
Curl Introduction

Dec 25th, 2023
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  1. Curl is like a special tool that helps move information between your phone and other computers on the internet. It's kind of like sending and receiving messages, but for computers. Imagine you're talking to your friend using different languages - Curl helps you understand each other.
  3. Now, let's talk about Termux. It's like a toolbox for your phone that doesn't need you to unlock your phone's superpowers. It's already strong without needing to become a superhero.
  5. So, why is Curl in Termux cool? Well, imagine you're a secret agent and you want to check if the doors to a building are locked. Curl helps you knock on the doors in different ways to see if they open. But not just knocking, you can also give them stuff to see how they react. You can say, "Hey, open up!" (GET), "I have a package for you!" (POST), "Change something!" (PUT), or even "Delete this!" (DELETE). It's like trying different magic words to see what happens.
  7. In our study, we played around with Curl and its magic words in Termux. We wanted to see how safe and strong these magic words were. We used them to see if we could find any weak spots in the doors. Just like testing a lock to see if it's easy to break into.
  9. Why does all this matter? Well, when you use apps or websites, they talk to other computers to get and send information. Curl helps check if these conversations are safe and no one can trick them into doing bad things. We tried all sorts of things to make sure the magic words worked correctly and couldn't be used for bad stuff.
  11. We learned from lots of smart people who wrote on the internet about Curl and magic words. We also tried the magic words ourselves to make sure they're strong and safe. We made sure to give credit to these smart people for their ideas.
  13. So, in a nutshell, Curl is like a secret agent tool that helps your phone talk safely with other computers. It's like checking if doors are locked properly before you trust them."
  16. GET Method:
  17. When you want to ask a website for information, you use the "GET" method. It's like asking, "Hey, can you give me this?" Imagine you're asking for your favorite snack from a vending machine. To test this method using cURL, you can type a special command like this:
  18. ```
  19. curl -X GET ""
  20. ```
  21. It's like telling cURL, "Hey, go to this website and ask for the list of users." The website responds with the list of users, and cURL shows you the answer.
  23. POST Method:
  24. If you want to send some information to a website, you use the "POST" method. It's like giving a gift to someone. In our case, the gift is some data. Imagine you're sending a message to a friend. To test this method using cURL, you can type a command like this:
  25. ```
  26. curl -X POST -d '{"name":"John Doe", "email":""}' ""
  27. ```
  28. Here, you're telling cURL, "Hey, send this data to the website so they know about John Doe." The website gets the data, and cURL shows you what the website says.
  30. PUT Method:
  31. When you need to change some information on a website, you use the "PUT" method. It's like updating a profile picture. Imagine you have a picture, and you want to put a new one in its place. To test this method using cURL, you can use a command like this:
  32. ```
  33. curl -X PUT -d '{"name":"Jane Doe", "email":""}' ""
  34. ```
  35. You're telling cURL, "Change the user with ID 1234 to have the name Jane Doe and the email" The website updates the information, and cURL tells you what happened.
  37. DELETE Method:
  38. If you want to remove something from a website, you use the "DELETE" method. It's like throwing away old stuff you don't need anymore. Imagine you're cleaning your room and throwing away old toys. To test this method using cURL, you can type a command like this:
  39. ```
  40. curl -X DELETE ""
  41. ```
  43. You're telling cURL, "Delete the user with ID 1234 from the website." The website removes that user, and cURL tells you if everything went okay.
  46. OPTIONS Method:
  47. The "OPTIONS" method helps you ask a website about what things you can do there. It's like checking the rules before you start playing a game. To test this method using cURL, you can use a command like this:
  48. ```
  49. curl -X OPTIONS ""
  50. ```
  52. You're asking cURL to check what you're allowed to do on this website. The website gives you a list of actions you can take, and cURL shows you the list.
  54. So, these methods are like tools that help you talk to websites in different ways. It's like using different tools for different jobs, just like you might use a pen to write and a phone to call.
  58. Testing Different Ways to Ask Websites
  59. (HTTP Methods):
  61. Imagine you're at a fancy restaurant and you want to order something. But instead of just asking for the usual, you want to know if they can do other things like make you a special dish or change something in your order. That's what these different methods are for!
