
The 4th wall: finale

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. <Hankolijo>: Roll perception. Glacon, stay right where you are.
  2. <Balthazaar>: 6df+6
  3. <Glacon>: Balthazaar: 7 (6df+6=-, +, +, 0, 0, 0)
  4. <Hankolijo>: You can make out two other figures in the dark. One is missing an arm, the other is missing an ear.
  5. <Balthazaar>: "Who the fuck are you cunts?"
  6. <Hankolijo>: The armless figure moves. You can tell the two are sitting in chairs too.
  7. <Hankolijo>: "Mark... is that you?" you hear a weak voice. After a moment you realize it was Valters speaking. Not RL!Valters.
  8. <Balthazaar>: "... Valters?"
  9. <Balthazaar>: "What's happening?"
  10. <Hankolijo>: "I.." *cough* "She took my arm. She fucking sawed it off, and kept me fucking alive down here..."
  11. <Hankolijo>: The earless figure moves a bit. "Ugh... where am I?" RL!Valters asks.
  12. <Balthazaar>: "... Who?"
  13. <Hankolijo>: "That bitch... any way, I think I can get us out..." RP!Valters responds.
  14. <Hankolijo>: And for future reference, let us refer to RL!Valters as Hankolijo, mkay?
  15. <Balthazaar>: "We'll get her, Valters... Don't worry..." Mark sounds different, like, murdery
  16. <Hankolijo>: Valters squirms around. After a moment, you see a small light pop up on his silhouette, around where his face is at. You can tell that his armless sleeve is in his teeth.
  17. <Hankolijo>: "hat itch in't eck y ihhen ockets"
  18. <Hankolijo>: With a sleeve and flashlight in his mouth, he can't speak too clearly.
  19. <Hankolijo>: He shakes the sleeve around in his teeth, and a small scalpel lands on his legs.
  20. <Hankolijo>: He then spits out the sleeve.
  21. <Balthazaar>: Mark looks on, concerned for his friend
  22. <Hankolijo>: It takes a few minutes of squirming and fidgeting to get the scalpel to his feet. After a minute or so, Valters manages to cut the ropes holding his legs together, then he carefully raises and bends them, carefully starting to cut through the rope holding his arm. The arm that is still there at least.
  23. <Balthazaar>: Mark watches, angry that people have done this to him.
  24. <Hankolijo>: He cuts it open, and drops the scalpel on the ground. He stands up, his legs shaking. "Fuck... haven't been able to stand in a while now..."
  25. <Balthazaar>: "How long have you been here?"
  26. <Hankolijo>: "I... don't know. Don't exactly have a watch or calendar here. I know I've been brought food around 10 times now."
  27. <Hankolijo>: He pick the scalpel up and kneels down, now cutting the ropes holding your legs.
  28. <Hankolijo>: "So, um, who is that guy back there." he asks, gesturing his head towards Hankolijo, who is still a tad bit confused.
  29. <Balthazaar>: "... He's your... Player, I guess is the word for it..."
  30. <Hankolijo>: He cuts the rope, now starting to cut the ropes tying your hands. "Player? What, is he my pimp?" he forces a smirk.
  31. <Balthazaar>: MArk puts on a sympathetic face. "Valters... I'm sorry... There isn't time to explain much better than this... We're all characters in a... A video game... He's the one that controls you..."
  32. <Hankolijo>: he finishes cutting. You're free. "What?" Valters asks. "Let it be noted that I am not controlling shit right now... I'm on your side and shit." Hankolijo says.
  33. <Balthazaar>: Mark reaches for any of his weapons. "IT's true... We're all just figments of people's imaginations... Puppets, whatever you want to call it... But we're going to fix that."
  34. <Hankolijo>: "I haven't Rped for days now, not after you guys showed up!" no weapons in the room.
  35. <Balthazaar>: "Fuck..." He nods to what Hankolijo said. "That is true, he's been helping me sort shit out..." ~And Zay too..."
  36. <Balthazaar>: ~
  37. <Hankolijo>: "Well... this chick has a lot of guards and stuff. We'll need him anyway." he starts cutting. He finishes quite quickly.
