
My Fair Elf (light dom, teasing; non-con the 4th wall)

Apr 12th, 2014
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  1. [17:50 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz grumblegrumbles a breaks the fourth wall to point out he was writing all this stuff about breakfast and buttplugs and holds the half-elf, smiling happily in his sleep and holding her with both arms like a lover or at least a favoured teddybear. He's still sleeping off their passionate session of lovemaking/buttstuff. Their clothes are gone, but that polished buttplug of tass is set to extended duration and could conceivably last for a week. The playful mage just shifts around, still in that place where he's technically awake but not really.
  2. [17:53 PM] Erynn Dinasque yawns again, but this time stirs, then shakes Dalan. "Yo. Magic-man. You awake?"
  3. [17:54 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Mm?" he mumbles, opening one eye. He looks down at the girl with that trademark CockySmirk®. "Hey, you. Morning."
  4. [17:57 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "So we never did end up getting dinner last night, and I'm not keen to skip two meals in a row when I don't have to, superior elven resistance to hunger notwithstanding. What d'you have in mind?"
  5. [18:02 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz thinks about it, and then his lips curl up at the corners playfully, "I think I can do something about that. You go on and get in the anachronistic shower that came with the room," he says, giving her a little pat on the ass as he gets out of bed. Erynn is suddenly left empty in the back, and as everything returns to where it's supposed to, the remains of last night start to seep out on the sheets unless she clenches. "I'll get breakfast, you wash up. And, oh," he says, putting on his pants and giving a wink. He cryptically says "that's coming back, but hygiene first."
  6. [18:02 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (You know they had indoor plumbing in ancient Rome, right?)
  7. [18:03 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: (Hot water!)
  8. [18:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque spends a hit dice, recovering 1d6-1 hit points. If she had a better build, it'd be enough to solve her aching ass entirely, but as it is, it makes only a slight difference. She presses her cheeks together, helping hold everything together.
  9. [18:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque steps into the shower and runs the hot water over her even hotter body. Using what magic she does have she tries to redirect the stream into a makeshift bidet; again, not a perfect solution.
  10. [18:13 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz is gone for nearly two hours after Erynn gets out of the shower. While she sits around hungry, he's probably out falling into manholes of something ridiculous like that. Finally there's a knock on the door, and he returns with a dining cart laden with various seasoned breakfast meats and fruits and more fantastical foodstuff. "Tada!" he says, wheeling the cart in and closing the door with a foot, "breakfast of champions."
  11. [18:14 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Okay, so I know I was complaining that I missed the food back home but you didn't have to run all the way back there for breakfast." Not waiting for him to respond to her brilliant-as-ever non-sequiter commentary, Erynn digs into some of the fruit like a ravenous wolf. Except a ravenous wolf who eats fruit.
  12. [18:17 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Hurry up with it, too," he says, sitting on the bed with his hands tucked behind his head. "We're going shopping."
  13. [18:18 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "You mean we're going 'stealing', right? Dalan, I haven't paid for anything in, like, six years."
  14. [18:23 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Depends on your definition of steal, really," he admits, then sits up and pulls an embroidered silk cloth out of his shirt. It has a detailed crest emblazoned on it, with thread that seems to sparkle. "We won't be paying for it, though. The Earl will. He's invited us to a ball tonight." The man suddenly remembers something, and holds up a finger, passing off the marque. He then pulls tass together into the shape of a rounded spade and holds out another buttplug. "Also, can't forget about this."
  15. [18:24 PM] System: Disposable Catboys is online.
  16. [18:25 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Well, fine, but only if you promise we'll buy ridiculous things with the money that's not ours. I've been thinking of investing in a statue of myself, anyhow." She looks at the plug with disconcert. "I think I'm all butted out for the day."
  17. [18:26 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz laughs, and pulls Erynn in for a kiss. Then he bends her over his knee and lifts up her skirt, "I wasn't really asking," he says with a playful laugh, and presses the plug against her ass. "I think you need a little punishment. And I think you secretly like it."
  18. [18:27 PM] System: Thorn North is online.
  19. [18:27 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "H-hey! Y--rrgh! You cut that out!" She punches him in the gut.
  20. [18:30 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz flounders, but with Erynn on his lap, there's not really far he can go. Besides, she has little tiny baby punches, and it's kind of cute. He holds her down with his elbow, then pushes the magically created sex toy up her bottom, then gives it a smack. "There, all filled up. Besides, the one last night was at least two inches bigger. At least you'll be able to move around like this."
  21. [18:30 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Besides," he says, righting her up and setting her down on her plugged ass, "weren't you begging for it last night? Don't make me make that thing start vibrating."
  22. [18:32 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Nng--w-well, sure, but I was young and foolish last night--I've learned and matured since then."
  23. [18:33 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "So much maturing," he says, motioning to the tray, "eat your eggs and shush. The way you're talking it's as if last night happened weeks ago." That would just be silly.
  24. [18:35 PM] Erynn Dinasque kneels on the bed, so she's at least not sitting on the plug, and keeps eating--intentionally avoiding the eggs, just to spite Dalan. "Yeah," she thinks, glaring into his eyes and shoveling more not-eggs into her mouth, "he gets the message."
  25. [18:36 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz gets no such thing. He just sits there twisting his pinky finger in his ear. He pulls it out and looks at the little ball of wax with one eye closed, then flicks it away and rubs his finger on the bed.
  26. [18:40 PM] Erynn Dinasque clears her plate, shovels on some more, clears it again, shovels on some more, clears it, all within a few minutes.
  27. [18:43 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "So, anyway," Dalandau says, watching her defy the laws of physics, "the ball is at five. There'll be a dinner served, and of course dancing. A few bigwigs. I snagged us two invites, as well as that marque, so we'll be good. Can't really compare with blatant theft, but I'm sure you don't mind free stuff. Where do you even put that crap? Does it all go to your perky ass? It definitely isn't going to your tits..."
