon Luna’s shield, sword and body. He is teaching her how to defend her self.
  63. He even speaks of her mother whom he knew of. He even knows some of Luna’s mothers tactics which he imparts on her on a daily basis.
  65. Luna continues to struggle with defending her self while in the dreamer state but, with more guidance from Moonhoof and the martial training of Hart she starts to overcome the barrier and achieves the lucid dream warrior state.
  67. She counters Harts brutal, hateful axes with grace and ease and even goes on the offensive subduing the brutal master in an epic duel. Hart is happy to see his pupil doing well. He knows that she is finally ready.
  69. Another month of steady training continues as Luna starts to excel and truly grasp her new martial form.
  71. On a cool Autumns day, her training is finally completed. Hart bestows her a title as his pupil. As the sun sets not only on Luna’s training but atop a peak in Mount Hyjal.
  73. Hart brandishes a large golden blade and instructs Luna to kneel. Hart says “From this day forward Luna, you will be known as Lunafury” and then gently taps the blade on each of her shoulders and instructs her to rise.
  74. Hart says “Luna the world has only ever known Chaos, war is eternal and you need to decide where your shield and sword will serve. Will you be a Mercenary? a blade for hire? Will you be a good soldier of the Alliance? I was a good soldier of the Alliance for many years, but as you can see. Some of your worst enemies can turn out to be the best of comrades.”
  75. Luna then notices Moonhoof standing to the side of them for the first time. Hart gives Moonhoof a smile and nod. Moonhoof returns the gesture. Hart continues “So with that said, Luna, always keep your shield close to your heart, but your mind open”
  77. Then before her eyes Hart dissipates into thin air. Luna is awe struck, she doesn’t dare move; for she comes to the realization that she might be dreaming.
  78. Luna’s mind races as she asks her self...Is this real is any of this real. The sky starts to spin and she nearly vomits when Moonhoof comes to her side and whispers in her ear, in her native tongue “You’re always dreaming, you’re always dreaming Luna, don’t forget that. The dream is you...” Then Moonhoof dissipates into nothingness as well.
  80. Luna looked around the camp and could see everything was there. A camp for three people even Harts steed remained at the camp. Luna walks up to the horse and touches it carefully to make sure it was real. To her delight her hand makes contact and she can feel the warmth of the creature against her hand. Luna looks around the camp and sees Moonhoofs bag with the herbs. She grabs it and makes some tea. Then the dream takes over she knows what she must do. Something about Stormwind, she must visit Stormwind. She places Harts saddle across the steeds back and then with a quick motion mounts the horse and with a gentle kick of the heel the horse takes off with Luna as its new master. Destination; Stormwind.
  82. Now we have arrived full circle back to this magic night in Stormwind. Where the smell of something has caught Luna’s nose. It’s the most magnificent flavors she has ever dared smell and to boot she has only had roots and, grubs to eat for months. Luna notices a small bar off to her right, she looks up at the sign and sees “Pig and Whistle Tavern” then she notices another sign below it “Hosting by Craft” She walks in where she is greeted by a human male with dark hair and a thing for the colors red and black as his entire outfit is exclusively that color. The man greets her “Hello, I’m Donalo. Come on in have a drink, have some food. I think we have some things to talk about”
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