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a guest
Nov 21st, 2019
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  1. Jedi:
  2. MenuItem:
  3. - type:player_head
  4. - name:&b&lJedi
  5. - customskull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDZkZDFlNzE2MTI0YzRmNGM0ZWIzMDgzNjViZjNhNDhlNTI5ODFiOTVkZWU0NDVhYjZlNTc4NGI3ZDRmOWZjIn19fQ
  6. - 'lore2:&e&lA symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic and keeping the peace across the galaxy.'
  7. - 'lore3:'
  8. - 'lore4:&d&lAttributes'
  9. - 'lore5:&a+ &7Force Regeneration'
  10. - 'lore6:&a+ &7Health Regeneration'
  11. - 'lore7:&a+ &7Max Force'
  12. - 'lore8:&c- &7Max Health'
  13. - 'lore9:'
  14. - 'lore10:&7&lStrength'
  15. - 'lore11:&r &a&l[block][block][block][block][block][block][block]&8&l[block][block][block]'
  16. - 'lore12:'
  17. - 'lore13:&7&lDexterity'
  18. - 'lore14:&r &a&l[block][block][block][block]&8&l[block][block][block][block][block][block]'
  19. - 'lore15:'
  20. - 'lore16:&7&lConstitution'
  21. - 'lore17:&r &a&l[block][block][block][block]&8&l[block][block][block][block][block][block]'
  22. - 'lore18:'
  23. - 'lore19:&7&lIntelligence'
  24. - 'lore20:&r &a&l[block][block][block][block][block]&8&l[block][block][block][block][block]'
  25. - 'lore21:'
  26. - 'lore22:&7&lWisdom'
  27. - 'lore23:&r &a&l[block][block][block][block][block]&8&l[block][block][block][block][block]'
  28. - 'lore24:'
  29. - 'lore25:&7&lCharisma'
  30. - 'lore26:&r &a&l[block][block]&8&l[block][block][block][block][block][block][block][block]'
  31. RewardType: command
  32. Reward:
  33. - say &a%player% &eYou have successfully chosen &b&lJedi &eas your new class for &c(1) &6Class Credit&r.
  34. - say %player% just bought %itemname% for %price%
  35. PriceType: points
  36. Price: 1
  37. ExtraPermission: ''
  38. InventoryLocation: 13
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