  28. [18:45 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "It goes where it's needed," she says with a synthetic air of wisdom. "And you try living on the streets. You get good at eating, by necessity."
  29. [18:47 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Jeez, tryin' to make me feel guilty?" he says with a frown and a dismissive wave. "You're probably richer than I am... I guess that kids stuff never goes away, though, huh?"
  30. [18:50 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Guess not," (she has to stop to belch) "but hey, it made me who I am. And considering how great I am, it's hard to argue with that."
  31. [18:51 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Yeah..." he says, with a shrug and a suppressed laugh, "hard to argue..."
  32. [18:51 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz hops off the bed, "Buuuut, I've never been one to take the easy route, so we really gotta do something about that attitude."
  33. [18:51 PM] Erynn Dinasque jams a knife into the table. "Hard... to... argue."
  34. [18:52 PM] System: Doctor Sam Hark is offline.
  35. [18:53 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "So, wait, you're saying that the easy way is to get rid of the parts of me you don't like? Wouldn't it be easier to change yourself to get used to them?"
  36. [18:54 PM] System: Erynn Dinasque changed status to Busy, Bein' lude
  37. [18:55 PM] Erynn Dinasque: *harder to change yourself
  38. [18:56 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "No, the easy way is to let you burp all over the place and not take you out in public," he corrects, waggling a finger at her, "but I prefer to argue, because it's fun. I mean, really, we've spent every day together traveling for two weeks, have I ever done anything the easy way? We've got," he looks at his wrist, even though he doesn't have a watch, and I don't even know if clockwork technology would be that advanced, "eight hours to get you prepared to be a princess."
  39. [18:57 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (It's fantasy. It exists.)
  40. [18:58 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Oh, did I mention you're my wife? Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that. Or at least that's what the Earl thinks. I mean, I'm sure he'll figure out you're not eventually when he sends a letter to my father telling him how grateful he was to host the lord's son and his wife, but that'll be at least a week or three and we'll be long gone by then."
  41. [19:00 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "I didn't, but I was ready to lie my ass off anyway so whatever. And you don't need to worry--you might not have guessed, but I'm a pretty good actress. I can be a princess when the situation calls for it. Hell, I've been a king. Now that's a story," she laughs.
  42. [19:01 PM] System: Alex Marcellus changed status to Busy, dueling a brown elf
  43. [19:03 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz smacks the girl's hand with a ruler, and adjusts the glasses that he now has. "Class is now in session. Sit up straight, and put your feet on the floor. I don't want to hear any complaints about your butt."
  44. [19:03 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (I'm planning out a 4e game.)
  45. [19:04 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Ow! Oh god, this is the lead-in to a song, isn't it? I can see it coming."
  46. [19:04 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: (You? I thought 4e was your bane. In the sense that Spirits have banes)
  47. [19:04 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (3.5 is my bane. I like 4e.)
  48. [19:05 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "No, but I am sure there's something you can do to improve your grades," he says.
  49. [19:06 PM] System: Disposable Catboys changed status to Away
  50. [19:06 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Wait, no, that'll have to wait. We need to get you a fancy dress and teach you to dance with something your ass. Unless you already know how, in which case we'll reteach you anyway."
  51. [19:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque stands up. "Or--far-out suggestion, take the stick out of your ass. My ass! I meant to say my ass--sorry, I've been practicing saying that at night and it just sort of slipped out. Take the stick out of MY ass."
  52. [19:08 PM] System: MissJane is offline.
  53. [19:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "And can't you magickize clothes in the first place?"
  54. [19:09 PM] System: MissJane is online.
  55. [19:10 PM] System: Sarin is online.
  56. [19:12 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Yeah, but I got a marque and everything," he says, pointing the magicked ruler at the cloth Erynn was using as a napkin. He picks it up and starts ringing it out, doing the equivalent of Prestidigitation to get the everything-but-the-eggs off. "I mean, this is, like, free clothes. Plus, I really just wanna make you walk around with the stick in your ass and watch you blush," the mage admits. He points at the mirror on the wall over the dresser, "I mean, look at your cheeks, they're so cute and red."
  57. [19:14 PM] System: Sarin is offline.
  58. [19:15 PM] Erynn Dinasque covers her blushing with a quick illusion. "Whoops, your dream is dead. Better just give up and let me have my pooper back, huh?"
  59. [19:17 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Nope!" he says with a smile, magicking up a set of fancy clothes and tossing them to Erynn, "Get dressed, it's my pooper now."
  60. [19:18 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Well that's... a horrifying image." She holds out the dress. "Could you cut out the middleman and just put this on me?"
  61. [19:19 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (You need to watch Parks and Recreation.)
  62. [19:19 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (Just putting that out there.)
  63. [19:20 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: (Hah, seems weird to bring up, what's the relevance?)
  64. [19:20 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (Been meaning to for a while.)
  65. [19:20 PM] Erynn Dinasque: ('Cause it's great.)
  66. [19:21 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: (I've seen some of it. It's pretty fun)
  67. [19:22 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Yeah, but then I don't get to watch," he says, leaning against the dresser and crossing his arms. He waves the ruler around in a circle, "Get to it. Lemme see that ass, gurl."
  68. [19:22 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "I suppose I could just not change at all. Then you still wouldn't get to watch."
  69. [19:25 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Yeah, but..." he snaps his fingers and then it feels like fingers are all up in Erynn's insides, wiggling around. He smirks as the buttplug does magical stuff, "Then I'd have to do this!"
  70. [19:25 PM] Erynn Dinasque clutches her gut and falls to the ground. "What the hell, man? Is this how you treat a lady?"
