
we heard u like angst so we put angst in your angst and now

Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. [01:33:53] (non): eyyyyy giiirl
  2. [01:34:00] (non): so i heard you wanted to do some
  3. [01:34:01] (non): SADS
  4. [01:34:06] Nitronoya: WINK WONK
  5. [01:34:09] Nitronoya: u kno what gets me goin
  6. [01:34:14] (non): fuckin SWOON
  7. [01:34:33] (non): did you wanna brainstorm or have you got a good idea
  8. [01:35:07] Nitronoya: Honestly, I could go anywhere with it. Do you have anything in mind?
  9. [01:35:43] Nitronoya: The general idea of the event is for people to discover secrets about one another but w/ Vergil that's like
  10. [01:35:44] Nitronoya: everything
  11. [01:35:51] Nitronoya: if he had his way
  12. [01:35:55] (non): seeecreeets
  13. [01:36:16] Nitronoya: "NO YOU CAN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME"
  14. [01:36:19] Nitronoya: "AT ALL"
  15. [01:37:37] (non): so settings i could imagine are like
  16. [01:38:08] (non): childhood, the events of DMC with the tower n shit, or hell
  17. [01:38:24] (non): or a mishmash journey through all of them
  18. [01:38:26] (non): AND
  19. [01:38:27] (non): ANNNND
  22. [01:38:53] Nitronoya: Vergil homage
  23. [01:38:53] Nitronoya: omfg
  24. [01:38:55] (non): ye
  25. [01:38:59] Nitronoya: excellent
  26. [01:40:53] Nitronoya: I really like that idea, but hmmm. For Vergil, being in his memories would be basically debilitating, so him taking an active role might be hard.
  27. [01:42:43] Nitronoya: The time period would change the secret/truth thing too. Pre-Hell, it'd probably be that he feels responsible for his mother's death/is actually a terrible person, but Hell itself is what he wants to bury and avoid
  28. [01:42:52] Nitronoya: I'm trying to figure out how to do both
  29. [01:43:40] (non): verge hiding under his blankets in his room
  30. [01:43:44] (non): outside his window, flames
  31. [01:44:12] (non): but im not sure how theyd progress from that, bc fuck if hbs gonna drag a kid outside into hell
  32. [01:44:16] Nitronoya: basically tbh
  33. [01:44:28] Nitronoya: progress with Hell at all is a big problem
  34. [01:44:36] Nitronoya: literally the only way he can cope with any of that is not dealing with it
  35. [01:44:47] (non): maybe to drag verge OUT of there and into his other memories?
  36. [01:44:56] (non): sort of a reverse The Descent
  37. [01:46:04] Nitronoya: that's doable, I think
  38. [01:46:12] Nitronoya: hmm
  39. [01:46:39] (non): ending in childhood
  40. [01:46:45] (non): or u could always just surprise me
  41. [01:46:46] (non): :3c
  42. [01:46:52] Nitronoya: I /could/
  43. [01:47:21] Nitronoya: I have a couple ideas but I like the idea of going backward from the end
  44. [01:48:02] Nitronoya: I was thinking about having him more tangibly trapped as Nero Angelo in his memories too but
  45. [01:48:03] Nitronoya: too many ideas
  46. [01:48:53] (non): you could feasibly do all of them in a shifting mindscape
  47. [01:49:02] (non): or do several threads with the people who liked your post
  48. [01:49:07] (non): up 2 u
  49. [01:50:19] Nitronoya: true yeah
  50. [01:50:37] Nitronoya: I'll have to mull it over a bit
  51. [01:50:55] Nitronoya: Do you have any particular preferences? Or anything you wanna accomplish with HB with this?
  52. [01:51:40] (non): hm
  53. [01:51:46] (non): i dont really have a preference
  54. [01:52:01] (non): it is supposed to reveal a truth about the host moreso than the passenger
  55. [01:52:34] (non): a situation in which violence is not the answer? a situation in which violence IS the answer?
  56. [01:54:08] Nitronoya: Yeah. It just might help with a specific direction.
  57. [01:55:53] (non): ponders
  58. [01:56:07] (non): well his whole deal is like
  59. [01:56:11] (non): problem avoidance
  60. [01:56:23] (non): memory repression
  61. [01:56:39] (non): stubbornly refusing to accept his destiny
  62. [01:56:45] (non): making his own destiny
  63. [01:57:34] (non): dealing with his anger
  64. [01:59:08] (non): maybe having to passively deal with something he would normally use violence to solve
  65. [01:59:15] (non): maybe having to keep his temper in check
  66. [01:59:38] (non): maybe...something about his demonic heritage?
  67. [02:00:29] Nitronoya: that or daddy issues
  68. [02:00:37] (non): oooo
  69. [02:00:46] (non): he and verge could bond over daddy issues!
