

Jun 18th, 2014
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text 4.26 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Query (id=344e97ee6c720360:cbdd0ff0b6c3149b)
  2. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  3. - TotalTime: 0
  4. Summary
  5. Session ID: b345703f00825ab0:60309011dc1cd7a3
  6. Session Type: BEESWAX
  7. Start Time: 2014-06-18 10:36:53.920612000
  8. End Time: 2014-06-18 10:37:09.103290000
  9. Query Type: DML
  10. Query State: FINISHED
  11. Query Status: OK
  12. Impala Version: impalad version 1.3.1-cdh4 RELEASE (build 907481bf45b248a7bb3bb077d54831a71f484e5f)
  13. User: hadoop
  14. Network Address: ::ffff:x.y.z.a:port
  15. Default Db: test_parquet_part
  16. Sql Statement: insert INTO transactions PARTITION(year=2000) SELECT id, customer_id, book_id, quantity, transaction_date from test_external_part.transactions WHERE year=2000
  17. Plan:
  18. ----------------
  19. Estimated Per-Host Requirements: Memory=0B VCores=0
  22. WRITE TO HDFS [test_parquet_part.transactions, OVERWRITE=false, PARTITION-KEYS=(2000)]
  23. | partitions=1
  24. | hosts=1 per-host-mem=unavailable
  25. |
  26. 00:SCAN HDFS [test_external_part.transactions]
  27. partitions=1/15 size=851.69MB
  28. table stats: 263673113 rows total
  29. column stats: all
  30. hosts=5 per-host-mem=unavailable
  31. tuple-ids=0 row-size=48B cardinality=18275489
  32. ----------------
  33. Estimated Per-Host Mem: 0
  34. Estimated Per-Host VCores: 0
  35. Request Pool: default-pool
  36. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  37. - TotalTime: 0
  38. ImpalaServer
  39. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  40. - ClientFetchWaitTimer: 418891191
  41. - MetastoreUpdateTimer: 2048140318
  42. - RowMaterializationTimer: 0
  43. - TotalTime: 0
  44. Execution Profile 344e97ee6c720360:cbdd0ff0b6c3149b
  45. Insert Stats:
  46. Partition: year=2000/
  47. BytesWritten: 825.61 MB
  48. Per Column Sizes:
  49. book_id: 184.64 MB
  50. customer_id: 182.51 MB
  51. id: 155.74 MB
  52. quantity: 25.79 MB
  53. transaction_date: 276.92 MB
  54. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  55. - FinalizationTimer: 66531348
  56. - FileDeletionTimer: 16658035
  57. - FileMoveTimer: 32214490
  58. - Overwrite/PartitionCreationTimer: 1011506
  59. - TotalTime: 12697570451
  60. Coordinator Fragment
  61. Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 0:8/851.69 MB
  62. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  63. - AverageThreadTokens: 6.84
  64. - PeakMemoryUsage: 697668752
  65. - PrepareTime: 53388
  66. - RowsProduced: 18275489
  67. - TotalCpuTime: 72789900488
  68. - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0
  69. - TotalNetworkSendTime: 0
  70. - TotalStorageWaitTime: 49134698999
  71. - TotalTime: 12549855808
  72. CodeGen
  73. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  74. - CodegenTime: 169
  75. - CompileTime: 44345165
  76. - LoadTime: 22133652
  77. - ModuleFileSize: 108040
  78. - TotalTime: 66923097
  79. HdfsTableSink
  80. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  81. - BytesWritten: 440515820
  82. - EncodeTimer: 4042127241
  83. - FinalizePartitionFileTimer: 4169322792
  84. - HdfsWriteTimer: 4005278447
  85. - PeakMemoryUsage: 629920912
  86. - RowsInserted: 18275489
  87. - TmpFileCreateTimer: 60711231
  88. - TotalTime: 8277647151
  89. HDFS_SCAN_NODE (id=0)
  90. Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 0:8/851.69 MB
  91. Hdfs Read Thread Concurrency Bucket: 0:32% 1:68% 2:0%
  92. File Formats: TEXT/NONE:8
  93. ExecOption: Codegen enabled: 0 out of 8
  94. - AsyncTotalTime: 0
  95. - AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency: 0.68
  96. - AverageScannerThreadConcurrency: 5.84
  97. - BytesRead: 893072401
  98. - BytesReadDataNodeCache: 0
  99. - BytesReadLocal: 893072401
  100. - BytesReadShortCircuit: 893072401
  101. - NumDisksAccessed: 1
  102. - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 8
  103. - PeakMemoryUsage: 85450752
  104. - PerReadThreadRawHdfsThroughput: 107007432
  105. - RowsRead: 18275489
  106. - RowsReturned: 18275489
  107. - RowsReturnedRate: 4289811
  108. - ScanRangesComplete: 8
  109. - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 696
  110. - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 72789909332
  111. - DelimiterParseTime: 799950454
  112. - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 3938547736
  113. - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 7996000
  114. - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 4809266000
  115. - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 4159
  116. - TotalRawHdfsReadTime(*): 8345891337
  117. - TotalReadThroughput: 71445546
  118. - TotalTime: 4260207581
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