  71. [19:26 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Nope," he says, the tilde in his voice practically visible.
  72. [19:27 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "All right, dammit, I'll change. Just... stop this."
  73. [19:27 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: They stop, and Dalan just leans there smiling. "Let's see that ass," he says again.
  74. [19:30 PM] Erynn Dinasque groans, turns away, and flips up her dress, wiggles a bit, then pulls the dress the rest of the way over her head. "Of course, you'll basically have to put this thing on me yourself, unless you want it to wrinkle," she sneers. "Ain't fancy dresses the best like that?"
  75. [19:37 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz shrugs, and steps up, props going away. "Who wouldn't want to help a beauty like you get dressed?" he teases, slipping the dress down over the elf's body. He gets behind her, and starts lacing it up, pinching here and there and tugging, working out little bits. It's not a ballgown by any stretch, but it is a rather formal looking thing, and it shows off her back. He runs his hands along the rude little elf's arms, and forms the long gloves she so seems to adore, white and ostensibly silk. His fingers work at the strings on the back, lacing them up.
  76. [19:41 PM] Erynn Dinasque pivots a bit and looks the dress over. "Ugh. You never get used to these things." She runs her hands down her hips, then pulls out the skirt to the sides; it just feels way too thick and heavy and fragile.
  77. [19:41 PM] System: MissJane is offline.
  78. [19:41 PM] System: MissJane is online.
  79. [19:42 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "You look beautiful," he says honestly, running his hands through her hair, and pulling a ribbon out of it, putting it all up in a bow. "Look at yourself in the mirror."
  80. [19:47 PM] Erynn Dinasque squirms uncomfortably as Dalan musses with her hair. "I know what I look like, thanks," she snaps.
  81. [19:51 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Heh, yeah, and you don't let anyone forget it, but I figure you might like to hear it some time when you aren't being a little bitch about it," he says, looking at the reflection of them both in the mirror. "Come on, let's go shopping," he says, stuffing that marque in his pocket. He moves around in front of Erynn, and bows a little, offering a hand and his CockySmirk®.
  82. [19:53 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Yeah, sure. Let's just get this over with so I can get paid."
  83. [19:56 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz takes her hand, and leads her out the door and down the stairs. He gives the clerk, the same one from last night, a wave, "Ah, thank you so much for the suite. It's done wonders for our marriage already! Look at my lovely wife," he says about the girl, and the large egg shaped thing inside of her twitches a little. "Isn't she beautiful?" he asks, knowing full well what's going on inside of her ass. "Oh, yes, she looks radiant!" the innkeeper says, noticing the blush on her cheeks, but not realizing where it comes from.
  84. [20:00 PM] Erynn Dinasque curtseys to the clerk. "You're too kind, miss. It's just a shame how much he had to beat me to get me to marry him--a real shame. I was worried the beatings would get even worse once we were married, but they're hardly half what I thought! Or maybe that's just because I'm getting used to them--it's marvelous the way two people grow together, isn't it?" She smiles innocently and summons all her rogueish charm.
  85. [20:00 PM] System: MissJane is offline.
  86. [20:05 PM] System: MissJane is offline.
  87. [20:05 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: The old woman blinks in shock, looking confused and concerned, but Dalandau gives a little dismissive wave--which makes fingers come out of the egg and start tickling the rogue's insides, "the beatings are the best part of the honeymoon suite," he says, with a little wink, "you really ought to think about adding some leather and paddles to all the pink and plush." The woman's face gets red and she suddenly goes back to filing papers or whatever, and stammers out a congratulations or condolences or something and pretends not to be paying attention anymore.
  88. [20:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque once again clutches her stomach--"right on cue," she thinks--and, totally sincerely, falls to the ground. "Oof! O-oh, don't mind me--just a lingering injury from years ago--you know how newlyweds are, no sense of aaagh--of self-control."
  89. [20:10 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz helps her to her feet, one hand around her waist. "Oh, and you might want to put more lube in the drawers. My poor darling is so petite, and I'm pretty big, if you get my drift, I mean in the cock area."
  90. [20:11 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: The woman nearly drops her papers, and rushes into the other room "ohlookibetterstartlunchhaveaniceday!"
  91. [20:11 PM] System: Gail Gatewood is online.
  92. [20:12 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz stops the magic, and stifles a laugh. "Well, that was certainly fun," he says, leading Erynn out into the street.
  93. [20:13 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Think twice. Next time I'll have time to think about my story first." She steadies herself on her feet and brushes the dress; it had wrinkled a bit when she was writhing on the ground. "Gimme a hand with this?"
  94. [20:16 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz cops a feel, but also helps brush the dress out, flattening those wrinkles. "Yeah, but do you really want anyone to find out you have a fist sized sex toy up your ass?"
  95. [20:18 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Do you really want anyone to find out who put it there? Those are your spell runes, are they not? Trust me, I'm quite familiar with the ridges on this thing."
  96. [20:18 PM] System: Aida Bunny is offline.
  97. [20:19 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz waves the marque, "Psh, I could probably get away with murder."
  98. [20:19 PM] Erynn Dinasque grins as if an idea's been put in her head.
  99. [20:22 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz smacks her on the forehead with the letter, then stuffs it back in his pocket, "oh hush, you, you're probably enjoying this more than I am, and teasing people is my bread and butter. And no murdering."
  100. [20:27 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "You're no fun." She hangs onto Dalan's arm as they walk. "I swear once this party's over I'm going to shove so many rocks up your ass you cough up gravel and see if you 'enjoy' it," she says, her voice staying perfectly calm and demure the whole time.
  101. [20:30 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Who's to say I wouldn't," he smirks, his arm hooked into hers, and his hand on top of hers. Too all the world they must look like a happy couple. Of course, they don't know the conversations they're having as they walk down the street to a cobbler. "Let's start by getting you some nice dancing shoes, huh?"