  70. [02:00:55] (non): because god knows hb has a fuckton of those
  71. [02:01:05] (non): with both azzael AND prof broom
  72. [02:03:09] Nitronoya: most of Vergil's daddy issues involve feeling totally inadequate and unworthy beside his father whom he loves and adores, but a small part of him is bitter about him disappearing because of everything he and Dante had to deal with as a result
  73. [02:03:18] Nitronoya: and their mother's death
  74. [02:03:35] Nitronoya: though he also feels responsible for his own incapability to fix/do something about those things
  75. [02:04:07] (non): hb's stem from broom being married to his job
  76. [02:04:35] (non): which sort of blinded him to how it might affect heebs
  77. [02:04:55] (non): broom was a really good dad but 1. hb was exposed to really horrific shit too soon in life
  78. [02:05:07] (non): 2. sometimes the bureau did experiments on the kid
  79. [02:05:20] Nitronoya: ;n;
  80. [02:05:42] (non): so that was always like a point of tension between hb and broom
  81. [02:05:56] (non): but ultimately hb had the best childhood and life he possibly could have thanks to broom
  82. [02:06:29] (non): like it was because of broom he was taken in and given a sort of family and gotten his honorary human status
  83. [02:06:41] (non): etc
  84. [02:07:34] (non): he was also absent a lot when he went on missions and i honestly think he could have given hb more guidance and protection but really it's hard to do that when your kid is a seven foot tall headstrong demon guy
  85. [02:07:41] (non): at age 8
  86. [02:08:04] (non): he did the best he could is what im tryina say and hb knows that and doesnt begrudge him
  87. [02:08:12] (non): whoops im monologuing
  88. [02:08:18] Nitronoya: no it's ok
  89. [02:08:21] Nitronoya: it's interesting
  90. [02:08:23] (non): good
  91. [02:08:26] (non): and with azzael
  92. [02:08:39] (non): hb is basically horrified of him, what he's done, and what he wanted hb to do
  93. [02:09:09] (non): like the circwhoop
  94. [02:12:57] Nitronoya: I think the closest thing Vergil would have to that wouldn't be his father but would be Mundus basically making him into a soldier and brainwashing him to emotionally and psychologically crush him and to use him to emotionally and psychologically crush his brother
  95. [02:13:02] Nitronoya: 'cause of a grudge against his dad
  96. [02:13:50] Nitronoya: and uh, Fakedad who fucked him up a lot physically and psychologically
  97. [02:14:26] (non): sorry bout that mom needed help
  98. [02:14:30] Nitronoya: no problem
  99. [02:15:24] (non): hb's demon heritage is basically screwed up six ways to sunday
  100. [02:15:53] (non): what do you want to accomplish with verge with this?
  101. [02:16:03] (non): or with his relationship w/ heebs
  102. [02:19:39] Nitronoya: Depends a little on the direction of the thread, I think. I feel like the thing that's most likely to come to light here would be 1) what actually had him so messed up when HB first met him, and 2) the degree to which he thinks terribly of himself
  103. [02:20:18] Nitronoya: Oh, hmm. I don't think Vergil's heritage has actually come up IC yet? But I kind of assume they had offscreen interactions. Idk if it would've come up though.
  104. [02:20:29] Nitronoya: I mean
  105. [02:20:45] Nitronoya: HB's probably hasn't either as a topic of conversation unless he brought it up, but
  106. [02:20:46] Nitronoya: that one's
  107. [02:21:00] Nitronoya: not hard to take a guess at, at least in the vaguest of ways
  108. [02:21:05] Nitronoya: "probably a demony guy"
  109. [02:21:12] (non): oh, true
  110. [02:21:22] (non): i mean, demons in heebses uniiverse arent like
  111. [02:21:24] (non): pretty, at all
  112. [02:21:33] (non): unless they have a glamour going on
  113. [02:21:46] (non): his uncle and sister have been shown to appear as human
  114. [02:22:21] Nitronoya: Yeah. And I dunno if Dante would be forthcoming talking about it, either.
  115. [02:22:34] (non): he's probably guessed the twins aren't human though
  116. [02:22:43] Nitronoya: the thing about Vergil's heritage is that it doesn't really /bother/ him
  117. [02:22:47] Nitronoya: his dad was gr8
  118. [02:22:52] Nitronoya: Sparda was /perfect/ in his eyes
  119. [02:23:01] Nitronoya: except the whole going and getting himself trapped/killed/???????????????????
  120. [02:23:51] Nitronoya: I always kind of have a hard time figuring out how to write about this because in DMC3, obviously his heritage is important to him, but
  121. [02:23:59] Nitronoya: it has more to do with /Sparda/ than with being a demon
  122. [02:24:17] Nitronoya: half demon
  123. [02:24:57] (non): well yeah hbs stuff isnt about the fact that hes a demon per se but
  124. [02:25:09] Nitronoya: More the destroyer of worlds thing?
  125. [02:25:18] Nitronoya: BRINGER OF DOOM
  126. [02:25:18] (non): more the fact he isn't accepting his inheritance/birthright/'purpose'
  127. [02:25:35] (non): which is entirely his father's doing
  128. [02:27:40] Nitronoya: Yeah. Hmmm. In that sense, I suppose Vergil's the opposite -- he sees very little value in himself and instead strives to...basically be his father, even while believing that he could never succeed. Or he did. He doesn't really have much particular drive about that at the moment, but since this is in his memories it's pretty flexible.
  129. [02:28:52] Nitronoya: It'd be less directly relevant to Vergil's development but might be relevant to their relationship or HB's understanding of him or Idk something of that nature
  130. [02:30:31] (non): heebs also wanted to be like an idealized version of the professor when he was a kid
  131. [02:30:53] (non): hm
  132. [02:31:14] (non): maybe something that they couldn't deal with by drinking their problems away
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