

Sep 23rd, 2016
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  1. >*Fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap*
  2. >"MMMMNnnnn,aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"
  3. >"*Sigh* again? That's the third time today!" Shouted Lisa as she tried to get her work done
  4. >"What's the matter Lisa?" Asked Lynn
  5. >"Ever since Ronnie Anne sent Lincoln that picture, he's been...'relieving himself' multiple times a day" replied Lisa, blushing at the thought
  6. >"Well, what did you expect?" asked Lynn "He's an 11 year old boy with a picture of his girlfriend"
  7. >"I understand that." Said Lisa, putting down her experiment "But does he have to be so loud about it
  8. >Luan poked her head in
  9. >"Well ofco-"
  10. >"LUAN, NOT NOW!" Shouted Lisa, throwing her seat cushion at the door
  11. >"I'll just go now" Said Luan, running back to her room
  12. >"*Sigh*just...I just need a few minutes of quiet." Grumbled Lisa as she rubber her eyes "the noise wouldn't be so bad if he didn't take so long to finish..."
  13. >"Well, maybe you could find a way to make it go faster" suggested Lynn as she walked out of the room
  14. >"A way to make it faster huh....." Mumbled Lisa, trying to think of an idea "but how would I get him to...."
  15. >"THAT'S IT!" Exclaimed Lisa as she rushed to the chalkboard and began drawing plans
  16. >"With this, he'll be done quick as can be, and I'll finally have some quiet so I can work!"
  18. >Lisa worked all throughout the night, checking and double checking her calculations and wiring
  19. >"Finally finished" mumbled Lisa, Feeling tired after a long night of work
  20. >"a quick nap, then I'll go get Lincoln"
  21. >Lisa climbed into bed, ready to take a long well deserved nap
  22. >*fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapafp*
  23. >"OOooooooOOooH, Ronniieeeeeee!!!" Moaned Lincoln, causing Lisa to wake up
  24. >"AGAIN!?" Shouted Lisa, Having had her nap disturbed "I can't even nap in peace!"
  25. >Lisa got up and walked to Lincoln's room
  26. >*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "Hey Lincoln!" Shouted Lisa, trying to talk over the moaning
  27. >*fapfapfapfapfapfapfa-.......* "Yeah, What's up?" asked Lincoln, trying to be nonchalant about the noise
  28. >"I need your help with something." Replied Lisa, pretending she didn't hear the noise "Do you have a minute?"
  29. >"..........Can it wait?" Asked Lincoln, itching to continue
  30. >"I'm afraid not" Replied Lisa "It's a rather time sensitive experiment"
  31. >"ugh, Fine." Grumbled Lincoln as he put his clothes on and opened the door "Let's get this over with..."
  32. >"Thanks Lincoln" Said Lisa with a smile "I promise you'll love this one!"
  34. >Taking Lincoln by the hand, Lisa led him to her room and pointed at the stool in the middle of the floor
  35. >"Strip down and sit here" She instructed as she pulled out her finished project
  36. >"S-Strip?" Stuttered Lincoln, trying to hide his halfmast erection "Y-you mean naked?"
  37. >"Yes Lincoln, Naked" Replied Lisa as she set up her work tray "hurry up, we haven't got all day."
  38. >As Lincoln stripped and sat on the stool, Lisa noticed his erection had not subsided
  39. >"Gee Lincoln, and here I thought that I was the one that loved science." Joked Lisa, having a bit of fun with her brother
  40. >Lincoln scrambled to quickly cover up his manhood
  41. >"Now now" Said Lisa, putting the electrodes on Lincolns elbows "It's nothing I haven't seen before."
  42. >"Wait..." Said Lincoln with a raised eyebrow "When did you-"
  43. >"Science is expensive" interjected Lisa as she hooked up the electrodes to the machine "And so is pure Caucasoid sperm"
  44. >"Lisa... What did you- *BZZT* *WHAP*"
  45. >Lisa sent a shock into Lincoln's elbow, causing the muscles in his arm to tense up and jerk, thus smacking himself
  46. >"OW!" Exclaimed Lincoln, rubbing the red mark on his cheek "What was that?"