  102. [20:31 PM] System: Alexis Williamson is offline.
  103. [20:32 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Look, I let you use your magic, now let me use mine. I'll just glamor the ones I've got on--it's what I always do. They're comfortable."
  104. [20:35 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "That's the problem," he teases, pushing her through the door. "Garcon, we require dancing shoes. Some heels, preferably. We'll be attending the Earl's ball tonight." He produces the marque, and the boy at the counter looks started, "Ah! R-right this way, sir!"
  105. [20:35 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Is French even a thing?" Dalandau idly wonders.
  106. [20:37 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Perhaps it's a stand-in for some language which exists only in fantasy, such as elvish or gnome," says Erynn, possessed by some unknown force. She snaps back to reality, where Dalan just said something in gnome. "Excuse me, husband dearest, but I've got a plug somewhere in my body and the last thing I want is a pair of shoes which puts pressure on that part of my body," she half-whispers.
  107. [20:39 PM] System: MissJane is online.
  108. [20:39 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "I know," he says, giving the CockySmirk® once more as he leans down and kissing his darling dear on the nose, "but I wasn't really asking, was I?"
  109. [20:41 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "You've just earned another rock," she mutters. "Oh, garcon! Please do hurry."
  110. [20:42 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: ((How are we on time?))
  111. [20:43 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (I just realized I still need to run to the store for more Zzzquil; maybe an hour?)
  112. [20:44 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (Well, let's say two.)
  113. [20:44 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (I'll run out right now--since I've got access to a car I can be back in, like, fifteen minutes.)
  114. [20:46 PM] System: Gail Gatewood changed status to Online, Not paying attention that much, but definitely here if someone wants to do something or chat
  115. [20:46 PM] Erynn Dinasque: (Ooh! If my sister lets me borrow the car tomorrow--she probably will--that buys us another hour.)
  116. [20:48 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: (Fun, well, get off to the store and I'll think of ways to torment/arouse Erynn)
  117. [21:15 PM] Erynn Dinasque: I'm back.
  118. [21:15 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: I'm front
  119. [21:15 PM] Erynn Dinasque: ...
  120. [21:15 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: :3
  121. [21:16 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: After all the puns you make, that makes you ellipse?
  122. [21:19 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Yes.
  123. [21:20 PM] Erynn Dinasque: That makes me ellipse.
  124. [21:20 PM] Erynn Dinasque: That's how bad it was.
  125. [21:20 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: :3
  126. [21:20 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Just get to typefuckin'. Tick tock.
  127. [21:23 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: The shoe-guy rushes around to get a pair of shoes, and starts to help Erynn try the various pairs on. Dalandau just stands there, watching the whole affair, and making the toy playfully tingle at inopportune moments, like when the rogue is trying to walk in those ball room heels. She may have a good Dex score, but it's always hard to keep steady when you've got a fist sized wooden plug tickling you from the inside.
  128. [21:32 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Erynn is about ready to cut Dalan a new magehole by the time she's strapped into her off-white inch-and-a-half heel dancing shoes, plus the long lacey stockings that go with them. She just keeps a calm smile, makes some mental notes, and avoids sitting down as much as possible. Seeing as it's a fancy shoe place, it's not very possible. So that warrants a few more mental notes. And like the dresses, once they're strapped on they're not designed to come off for anything less than an excavation team.
  129. [21:35 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz pulls Erynn to her feet, thankfully, and then gives her a little twirl, unfortunately, spinning her around and getting a good look at her lovely stockinged feet as the hem of her skirt flies up. "Ah, lovely, lovely. Now, let's do something about the dress, shall we?"
  130. [21:39 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Or we could do something about the damn thing under the dress. That sounds more fun."
  131. [21:42 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Do... this?" he asks, wiggling his fingers, causing the toy to do the same.
  132. [21:44 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Aagh--that's just about the opposite of what I meant." She's forced to throw herself against Dalan's body.
  133. [21:45 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: All according to keikaku TL Note: keikaku means plan "Careful there, honey," he taunts, one hand on her back and the other on her bottom. "New shoes take a little getting used to, don't they?"
  134. [21:47 PM] Erynn Dinasque takes a deep breath. "Oh, you. Tee-hee! Now why don't we step outside?"
  135. [21:48 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz gives that ass a little pat, and winks, "let's," he says, leading her back out arm in arm, and heading towards a dressmaker.
  136. [21:51 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Oh, you frisky devil, you!" she says perfectly vapidly at his little pat. Once outside, she drops the act. "Find an alley or something. This plug is coming out now."
  137. [21:52 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: Smiling as he walks, Lan gives her a pat on the hand, "only if you want me to put something else in," he offers.
  138. [21:53 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "...and as a point of curiosity, would the plug be replaced after this 'something else'?"
  139. [21:55 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Of course," he says, turning down an alleyway. "Would you really have it any other way? Besides, we wouldn't want your panties getting anymore soaked than they already are, would we?"
  140. [21:56 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Joke's on you, clod. You should know better than anyone I'm not wearing panties. God dammit." She realized what saying that meant was bound to happen next. "And they wouldn't be wet anyway. Don't be gross."
  141. [22:04 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Figure of speech," he says, pushing her up against the wall. He puts one hand next to her on the wall, and the other he uses to pull up her skirt, and feel just how wet she is. Dalandau leans down and kisses her as he does so, forcing her head back against the building.
  142. [22:06 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "See? Dry as a bone." Well, okay, almost dry as a bone, but who's gonna split hairs? She plants her hands on Dalan's shoulders and tries to shove him away.
  143. [22:07 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Pretty wet bone," he muses, letting off just a little and smirking. Not the trademark smirk, though. Just a regular one. "You sure you want that thing out?"
