

May 2nd, 2014
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  209. <div id="snow">
  210. </div>
  212. <div id="contentbox">
  213. <img src="" >
  214. </div>
  215. <div id="unafrozen">
  216. <img src="" height="282">
  217. </div>
  218. <div id="nav">
  219. When
  220. <a href="#one" class="tabmenu">The Snow</a> falls
  221. <a href="#two" class="tabmenu">Winter</a> comes
  222. <a href="#three" class="tabmenu">To Life</a> and
  223. <a href="#four" class="tabmenu">Sings</a> happily
  224. </div>
  225. <div id="music">
  226. <embed src=" To Lothlorien&total=3" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="10" name="billy" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
  227. </div>
  229. <div id="contentone">
  231. <b>Name :</b> Una Lothorien Anduril<br>
  232. <b>Age :</b> 19<br>
  233. <b>Height :</b> 5'3"<br>
  234. <b>Weight :</b> 125 lbs<br>
  235. <b>Personality :</b> Loving, curious, innocent, cold hearted at times.<br>
  236. <b>Race :</b> Human<br>
  237. <b>Origin :</b> Greenland<br>
  238. <b>Accent :</b> English / <a title="Think of a Lord Of The Rings type.">Elvin*</a><br>
  239. <b>Voice :</b> <a href="" class="cold">Let It Be</a><br>
  240. <b>Residence :</b> Wanderer.<br>
  241. <b>Occupation :</b> Unemployed<br>
  242. <b>Gender :</b> Female<br>
  243. <b>Orientation :</b> Hetero-Demisexual<br>
  244. <b>Position :</b> Submissive<br>
  245. <b>Significant Other :</b> . . .<br>
  247. </div>
  249. <div id="contenttwo">
  250. <a name="one"></a>
  251. <i>Out Of Character</i>
  252. <div style="width: 365px; height: 252px; overflow: auto; text-align:left;">
  253. <b>♢</b> Art doesn't belong to me.<br>
  254. <b>♢</b> I coded this profile. I will NOT tolerate theft of my coding.<br>
  255. <b>♢</b> I'm taken IRL, sorry, not sorry.<br>
  256. <b>♢</b> My characters personality is not mine irl.<br>
  257. <b>♢</b> I do not wish to partake in drama of any kind.<br>
  258. <b>♢</b> I would like it if you would have some sort of profile info.<br>
  259. <b>♢</b> I have 11 years under my belt as a roleplayer, so I'm not new to it.<br>
  260. <b>♢</b> My posts mirror, though I can do semi-novalla depending on my mood.<br>
  261. <b>♢</b> Please don't note me with a post, I hate this immensely.<br>
  262. <b>♢</b> For sex there must be a real story, not something half assed.<br>
  263. <b>♢</b> I am quite friendly, but don't drag me into your drama.<br>
  264. <b>♢</b> I am not that picky when it comes to post length.<br>
  265. <b>♢</b> I appreciate literacy, but no one is perfect.<br>
  266. </div><br><br>
  268. <a name="two"></a>
  269. <i>Abilities</i>
  270. <div style="width: 365px; height: 252px; overflow: auto; text-align:left;">
  271. <center>[More will come the more I roleplay with Una.]</center><br>
  273. <b>Ice Creation : </b> <a href="" class="cold">[Example]</a>
  274. The innate ability to create ice out of the water in the air and shape it or build it into any form desired. Also able to intricately weave small particles of ice intricately in order to strengthen ice barriers beyond a single solid block. This ability is weekend, how ever, if there is no moisture in the air at all.<br><br>
  276. <b>Water Manipulation :</b> <a href="" class="cold">[Examlpe]</a>
  277. This ability allows the user to move water or any liquid containing water (H2O) in any way they feel fit. This ability also includes the power to change a liquids state from solid to gas or to liquid form by sheer will. Some cases include turning the surface of water to ice in order to stand on, freezing a drink and so on.<br><br>
  279. <center><b>Other Forms</b><br>
  280. [Yes I know the images are from Frozen, but they work perfectly.]<br>
  281. <a href="" class="cold">Manipulation</a> .:. <a href="" class="cold">Spike Barrier</a><br>
  282. <a href="" class="cold" title="Frost forms on things she touches when upset.">Surface Frosting</a> .:. <a href="" class="cold">Frozen Gust</a></center>
  284. </div><br><br>
  286. <a name="three"></a>
  287. <i>Friends</i>
  288. <div style="width: 365px; height: 252px; overflow: auto; text-align:center;">
  290. <img src="" height="50"><br>
  291. No one yet . . .
  293. </div><br><br>
  295. <a name="four"></a>
  296. <i>Gallery</i>
  297. <div style="width: 365px; height: 252px; overflow: auto; text-align:center;"><br><br>
  299. <a href=""><img src="" height="100" title="Young Una."></a>
  300. <a href=""><img src="" height="100"></a>
  301. <a href=""><img src="" height="100" title="At the beach party."></a>
  303. </div><br><br>
  304. </div>
  306. <div id="versone">
  307. A long time ago, <font color=#00bbff>ice ruled</font> the world . . .
  308. </div>
  309. <div id="verstwo">
  310. So, lets live in another <font color=#00bbff>ice age . . .</font>
  311. </div>
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