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Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. Universal Lack of Consequence setting:
  2. Either since the universe’s creation or a metaphysical experiment gone wrong, it seems that nothing in this universe carries any real consequences. No matter how hard you try to make a mess of everything nobody seems to truly mind as everything seems to be immortal and repairable. The perfect setting to enjoy yourself in without worrying about consequences!
  3. Properties of such a setting include:
  4. * Immortality: People can't die or be permanently injured, at worst they get K.O.'d or comically/toonishly incapacitated.
  5. * Temporary Stat Damage and Status Effects: Instead of dying or being destroyed when they take too much damage, machines start to look more and more beaten up and run down and organics get winded and exhausted, suffering in terms of stats that get lower and lower and debilitating status effects.
  6. * Infinite Power and Resources: There's no contention over the things you need for civilization and industry because it's everywhere, and no fear of a crisis.
  7. * No Permanent Losses: Anything, machine or organic, can be taken out of a battle or rampage no matter how beaten up it ended up being and repaired/nursed back to health. It's humiliating but all you really lose is time and effort since you always have the capabilities to fix things back up and the lack of fear of loss means you weren't in any danger.
  8. * Cheerful and Carefree: People generally aren't scared or stressed or despairing, because there's nothing that bad that really happens to be afraid of.
  9. * Permanence of Knowledge: Things can't be forgotten. Cultures and civilizations linger around forever, libraries and archives always retain the information you need and old mech designs and their documentation hang around forever, if sometimes relegated to museums and junkyards.
  10. * Standardized Engineering - Everything and all knowledge is compatible, no matter how difficult the voltages are. You can grab any random mech out of a junkyard, fix it to be as good as new and refit it however you like no matter how old or unfamiliar it is.
  11. * Even Playing Field: Different tech levels and aesthetics are all roughly on par in terms of power - Organic, steampunk, magitek and futuretech can all compete.
  12. * Universal Language: Spoken language, written language, telecommunication protocols and markings/logos are all generally recognizable and compatible.
  13. * Easy Simulation: AIs and physical simulations are trivial to design and power, making them used in just about everything, from smartphones to autonomous machines to VR/hardlight virtual environments, and meaning that many of your friends will be personable artificial intelligences.
  14. * Easy Macro: The square-cube law does not apply here. Making things macro scale is easier in every sense than in our universe.
  15. * General Optimism And Quality Of Life: Just like how people play multiplayer games as escapism, people in this world generally enjoy the settings they're in and the over the top wargames, rampages and antics that ensue. Even if a city is razed, you can easily have it rebuilt exactly the way it was by efficient and cost free repair systems or move (or even live out in the wilderness for a while, it's at most uncomfortable). Playful banter and taunting (whether verbal or in actions and behaviours) is expected and all in good fun, and being too bullying towards a person or faction will usually lead to something bigger and stronger than you coming over to trample you and send you back to the repair bay to lick your wounds and teach you a lesson.
  16. * Video Game Logic: References to the rules of video games, especially RPGs and MMOs, can creep in at times, especially in terms of referring to things' levels/stats/abilities/character sheets, RPG style combat systems/status effect and the similar kind of indulgent excessive play that might involve when two absurdly high level characters/factions/armies face off against each other.
  17. * Forces of Nature/Raid Bosses: Occasionally super powerful 'natural' creatures and forces roam the landscape basically looking to fight, show off and make a mess of things, posing a big enough threat that different factions will need to work together to fend them off and teach them a lesson!
  18. * Secrets and Exploration: Because things don't have to be pragmatic and utilitarian and new to fight for their lives, all kinds of wonderous places and hidden locations are available to be explored, from lost civilizations to dungeons to civilizations in other worlds, floating islands and planes.
  19. * Rock Paper Scissors: Even amongst heroes/armies/fleets of similar strength, type advantages and clever strategy/tactics can turn the tide of battle and humiliate foes that should have beat you.
  20. * Extravagant Aesthetics: Because units don't need to be cheap or inexpensive or replaced often, they can be flashily decorated with markings and artistic designs.
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