  144. [22:09 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Yes." As long as she's mostly exposed she reaches back to try to tug it out. "Burn it afterwards. Err, I mean, if you want. I suppose you could smash it or throw it off a cliff--I don't want to impose."
  145. [22:12 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: The thing wiggles and expands, little lacquered wooden fingers writhing about before it pops away into nothingness. While that's going on, he unbuttons the front of his pants, and guides Erynn to her knees. "You know, I don't usually do this, but I'm going to go ahead and blame you for it."
  146. [22:14 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Oow! What was--" She stops as she's pushed to her knees. "Ooh, so you want a little afternoon, middle-of-the-busy-marketplace delight? I'm not saying 'no'..."
  147. [22:15 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Sounds more like a 'yes' to me," he says, offering her his wizard's staff.
  148. [22:18 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "How very unbecoming of a prince," she mumbles before she starts ticking his cock, as it is called, with her silk-covered fingers, fiddling with the dials until it hits the desired stiffness.
  149. [22:22 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Mm..." he murmurs, leaning back against the wall. "Former prince," he corrects, reaching critical stiffness.
  150. [22:24 PM] Erynn Dinasque nurses the tip of his dick. "And you're keeping in mind that the odds--mmph--of someone else going to the same high-class shindig--mm--seeing us here, with me on your cock--mmgm--are close to one hundred percent in this high-end shopping district?"
  151. [22:26 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "No one can see," he mutters, hand on the back of her head. "Besides, it's nothing compared to what I... mmm, damn, girl... nothing compared to what I have planned for you later..."
  152. [22:29 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Hm?" she says, or at least some kind of moan that sounded inquisitive. She slips down further, easily swallowing Dalan to the base.
  153. [22:31 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz arches his back a little, hips gently rocking forward. He lets out a little grown as his dick is swallowed up, and he just pats Erynn on the head, "don't you worry this pretty little head..."
  154. [22:34 PM] Erynn Dinasque wants to wrap this up, so she starts sucking vigorously; she reaches into Dalan's pants so she can get his balls involved in the paty.
  155. [22:34 PM] Erynn Dinasque: *party
  156. [22:35 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Lemme just help you there..." Dalandau mutters, slipping his trousers off and down to his ankles. "Damn, you know what you're doing..."
  157. [22:37 PM] Erynn Dinasque feels a bit better knowing Dalan's willing to expose himself, too, but just keeps sucking. Though as a courtesy she lets go long enough to pop his balls in her mouth for a quick rinse while she's at it.
  158. [22:42 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz lets out a little yelp of surprise, and spreads his legs a little. "You really know what you're doing... I shouldn't be so surprised, though..."
  159. [22:46 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Mmm-mm." She hasn't been using her tongue up until this point; she's been holding it back, waiting for the tactically perfect moment. She rubs in a cross-stitch pattern, starting as far back as her tongue can reach and working her way to the base, then re-starting as the front.
  160. [22:54 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Mm!" Dalan twitches, and clutches as gentle a fistful of elven hair as he can manage, coming off the wall and leaning forward a little. He snaps up to attention quickly, roughly knocking Erynn in the back of the throat. "H-hey there!" he says, giving a little wave.
  161. "Something wrong there, fella?" a man's voice calls out, from the other end of the alleyway. There's a fence, and large crate full of discarded fabric blocking Erynn's view, but it seems someone is watching Dalandau.
  162. "No, nothing wrong..." he says, trying to tap out on the girl's cheek. "Just, oh, s-something I date. Ate! Something I ate!"
  163. [22:56 PM] System: Disposable Catboys is offline.
  164. [23:00 PM] Erynn Dinasque speeds up her already impressive sucking pace tries to finish Dalan off before the stranger gets too far.
  165. [23:02 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz trembles against the wall, and offers a distracted wave, "I'm fine, I'm fine," he promises, and then he doubles over, letting out a moan that has nothing to do with food poisoning and filling the elf's throat. He can't help but hump at her face a little, even if they do have an unaware audience. "J-just peachy!"
  166. [23:03 PM] System: Thorn North is offline.
  167. [23:06 PM] Erynn Dinasque swallows in just as much of a hurry, then shouts out to the stranger. "Excuse me, yoo-hoo!"
  168. [23:08 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: The man was already starting off, and turns around. "Huh?
  169. [23:08 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz Mage-Hands his pants back up, and mutters something about whether or not he deserved this, leaning to the probably yes.
  170. [23:10 PM] Erynn Dinasque is quick, and a knife pins his half-down pants to the wall behind him. She whispers up to Dalan, imitating his voice pretty well, "have fun, flasher." With that same voice she shouts to the stranger: "Come back here, please, I've got something important to show you!"
  171. [23:11 PM] Erynn Dinasque dives out of the way.
  172. [23:12 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz actually half expected something like this to happen. The man comes into the alleyway a little nervously, and looks around to see Dalandau "Uh... hey, guy..." he says nervously, pants pinned to the building.
  177. [15:06 PM] Erynn Dinasque smiles and curtsies for every god damn noble they bump into, laughs at their terrible jokes, perfectly adorns Dalan's arm. In their few moments alone she says things like "I'm fairly certain that man has hunted people before; you can see it in his eyes," or "now I'm glad I didn't get a chance to eat, it means I'll get drunk quicker."
  178. [15:10 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: Leading her around on his arm, chatting with everyone, and surprisingly enough being honestly friendly with everyone he meets, Dalandau mingles with the other guests, sipping on champagne and holding 'Elaine' close. He tells stories of their first date and their little four year olds when asked, sprinkling the lies in with what might be actual stories about how his relatives are doing. And when he can, he slips his fingers over the elf's hips, and along her exposed back, and most of all down the back of her dress and into those puffy pumpkin panties, teasing her in the middle of conversation.