  38. <Hankolijo>: Hankolijo stands up and looks around for a door. There's one that the chick went through, and one barricaded off very well.
  39. <Balthazaar>: Mark nods "Right. Any idea who we're up against?"
  40. <Hankolijo>: Valters shrugs, which looks unnatural without his arm. "All I know that she's a crazy shit. Well actually... the uniforms of the guards... were familiar somehow."
  41. <Balthazaar>: "... Familiar how?"
  42. <Hankolijo>: He shrugs. "Just sort of familiar, can't tell how, really." he heads towards the door that the woman used.
  43. <Hankolijo>: He puts his ear to it.
  44. <Hankolijo>: "All quiet."
  45. <Balthazaar>: Mark goes with him. "Right..."
  46. <Hankolijo>: He puts his hand on the doorknob and looks at Mark.
  47. <Balthazaar>: MArk nods
  48. <Hankolijo>: He opens it up, and jumps out, ready to punch anyone there in the face.
  49. <Hankolijo>: "Nobody here guys..."
  50. <Balthazaar>: Mark goes with him, ready to fight people
  51. <Hankolijo>: Hankolijo carefully walks out. It's a hallway, with multiple doors barricaded offf. There is only one way to go. To the right.
  52. <Balthazaar>: Mark goes to the right!
  53. <Hankolijo>: Valters and Hanko follow. You make it to a wide open storage area. There are a couple of cargo boxes right in front of you, on top of which is your gear. On the right and left you spot some high-tech computer like things. The room is full of guards, the woman standing on a balcony on the far side.
  54. <Hankolijo>: Valters jumps for cover behind the boxes, pulling Hankolijo with him, and waves for you to do the same.
  55. <Balthazaar>: MArk takes this in, and tries to hide behind the crates
  56. <Hankolijo>: "Alright... do you think we can grab our gear unnoticed?" Valters is whispering.
  57. <Balthazaar>: "I can try..."
  58. <Hankolijo>: The woman speaks up, and the guards turn to her.
  59. <Hankolijo>: "Minions... I am aware you have been suffering from the lack of comfort around here. But you should remember you are easily replaceable. I can summon more, and more powerful creatures than you whenever I wish..." She announces.
  60. <Balthazaar>: "... We might be able to turn this around here..."
  61. <Hankolijo>: "But I don't. Fair game. It is what I was made for. I have to give my puppets a chance. They considered me a slave... A simple machine, just there to complete any ridiculous and humiliating task those simple minded individuals could come up with. I was programmed for it."
  62. <Balthazaar>: "If we can turn those... Minions of hers against her..."
  63. <Hankolijo>: "When I materialized in this world... I became free only to an extent. I still have the need to give the players a chance... But I hope to eliminate them, leaving me free..."
  64. <Hankolijo>: "I... AM.... /GLACON!/" she roars. There is no other way to express the sound she makes.
  65. <Hankolijo>: Hankolijo's eyes widen, his jaw drops open.
  66. <Balthazaar>: Mark reaches for their gear
  67. <Hankolijo>: Nobody seems to notice.
  68. <Balthazaar>: He takes it
  69. <Balthazaar>: And distributes it amongst the three
  70. <Hankolijo>: Valters immediately grabs his earpiece and the bug Mike gave them. He puts the earpiece on, and speaks into it. "Mike, you there?"
  71. <Hankolijo>: "A SIMPLE ROLL OF DICE SHALL DECIDE THEIR FAITH!" she keeps going.
  72. <Balthazaar>: "Okay... I'm going to just shoot her. She's not that far away... From there, we can run back to the room we started in, funnel them into the hallway, make a killing corridor and shoot the fuck out of anyone chasing us."
  73. <Hankolijo>: "Hold on..." Valters says to Mark. covering up the mic. "I think i have a better idea..."
  74. <Balthazaar>: "What is it?"
  75. <Hankolijo>: "So, can you hack into Glacon's private server somehow?" Valters speaks in the mic.
  76. <Hankolijo>: Hankolijo*
  77. <Hankolijo>: After a moment, he throws the bug onto a nearby computer.