  63. - GET: It's like asking for the menu. You say, "Hey, can I see what you have on your menu?" and they show you.
  65. - POST: Imagine you want to order something that's not on the menu. You give them a note with what you want. That's the POST method.
  67. - PUT: Let's say you ordered something, but you want to change it a bit. It's like telling the chef, "Hey, can you make this a little different?" That's the PUT method.
  69. - DELETE: If you want to cancel something you ordered, you ask them to remove it. That's the DELETE method.
  71. - OPTIONS: Before you even start ordering, you want to know what's possible. You ask, "What can I do here?" That's the OPTIONS method.
  73. Why Testing These Methods Matters:
  74. It's like checking if all the doors and windows in your house are locked tight to keep you safe. Websites have these doors too, and it's super important to check if they're safe from bad guys trying to sneak in.
  76. Cool Things You Can Do with Curl:
  77. Imagine you have a super cool toolbelt that helps you do all sorts of tricks:
  79. - Fuzzing Web Apps: This is like trying lots and lots of different keys to see which one fits the lock. Curl can do this with websites, but instead of keys, it's trying different things to find any weak points.
  81. - Playing with Headers: Headers are like special notes you send with your request. Curl can add secret messages to these notes and see if the website reacts differently.
  83. - Messing with Cookies: Think of cookies as stamps that let you visit a website without showing your ID every time. Curl can use these stamps or even make its own.
  85. - Testing Passwords: Some websites need a password to let you in. Curl can pretend to be you and see if it can unlock the door.
  87. - Checking Website Security: Imagine Curl as a security guard checking if the lock on a website's door is real or fake.
  89. - Using a Middleman (Proxy): Just like using a friend to talk to someone for you, Curl can talk to websites through a friend, called a proxy.
  91. - Trying out APIs:** APIs are like special windows that let you get or send stuff from a website. Curl can look through these windows and play with what's inside.
  93. Remember, Curl is like your internet superhero tool that helps you test and play safely with websites. It's like exploring secret passages and hidden treasures on the web!
  96. Conclusion: Unlocking Hidden Secrets with Curl
  98. Curl is like a superhero tool hiding in your phone's toolbox. It helps experts find hidden secrets on websites. We're going to learn how it works, why it's cool, and how you can use it to find secret links on websites.
  100. Why Curl is Awesome:
  102. Imagine you're exploring a mysterious island. Instead of searching every corner by yourself, you have a magical helper that finds hidden things for you. That's what Curl does for websites!
  104. 1. Fast and Smart: Curl is super fast at finding hidden stuff. It's like having a super detective who can search a big room in just a few seconds.
  106. 2. Customizable: You can tell Curl exactly what to look for. It's like giving the detective special clues to find exactly what you want.
  108. 3. Works with Friends: Curl can work with other tools to do big searches together. It's like having a team of detectives finding secrets for you.
  110. How to Make Curl Work:
  112. Now, let's see how to make Curl search for secret links on a website. It's like telling our magical helper where to look!
  114. 1. Step 1: Open a special command line on your computer.
  116. 2. Step 2: Type a special spell (command) that looks like this:
  117. ```
  118. curl <website URL> --silent | egrep -o "(href|src)\":[^,\']+" | awk '{gsub(/\"/, "");print $NF}' | sort -u
  119. ```
  121. 3. Step 3: Replace `<website URL>` with the website's address you want to explore.
  123. 4. Step 4: Press Enter, and let Curl do its magic!
  125. Understanding the Spell (Command):
  127. The command makes Curl do its job in different steps, just like a recipe for making a cake.
  129. 1. Curl gets the website's secret codes. The `--silent` part keeps things quiet, like not making any noise while looking.
  131. 2. Curl uses a special eye to find patterns in the codes. It's like searching for words in a book, but in computer language.
  133. 3. Another helper, called "awk," makes the patterns pretty by removing extra things.
  135. 4. The final step is like arranging the secret links in a neat order.
  137. In a Nutshell:
  139. Curl is your secret treasure map for websites. It's like having magic glasses that show you hidden paths. With Curl, you can find these paths faster and easier, and it's like having a detective sidekick to help you solve the mystery of hidden links on websites.
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