  179. [15:12 PM] Erynn Dinasque just smiles. Just smiles. Just smiles. Just sm--elbows him in the ribs.
  180. [15:13 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Hard, this time. Sneak Attack damage is a bitch.
  181. [15:17 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz stands there with a smile on his face, his eyes winced shut. His legs buckle, and he lets out a rough cough that he covers up with a throat clearing. "I think I need some fresh air, if you'll excuse me," he says, guiding Elaine out to an empty balcony mostly hidden by an oversized indoor topiary. The little piece of lacquered wood starts wiggling around, making undulating finger motions. When they're out of view, he slumps over the railing and frowns, rubbing his side. He looks like he's about to cry. "Ow, I think you broke my liver... I'm definitely going to punish you for that..."
  182. [15:21 PM] Erynn Dinasque has to support Dalan so he can make it to the balcony without wobbling too much.
  183. "'Punish'? Who do you think you are, 'punishing' me?" asks Erynn, as if it fate needed to be tempted. "You can't act like you didn't deserve that."
  184. [15:23 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "I was expecting something more like being chained to a bed with a captured slime on my junk or something..." he admits, turning off the egg. Well, mostly. A few little tickle tickles before it stops.
  185. [15:26 PM] Erynn Dinasque feels at her now less-buggered bottom, squeezing where reason dictates she should squeeze. "Tell you what, poof this thing out proper and we'll talk about a reduced sentence."
  187. [16:16 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: Lying slumped against the railing, Dalandau lets out a little puff of air, then gets that smirk again. "You're right," he says, getting up and stepping over to her, "maybe it is time to take it out..." Instead of doing so, though, he grabs her by the wrist and drags her into the middle of the floor, giving a sharp whistle as he does. "Ladies and gentlemen," he begins, and everyone turns, all the dancers stopping. It's late now, and most of the people still around her the closest friends of the Earl, most of them in masques. A few smiles creep onto their faces, knowing what must be to come. "My lovely wife, Elaine. Say hello, Elaine." He raises the elf's arm, pulling her up on the heels.
  188. [16:20 PM] Erynn Dinasque wobbles on her tip-toes. "Oh, god. This is that city, isn't it?" she thinks, though she feebly forces a smile. "Nice to meet you all. Truly, the pleasure is mine."
  189. [16:25 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: An amused chuckle goes through the crowd. "No, my dear Elaine, I think the pleasure is everyone else's," Dalandau corrects. Then he speaks up, addressing the crowd again, "Now, friends, my lovely little sugarlump has been quite a naughty one today." He forces Erynn over, bending her at the waist. He throws up her skirt and pulls down her pumpkin panties. "Just look at how shameful she is!" he announces, and a faux-gasp goes through the masqueraders. "She's been wearing this all day, too."
  190. [16:32 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "My dearest peach cobbler," she says in sing-song, "Is this really the impression you want to leave on your dear friends?" Still bent over, she pushes the front of her dress through her legs to cover as much as she can, though with as much frill and fluff as it has it's too stiff to be much help.
  191. [16:36 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz reaches down and takes hold of the flared base and starts slowly pulling it out, twisting this way and that as he does. The fingers poke out in the wood, tingling along 'Elaine's insides as they leave. "Just look at the size of it!" he announces, holding it up for everyone to see. A few mumbles go through the crowd, some of praise and some jaded. Dalandau tosses the warm sex toy off to the side, and the wood of it clatters to the ground, as if it wasn't capable of making weird gyrating fingers pop out of it's surface. "I think she needs to be punished, don't you?" he asks, giving that chocolate rump a firm smack.
  192. [16:41 PM] Erynn Dinasque twists and writhes in Dalan's arm as the thick plug is removed from her body the old-fashioned way. As old-fashioned as you can get while still using a butt plug. You don't want to imagine, like, really old people doing that.
  193. [16:41 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Ack!" she acks at the smack. "Mr. Weiss-Cruz, this behavior is innappropriate!"
  194. [16:47 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Completely appropriate," he says, pushing aside dishes on one of the long tables and leaning Erynn over it. He just stands there, hand on her lower back, and admires her ass. Everyone else does as well, with the crowd moving in around the pair. "Hands on the table now, darling," he says, giving her elbow a little gentle chastizing slap. "And if someone could fetch me a crop? I'm sure the earl has one lying around."
  195. [16:51 PM] Erynn Dinasque takes a deep breath and lies down flat on the table. Thanks to the bustier she's got quite a bit more boob than she's used to, and squishing her chest up against the table is just yet another thing she's got to put up with. Her hands lie flat on the table. Another deep breath. She spreads her legs out.
  196. [16:56 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Good girl," he says, patting her rump, the ruffles and pile of the skirt pulled up and bunched on her back. He holds out his hand and a servant hands him a stiff flexible piece of black leather with a handle like a rapier. "Wow, the Earl sure knows how to pick them," he says, giving it a few swings through the air. It makes swishing sounds, and has a nice bend to it, not enough to swing back and make cuts, but enough to really lean into it. Just what you want from a sex toy. "Now then, my dearest, how many do you think you deserve?"
  197. [16:59 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Um... well, as a D&D character my instinct says to roll some dice. I feel like that's not all that helpful. Say, could you perhaps pull my panties back up while we're discussing this? I mean, then when you pull them back down it's like waaaa! and there's all this dramatic effect and all that."
  198. [17:04 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Fifteen sounds like a good number," he says, using the soft tip of the discipline toy to push the panties all the way down to her ankles. "Fourteen for the dice roll, and..." he gives her a sharp thwack across the upper thighs, not at all shying away from sensitive parts. Just right across there, doing his best to hit both thighs right along the bottom of the buttocks. "This one is for breaking the fourth wall again. It's really flimsy, you know." The secondary actors all mumble in agreement. "I mean, I'm doing it," he admits, then gives another, softer smack across middle of Erynn's proficient ass. "But I've got the whip, so there."