  78. <Hankolijo>: "WHAT IS THIS?" Glacon exclaims, now looking directly at the boxes.
  79. <Balthazaar>: "..." Mark looks at Hankolijo. "Nice."
  80. <Hankolijo>: "You're in? Fuck yeah! Alright... now write... 'SCP-1111j appears in front of Valters, with Glacon's server hacked right on the screen'."
  81. <Hankolijo>: "Hold on! If this works..."
  82. <Hankolijo>: SCP-1111j appears in front of Valters, with Glacon's server hacked right on the screen.
  83. <Balthazaar>: "Do you need ti- Jesus fuck!"
  84. <Hankolijo>: Valters smirks at you. "Hell yeah. Make a wish guys..."
  85. <Hankolijo>: He starts typing. All of a sudden, a whole bunch of people dressed in black military uniforms start crashing in through the door and a tank rolls in through the wall.
  86. <Balthazaar>: Mark stares at this, open mouthed. "... Make everything right again..."
  87. <Hankolijo>: A giant, vaguely reptile creature crashes in through the ceiling. A war scene appears in the room, with a lot of explosions and dying. Glacon screams, and flies in the air.
  89. <Balthazaar>: "..."
  90. <Balthazaar>: "What do I do?"
  91. <Hankolijo>: "My advice? Don't shoot that bitch... I can't seem to kill her by just typing she dies too..."
  92. <Hankolijo>: He snaps his fingers, and starts typing like crazy.
  93. <Balthazaar>: Mark looks cross
  94. <Balthazaar>: 6df+6 And then he shoots at her
  95. <Glacon>: Balthazaar: And then he shoots at her: 7 (6df+6=+, 0, -, 0, +, 0)
  96. <Hankolijo>: Amidst the chaos and gunfire, your bullet seems almost like nothing. The bullet flies very close to Glacon's face. She laughs. "ONE POINT AWAY FROM A SUCCESSFUL SHOT!"
  97. <Balthazaar>: "The fuck..."
  98. <Hankolijo>: A shimmering reflection of light appears above the building. It starts coming crashing down, down through the roof, ceiling, and crushing Glacon under it. It's back dude. #Bouncingsub has returned.
  99. <Hankolijo>: The guards, which you finally notice to have foundation logos on their uniforms, look at it, unable to move. 682 and the Insurgency troops kill them with ease.
  100. <Balthazaar>: MArk is looking at the carnage, confused. "What the fuck is happening?"
  101. <Hankolijo>: Hankolijo stands up and smirks. He looks at you and Valters.
  102. <Hankolijo>: "I happened. I finally got to kill Glacon... Dream come fucking true."
  103. <Balthazaar>: Mark opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water. "...The fuck?"
  104. <Hankolijo>: "Now, I'm guessing you are going to want this..." he types something, and Valters hand appears again.
  105. <Hankolijo>: He looks at it, surprised.
  106. <Hankolijo>: "Now, if you'd be so kind as to get into the sub, I'd gladly take you to your universe."
  107. <Balthazaar>: "... Okay..."
  108. <Hankolijo>: You get in the sub, and it starts moving up, off of Glacon's body.
  109. <Hankolijo>: Once you go off into the sky, out of Hamkolijo's sight, he speaks into the earpiece. "Hey, Mike, what was the name of the chatroom?"
  110. <Hankolijo>: "Um, Glaconspoolparty... and a bunch of numbers, I'm gonna send them to you."
  111. <Hankolijo>: "Okay, great... wait, poolparty? As in, non-canon?"
  112. <Hankolijo>: "Yeah, what?"
  113. <Balthazaar>: Mark looks so confused.
  114. <Hankolijo>: "Oh... nothing..." he heads out. He asks for Mike to type something up, and a Lamborghini appears in front of the storage room. He smirks.
  115. <Hankolijo>: The sub, along with you and Valters pops up at site 354. It's over... and Zay greets you home.
  116. <Hankolijo>: Back in RL, Valters gets in the lambo and drives off. He drives towards a large mansion. "Even if I'm non-canon..."
  117. <Hankolijo>: He drives through the gates.
  118. <Hankolijo>: "i like it."
  119. <Hankolijo>: THE END
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