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Sep 12th, 2011
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  1. ChibiSoma posted:
  2. --
  3. Oh good, generic teen romance spotted. Interest shooting through the floor.
  5. Jack is the least interesting male in anything since Sailor Moon.
  6. --
  8. Hey man, you missed a few words out of your post. Here, I'll post the comments you Tweeted at me:
  10. Chibisoma posted:
  11. --
  12. Well, Gunnerkrigg Court's decided to sink ships and hook Annie up with Jack, it seems. Interest completely hit rock bottom. Thanks, Tom!
  13. Oh good, generic straight romance #2,405,120. Yawn. No Kat/Annie End, no reading. Jack's the least interesting male since Chiba Mamoru.
  14. And to Tom: Fuck you for not taking a god damn chance, you cowardly fucking bitch. "Nope. Everyone has to be straight!" Fuck you.
  15. Remember the lesson GCC teaches us: Be straight, otherwise your peers won't like you. #GunnerkriggCourt #fuckingasshole #badendconfirmed
  16. Now I definitely need to get to work on writing a guide because otherwise the urge to strange that cowardly little prick won't go away.
  17. Yeah, can't do it. Hey @gunnerkrigg - good job sinking ships and ruining the comic, you weak god damn writer.
  18. @gunnerkrigg Can't have the main characters be bi/gay, right? That's for the two designated 'weirdo' characters, huh? Fuck you, you prick.
  19. @gunnerkrigg No, really, it's nice of you to have a 'please stop reading now' arc. Real considerate of you.
  20. @gunnerkrigg - proving that making a bi/gay character the lead isn't worth the trouble. You're really breakin' down barriers there, Tom.
  21. Hey kids: If you're gay, you should be off where you can't be seen. You must be straight. Remember the lessons that @gunnerkrigg taught us.
  22. Fucking makes me sick. Great, one more generic straight romance with a bland male lead. Good job @gunnerkrigg you fucking coward.
  23. Need to go watch @GeorgeTakei say/do things to calm down. Stupid anti-gay bullshit ruining my morning. Off to Youtube I go...
  24. --
  26. And here's part of the stuff you said on my forum:
  28. Chibisoma posted:
  29. --
  30. Really. I'm going to start magically liking Jack and the fact that Tom's ensured we won't get anything resembling a Kat/Annie end?
  32. Great, one more boring-ass straight romance. Tons of potential lost and for what? Because Tom didn't feel like taking any chances. That's for the two designated 'weird' kids in the comic, huh? Can't have the main characters interested in each other, despite all the little hints (and sometimes not so little ones) dropped all over the place. Must make them straight, boring, and ensure they wind up with the worst characters in the comic.
  34. Yeah, tell me what there is to look forward to with this couple, hoss. You seem to be all for it. Jack's the most boring lead in any romance since Chiba Mamoru from Sailormoon. : There's not a single interesting (or redeeming) thing about him and yet it's looking increasingly like Annie's going to end up with him.
  36. Because straight people, that's why. God forbid GCC take a chance with anything. Nope, must conform to the status quo and leave that gay shit to the weirdo characters, right?
  38. Yeah, no. Fuck you and fuck Tom. I guess it's nice he made a 'please stop reading my webcomic, it's becoming like any other teen romance strip' arc though. Real considerate-like. Always good to see straightforward, boring fuckin' romance blooming. And at the end, they'll have a kid, Annie'll die, and Kat'll be there to talk about the kid's adventures in the school or some other stereotypically generic thing. Because the kids must be like the parents, always and forever.
  39. --
  41. Thanks for your interest!
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