  199. [17:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Ow!" she inhales through clenched teeth. "Damn! That's... that's just... ow." She pounds the table once with her fist. "You keep mussing me up like this you're going to ruin a perfectly nice dress, you know."
  200. [17:12 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz shrugs, "i'in't pay for it. Besides, you'd be surprised how easy it is to get sex stains out of a dress with Prestidigitation." He gives another smack across the rump, and the crowed laughs. "I mean, really, who doesn't take that as a cantrip?"
  201. [17:16 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Aagh... I-I meant wrinkles, you idiot! And I only had two, you think I was going to go with Wizard Pissing Match: the Cantrip?" She reaches back to massage her achin' backside.
  202. [17:16 PM] System: Alexis Williamson changed status to Busy
  203. [17:19 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz gives the hand a little smack, then flicks it away with the tip of the leather rapier. "I'll be nice and count that as three," he says, and murmurs go through the crowd of just how soft he is. "Hey, I got other things to do with her, I can't spend all night smacking asses," he punctuates this by casually flicking his wrist and sending another painful ripple through the elf's backside. "I mean, I wanna show how easy a cantrip can get cumstains out of those gloves, if you get my drift."
  204. [17:24 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Yeah, damn right I'm soft--you wish you could be soft like me!" she shouts back, then squeezes her cheeks together to demonstrate the satisfying squish. Four out of five people chose Erynn's ass in a blind squish test.
  205. "And if you think you're getting a rub out of me after this, you're crazy. There's only like a 30% chance of that."
  206. [17:28 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: THWACK goes the whip on the opposite side, as Dalandau tries to spread out the rather lovely red welts on that caramel skin. "100%," he teases, running the round finger sized tip of the crop along her crack, and down between her legs. He gives the end of it a little twist, to roll it around along her lips. "I bet you enjoy this more than I do."
  207. [17:33 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Erynn's eyes mist from the pain after the last smack. She squirms as he tickles her sensitive areas, reflexively pinching her plumpish thighs together on the crop and, despite all her efforts, a giggle escaping her lungs.
  208. [17:36 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: Similar titters go through the crowd, as everyone watching amuses themselves with the girl's reaction as Dalan tugs the crop from between the elf's thighs. "See what I mean?" the mage asks. He takes the whip in his teeth, and then shrugs off his overcloak, handing it to the dutiful servant, who scampers off with it. Then he takes the handle and flexes it a few more times. "What are we on now?" he cracks the whip along the top of her ass, and it curves around to make a T shape along the top, so that it looks like she's wearing a red thong. There's not as much cushion for the pushin' there up top. "Six, is it?"
  209. [17:39 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Seven. Don't feel bad about getting confused, little boy--counting can be awfully hard."
  210. [17:42 PM] Erynn Dinasque sticks her tongue out at her disciplinary beau.
  211. [18:00 PM] System: Manny Del Toro is online.
  212. [18:04 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz swats his wife across the ass in front of the crowd and then counts out "seven" with a smile. They all have a good laugh over that one. He moves back to the other side, and makes an eighth hard smack at an angle, lighting up the cheek. Then without as much fanfare between them, reaches across and smacks out a ninth on the opposite cheek. "Eight and nine." Then next one is another one right across the thickest, most proficient part of her ass, and at an upward angle. The crop swishes through the air and smacks into the flesh with a loud, ringing crack that echoes in the ballroom, and causes the gathered crowd to let out a gasp. "Hands flat now," he says, bringing the tip of the crop up to gently poke at the back of her hand. Then the finger thin sprig of bound leather gently caresses those red marks, and finds it's way back between her legs. "Be honest, now, you really like this kind of thing, don't you?"
  213. [18:07 PM] Erynn Dinasque kicks her legs impotently, made all the more impotent by the panties around her ankles. She tries to wipe her eyes before Dalan pushes her hand back down.
  214. [18:07 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "You wanna know my absolute favorite part of this?"
  215. [18:08 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "The part where you get wet every time this thing hits you?"
  216. [18:09 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "No! Stop prestidigitatin' my nethers!"
  217. [18:13 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz gives her cunt a little pat with the whip, and says a sing-songy little "No."
  218. [18:14 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "My favorite part is... well, I'll wait 'till you're finished." By now her legs are bent all the way back, her feet dangling over her back.
  219. [18:17 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: Humming a little tune, Dalandau twists the leather rapier a little, pushing the tip--just the tip, just to see how it feels--inside of the elf. "You are ridiculously flexible," he casually mentions. "I don't think I've mentioned just how sexy that is." The crowd agrees, and a few of them even clap. "See what I mean?"
  220. [18:18 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: It should be noted that many of the people in the crowd are now actively masturbating, and at least a few couples, gender be damned, are getting started on fucking right on the dance floor while they watch the dark skinned elf's ass grow red.
  221. [18:21 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Aaannnnn... cut it out! You stop that twirling!"
  222. "This isn't an auction, people!" she shouts back before seeing that they're waaaay ahead of her.
  223. "Just finish up, hubby. I've got places to be."
  224. [18:26 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Places like my bed?" he teases, both with his words and the tip of that crop, pushing it in a little further. He jiggles the handle a little, setting the tip to wiggle around inside of her. "How forward, darling."
  225. [18:29 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Nn... if I didn't know better I'd swear you were trying to get a rise out of me. But I could never suspect you of something so rude." Hand still flat on the table, she scoots forward to escape his tickling.
  226. [18:34 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "I'm getting a rise out of something alright," he jokes, pushing the crop in a good few inches, and rolling the tip around. Then he takes it out quickly, and CRACKs it across her ass at an angle from the top of one cheek to the bottom of the other. Then over to the other side to do the opposite, putting a big red X across her ass, to join in with the other marks. "By rise, I mean I have a hard-on," he explains.