  47. >"Electrostimulus" Replied Lisa, adjusting the settings on the machine "I'm testing your muscles reactions to electrical pulses."
  48. >"And why are you doing thi-*BZZZT* *WHAP*, OW!"
  49. >"Hmm, all reading seem normal" commented Lisa, reading the printout from the test "Let's move on to the legs"
  50. >As Lisa attached the electrodes to his legs, Lincoln stood up trying to protest
  51. >"Lisa, Eno-*WHUMPF*"
  52. >With a push of the button Lincoln's legs tensed up, causing him to fall onto the bed
  53. >"Lower Limbs seem to be reacting Normally" Commented Lisa, turning around
  54. >"Ah good, you're on the bed! That makes the next part easier"
  56. >"unngh, Next part?" Groaned Lincoln, giving up on the idea of escape "How much more is there?"
  57. >"Oh don't worry" replied Lisa as she plugged in the next electrode "This is the last one"
  58. >"Bite the pillow" Instructed Lisa as she took aim
  59. >"Bite the WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Lincoln as Lisa shoved the lubed metal electrode into Lincoln's tight unprepared ass
  60. >"L-Lisa!" He nervously yelled "What are you doing?"
  61. >"Just getting it into position for the final experiment" explained Lisa as she moved the Metal dildo-Like object around in Lincoln's ass "Just gotta find the riiiiight spot..."
  62. >With one well placed poke, Lisa hit Lincoln's prostate dead on, causing his erection to flare up again
  63. >"There we go" Affirmed Lisa, wiping the lube off her hands "Commencing experiment in 3,2,1"
  64. >As Lisa threw the switch Lincoln began to spasm, his dick twitching and leaking cum
  65. >"PERFECT!" Exclaimed Lisa, turning the machine off and catching the sudden expulsions in a large specimen cup
  66. >"Hmm, This should get me a new microscope" She commented, eyeing the sample "Let's see if we can get a new Bunsen burner as well"
  67. >She flipped the switch again, causing greater convulsions and more cum to erupt
  68. >"Hmm, Looks like you can produce more"
  69. >Lisa continued extracting samples for about an hour, finally ending up with a few jars full
  70. >"Amazing!" Exclaimed Lisa, putting the samples into a small fridge "This will cover most of the new equipment"
  71. >after removing the electrode from Lincoln's quivering ass, she gave it a quick clean and packaged it all up
  72. >"Now, Let's get you to bed."
  73. >"Lynn!" Shouted Lisa, looking out into the hall "Could you help me get Lincoln to bed?"
  74. >Lynn came in and carried her brother to bed, Noticing the shaking
  75. >"He gonna be okay?" Asked Lynn, placing Lincoln onto the bed
  76. >"He'll be fine" Replied Lisa with a smile "He just needs some rest."
  77. >Lisa set down the box with the electrode next to Lincoln's bed and went off to take
  79. >Fast forward a day
  81. >Having gotten a full night's sleep, Lisa was ready to get back to her experiments
  82. >"Let's see...." Mumbled Lisa as she looked over her notes "Where was i..."
  83. >*Knock Knock Knock*
  84. >"Come in" Said Lisa, resuming her experiment
  85. >"LISA!" Shouted Lori as she stomped into the room "What did you do to Lincoln?!"
  86. >"What do you mean?" Asked Lisa, worried That her experiment hurt Lincoln "Is he okay?"
  87. >"Okay? OKAY!? Just Listen!" Yelled Lori as she picked Lisa and carried her into the hallway
  88. >As Listened by the door, she could hear the faint hum of electricity accompanies by Lincoln's moans
  89. >"He's been at it all morning!"
  90. >"What? how!? I gave that to him so he could finish faster and be QUIETER!" said Lisa, wondering where she went wrong
  91. >"You thought finishing fast would make him do it less?!"
  93. >Lisa just hung there with her mouth agape, amazed that Lincoln had been doing that all morning
  94. >"You need to fix this or I will LITERALLY cut it off so he can't do it anymore!" Shouted Lori as she put Lisa back into her room and slammed the door
  95. "*Sigh* I'm never gonna finish this project....."
  97. END
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