  227. [18:37 PM] Erynn Dinasque: The rapid shift between moaning and shrieking creates a sound that rather defies description. A "mmneaarf" of sorts. "Leave my ass alone! It's my livelihood!"
  228. [18:39 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz gives Erynn's livelihood another firm smack, turning the cross into an asterisk. "I'm sure it can stand a lot more than this, although I don't know if this counts as Constitution or Charisma."
  229. [18:43 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Rrg... it depends on the circumstances. Probably Con." She set her feet back down, resigned to the next strike.
  230. [18:50 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Like a death row inmate ordering his or her last meal. Probably his, mathematically.
  231. [18:50 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: And of course the black elf would be on death row.
  232. [18:51 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz runs the flexible leather along the elf's thigh in a gentle caress, "in that case, I should probably go easier on you. Then again, what, this thing does subdual damage, right?" He looks the leather rapier over and shrugs, then smacks it hard across Erynn's upper thighs once again brutally smacking across her exposed labia as well, to the sounds of growing moaning and flesh slapping together coming from the peanut gallery. There are even a few people bent over knees getting spankings themselves, because rich people are like that. "And that's fourteen," he says with a smile, giving a few gentle pats at the top of her sore, red cheeks.
  233. [18:54 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Rather exhausted, Erynn sits up on the table and slides her panties back up to her thighs, then lifts herself up to secure the bloomers around her beaten booty. "My favorite part is that this establishes me as new money. So I've got an excuse for breaking every rule in the book," she says quietly. Though for now she just sits on the table, letting her feet dangle.
  234. [19:03 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz laughs, and pokes the wet tip of the crop into Erynn's stomach. He talks so that only they can hear, not that anyone is really paying attention to them, as the party sort of turned into an orgy. "Hah, and every time you do I get to whip you. Not that we're staying here that long." He grabs the elf by the wrist, and tugs her off the table and up onto his shoulder, ass sticking up in the air, then whistles for a servant. "The Earl had our belongings moved to one of his rooms? Lead the way. I prefer a little more privacy than all this."
  235. [19:04 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Oh, and I'm gonna keep this thing," he says to the servant as they walk along, elf over his shoulder. "It is just super fun."
  236. [19:04 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz is talking about the fancy rapier shaped crop, not Erynn. Though he plans on keeping both, because they're super fun together.
  237. [19:06 PM] Erynn Dinasque has had the fight beaten out of her, at least for a little while, so she just tries to get comfortable on Dalan's shoulder. "Wait, we've got a room here?"
  238. [19:07 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "Yeah, I planned, like, half of this out this morning," he says, giving her a playful little pat on the sore bum. "Why do you think it took two hours to get you breakfast?"
  239. [19:08 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "I just assumed you'd found some alleyway to jerk off in for an hour. I mean, think about what I know about you, it's not a bad guess."
  240. [19:09 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Also your shoulder's kind of digging into my... me. Torso-area. I don't know if that was intentional. I mean you did put an egg in my ass for eighteen hours."
  241. [19:13 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz shrugs a bit, and then pulls Erynn down, into his arms, carrying her like a real husband might carry his princess on their honeymoon. "Psh, why jerk off in an alleyway when I know you'd get jealous of the ground?" he asks, and the servant tries to hide the rolling of his eyes as he opens the room to the guest suite, which is larger than the hotel's room, and better furnished as well. The bed was practically party sized, and had four posts and curtains coming down from the canopy. Dalandau whistles, as he carries the elf into the room, "boy, haven't seen anything like this in a while."
  242. [19:16 PM] Erynn Dinasque: Just happy for the day to be wrapping up, Erynn puts her hand on Dalan's far shoulder and rests her head on the near. "Now why do they even give these people a canopy? What could those people--who are, need I remind you, having an orgy downstairs--what could they have to hide?"
  243. [19:19 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "It's to keep the sunlight out," he says with a chuckle, and sits down on the edge of the bed, holding the elf in his arms. He makes a few vague motions with his hands, and says "cream?" The servant understands, and goes into the bathroom, and then brings out a little ceramic container of balm. Dalan then shoos him away, and sits up on the bed with Erynn over his lap, putting her on her stomach with her ass in the air.
  244. [19:21 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "Ugh... if you're going for round two, please at least don't use the crop. And I'm thinking of the crop here--use those things lightly and they'll last you years. You can use it on your grandkids."
  245. [19:21 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "They make a nice heirloom, y'know?"
  246. [19:28 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz starts unlacing the mouthy little robe's dress, letting her breath now that that bustier is undone. He just shimmies her out of it, then tosses it over into the corner, and pulls her pants down around her knees. "I'm not going for round two," he laughs, opening up that container. He dips two fingers in, and then starts slathering a cold, tingling cream on that warm, sore ass. "Just hold still and this'll take some of the sting away."
  247. [19:30 PM] Erynn Dinasque tenses a bit when she feels the cool cream, but it feels pretty good. "Thanks, I guess? I mean, obviously, the optimal course of action would be 'don't spank me, you cockmungler' but this is... thanks."
  248. [19:31 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: "If I didn't spank you," he points out, gently massaging the balm into her cheeks, "I wouldn't be able to do this, would I now?"
  249. [19:31 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: I mean, that is some pretty sound logic.
  250. [19:32 PM] Erynn Dinasque: "If you didn't kill someone, you wouldn't get to hide the body! Great line, Dalan."
  251. [19:34 PM] Dalandau Weiss-Cruz: Gently gently, he keeps massaging Erynn's buttocks, running his hands down between her thighs, and under the cheeks. "You really are something, you know?" he says with a chuckle.
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